Is Mankind’s Destiny Foretold?

By Robert Singer

Before reading “Is Mankind’s Destiny Foretold?” you will be interested in the following:

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I am not sure what category I belong in (visionary, scholar, intellectual, writer, philosopher, thinker or etc) but I was the 9th citation above, Robert Singer in his research papers.

Is Mankind’s Destiny Foretold?

By Robert Singer

What follows is a fictional interview and reflects my views on the future of mankind and the planet. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely intentional.

Listen to the interview by Ian Gurney, considered to be one of the foremost authorities on the Biblical Books of Daniel and Revelation, with the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon (Moon), to discover why

  1. Donald Trump is POTUS.
  2. There are no more mass casualty conspiracy incident (MCCI). An MCCI is an MCI incident that conspiracy theorists label as false flags or hoaxes, and right after the event gun control always takes center stage. The JFK assassination, 9/11 and The Las Vegas shooting are not an MCCI. Contact me if you need further information about my definition of an MCCI.
  3. Over 600,000 Displaced Syrians Returned Home in First 7 Months of 2017
  4. Ian Gurney (IG) no longer believes mankind’s destiny as written in the Book of Revelation is foretold. [1.1]

IG: Hello, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed today about your role in saving millions of innocent lives.

Moon: You are welcome.

IG: Before we begin, a little background for our listeners explaining why we are interviewing you today.

In 1999, I wrote the Cassandra Prophesy and concluded that the tribulation would begin and the Antichrist would be revealed at the end of 2015 which would confirm that world events are running in parallel with Biblical end times prophesy revealed in the Book of Revelation, and mankind’s destiny is foretold.

For me, it was obvious that something or someone interfered with “God’s” plan to kill millions of people in the World before he sent his son back to Earth because there isn’t going to be any peace in the Middle East in the near future.

The Bible is clear that the Antichrist will get the credit for the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians that would 1) Establish a Palestinian state in Judea (the West Bank). 2) Allow the Jewish settlers presently living in Judea to remain in their homes, living as a Jewish minority in the new Palestinian state. 3) Place the Temple Mount under an internationally supervised sharing arrangement allowing both Jews and Muslims to worship there. Even before the recent UN resolution that Obama did not veto, it was obvious the middle east peace crisis isn’t going away any time in the near future. [Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week…”]

When I realized the End Times timeline was interrupted, I investigated whether something changed in World Affairs the year before the arrival of the Antichrist. The only thing that I found was an action taken on December 2015 by the Assembly that was the culmination of an historic process: the selection of a new United Nations Secretary-General, traditionally decided behind closed-doors by a few powerful countries, has for the first time, involved public discussions with each candidate campaigning for the world’s top diplomatic post.

Mr. Ki-moon, can you tell our listeners why in 2015 you decided to make the process of selecting and appointing the next United Nations Secretary-General in the most open and transparent manner possible?

Moon: I was concerned that Barack Obama would find a way around the procedures in place to prevent a citizen of any of the Security Council’s five permanent members from becoming Secretary-General.

IG: But it is my understanding that the Security Council is barred from nominating an individual that is from one of the Security Council’s five permanent members: China, France, Russia, UK and the United States.

Moon: Although the unwritten rule is that the Security Council would never recommend one of the five permanent members to be the Secretary-General, the only relevant phrase in the UN Charter is Article 97, “The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.” [Appendix A Email Correspondence with the United Nations]

The Security Council and General Assembly took steps in 2015 to prevent any backroom maneuvers that would undermine the unwritten rule.

The President of the UN General Assembly, Mogens Lykketoft, has hailed the level of transparency and involvement of UN member states in the selection of the next UN Secretary-General, which he said, was a unique priority for the 70th Session of the world body. In an interview with the UN News Centre, before the end of his tenure as President of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Lykketoft said, “the degree of transparency for the general membership to take part has come to stay; it will not be turned backwards again.”

IG: All right, I think we understand, but the question is, “Why did you want to prevent Obama from becoming the Secretary-General?

For me, and for members of the Security Council, the rise of Obama was unprecedented in history. After all, in 2004, few Americans had ever heard of Obama, and considering his limited experience of national politics, his rise to power wasn’t just remarkable, it was impossible.

In less than 12 years, Obama went from community organizer, to the Illinois Senate, to the US Senate, to President of the most powerful nation on Earth. The Candidate for Change and Hope, whose presidency was almost identical to George W. Bush, turned out to be the “most remarkable leader the world has ever seen”—an intellectual, oratorical and governmental genius that in spite of his less than stellar presidency his approval ratings were impressive when he left office.

Many of us were concerned about the rumors that surfaced from the Middle East that he was sounding out Democrats, Republicans and friends of the United Nations in the United States to help him get selected as secretary-general of the U.N., aka President of the World, when his term expired in 2017.

The rumors from the Middle East were credible enough that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set out to recruit the Persian Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to help him stop any attempt by Obama to become President of the World.

The Jerusalem Post reported that sources close to Mr. Netanyahu do not deny the speculation that the prime minister aims to “torpedo the Obama project.” These friends say Mr. Netanyahu thinks Obama’s presidency has been characterized by moving closer to the Muslim Brotherhood, toppling the regime of Hosni Mubarak, and by attempts to ally himself with political Islam. [1]

As you know, President Obama will not be the first POTUS rumored to be looking for something to do with enough grandeur to reflect his opinion of himself. Bill Clinton, in the final year of his second term in office, allegedly lined up support for his candidacy for Secretary-General from Germany, France, England, Ireland and New Zealand. The Russians had let it be known that they would not object to Clinton as the next secretary-general, and the Chinese loved Bill almost as much as Monica did.

We were concerned that the same hidden hand (TGFE) behind the global financial meltdown, which began in the month of October and guaranteed Obama would be elected, didn’t go to all the trouble of making him POTUS only for him to retire with Michele and play golf.

IG: All right, I think we understand, but the question the listeners are asking is, “Why did you want to prevent Obama from being the Secretary-General?

Moon: It is my belief that Obama is the Antichrist. What other position in the world would support Obama’s grandiose opinion of himself?

IG: Thank you for confirming what I suspected. After all, what other position would make it possible for the Antichrist to fulfill the destiny of Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.” The Antichrist would have to be become President of the World.

IG: Did you come to the conclusion that he was the biblical Antichrist because the night after Obama was elected President the Illinois lottery numbers were: Pick 3 (6-6-6) & Pick 4 (7-7-7-9). [ 666=Antichrist, 777=Completion, 9=Judgment

The statistical chances of this sequence of numbers (6667779) falling on the very night after Obama’s election in his home state is 1 in 3,650,000,000 (a statistical improbability). This number sequence is exactly 7 numbers (the Biblical number of ‘completion’).

And Obama’s campaign office zip code is 60606, he was born on the 216th (216 = 6x6x6) day of the year (August 4, 1961) or was it because January 21, 2017, the day he left office was 666 months from the day he was born?

Moon: I am aware of your research, but you are missing that the National debt increased 6.666 trillion since he took office, that on the 666th day in office (November 17, 2010) he appointed 6 Judges to the District Court. [2]

IG: And we haven’t even talked about the impossible chance occurrence of Obama as the Antichrist using the English gematria. Gematria, the cabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added,” when applied to English, with its origin in Latin script, is every bit as valid a language for gematria and as rich as those of Hebrew and Greek. The only difference being that the gematria coding of English has been one of the best kept secrets of the English-speaking world.

English Gematria

Obama’s derived name based on the meanings of his name, Barack in Arabic means BLESSED; Hussein in Arabic means HANDSOME; and Obama is an African word meaning LEANING. Hence,

BLESSED = 2 + 30 + 5 + 100 + 100 + 5 + 4 = 246
HANDSOME = 8 + 1 + 50 + 4 + 100 + 60 + 40 + 5 = 268
LEANING = 30 + 5 + 1 + 50 + 9 + 50 + 7 = 152

The total value is 246 + 268 + 152 = 666.

There is only one verse in the Bible having a Gematria value (whether Hebrew or Greek) of 666; this verse is found in Num 10:20.

The Book of Numbers chapter 10 is the 127th chapter of the Bible (127=50+40+27+10).

793 (English Gematria of Barack Hussein Obama) minus 666 (Blessed Handsome Leaning) is precisely 127.

Even the year of the rise of the Antichrist is encoded twice in the 20 letters that clearly spell out his name in English twice. Join numeric values of all letters as one long digit string and observe the year near the end of the string: 11305104014005300401040614005120090.

Add the digits in the long string three at a time starting at the end of the string: 11+305+104+014+005+300+401+040+614+005+120+090 = 2009.

Obama took the oath of office January 20, 2009.

And I am sure you know that the Obamacare legislation, Bill H.R. 3590, signed into law on March 23, 2010 was passed with an odd requirement of 216 votes; it usually takes 218 votes to pass a law.

Obama is without a doubt the Antichrist and Obamacare is the bill that will lead to the enforcement of the mark of the beast, if you hadn’t prevented him from fulfilling his destiny mankind’s last days on Earth would have been wars, famine and horrible deaths for millions. [Appendix B: The Events of the Tribulation Period]

Moon: The evidence that Obama is the Antichrist is overwhelming. In December 2011, the Obama administration announced that they had extradited 216000, illegal aliens from the USA (60*60*60=216,000).   Then on November 11, 2008, the Secret Service gave Obama the codename of THE RENEGADE. The dictionary definition of Renegade is: a “lawless” one, a “rebel”, a “deserter” from a faith (apostasy), a “deserter” from an allegiance. II Thessalonians 2 – Declares that the antichrist will be the leader of the “apostasy” or “rebellion” and will be known as the “lawless one.” This is the Secret Service’s codename for President Obama.

IG: Obama is arrogant, self-centered, can be “stern or fierce faced” and is different or unique amongst politicians. [Dan 7:20, 7:24, 8:23]. Would anyone deny that he is a great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division and is popular around the world? [Rev 13:3].

Obama seeks total political control for his own glory, not Democratic, Republic or anything really for the people. [Th 2:4] He is extraordinarily proud and boastful [Daniel 7:8, 11, 20, 8:25] professing Christianity when he is a closet Muslim [Cor 11:3-15]. At his memorial speech on September 11, 2011 he read Psalm 46, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” He told Morgan Freeman, “This man was God before I was.”

Moon: Is there anything else that supports that Obama is the Antichrist?

IG: Only Islamic eschatology. The Koran describes specific personal characteristics of Al Mahdi whom Islamic scholars have recognized as the Muslim messiah, the Antichrist who is the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2, “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

The Muslim savior, Al Mahdi, must be tall, Obama is 6’1”; will be in his 40s, Obama was 42 in 2004; his middle name is handsome, Hussein is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning “good” or “handsome”; will be as the sun rising over the West, Obama’s campaign logo is the sun rising over the American flag, rising in the west;  will speak with a slight stutter, Obama has disfluency; will be dark skinned yet have a fair complexion; have a mole/black spot on his left cheek; coarse hair; and be a descendant of Mohamed. [3]


Abdul Rahman Sheikh Abdullah, 53, says that he has evidence that as many as 8,000 Bedouin tribesmen from northern Israel are related to Obama.

Is Jesus Coming Back in 2023? 

The writings of Nostradamus: the World will End 4 months before 2023.
The writings of Paracelsus: the World will End in 2023.
The book of Daniel in the Bible: the World will End in 2023.

In 1999, I (Ian Gurney) wrote The Cassandra Prophesy, where I correctly identified one of the most important events for Christians, Jews and Muslims: the “abomination of desolation” as spoken of by the prophet Daniel and Jesus Christ in the Bible. The Mosque of Omar, or the Dome of the Rock, built in 688 A.D., is the “abomination of desolation.” [Appendix C]

Once you know the date of the “abomination of desolation” then you can calculate

  • The “return” of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of the Modern State of Israel (Rev 11, v2, 3), 688 AD + 1260 = 1948
  • When the Jews will have control of the Temple Mount, the Holy of Holies (Rev 11, v2, 3), 688 AD + 1279 = 1967
  • When the Camp David Peace Accord will be signed (Dan 12, v11), 688 A.D. + 1290 = 1978

And finally, Dan 12, v12 is the verse, that describes the Second Coming Of Christ or the End-of-the-World as we know it (Daniel Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days Dan 12, v12), 688 A.D. + 1335 = 2023.

I (Ian Gurney), historians, theologians and Bible scholars correctly realized the historical events of 1948, 1967 and 1978 could never be chance occurrences and, therefore, would be impossible without providence and/or miracles (God’s hidden hand). They concluded that, “Ancient prophesy and world events appeared to be running in parallel, and mankind’s destiny has already been foretold.”

Historians, theologians and Bible scholars including myself did not consider that the Bible was documenting the progress of a Game being run off-planet and the historical events were the work of the Cabal’s not-so-hidden-hand. [4]

The Cabal, in a metaphysical war with Gaea (mother-earth), was using humans to weaken the planet with environmental and electromagnetic damage and pollution.

Unlike the game of chess, the pawns do not belong to either side. Gaea wants the pawns to see their purpose as caretakers of her garden — Earth. The Cabal, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world Atlantis, creates a world where human pawns see their purpose in monotheism and therefore can do whatever they like while they go shopping for useless toxic “stuff.”

The philosophers, scholars and thinkers of the time without a 20th century perspective on environmental damage and pollution never considered that the middle class, former serfs and slaves until the French Revolution, were just pawns in a game ”programmed” into shopping for useless toxic “stuff” to trash the planet.

Had the Cabal defeated the Earth then they would have attained “immortality” in a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace, plenty and paradise on Earth in a New World Order. A depopulation event would have occurred if they had won,  because the Cabal New World Order needs only a few hundred million slaves.

Human beings are not the most significant beings in the universe and we passed the environmental “unknown points of no return” because environmental damage and pollution was the goal, not the unintended consequences, of giving the middle class the highest standard of living in a consumer society for the last 100 years.

One of the more absurd notions that found its way into the history books and the writings of economic experts, is that somehow the Cabal (swindlers and scoundrels of history) were made wealthier by manipulating the Monopoly money they created out of “thin air” used to “alleviated the critical famine of money and credit” so the factories could start hiring people again and finance our consumer society. In 1910, the men behind the Federal Reserve Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb and Morgan, all connected to the Rothschild’s global financial empire, owned or controlled one-half of the world’s real wealth—gold, silver and raw materials—not the fiat currency we call money. And their real wealth, where is it now?

Used up, as in consumed, by the middle class so former members of the Third Estate (serfs and slaves) could have houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the affordable things we take for granted which put the planet, according to the GEO4, a massive United Nations Report, at the “unknown points of no return.” (Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened) The swindler’s and scoundrel’s wealth, not yours or mine, was eventually “cut, mined and hauled away,” so that Americans could “trash the planet” with that cheap stuff from China. The complete article with the footnotes: The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber “Hood” Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis,

The swindler’s and scoundrel’s wealth, not yours or mine, was eventually “cut, mined and hauled away,” so the Western world could “trash the planet” with that cheap stuff from China.

Enough humans chose to help Gaea win the game because they strived to live in harmony with the earth and created positive energy. When the mindless pawns wallowing in negativity with their outsized sense of entitlement spent their time at Starbucks, wondering if their ego will be satisfied with a new car and trying to decide if an SUV or station wagon will make them look fat or if an SUV is a fat station wagon, they were helping the Cabal to win the struggle hurting the earth being irresponsible consumers.

We are useless eater pawns in a metaphysical game between the Cabal and the Earth (Gaea). The Game was decided in favor of Gaea sometime prior to 2015. December 2015 the Cabal was declared the loser.

The seven-year Tribulation marks the beginning of the Endgame and had to start before 2016 (2023 – 7 = 2016). The Antichrist will confirm a covenant with many for a final 7-year period (Daniel 9:27).

Even if there were a peace accord with Israel and the Palestinians, which is highly unlikely, it would not be the result of the work of the Antichrist.

The Global Final Holocaust will not happen which is good news for non-believers but not-so-good news for believers.

When Obama, the Antichrist, did not confirm a covenant with many for a final 7-year period (Daniel 9:27) in the last quarter of 2016, the world was spared the Global Final Holocaust, where 2 ½ million would have died every day for 42 months.

That would be the good news for non-believers but for unfortunately for believers,  they will not be raptured or going to heaven to be with Jesus.

Luke 21, where Jesus preaches a sermon about the End of the World describes the incredible destruction from demon armies that would have taken place in the second half of the Tribulation that would have been so deadly, so inescapable that God had to intervene lest not one human be left alive.

The pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen describe a Final Holocaust, that would have been so terrifying for humans around the Globe and millions would have died a horrible death had Ban Ki-Moon not prevented Obama from being the Secretary-General of the UN.

If the Tribulation were to have happened then:

• One out of every two people will die (Rev. 6:8), through the ravages of war,  starvation, and many by the ‘beasts of the earth.’ Again the good news for believers is that the death for many of the non-believers which would have been slow and painful death will not happen but the bad news is that no believers will be instantly taken up to heaven (the Rapture) to be with Jesus.

• One third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
• The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
• The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
• There will be worldwide famine unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
• There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).

