The Final Signposts of Divine Prophecy
The Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
The Feast of Tabernacles (aka Sukkot) on the
final Blood Moon of September 27/28 of 2015
produces earth-shattering prophecy regarding
Israel, the USA and the Middle East.
“Prophecy Is Uttered To Avert Catastrophe, NOT Predict It”
~ Cosmic Convergence Research Group
The following YouTube video transcript presents an extraordinary interview between a young prophet named, Natan, and Rabbi Rami Levy both living in Israel. “During the interview 15-year-old Natan claims he experienced clinical death for 15 minutes, and tells his story and describes what he saw in Shamayim and what’s to be in the coming days if we do not repent.” Here is how one YouTube poster describes this unparalleled dialogue between the rabbi and the modern-day prophet.
This fascinating video is starting to make the rounds as the word is spreading of 15-year-old Natan’s near death, out-of-body experience that took place on the first night of Sukkot. Natan who comes from a secular background had never learnt before in Yeshiva, nonetheless he describes from his experience exactly what is written by the prophets and in the holy books regarding the end of days.
(Source: Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 year Old Natan – Testimony About The End of Days Coming Soon)
What is very important to understand about this teenage prophet is that his near death experience and revealed prophecy occurred on September 27 of 2015, the first evening of Sukkot which is also known as the sacred Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. That evening was also the final blood moon-supermoon of a tetrad of blood moons which occurred at the end of the Shemitah as well as at the beginning of the Biblical Shemitah Jubilee.
September’s Shemitah: What really happened? What will the Super Shemitah bring?
Hence, the unique timing of this Hebrew prophecy cannot be overstated. In fact, it aligns perfectly with the MOEDIM, also known as the 7 (seven) sacred signposts of divine prophecy revered within the Judaic tradition. As the list above indicates the Feast of Tabernacles is the final one of “The 7 Prophetic Jewish Feasts”. In other words it speaks directly to the closure that comes with the outworking of the Super Shemitah (aka the Biblical Shemitah Jubilee).
Super Shemitah Begins on September 23rd: Timing Explained
For those who are uninitiated in this realm of the MOEDIM and Super Shemitah, it simply does not get any bigger than these in the realm of End Time prophecy and the Final Days. The following essays will further inform the understanding of those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Now to the subtitle of this post: “Prophecy Is Uttered To Avert Catastrophe, NOT Predict It”. Just why is this highly relevant statement so crucial to correctly comprehend at this defining moment of human history?
Because just as humanity sufficiently drew attention to the manmade Shemitah phenomenon throughout 2015, those who populate the World Wide Web can likewise disseminate the critical predictions which have been articulated below. In this way just as the projected Shemitah events were greatly diminished during the planned September and October time frame, so too can this World War 3 in the making. With the relentless exposure of their clandestine scheme to start World War III, the global conflict can be averted altogether, so that this earth-shaking prophecy is not fulfilled.
Which leaves everyone with the most significant questions about the final fulfillment of remaining 3 divine prophecies of the MOEDIM.
How, when, and where will the (5.), (6.) and (7.) of the MOEDIM manifest throughout this plane of existence? And, can they be meaningfully averted? Given the current state of the collective consciousness on Earth, it appears that such a mitigation of the MOEDIM can only be effectuated through the sincere humbling of humankind. In other words if humanity does not become humble willingly, it will be humbled via the fulfillment of the MOEDIM.
In order to truly apprehend the exceedingly profound meaning and timely significance of the MOEDIM, the following video ought to be viewed in its entirety. It provides perhaps the most authoritative disquisition on this particular subject on the Internet today.
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Jewish Teen Sees Israel’s Future
Testimony from Natan
(Starting at 4:08 minute mark in the following video link:
Natan: According to what I understood there, I am certain that I know it, when I was up there I understood what was going to happen in the world.
Narrator: Nathan makes that statement continues as the Rabbi listens and asks a lot of questions.
Natan: According to what I understood, what I told you about Mashiach and everything, I also understood that the Geula and the revelation of the Mashiach (aka The Messiah) is going to happen very soon!
The Mashiach
The mashiach will be a great political leader descended by a pure male line from King David (Jeremiah 23,5). The mashiach is often referred to as “mashiach ben David” (The Mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11,2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military figure who will win battles for Israel, freeing the Jews of foreign domination and establishing a Torah-based kingdom in Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33,15). But above all, he will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural being.
