Did you watch John Poulos testify in front of the Michigan legislature back in December 2020? We are reviewing the transcripts and are befuddled why the Michigan Legislature is so clueless about Dominion’s operations. Didn’t they do their research of public information easily found online? Over the next week, the Conclave is going to take Poulos’ testimony, point by point, and show you his big fat lies.
You job as AIMCat warriors is to get this info to your downline and explain to them why this is FOREIGN ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
The first words out of Poulos’ mouth were a lie.
Poulos: “Dominion is a U.S. Company headquartered in Denver CO”
Dominion is a Canadian company, as we shall show. At best, he should have said it is a Delaware corporation, but even that is insufficient for a fiduciary who has a duty to tell the public his controlling entity. In his testimony, as the primary fiduciary, he had a duty to disclose other Dominion entities, including another Delaware branch and its entities, all pointing back to Canada, not Colorado:
Poulos hid these entities from his testimony and the defamation Complaints.
- Dominion US Inc. Delaware File No. 4551531, incorp. Jul. 20, 2016 with these branches:
- Dominion US Inc. New York Co. No. 4995382, incorp. Aug. 18, 2016 Address: 45 Rockefeller Plaza, 20th Floor (Read: British Pilgrims Society; NBC, former CIA agents, “Five Eyes,” MI6)
- Dominion US Inc. California Co. No. C4551531, incorp. Jan. 28, 2020 California, Address: 320 East Clayton St, Athens GA 30601
- Dominion US Inc. Georgia Co. No. 18085911, incorp. Jul. 13, 2018, Address: 2 Greenwich Office Park Suite 300, Norcross GA
Note: All trademarks related to Dominion (including OpTech) are owned by the Canadian parent, but I digress.
Proof: Dominion cites three entities in its complaints against Powell, Giuliana, Lindell, etc. (1) US Dominion, Inc., (2) Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. and (3) Dominion Voting Systems Corporation. 1 and 2 are Delaware SHELL COMPANIES with de minimus capitalization. See attached. We pulled (paid for) their records. No. 3 is their evident Canadian controlling corporation. Even their Denver branch filed initially as a Toronto, Ontario, Canada corporation (see below).
#2 Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. has incorporated in 29 states. Michigan’s current contract states that the Contractor is at 1201 18th Street, Suite 210, Denver, CO 80202, Gio Costantiello 416-762-8683. However, Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (Michigan) is registered as a “Foreign Profit Corporation” with registered address 229 Brookwood Dr. Ste. 14, South Lyon, MI, 48178, John Poulos, president, treasurer, secretary and director. Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson committed fraud by contracting with a Dominion foreign profit Colorado corporation branch with no authority to operate in Michigan.
Dominion has incorporated more offices and registered agents in the U.S. than Carter has liver pills, and none of them control as corporations are required to disclose to third parties in transactions.
This is absolutely typical of the British Pilgrims Society throughout the world to obfuscate their ultimate control of corporations. They operate multiple companies to pass control back and forth to avoid liability if exposed. Our “Big Four” accounting firms are complicit in all these schemes.
In their Complaints against Sydney, Rudy, Mike, etc. they represent that they are “headquartered in Denver, Colorado”, while also representing Delaware, USA and Toronto, Ontario, British Commonwealth of Canada as Parties.

Incorporated as Foreign Stock/Profit Corporation in:
- Texas Poulos, pres, dir
- Wisconsin AGENT: Cogency Global Inc.
- Washington Poulos, gov, AGENT: Cogency Global
- California Poulos, pres, AGENT (Principal Executive Office: 215 Sadina Avenue, Suite 200, Toronoto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2C7)
- New Mexico, Poulos, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Kansas, Poulos, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Utah, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Iowa, Poulos, pres, sec, treas, AGENT: Cogency Global, Iowa Search
- Ohio, Poulos, pres, Toronto, Canada, AGENT: Cogency Global Ohio Search
- Georgia, Poulos, ceo, sec, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Massachusetts, Poulos, pres, treas, sec, vp, dir, AGENT: Cogency Global
- New Jersey, NJ Search
- Florida, Poulos, pres, sec, treas, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Louisiana, Poulos, pres, dire, vp, sec, treas, AGENT: Cogency Global. Louisiana Search
- Nevada, Poulos, pres, sec, treas, dir, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Minnesota, Poulos, ceo, AGENT: National Corporate Research, Ltd.
- Oregon, Poulos, pres, sec, AGENT: Cogency Global Oregon Search
- Missouri, Poulos, pres, sec, dir, AGENT: Secretary of State Missouri Search
- New York, Poulos, ceo, AGENT: National Corporate Research
- Arizona, Poulos, sec, vp, dir, pres, ceo, AGENT: National Corporate Research
- Michigan, Poulos, pres, treas, sec, dir, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Connecticut, Poulos, pres, sec, dir, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Virginia, Poulas, pres, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Mississippi, Poulos, pres, dir, sec, treas, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Alaska, Poulos, dir, sec, pres, treas, AGENT: Cogency Global
- Colorado, Poulos (215 Spadina Ave., Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), AGENT: Cogency Global, CO Filing History THESE RECORDS OF POULOS ADDRESS AFTER INCORPORATION APPEAR TO BE DOCTORED. Lists Denver as principle address after saying it was Toronto Canada on Jun. 25, 2010. (Safety copy has been saved).

Also note the Canadian parent of DOMINION: