Alison Saunders, CB, the Queen’s top prosecutor came to dinner at Bruce and Nellie Ohr’s home four days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting
Election interference by a Queen’s agent is espionage and for the Americans who helped is treason
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(MAR. 21, 2019)—Following a month-long investigation—aided by a Judicial Watch Mar. 7, 2019 release of more stonewalled DOJ FOIA releases—the long held suspicions of many that British Privy Council intelligence, technology and banking interests are behind the attempted coup d’état of President Donald J. Trump can now be confirmed, in our minds, beyond reasonable doubt.
What moved our thinking from circumstantial evidence to fact?
“Dinner with the Ohrs” —A secret Jun. 05, 2016 dinner meeting between Alison Saunders and her entourage at the home of Bruce and Nellie Ohr’s in McLean, VA.
That was just four days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting.


She is a British barrister (lawyer) who at the time of the Ohr dinner was the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). In short, she was the Queen’s top prosecutor. She held a roughly equivalent post to U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates—Bruce Ohr’s boss.
On the surface, one might think that such contacts are not uncommon. After all, lawyers and law enforcement officials the world over compare notes. So what was different about this meeting?
A closer look at Saunder’s past and her conflicting relationships shows that she was on a secret mission by her Privy Council handlers to stop Donald Trump. The “Why?” will become apparent as this evidence unfolds.
The circumstances for “Dinner with the Ohrs” were suspicious on their faces.
As Judicial Watch just uncovered, the Ohrs started planning this dinner party with Alison Saunders a month earlier, on or about May 06, 2016. Anecdotally, Peter Strzok refused to answer all House questions about the activities of this May-Jun 2016 time period. He even said that his reason was to protect a “very sensitive source.”
At least six people dined at the Ohrs: Alison Saunders, her executive assistant, Helen Kershaw, Sue Patten and Patrick Steves, Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr. Saunders also had MI-6 security with her. We do not yet know who attended on the American side besides the Ohrs.
From a protocol perspective, this meeting was a non-starter. First, Saunders was meeting with an underling of her professional equivalent, Sally Yates. Second, being there under diplomatic immunity begs the question:
What did Saunders bring with her to give to the Ohrs? McVities, tea, crumpets, money, non-traceable gems, documents, weapons, drugs, what? Both Saunders and Ohr were international organized crime experts, so they would certainly know the opportunities that such a secret meeting provided. It appears that they were engaging in their own organized crime this time.
So, thanks to Judicial Watch, we have proof that American Bruce Ohr, one of the DOJ’s paymasters for Obama’s stay behind 10,000-man army innocuously named the Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review Board, is having a secret meeting with the Queen’s top Crown prosecutor.
Hindsight being 20-20, we can now look back to the date of the Dinner with the Ohrs, Jun. 05, 2016, and then see that the Trump Tower meeting occurred just four days later on Jun. 09, 2016.
It makes sense. Saunders’ American assets, the Ohrs, Strzoks, Comey, Mueller, Lynch, Page, McCabe, etc. were committing treason, and the Privy Council was anxious to make sure they would execute on the plan to frame the Trump campaign with their phony Steele “dirty dossier.” It’s just astounding how many otherwise educated people conspired all around the world in this drafting effort. Clearly, the proven problem solving abilities of Donald J. Trump spooked them all. It is like their evil Borg hive mind acted in unison.
Before we draw any conclusions regarding this suspicious timing, we need to review Alison Saunders’ background.
Saunders’ six-year tenure as head of the Crown Prosecution Service was mired in continuous scandal.
In one massive scandal, her prosecutors were caught feeding fabricated evidence to try and convict an innocent man of rape. 3,637 rape trials had to be reviewed and 47 were found to have been corrupted similarly.
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In the infamous rape trial of Liam Allan, 23, Saunders’ prosecutors withheld evidence among the alleged victim’s 57,000 text messages. That evidence exonerated Allan and meant the trial was a sham.
The CPS and police apologized once caught. Wouldn’t being tarred and feathered be more effective as a deterent?
In another high profile case, Saunders ignored three chances to prosecute barrister politician Baron Janner of Braunstone, QC, for his serial sexual abuse of children. Baron Janner was a Fulbright Scholar who had studied at both Cambridge and Harvard Law.