(Source: Mashiach: The Messiah)
Narrator: Geula is the Hebrew word for redemption. Christians believe that as well, I find that interesting.
Natan: It’s going to happen ‘very soon’. It’s like it’s going to happen in the very near future, it’s imminent! The Geula is really coming! It’s coming!
Rabbi: Now tell me, when you were there, there was no conception of time. How can you estimate there the concept, time? What is imminent? Is it twenty years, two years, a month?
Natan: Imminent is ‘right away’ like in the coming months.”
Rabbi: In the coming months?
Narrator: Mind you I don’t believe that he is looking at this to be exact. It’s what he is trying to believe from the perception of what he understood because he speaks about in this timing here that he talks about there.
Natan: “I don’t know how I know these things I just understand these things. When you’re there you can see behind you, in front of you, the sides of you, everything, you just know what’s happening and what’s going on.
Narrator: But I do realize that yes that redemption is only months away but we also know there are a lot of things that are going to happen in the coming months. Israel’s redemption also includes two witnesses. As he speaks about these things you are going to find out, ironically he mentions that, but he doesn’t realize what he’s mentioning. Let’s look on at what he says here.
Rabbi: So the question comes in now, do you also know what will happen?
Natan: Yes. I know what is going to happen, yes.
Rabbi: And you know that from there?
Natan: Yes, everything I know is only from there.
Narrator: You have to understand that Nathan was never, never taught anything secular.
Rabbi: Where are we holding right now?
Natan: In a period not a good one at all, at all, like I can tell you that the redemption is very close to here.
Rabbi: What will happen during the redemption?
Natan: Very bad things are going to happen but it depends on who as far as I understood. It is certain it will occur in the coming months.
Rabbi: Is there perhaps the possibility that it won’t happen?
Narrator: What the Rabbi is actually asking about is ‘if the people were willing to repent’ because he is speaking about bad things that are actually going to happen.
Natan: There is the possibility that if we were to repent it won’t happen.
Narrator: Nathan goes into the technicality that if only we would repent things would be different. He also talks about doing good deeds. We know that works do not get you into heaven however God does expect us to show kindness and love here on Earth, to say the least.
Natan: If they commit transgression the redemption will be less pleasant. [He is talking about the redemption of Israel.]
Rabbi: If they commit transgression it will come to pass in a much more difficult manner; more difficult yes. And if everybody repents it will come to pass in an easy way. Unfortunately not everybody is willing to repent. We know that’s clearly the way it is. It’s going to happen no matter what [the redemption of Israel].
Narrator: Not everyone who claims to be Jewish is going to make it. God is coming to redeem those who are willing to repent, and again I have a feeling as you watch little brother Nathan and what he shares with us here, he is looking at this happening over a course of months yet there are certain things that must fulfill biblically that will take longer than a few months, but it will be in months, and if we look at the Ministry of the two witnesses one of the things that I believe myself is that once their ministry is finished this is when judgment sets in, and according to what Nathan sees that’s exactly what happens. After fighting among themselves and with Russia for a while, all nations will rise up against Israel because they want the land for themselves, and the Vatican wants Jerusalem.
Natan: Everyone will fight against each other because they want it [Jerusalem].
Rabbi: Now according to what you know there, what you saw there, how is it going to happen?
Natan: It is going to be according to what I understood. Right now our situation is not good at all, I mean not good! It is going to be something that is called a very big war. Everybody, the whole world will be involved in that war according to what I understood.
Narrator: There’s your world war III.
Natan: The whole world will simply be involved in that war. Everybody! All the goyim, all the Arabs, and everybody will come against the nation of Israel and will fight in that war. They’re all going to fight. The person who will start the war will be somebody named GOG as far as I understood up there. Only up there I understood.
Narrator: What Nathan speaks about right here is probably going to be controversial with some people. This young man actually identifies GOG as President Barack Obama. Many people would probably figure that it is Putin who is actually GOG because we think of that as the land of the north, and everybody automatically assumes that the land of the north is anything north of Israel. Of course the USA is in the northern hemisphere but many of the Christians of America have always stood with Israel. So I can’t say yes or no in this case here but nonetheless the events that you’re about to hear him speak about are going to shock you, to say the very least.
Rabbi: Do you know who this GOG is?
Natan: I am certain of who it is.
Rabbi: Who is it?
Natan: President Obama.
Rabbi: He will start GOG in MAGOG?
Natan: He will be the one who starts that war.
Narrator: Even if we consider the fact that Russia is actually MAGOG or GOG, the clear implications here are that the one that starts the war is President Barack Obama. Now I won’t say that the US is GOG or MAGOG. I can only see what Nathan says here. I agree with him 100% that Obama will start the war.
It is very clear from the things that have happened over the last couple of years that yes Obama will start the war.
We saw one news article that came out of Russia that exposed America’s plot to nuke Moscow. The US was trying to get the upper hand on Russia by doing the first strike on Russia with a nuclear bomb but the woman, who was an American high-ranking official in America on the plane that had the codes, refused to release the codes. She was court-martialed and as far as I know is still in a military prison for not divulging the codes because it takes more than one person to divulge the codes. She did not want to start a war with Russia and was relieved of her duties. American mainstream news did not disclose the real reasons behind it. Russia did reveal that it was because the USA and Britain were planning on doing a first strike on Russia during the time that it was really at the hottest point with Ukraine. Now we see that Russia has military forces there, and America has not been very cooperative with Russia on fighting Isis. They’re showing a little cooperation. The US sent special forces into northern Syria and now we see that the United States is talking about sending troops both into Syria as well as into Europe. It is definitely a provocation against Russia. Will it end up in as a major war starting off in the Middle East as this young man here is saying that it will happen, no doubt that it will. By the way everything Nathan is speaking about here was recorded before all these things, all these developments we’re seeing now. We had no proof that Obama was planning on sending troops back to the Middle East. That’s something of interest to say the very least!
Natan: He will bring his whole army. He will start the war here.
Narrator: When this video was made there was nobody in the United States talking about sending troops into Syria. They were emphatic that they would never send troops into Syria they would only do it with an air campaign. Now the US President Barack Obama has said that there would be a need for more forces than the 50 special forces he sent in there and the US different congressmen and senators are willing to back him on sending in more troops and doing so, as well as sending a huge contingent of troops to Europe, to protect Europe from Russian aggression on the European side. So could Nathan be right when he says he will bring his whole army, he will start the war here?
Rabbi: And he will fight against us?
Natan: Yes he will fight against us! At first everyone will simply want the nation of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, everyone will want it.
Narrator: That is pretty obvious already as well. The Vatican wants it, Abbas wants it, America wants it, all the Arabic nations want Jerusalem. Russia wants it because they have an interest there as well. So truly everyone wants Jerusalem. That’s an understatement to say the least.
Natan: Jerusalem yes. Everyone will want it. The whole world is going to want it. They won’t pay any attention to us, they simply want it. Everyone will fight against each other because they want it. That’s what starts the war in the Middle East.
Narrator: As we’ve been speaking about all along and not just here, there have been many other news sources out there especially those into prophecy that know the GOG and MAGOG war is all about the spoil or the oil in this region here. They all want this for that very purpose and this is why we see a war about ready to break out, to say the least.
Natan: It won’t be long at all, as far as this war. It will only take about two weeks. This is the war between the US and Russia fought in the Middle East before they attack Israel.
Narrator: Keep in mind when we look at that being a two-week war it still takes time for the US to get their troops there. Even when America was planning to attack Saddam Hussein it took time. In the meantime, while the United States begins to put their forces together, somewhere along the way very soon, the two witnesses have to come on the scene. Something drastic is about to happen in the Middle East. The reason why I say this is because this is going to be a two-week battle there, when they start slugging it out with each other it is also going to get into a little bit about these two men that are dead and will be raised from the dead that comes along as well. I know the US can send in troops pretty quickly but normally it takes a little bit more time to do that. The transporting, putting in the armor, and all that kind of good stuff. So although he’s trying to recollect what he has seen and is going to happen, keep in mind that when he was looking at this, and I’m not sure exactly the date when the video was made itself, all of this happened on the first day of Sukkot when this young man had his near-death experience. We’ve had time pass already and are seeing things rapidly build, including talk about sending in troops.
