Perceptive Comments from regarding the Monotheistic Institutional Religion

Comment #1:

Jesuits are 15th century power machine (good and not so good) that built on the platform of the Roman Empire which morphed into Catholic Church in the 300’s. If you read old Latin texts Rome had a “Pope”. And you can go back further to ancient Egypt (3000-5000 BC) for an even deeper source of Catholicism.

Rothschild’s came into power in the 1700’s – later in the game. They work with the Jesuit dark power system. Religion does not mean the same thing to the power Elite – for them there is little difference between old Roman gods, the Hebrew Elohim and the catholic God and church hierarchy. Each religion on one level, is systemized thought that controls the masses into a belief system that manages their behavior. Managing the behavior of the masses (source of term “Mass”) is goal of both Jesuits and Rothschilds and other old Dynastic families.

Religion is not incompatible with a Divine Universe held together by the vibration of Love but still each “religion” is basically only part of the story; not the story. Without Love creation falls apart. So anytime a religion judges another religion – harmony (Love) is disrupted.

The fighting between religious belief systems is part of the power source of dark Jesuits and Rothschilds
(divide and conquer) —
so they both support it.

Comment #2:

And you can go back further to ancient Egypt (3000-5000 BC) for an even deeper source of Catholicism.

Only in the very broad terms that xianity never had an original idea. They just stole the ideas from older religions.

The Virgin Birth? Krishna. The Dying God? Osiris.

Each religion on one level, is systemized thought that controls the masses into a belief system that manages their behavior.

Correct. Ever notice how monotheist systems NEVER have one god? Unity cannot enable Hegelian Dialectic.

Thesis: god. Antithesis: satan. Synthesis: salvation. Where do you think Hegel got the idea?

Hegelian Dialectic is a simple tool to control the simple-minded.

Polytheist systems are far more complex. Although some contain thesis/antithesis relationships, they exist as part of a larger context. And multiple sects in the same polytheist systems didn’t always agree. Which made them too complex to utilize for mass indoctrination and population control.

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