Saunders performed so badly in her job that members of the public started a petition in Parliament to reject her for a customary damehood. Parliament rebuffed the petition saying it does not “meet the petition standards” and essentially said no citizen can dictate such perogatives of the monarch. The Queen must have taken note in any event because Saunders was not awarded the prefunctory honor in 2018, although she does retain a “Companion” title in the Order of the Bath.

So, if Saunders was so bad at her job, why was she hired in the first place? Now we know, she was a willing, expendable gopher for the Privy Council new world order agenda.
With Sauders’ dubious job performance in view, and with no financial disclosures with which to review her financial conflicts of interest, researchers turned to her biography for more information about her. That turned up all you need to know.
Companies House (the British version of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission) shows that Saunders is a director alumnus (2008-2014) of EASTBOURNE COLLEGE (INCORPORATED) founded in 1867.
EASTBOURNE was historically a boys high school until going coed in 1968. It is one of those uniquely British hoity toity “public schools” (Americans call them private high schools or boarding schools) that costs $46,000 a year to attend.
The nefarious goings on within some of these schools is finally surfacing. Turns out that they are bastions of the uniquely British form of global corruption that reaches back to the formation of the British East India Company in 1600. We highlighted a particularly nasty spy training school watering hole in a previous post about Baron Richard Allan’s family spy history that he has tried to hide: Haileybury. Allan is the current Facebook vice-president for policy in Europe, Africa and Asia. His paramour Dr. Ana Padilla advises Parliament on mental health and pharamcology as advisor to the Tavistock Institute (mass brainwashing propaganda psychiatry since WWI).
Our sources in the UK who have attended other such prominent “public schools” tell us that in their considered opinion, this kind of endemic treachery is institutionalized in perhaps “1-3%” of their public schools. They wished our readers to know that while some of these schools have well-deserved sullied reputations, most value their integrity. That said, if the criminality in these schools is that well known, then why has nothing been done to stop them? Is this not classical co-dependent dysfunction on a societal scale?
Much like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and their feeder high schools in the U.S., some of these British public schools have been grooming their generations of corrupt British politicians, bankers, educators, doctors, lawyers and engineers—all guided and protected by the Crown’s Privy Council. Horrifically, ritual pedophilia plays a prominent role in the grooming of Britain’s leaders.

As we have shown in previous posts, DeBeers’ Rothschild-financed British mining oligarch Cecil Rhodes’ great uncle John Masterman was a director in the British East India company as well as a member of parliament (1847-1857) with Baron Lionel-Nathan de Rothschild. Leftist political radical Charles F.G. Masterman was selected to start the British War Propaganda Bureau known as The Wellington House at the beginning of World War I (1914). Read So You Thought Rhodes Scholarships Were A Good Thing?
This monopoly on global corruption is tightly managed by a surprisingly few families with their hands around the world’s neck, most notably the Rothschild family that quite literally has their fingers in just about every economic and political pie on the planet. Alison Saunders’ Biography and Timeline shows almost 1,000 Rothschild and related entities with direct relationships to Saunders. See Fig. 4.
The alumni of these British public schools meet often. On the surface the purpose is to swap stories about boarding school hijinks. If you thought this, then some of this is actually deadly wrong. Some of those school environments are toxic. These events are merely excuses for Britains self-styled globalist elites to conspire and control the world. These efforts are tightly controlled by their school Board of Governors. At this point in our research, this is no longer even a question. Would that it were merely a “conspiracy theory.” Indeed, it is a conspiracy FACT, as the “Dinner with the Ohrs” proves.
Bookmark: #alison-saunders-eastbourne-nwo-mates | Saunders’ fellow EASTBOURNE governor alums include:
Fig. 7—Peter John Ball, confessed pedophile Church of England bishop, director of Eastbourne School (UK) (1991-1992). Pedophila is a Tavistock psychological triggering technique for programming Empire-building control mechanisms into the psyches of British recruits to Rothchild-Rhodes-ian NWO federalism.