Rabbi: All the bad things will take two weeks, what will happen during those two weeks?
Natan: More than a few million of people will die. The only thing that saves them from what I understand is if they repent. If a person learns Torah and performs acts of kindness. That’s what will save him from this thing.
Narrator: Repentance is the key. Being religious is not what God is looking for. [See 24:29-25:22 minutes for Bible prophecy]
Rabbi: It says in the Germara that when they asked Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol, “What can a person do to save himself from the birth pangs of the Mashiach?” Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol answered, “He should occupy himself with Torah and gemilut chasadim [acts of kindness]. That’s what will save him.” What kind of war is this? A spiritual war?
The Gemara (also transliterated Gemora, Gemarah or, less commonly, Gemorra; ‘גמרא’ noun – from Aramaic verb gamar, literally, “study”) is the component of the Talmud comprising rabbinical analysis of and commentary on the Mishnah.
(Source: Gemara)
Natan: No
Rabbi: A war of soldiers between soldiers? What is it?
Natan: Partially, partially. At first it is going to be a war between soldiers. The whole world will simply calm. Simply at the first, all the goyim will battle each other and will want Israel in the end.
Narrator: That’s what they’re all going there for in the first place China included. He even talks about South Korea getting involved in this battle.
Natan: What will happen is this. Everyone will unite to fight against us, the nation of Israel. And many people from Israel will die. Several million people will die. A ton of people will die.
Narrator: That’s after they duke it out, and come to a compromise over who gets what in Israel, as they rip the country apart. [See 25:29-31:49 for Bible prophecy]
Testimony from Nathan
(Starting at 31:36 minute mark in the following video link:
Rabbi: And those who didn’t keep Torah and mitzvot?
In its primary meaning, the Hebrew word mitzvah (/ˈmɪtsvə/; meaning “commandment”, מִצְוָה, [mit͡sˈva], Biblical: miṣwah; plural מִצְווֹת mitzvot [mit͡sˈvot], Biblical: miṣwoth; from צִוָּה ṣiwwah “command”) refers to precepts and commandments as commanded by God.
(Source: Mitzvoth)
Natan: They will die.
Rabbi: And those who kept the Torah and mitzvot?
Natan: Those who kept the Torah and mitzvot it depends.
Narrator: Just because you are religious that is not what God wants.
Natan: It depends if they did Torah with gemilut chasadim [“the giving of loving-kindness”].
Narrator: It’s the same with Christianity. Do you just do it out of fear? What’s your real purpose behind it?
Natan: There are those who are observant but they don’t really care about it, they are casual about it. But if someone is really strict, studies Torah and acts of kindness he will be saved.
Narrator: He is looking at this from his own perspective. What I see when I look at this young man and what he is seeing and trying to explain, he is a Jewish young man. Yes God is coming to redeem the Jew but he is also looking at this from sincerity of heart. I agree that God does not go by the 613 laws of Leviticus. David says the laws of God can be written on a bed post. What matters most is sincerity of heart.
Rabbi: How will we be saved?
Natan: What will happen is like this … according to what I saw up there.
Rabbi: What does it mean you saw? Do you see it like a movie of the future?
Natan: Yes, I see it like a movie of the future. You see it in mere seconds but its lots and lots of time. Like the movie of my life that I saw at first. They showed me my life in a thousandth of a second. Like in thousandth of a second they showed to me. And I saw every single second of my life, when I was a baby when I was a boy, I saw it all.
Rabbi: Now let’s move forward. You saw what?
Natan: I saw a movie.
Rabbi: Let’s call it a movie of the future; what it is going to be.
Natan: Yes, I simply saw that everyone was attacking Israel, and came against us, and they fought against us. We … the IDF that is, will manage to hold them at bay for two days according to what I saw. And then they will simply kill us. We won’t have anyone to rely on but the Holy One, blessed be He, and then what will happen is … suddenly.
Rabbi: Wait. Wait. This war, the IDF will only hold out for two days?
Narrator: I have a feeling; this is my own thought in here. God is probably letting him see in sections. As I said, it will take Obama a little bit of time to get all of his forces over there because he has to fight Russia. Russian troops are going to come down as well. They are all going to mobilize their troops in there. This is going to be over the next months. As time goes by your two witnesses have got to come on the scene at anytime now, in order to begin to start dealing with Israel as well; something that will cause them to repent, maybe even to deal with the Christian world to cause them to repent. God is showing him the redemption of Israel. The redemption of Israel comes when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
Rabbi: And after two days?