The Battle of Armageddon, a hand to hand combat, explains the  insoluble refugee crisis which is now going away because Over 600,000 Displaced Syrians Returned Home in First 7 Months of 2017.

Everyone was having trouble understanding why the West was “letting them in” because the explanation that we are a humanitarian country, felt guilty about our prior discrimination of muslims,  there was a profit motive, and for sure Merkel wasn’t letting them in because she feels guilty about the Holocaust.

We were letting them IN, instead of taking over Syrian and toppling the government that is making them leave because, I repeat, we were letting males between 18-45 muslims IN (who told Merkel they could rape German Girls) because:

Let’s say someone blows up the Dome of the Rock, that magnificent golden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon’s Temple. Islam’s third holiest shrine stands directly over the most holy Jewish place and is preventing the messiah from returning to earth. According to prophecy, the temple must be rebuilt and sacrifice reinstated before Jesus can come back to earth; the first time for the Jews; the second time for the Christians.

No temple–no Messiah. What would happen if the Dome were to be demolished?

Answer: Well for the first time in history, thanks to a  bizarre turn of world of events, millions of refugees all of the world would rise up for a world wide Holy War, killing millions of useless eaters, also known as Armageddon.

There is no possibility that the Tribulation would not have begun in the last quarter of  2016 (1335+688 a.d.) unless 1260+ 688 a.d., 1267+ 688 a.d. and 1290+688 a.d. are just random chance occurrences.

The seven year time period of the Tribulation would have begun, and the Antichrist would have negotiated a treaty that would have brung peace to the Middle East and enabled the Jews to rebuild their Temple (Daniel 9:27) if Barack Obama were allowed to be the Secretary-General, i.e. the President of the World.

With his European base consolidated and peace achieved in the Middle East, he will set forth to subdue the whole world. As it turns at the end of 2015 Ban Ki-moon ended secrecy surrounding the nomination of the secretary general. That move was an ominous world history development that interfered with the Antichrist ability to negotiate a treaty that would have brung “true peace” to the Middle East.

The game is a metaphysical struggle between the Cabal, The Powers That Be, The Illuminati, aka the House of Rothschild, or whatever you want to call them, and the Earth (Gaea). 1948, 1967, 1978 were milestones that the Cabal had to achieve before they were allowed to engage in the battle to weaken their opponent the Earth (Gaea). The Game of Metaphysical Chess

Barack Hussein Obama, born on the 216th (216 = 6x6x6) day of the year (August 4, 1961), left office January 21, 2017, 666 months from the day he was born, on the 666th day in office (November 17, 2010) appointed 6 Judges to the District Court, is the Antichrist described in the Bible.

Did you know that Obama’s campaign office zip code is 60606 and the amazing astrological sign at his day of birth:

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that Obama is the Antichrist besides the impossible 666 coincidences that I have presented.

url:, 24 Reasons Barack Obama is the Antichrist

When Obama was prevented from being the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Cabal lost the game.

The only explanation for the Trump presidency, which by all accounts is surreal, is that the Cabal lost the game, and we are now, according to every pundit are in unprecedented chaos.

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at stateofthenation2012The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle. 

email: [email protected]


[1.1] Excerpt from The Key to the Secret of the Universe Part 2 ]
Part 1 of The Key to the Secret of the Universe claims the key is the following arithmetic calculation from dates and numbers found in the Bible:

1978 – 1290 = 688 A.D. (Historical Event 3 – Israel is at peace with its Arab neighbor took place in 1978)

1967 – 1279 = 688 A.D. (Historical Event 2 – the control of the holy of holies. The people of Israel had control of the Temple Mount in 1967)

1948 – 1260 = 688 A.D.
(Historical Event 1 – the end of Diaspora. The people of Israel had their own state in 1948) Is Jesus Christ Coming Back to Earth in XXXXIII (2023)?The following verses identify the Mosque of Omar (the Dome of the Rock), built in 688 A.D. as the “abomination of the desolation” as spoken of by the messiah Jesus Christ:

    But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand). Mark 13:14

And the prophet Daniel:

    And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. Daniel 11, v31

The Dome of the Rock was one of the most important events for Christians, Jews and Muslims. [1]

Ian Gurney’s The Cassandra Prophecy, which contained the exegesis that proved the abomination of desolation is the Dome of the Rock, is considered by some to be a work of unparalleled eschatological research and the seminal essay on the future according to ancient prophecy found in the book of Daniel and Revelation (A summary of Gurney’s work can be found in my article, Is Jesus Christ Coming Back to Earth in XXXXIII (2023)?) [2]

There is no possibility the construction of The Dome of the Rock built in 688 A.D. or that the people of Israel had their own state in 1948, was a chance occurrence. [3]

Gurney correctly realized this was impossible without providence or miracles and incorrectly concludes “Ancient prophecy and world events appear to be running in parallel, and mankind’s destiny seems to have already been foretold.”

Put another way, Gurney believes:

  1. God, in his omniscience, told the sixth century B.C. prophet Daniel and the father of modern political Zionism, Theodor Herzl, these events would occur by providence or miracle.
  2. God was the hidden hand behind the Scofield Bible, WW I, WW II, the Holocaust and the deaths of 70 million people because Jehovah wanted to see his chosen people arrive in Haifa not in 1946, or 1950 but in 1948.

Mr. Gurney did not consider my conclusion that:

  1. Satan told Daniel what to write and at the first Zionist conference in 1897, Baron Rothschild told Theodore Herzl that UN Resolution (GA 181) creating the Modern State of Israel would be adopted within 50 years.
  2. Satan and the House of Rothschild (TPTB) were the not-so-hidden hand behind the Scofield Bible, WW I, WW II, the Holocaust and the deaths of 70 million people because there was a satanic purpose for the Jews arriving in Haifa not in 1946, or 1950 but in 1948. Click here to read

Click here to read the entire article with the footnotes.

Excerpt from The Key to the Secret of the Universe Part 2

[1] A new job for the president
Some Muslim friends think he’s a natural for the United Nations
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – – Tuesday, January 12, 2016
ANALYSIS/OPINION: The Jerusalem Post reported that sources close to Mr. Netanyahu do not deny the speculation that the prime minister aims to “torpedo the Obama project.

[2] Moon: I am aware of your research, but you are missing that the National debt increased 6.666 trillion since he took office, that on the 666th day in office (November 17, 2010) he appointed 6 Judges to the District Court, and that exactly 6 days + 6 hours + 6 minutes from January 20, 2009 (Obama’s Inauguration day), i.e., an annular eclipse occurred.

[3] The Muslim savior, Al Mahdi, must be tall, Obama is 6’1”; will be in his 40s, Obama was 42 in 2004, his middle name is handsome, Hussein is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hassan, meaning “good” or “handsome”; will be as the sun rising over the West, Obama’s campaign logo is the sun rising over the American flag, rising in the west;  will speak with a slight stutter, Obama has disfluency; will be dark skinned yet have a fair complexion; have a mole/black spot on his left cheek; coarse hair; and be a descendant of Mohamed.

[4] I claim you can understand the UFO phenomena and the Alien presence in our world if you consider that we were born and we are here to be pawns in a Metaphysical “chess” game between Gaea (mother-earth) and The Cabal/Global Financial Elite (TGFE). UFOs were protecting the planet, not humans, when they disabled the nuclear devices. The game cannot be played again if the Cabal is allowed to make the planet uninhabitable. Disabling Nuclear Devices- UFO Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, Robert Hastings

The Game of Metaphysical Chess

[3] The complete article with the footnotes: What is really behind the global cellphone mania?

U.S. Sues to Stop AT&T Deal – A Surprisingly Swift Move or Disinformation?

Appendix A

Email Correspondence with the United Nations

From: Robert Singer
To: “[email protected][email protected]
Jane Gaffney Spokesperson in the UN press office
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 8:31 AM

Subject: Question about U.N. Secretary-General

Jane, Who could verify this article is true, false or a credible rumor?

Report: Obama to Bid for U.N. Secretary-General
Israel National News describes a Kuwaiti newspaper’s report about President Barack Obama’s post-presidential plans as “somewhat far-fetched,” but apparently plausible enough to bounce through publications around the world. According to the Al Jarida report, President Obama wants to be appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations after he leaves the White House, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is working to thwart his ambitions.

Robert Singer

From: Robert Singer
To: “[email protected]” Farhan Haq. Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 8:39 AM

Subject: Referred to you by Jane Gaffney

Jane says that you could verify if the article below is true, false or a credible rumor Report: Obama to Bid for U.N. Secretary-General

On Feb 3, 2017, at 9:06 AM, Farhan Haq <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi — I don’t have any way to comment on rumours. Antonio Guterres was just selected as the 9th Secretary-General and he has a term that lasts until the end of 2021.


From: R Singer
To: Farhan Haq
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 9:22 AM

Subject: Re: Referred to you by Jane Gaffney
My question is do you personally believe it is true, false or ?

On Feb 3, 2017, at 9:24 AM, Farhan Haq <[email protected]> wrote:

My personal beliefs have no particular relevance.  In any case, the bottom line is that there will be no new SG until the start of 2022.

From: R Singer
To: Farhan Haq
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 9:29 AM

Subject: Final email
All right then can you confirm that it would be impossible for a member state to be the Secretary General?

From: Farhan Haq
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 9:40 AM

Subject: Re: Final email
The only relevant phrase is in Article 97 in the UN Charter, “The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.”

Unwritten rule, most unusual

Throwing President Obama into the mix would not just ruffle a lot of feathers, it would require some unprecedented maneuvers, both at the U.N. Headquarters in New York City and in Washington, D.C. While it’s not a written rule, it has been the longstanding custom that the U.N. Secretary-General should not be the citizen of a country that is a permanent member of the council: the U.S., Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom.

Article 97 of the United Nations Charter determines that the Secretary-General is “appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.” As the recommendation must come from the Security Council, any of the five permanent members of the Council can veto a nomination. Most Secretaries-General are compromise candidates from middle powers and have little prior fame. Unofficial qualifications for the job have been set by precedent in previous selections. The appointee may not be a citizen of any of the Security Council’s five permanent members.

The General Assembly resolution 51/241 in 1997 stated that in the appointment of “the best candidate”, due regard should be given to regional (continental) rotation of the appointee’s national origin and to gender equality.[8]:5

Additionally, General Assembly resolution 51/241, adopted in 1997, stated that the appointment of a new Secretary-General must be done by taking into account a candidate’s region and gender. Of the eight secretaries-general so far, none have been women, and none have come from Eastern Europe, Australia/Oceania, or North America/Latin America.

Even if an Obama candidacy overcame those hurdles, there’s the fact that Ban’s term ends 21 days before Obama’s term as president ends. Although there is precedent for the position to remain vacant for an extended period of time—particularly during the Cold War when the U.S. and Soviet Union often failed to agree on a candidate—the last four secretaries-generals’ terms began immediately at the conclusion of their predecessors’.

For that to happen, Obama would have to resign the presidency in order to take the new job, which would make Vice President Joe Biden the 45th President of the United States—albeit for just three weeks—until the winner of November’s general election could be sworn in on the constitutionally-appointed date.