PETER JOHN BALL, a confessed, convicted pedophile bishop in the Church of England;
JOHN HAMILTON RYLEY, BBC, ITN and SkyNews TV producer; head of Sky News; NWO Tavistock propagandist;
Fig. 9—Keith Gull, principal researcher for Wellcome Trust, a notoriously known Tavistock Institute collaborator in an assortment of gender bending and “opinion altering” pharmaceuticals; Wellcome retains Baron Richard Allan’s paramour Dr. Ana Padilla as a consultant..
KEITH GULL, an Oxford microbiologist and principal research fellow for Wellcome Trust, associated with Dr. Ana Padilla, Parliamentary advisor on mental health, Tavistock Institute, British Psychological Society and paramour of Baron Richard Allan, Facebook vice president of policy for Europe, Africa and Asia, in league with Sir Nick Clegg, Facebook vice president for communications policy in America (former UK deputy prime minister); Wellcome is GlaxoSmithKline in the U.S.;
Fig. 10—Shiela V. Noakes, Baroness (1996, 2000). New World Order functionary at Bank of England (Rothschild), RBS, KPMG, Reuters (Tavistock propaganda)
SHEILA VALERIE NOAKES, director of the Bank of England, governor of the London School of Business, partner of KPMG, co-director of Reuters Founders Share Company where Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is also a director; director of RBS;
Fig. 11—Richard John Wainwright, an evident Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown Privy Council NWO functionary.
RICHARD JOHN WAINWRIGHT, director of Investec with Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, associated with SmartMatic and OpTech vote rigging devices, George Soros, United Nations, The Economist, International Crisis Group (ICG), World Bank, Refugees International, United Nations Development Group, Centre of Global Development, Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund (Soros), Privy Council with Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, SouthWest Energy, FTI Consulting, Kerogen Capital, Shell Foundation, T-Solar, I-Squared Capital, The Guardian, Investec Plc, SGO Corporation, Swiss Re, Eurasia Group, United Nations Association, more;
Fig. 13—Sr. David Alan Walker, a contemporary of Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie in the theft of all British inventions via the Intellectual Property Institute where he and Pattie were founding trustees of the reorganized NWO patent theft entity (Jan. 01, 1995).Fig. 12—Philip Arthur John Broadley, an evident Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and Sir David Alan Walker Privy Council NWO functionary.
PHILIP ARTHUR JOHN BROADLEY, director of Prudential, Legal & General with Sir David Alan Walker, associated with Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Morgan Stanley, Reuters, Lloyds Bank, The Intellectual Property Institute (London), Marconi, Leica, Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL), Cambridge Analytica, First Defence, GEC (GE), SERCO; and
Fig. 14—Michael John de Rougement Richardson, an evident Rothschild, Privy Council, Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Queen’s Golden Share, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown Privy Council NWO functionary.
SIR MICHAEL JOHN DE ROUGEMENT RICHARDSON, director and chairman of N. M. Rothschild & Sons; director of Invesco Asia Trust, Invesco English and International Trust (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, director), Rank Foundation, Institute of Economic Affairs, Margaret Thatcher advisor on privatization, creator of the Queen’s Golden Shares.
These resumes alone make Saunders’ role abundantly clear. She was put in place as a functionary, a face, to carry forward the Cecil Rhodes 200-year plan for one world government being implemented by the Queen’s Privy Council through its chief proponents: the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY, SIR MICHAEL RICHARDSON, SIR GEOFFREY PATTIE, LORD MARK MALLOCH-BROWN & GEORGE SOROS

In between Saunders and the Privy Counselors cited above is Arvinder K. Sambei, a London barrister whose background is shrouded in thick fog. Not to worry, even the crumbs off her table are exposing her.
When researchers recently telephoned hers and Saunders’ former employer, the Crown Prosecution Office (CPS), to get a Sambei biography, the phone connection was immediately disconnected.
Arvinder K. Sambei is also a former chief Crown prosecutor, like Saunders. We also now know that Sambei was working for the FBI and Robert S. Mueller after 9/11. She was engaged in pressing false narratives in the UK about the alleged 9/11 hijackers within days of the event. That case was eventually dismissed in 2003 for lack of evidence, but it served to shield Sambei from any inquiry into her personal complicity in 9/11. Remember, Mueller was appointed to be FBI director on Sep. 04, 2001, just a week before 9/11.