Natan: We’ll be finished by then.
Rabbi: No IDF?
Natan: No IDF.
Rabbi: So everything is open?
Natan: Everything is open [exposed/unprotected].
Rabbi: So you say that GOG is Obama. Obama is the United States. You say that he will lead the … war?
Natan: He will lead the whole war.
Rabbi: And who will join him?
Natan: Iran will join him. The UN, the whole UN. Yes. Russia, South Korea, the whole UN. Really everyone, everyone, all seventy nations will be against us. Seventy.
Narrator: I’ve said many times before how could you get all the nations in the world in there to fight against Israel. The only way to get all the troops there against Israel is to bring a United Nations force against them. And that’s certainly going to be something that we see happen. It may come from within as well.
Rabbi: Where is ISIS in all this?
Natan: ISIS what they will do is … this is what I saw – they will kidnap the people. They will simply kidnap people.
Rabbi: They will kidnap our people?
Natan: Yes like they did Gilad Shalit – they will also do this … they will kidnap people torture people, and things like that. Now, what I also saw – is that Har Hazeitim (aka the Mountain of Olives) next to Jerusalem, it … well those who have the merit to be saved … so that Mountain splits in two. And the moment the mountain splits in two, in that second, the Mashiach will be revealed to everyone. Meaning before everyone, before everyone! Everyone will simply see it is the Mashiach, will understand that it is the Mashiach. Here He is revealed to everyone. And He will stand at the entrance there to the Har HaZeitim. And He will say who can enter and who cannot. Anyone who doesn’t have the merit to enter will stay outside and die. And anyone who has the merit to enter will be saved. You have to understand what he will be saved from. In a minute I will explain this to you … so it’s like whoever … so the Mountain simply opens … and also ….
Har Hazeitim
The Mount of Olives or Mount Olivet (Hebrew: הַר הַזֵּיתִים, Har HaZeitim; Arabic: جبل الزيتون, الطور, Jabal az-Zaytūn, Aț-Țūr) is a mountain ridge east of and adjacent to Jerusalem’s Old City. It is named for the olive groves that once covered its slopes. The southern part of the Mount was the Silwan necropolis, attributed to the ancient Judean kingdom. The Mount has been used as a Jewish cemetery for over 3,000 years, and holds approximately 150,000 graves, making it central in the tradition of Jewish cemeteries. Several key events in the life of Jesus as related in the Gospels took place on the Mount of Olives, and in the Acts of the Apostles it is described as the place from which Jesus ascended to heaven.
(Source: Mount of Olives)
Rabbi: How does it open? It opens …
Natan: It splits in two.
Rabbi: Something like an earthquake, an atom bomb?
Natan: No, no, no.
Rabbi: What?
Natan: Now they will rise up … you know how on Har HaZeitim there are graves? So two of the dead people will arise. Two dead people will come back to life. One from here and one from here and it will split in two. That’s how it will happen.
Narrator: Natan is catching glimpses of what will transpire over the next few years here. The two witnesses preach the death and resurrection of Jeshua. In their own death and resurrection 3 ½ days lying in the street; when they rise up the Earth trembles again.
Natan: And what I saw was simply that. The Mashiach is first of all someone who can’t sin. Someone who repented. Who didn’t commit any transgression.
Rabbi: And He repented?
Natan: He repented. Yes. He didn’t commit any transgressions. Since He repented He didn’t commit even one transgression. It’s can’t be that the Mashiach is someone who committed transgressions.
Narrator: The only one I know who didn’t commit transgressions on this Earth is Jeshua.
Natan: Now, it can be someone who we actually know very well, who we know very well. Lots and lots of people know Him according to what I understood, but everyone will be very, very, surprised that He is of all people the Mashiach.
Narrator: And who is the only one who can fit that particular category? It’s Jeshua (aka Yeshua).