Appendix B

The Events of the Tribulation Period
(1) Revelation 4:1-2. John, a symbol of the church, is taken up to heaven.
(2) Daniel 9:27. The Antichrist signs a covenant for seven years with the nation of Israel. This is the event that inaugurates the Tribulation period.
(3) Revelation 6:1-2. Christ opens the first of the seven-sealed scroll, and the rider on the white horse (probably Antichrist) appears, using diplomacy and the promise of peace to establish his one-world government.
(4) Revelation 6:3-4. The second seal introduces a great world war.
(5) Revelation 6:5-6. The third seal begins the suffering of famine and inflation (the aftermath of war).
(6) Revelation 6:7-8. The fourth seal results, as do all wars, in death, but in this case it totals one-fourth of the people and living creatures. By today’s population standards, that would amount to one-and-a-half billion people.
(7) Revelation 6:9-11. This passage introduces the martyrdom of those who are converted under the preaching of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses described in chapter 7. An innumerable number of people receive Christ and are martyred by the government leader and harlot (the religious system described in chapter 17), who gets her power from the Antichrist. Note that evangelism during this period is back in the hands of the Jews. Since the church is absent, the 144,000 apostle-Paul-type believers will make powerful evangelists.
(8) Revelation 6:12-17. This sixth seal exhibits the wrath of God poured out in the form of a mighty earthquake, the like of which has never been experienced. It is so severe that people call on the rocks to fall on them.
(9) Revelation 8:1-6. The seventh seal introduces the Seven Trumpet Judgments, ending the first quarter of the Tribulation period and preparing for an even worse period called the “day of His [God’s] wrath.”
(10) Revelation 8:7. The first trumpet judgment results in one-third of all trees and green grass being burned up by hail, fire, and blood cast upon the earth.
(11) Revelation 8:8-9. The second trumpet sees a great mountain of sulfur falling into the sea and destroying a third-part of the sea and all living creatures in it and a third of the shipping vessels. Think of The Poseidon Adventure multiplied times one-third of all the world’s ships!
(12) Revelation 8:10-11. The third trumpet causes a great star (or meteor) called Wormword (or “bitter”) to fall on the fountains of water and third of rivers to turn bitter, resulting in the deaths of millions.
(13) Revelation 8:12. The fourth trumpet results in one-third less sun, moonlight, and stars, extending the darkness of night.
(14) Revelation 8:13. A special angel flies around the earth, warning that worse judgments are to come.
(15) Revelation 9:1-12. The fifth trumpet introduces hideous demon-like creatures such as scorpions and locusts out of the bottomless pit. Not able to kill men, they torture them so badly that they “will seek death and will not find it.”
(16) Revelation 9:13. The sixth trumpet introduces two hundred million horsemen (demon spirit-like death angels), who kill one-third of the people. This will occur between the fortieth and forty-second month of the first part of the Tribulation, which brings to 50 percent the population that is destroyed by God before the midpoint of the Tribulation. These individuals have taken the mark of the Beast and are considered incorrigibles. Since estimates of upwards of a quarter of those living at that time still be saved under the preaching of the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7:9, it is possible that 75 percent of the population 25 percent by martyrdom) will have been destroyed during the first half of the Tribulation period.

Appendix C

Is Jesus Christ Coming Back to Earth in XXXXIII (2023)?

By Guest Column Robert Singer (Bio and Archives) Friday, March 6, 2009

There are four stumbling blocks that have kept mankind and scholars from fully understanding the book of Revelation and the date of the 1st and 2nd Coming of the Messiah.

  1. Believers and Biblical scholars spend their time interpreting and reinterpreting the scriptures to convince themselves they either (a) get the blessings promised to Israel or (b) will be raptured right before the tribulation.
  2. The year of the 2nd Coming could not be verified until the latter half of the twentieth century.
  3. Christians incorrectly believe Mark 13, is a commandment by God that “no one is allowed to know something that “even the angels in heaven don’t know.” God told Daniel the year, not the day or the hour.
  4. An “error” made over 1400 years ago.

An error made in the seventh century BC concerns an event that ranks as one of the most important in the history Jews, Christians and Muslims:

“The abomination of the desolation”.
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate Dan 11:31

James Hastings, M.A., D.D. in the seventh century published a dictionary of the Bible that analyzes the different interpretations of Daniel 11:31. He concludes the verse refers to “The setting up by Antiochus Epiphanies of a small idol/altar on the altar of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 167 BC” and the Maccabean revolution.

Jesus contradicts this interpretation in the gospels, When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand). Mathew 24:15

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand). Mark 13:14
The two verses refer to a conversation between Jesus, Peter, James and Andrew on the Mount of Olives. Before he mentions the abomination Jesus says the following to his disciples admiring the grandeur of the temple.


Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down Mark 13:2

Here Jesus is prophesying an event that is to take place within the lifetime of the disciples. August 29th in 70 A.D. (the exact same day the Babylonians burned down Solomon’s temple 657 years earlier) the Roman army razed Herod’s Temple to the ground.

As Jesus places the event of the abomination after the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and uses the words “when ye shall see” (Mark 13:14), he places the event in the future.

It is impossible the abomination spoken of by Jesus could have taken place prior to 70 AD and therefore any exegesis that identifies the abomination, as 167 B.C. is the “error” made over 1400 years ago.

Jesus predicts the location of the abomination will be somewhere that is not only a “holy place”, but also a place that under normal circumstances would be forbidden.

Within the Jewish faith the biblical term “holy place” can only mean The Holy Temple in Jerusalem. After its destruction in 70 A.D. leaving only the Western or Wailing Wall, the Holy Temple was never rebuilt. The ground where the Temple stood, the Temple Mount, and the Wailing Wall is to the Jews “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.

Construction begins on the Abomination of desolation in 688 A.D.
On the death of Abu Bakr, Omar ibn al Khattab, advisor to Mohammed became the second caliph and ordered that a magnificent golden domed mosque, Islam’s third holiest shrine, be built… directly over “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.

The Mosque of Omar, The Dome of the Rock is the correct identification of the abomination of desolation.