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MAR. 28, 2019:
George Papadopoulos just disclosed in his new book Deep State Target that Arvinder K. Sambei— director of LCILP (see Fig. 12)

where he worked—directed him to travel with Joseph Mifsud to visit the LINK Campus in Rome where rogue C.I.A. agents train outside of Congressional oversight.
This rogue LINK activity is an outgrowth of the illegal, totally secret spying agreement between the U.S. and Britain on Mar. 05, 1946 that empowered global mischief among the SOE (Special Operations Executive) stay-behind units, commandeered by the newly forming rogue C.I.A. in Geneva, who then conspired with Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan and Rothschild banks, technology, pharma, education, defense, mining and drug lords … to this day. They formed the new world order’s totally illegal intelligence agency.
Sambei also worked from Robert Mueller at 9/11. The LINK Campus is where the frame up of Papadapoulos took flight. Papadopoulos first met Professor Joseph Mifsud on March 14, 2016, one week before joining the Trump campaign.
See Owen Shroyer’s [VIDEO] interview “Mueller knew I was innocent” with Papadoupolos on Mar. 27, 2019 (last night).
See also Chris Blackburn. (Accessed Mar. 28, 2019). Political Analyst UK. @CJBdingo25). Twitter.
See also Hip’n Chips. (Oct. 31, 2018). #SpyGate Papadopoulos Framed. Mifsud FBI Asset. Lisa’s RedZone.
This additional information makes Saunders’ “Dinner with the Ohrs” all the more suspicious.
Saunders lacked credibility. She was already by then a washed up policy hack who was buried in controversy. Surely her treasonous American co-conspirators would not have risked their careers on Saunders’ resume. Since she herself had no credibility, she was evidently delivering message(s).
Did Sally Yates, Ohr’s boss, attend the meeting? How about Peter Strzok? Lisa Page? Bill Priestap? Loretta Lynch? James Comey? Robert Mueller? Andrew McCabe? Andrew Weissmann? The mind wanders.
Were they all there to get their Privy Council marching orders on the Trump takedown for the new world order? It was information obviously too sensitive to deliver in any other manner than in person?
We believe Saunders was sent by Arvinder K. Sambei to have a secret meeting with the Ohrs on behalf of the Privy Council to ensure a successful take down of Donald Trump’s campaign.
Why? Because Donald Trump represented an existential threat to their 200-year Cecil Rhodes plan for one world government. They sensed that Trump would be a wrecking ball to their century of planning. They sensed it and were totally dedicated to stopping it. They risked exposing Saunders to pull it off.
Saunders became a tool in their carefully laid plan to take down Donald Trump. She was controversial, so she was expendable. Unlike Sambei, Saunders and her entourage could travel to meet the Ohrs on a diplomatic passport and carry a diplomatic bag without a customs check. Saunders was able to bring all the tools of the trade with her that her FBI and DOJ co-conspirators might need to frame Donald Trump at the Trump Tower meeting four days hence.
Without a doubt untraceable bribery resources were delivered, that is just what these criminals do.
We will conclude this post here with a plan to publish more findings in the coming days.
In conclusion, the Judicial Watch evidence of Saunders’s espionage and the Ohrs’ treason should be sufficient for their just penalties. We can now understand why Peter Strzok refused to provide any information about the Dinner with the Ohrs in his goal to protect “a very sensitive source.” We believe that source is Crown chief prosecutor Alison Saunders and her handler Arvinder K. Sambei.
We will conclude this post with a plan to publish more of our findings in the coming days. We suggest you check back in with this post every few days because we will have many more items of hard evidence linked. The Alison Saunders Biography & Timeline is chock full of primary evidence.
Now, let’s watch the rats scurry for cover. It is what they do best. Hide. Bob. Weave. Misdirect. Blame. Steal. Cheat. Pretend. Weep alligator tears. Excuse. Fabricate. Lie.
However, the Judicial Watch “Dinner with the Ohrs” evidence was made public by the U.S. Department of Justice—the very agency that has been conspiring against We The People and Our Republic.