Applying the date of 688 A.D. to Daniel
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days. Daniel 12:11
Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days. 12:12
Biblical scholars acknowledge the words of Ezekiel who wrote 30 years before Daniel. “I have appointed thee each day for a year”. Using each day for a year,
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up in 688 A.D., there shall be 1290 years. Daniel 12:11
Blessed is he that waiteth for the Messiah and cometh to the 1335 years or 2023. 12:12 Revelation Chapter 11, verse 2&3 confirms this date.
But the court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months (1279 days). And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 11:2&3

These two verses appear to be talking about the same time scale and the same event. But only if we assume an average month is thirty days – then forty-two months = 1260 days. An “average month” does not account for the extra day for a leap year. Using the reckonings from the Julian calendar and the extra day, the period of forty-two months is 1279 not 1260 days.

We also know verse 1 refers to the area outside the temple as being in the hands of the Gentiles (non Jews) as well as the holy city of Jerusalem for 1279 years (“each day for a year”.); and in verse 2 the two witnesses of God the Jewish people, the Houses of Judah and Israel, will prophesy or preach for a similar 1260 years “clothed in sackcloth”. Sackcloth is symbolic of regret, repentance and mourning.

What these two verses are saying is that the Jewish people will lose their place of worship including the city of Jerusalem; it will be given over to non Jewish people until the first few hours of the six-day war in 1967 (688 A.D. + 1279) when for the first time since the capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple by Titus in 70 A.D. the Jewish people not only had their own state May 14th 1948 (688 A.D. + 1260) they once again controlled “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.

The prophet Daniel, the book of revelation and Paracelsus in the Twenty Ninth figure of his prognostications confirms 2023.

How blessed shall be the hour, and the poverty, that will come and shall ordain each one to its meadow, not far from the year XXXXIII.

Most of the prognostications of Paracelsus concern countries, institutions, establishments and monarchies. Figure 29 seems to refer to the individual and in particular to a state of change that each individual can reach. The date given at the end is confusing since there is no such Roman numeral. Forty-three in Roman numerals would be XLIII.

The fact that Paracelsus tells us this is a year is the clue to the correct interpretation of the figure.

Cassandra Prophesy published in 1999.

Robert Singer is a retired information technology professional and an environmental activist living in southern California. In 1995 he and his cousin Adam D. Singer founded IPC The Hospitalist Company, Inc., where he served as chief technology officer. Today the company manages more than 130 practice groups, providing care in some 300 medical facilities in 18 states. Prior to that he was president of Useful Software, a developer and publisher of business and consumer software for the personal computing Industry. Robert also posts to Robert can be reached at:[email protected] Items of notes and interest from

Appendix D

The Game of Metaphysical Chess
Why are we born and what are we doing here?

Are we all mindless beings, mere products of chance born to consume, grind out a living chasing fulfillment in “things and then die?” [1]

Monotheism teaches that Man’s purpose is to worship a Jealous God, die a natural death and then off to Heaven or Hell. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth and still go to heaven as long as he accepts the free gift of Salvation when God’s son was crucified on the cross.

Naturalism and Pantheism teaches Man’s purpose is to worship Mother Earth [an indifferent infinite impersonal God that encompasses all of reality], die a natural death. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth because All is one, all is God, therefore in the end we All go back to the earth: heaven is not an issue.

Buddhism teaches Man’s purpose is to suffer: There is no God to worship. You can do whatever you like on this earth but if don’t pass the “good” test you are reborn [reincarnation] but not as the same person [similar but not identical to]. If you pass the “good” test and release your attachment to desire and the self then you are finally liberated from suffering and attain a Nirvana heaven.

Hinduism teaches that Man’s purpose is to worship a formless, limitless, all-inclusive, and eternal God, Brahman. You can do whatever you like on this earth but the actions of your soul while residing in your body require that it reap the consequences of those actions in the next life — the same soul in a different body. The Hindu soul is immortal therefore you don’t die you transmigrate. Your karma determines the kind of body your soul inhabits in the next life. If you pass the “good” test you attain Moksha, the soul’s liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. [2]

None of the Ism’s make any sense unless you are looking for a viable alternative to an existential view of the world; being and nothingness.

Metaphysical Chess

What if we were born and we are here to be pawns in a Metaphysical “chess” game between Gaea (mother-earth) and The Global Financial Elite (TGFE)?

Unlike the game of chess the pawns do not belong to either side. Gaea wants the pawns to see their purpose as caretakers of her garden — Earth. TGFE, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world Atlantis, creates a world where human pawns see their purpose in Monotheism and therefore can do whatever they like while they go shopping for useless toxic “stuff.”

Americans are “bobbleheads in Bubbleland …They shop in bubbled malls, they live in gated communities, and they move from place to place breathing their own, private air in bubble-mobiles known as SUVs.” [According to author and journalist Nicholas von Hoffman]

The philosophers, scholars and thinkers of the time without a 20th century perspective on environmental damage and pollution never considered that the bobbleheads, former serfs and slaves until the French Revolution, were just pawns in a game ”programmed” into shopping for stuff to trash the planet. [5]

Consumerism you will have to admit was a brilliant gambit (sacrifice) [6]

Environmental damage and pollution was the goal (until 2008) and not the unintended consequences of the Industrial Revolution and our consumer society. The Federal Reserve isn’t evil because they print our money and make us pay interest on it; they are evil because until October 2008 they gave the pawns a no-limit credit card that they used to buy houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the “stuff” which, according to the GEO4, a massive United Nations report, put the planet and the chess game at the unknown points of no return.” The Question of Questions Liberté, Enlightenté, Entitleté [7]

If you want to help Gaea (God) win the game you strive to live in harmony with the earth and create positive energy. When the mindless pawns wallowing in negativity with their outsized sense of entitlement spend their time at Starbucks, wondering if their ego will be satisfied with a new car and trying to decide if an SUV or station wagon will make them look fat or if an SUV is a fat station wagon, they are helping TGFE (Satan) [Excuse the run-on sentence].

Our consumer (shopping) society was a meticulous planned strategy to get the pawns to weaken [not kill] Gaea.

September 11, 2001 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test) to determine if Gaea was sufficiently compromised from decades of environmental damage and pollution. If the Twin Towers had not collapsed and turned largely to dust then a One World Government/New World Order would have begun on 9/12. [8]

[Nota Bene:] September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in the Straits of Hormuz, went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came five hours after the second tower collapsed; logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off. [9]

[Nota Bene:] September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in the Straits of Hormuz, went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came five hours after the second tower collapsed; logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off.

The invasion of Iraq (the cradle of civilization) was called off because when the Twin Towers collapsed, TGFE understood that Gaea possessed sufficient physical strength and vitality to resist an evil take over of the Earth. And if you need more proof that TGFE accepted the test failed, what did George W. Bush tell us do on 9/12? Answer: “Go Shopping.”

Click here to read why Gaea is the only source of the energy that can explain how the towers collapsed and turned largely to dust, the dip of the Earth’s magnetic field at the precise moment of the supposed first plane “impact,” the presence of Hurricane Erin off the coast of New York and why the 1,400 cars were toasted in inexplicable patterns on 9/11. Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)

Why does just about every pawn on earth have a cell phone?

The battle over environmental damage and pollution ended October 2008 in favor of the Earth. Our escalating financial crisis, an American Nightmare is an Environmental Dream for the planet.

TGFE determined they could not win the game by giving up what’s left of their real wealth (the gambit) so we could continue shopping for useless toxic stuff, to weaken mother-earth with environmental damage and pollution. In the 1990s TGFE financed and then wrote off the 1 trillion dollars it took to fund the transcontinental and transoceanic fiber-optic networks, infrastructure, as well as wireless research and development. The technology that makes it possible for the pawns to blog, blab, surf, email and text, virtually for free!

The endgame is about electromagnetic pollution. The 6 billion cell phones in the world are literally driving the earth crazy.

The smart phone, a crackberry’s dream, powerful enough to send a man to the moon, is an electromagnetic nightmare for the Earth.

Below is the image of the Earth’s magnetic field with a healthy dipole:



Now look at the Earth’s magnetic field when 4.6 billion human pawns argue on their cell phones about: how much they owe to their landlord, lovers’ quarrels, discuss in excruciating detail their own and others’ embarrassing medical conditions, details of recent real estate purchases, job triumphs, and awful dates as well as some of the most unsavory gossip. Our Cell Phones, Ourselves



Even a child understands that the cell phone and the average service at $63/month have a very, very low price elasticity because changes in price (upper or lower) have little influence on demand (PED). AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile could increase your monthly bill by 1% or even a 5% without affecting the demand. Obviously the cell phone industry can’t be about profits. You would have to increase the price of the phone and the service by 25% to affect the demand!

TGFE aren’t trying to make money by giving everyone a cell phone their goal is to collapse the Earth’s magnetic field with a magnetic dipole field reversal

Should TGFE be successful and collapse the Earth’s magnetic field they win immortality in the New World Order and One World Government in the Millennium. A thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth with only about 500 million useless eater slaves waiting on The Illuminati, The House of Rothschild and the Bilderbergers (The Global Financial Elite, TGFE). [6]

The Cabal, in a metaphysical war with Gaea (mother-earth), is using humans to weaken the planet with environmental and electromagnetic damage and pollution.

Unlike the game of chess the pawns do not belong to either side. Gaea wants the pawns to see their purpose as caretakers of her garden — Earth. The Cabal, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world Atlantis, creates a world where human pawns see their purpose in monotheism and therefore can do whatever they like while they go shopping for useless toxic “stuff.”

Americans are “bobbleheads in Bubbleland …They shop in bubbled malls, they live in gated communities, and they move from place to place breathing their own, private air in bubble-mobiles known as SUVs.” (Author and journalist Nicholas von Hoffman)

The philosophers, scholars and thinkers of the time without a 20th century perspective on environmental damage and pollution never considered that the bobbleheads, former serfs and slaves until the French Revolution, were just pawns in a game ”programmed” into shopping for stuff to trash the planet.

Had the Cabal defeated the Earth then they would have attained “immortality” in a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace, plenty and paradise on Earth in a New World Order. A depopulation event would have occurred if they had won,  because the Cabal New World Order needs only a few hundred million slaves.

Human beings are not the most significant beings in the universe and we passed the environmental “unknown points of no return” because environmental damage and pollution was the goal, not the unintended consequences, of giving the middle class the highest standard of living in a consumer society for the last 100 years.

One of the more absurd notions that found its way into the history books and the writings of economic experts, is that somehow the Cabal (swindlers and scoundrels of history) were made wealthier by manipulating the Monopoly money they created out of “thin air” used to “alleviated the critical famine of money and credit” so the factories could start hiring people again and finance our consumer society. In 1910, the men behind the Federal Reserve Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb and Morgan, all connected to the Rothschild’s global financial empire, owned or controlled one-half of the world’s real wealth—gold, silver and raw materials—not the fiat currency we call money. And their real wealth, where is it now?

Used up, as in consumed, by the middle class so former members of the Third Estate (serfs and slaves) could have houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the affordable things we take for granted which put the planet, according to the GEO4, a massive United Nations Report, at the “unknown points of no return.” (Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened) The swindler’s and scoundrel’s wealth, not yours or mine, was eventually “cut, mined and hauled away,” so that Americans could “trash the planet” with that cheap stuff from China. [3.5]

The swindler’s and scoundrel’s wealth, not yours or mine, was eventually “cut, mined and hauled away,” so the Western world could “trash the planet” with that cheap stuff from China.


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