Jeshua or Yeshua is a Hebrew name mentioned in the following verses of the Jewish Tanakh: Ezra 2:2, 2:6, 2:36, 2:40, 3:2, 3:8, 3:9, 3:10, 3:18, 4:3, 8:33; Nehemiah 3:19, 7:7, 7:11, 7:39, 7:43, 8:7, 8:17, 9:4, 9:5, 11:26, 12:1, 12:7, 12:8, 12:10, 12:24, 12:26; 1 Chronicles 24:11; and 2 Chronicles 31:15 (and in the Aramaic portion at Ezra 5:2). It is usually considered to be the original Hebrew and/or Aramaic form of the name of Jesus.
(Source: Jeshua)
Natan: Also know, that Mashiach, I mean the Mashiach will fight against Obama. And not only that he will kill him and bury him in the land of Israel. I also saw that the moment Har HaZeitim splits in two, then the Mashiach will stand at the entrance, but he won’t see who is religious, who has a beard, and who a person is. What He will see – He sees according to a person’s holiness, He will smell each person, He will smell if someone has holiness, if he is pure and did mitzvot, and if he performed acts of kindness. To see if he has true fear of Heaven and not and no just fear of punishment, and things like that. He won’t say, “Here you are, you have a hat, and you have a kippah … so like that … you can go in”, its’ not like that.
A kippah, kippa, kipoh, or kipa (/kɪˈpɑː/ ki-PAH; Hebrew: כִּפָּה or כִּיפָּה; plural: kippot כִּפוֹת or כִּיפּוֹת; meaning “dome”), also known as a yarmulke ( i/ˈjɑrməlkə/ YAR-məl-kə or /ˈjɑːməkə/ YAH-mə-kə from Yiddish: יאַרמולקע, from Polish jarmułka, itself perhaps from Turkic), and sometimes called a kopel.
(Source: Kippah)
Narrator: Mashiach doesn’t care about any of the man-made things. It’s not about that.
Natan: I mean really, He will have a certain power that he will be able to feel what is truly inside every person.
Rabbi: Nathan I ask you one again. Is all of this from there?
Natan: I know all of it from there.
Rabbi: That means a week ago you didn’t know this?
Natan: I didn’t know these things. I didn’t know. I had no idea.
Man in the audience: You didn’t read books or something, nothing?
Natan: Nothing. Nothing.
Man in the audience: Where did he learn?
Rabbi: He is not a yeshiva student.
Rabbi: Wait one second. One second. I just want to say something here. Look at what he is saying and look. He says that GOG … is Obama. And that GOG … Ah … Obama will fall here in the land of Israel. And Hashem will give Obama a grave here …
Natan: Here in the land of Israel.
Rabbi: So Yechezkel the Prophet says, “On that day I will give GOG a burial place in Israel.”
Natan: That’s exactly what they said to me. Exactly!
Rabbi: Yechezkel
Natan: Exactly the same thing!
Rabbi: And you say Har Hazeitim will split?
Natan: Har Hazeitim will split in two.
Rabbi: So Zecharia the Prophet says that … yes:
And the Lord shall go forth and wage war with those nations … and on that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem from the East. And the Mount of Olives shall split in the midst thereof – toward the East and toward the West- very great valley. And half the Mountain shall move north and half shall move south.
Natan: Is that really what it says?
Rabbi: Yes, Zecharia the Prophet.
Natan: So that’s exactly what I saw.
Rabbi: Zecharia the Prophet. He was a long time ago.
Natan: That is exactly what will happen if things continue as they are. Like, if the world keeps on like this – that is exactly what will happen. For certain.
Rabbi: How will I know when all this has started?
Natan: It will come in a boom! First of all it has already started.
Rabbi: It started?
Natan: According to what I saw it has already started, on the date of 27 in Elul [September 11, 2015]. It started already!
Rabbi: The 27th of Elul, last year 5775?
Natan: Yes last year.
Rabbi: We are already in Tishrei
Natan: Yes, yes.
Rabbi: In that case it started 3 days before Rosh Hashana [there is an important word or 2 missing here because it cannot be read at the bottom of the screen] MAGOG started.
Natan: This war already started.
Rabbi: So how come we don’t feeling anything?
Natan: Because the Holy One blessed is He will not bring in it in the beginning. What will happen is that one day everything will explode, something will happen to cause everything to escalate and we will know instantly we are in full blown war, and everyone will say world war 3 has begun. Everyone will be saying this… that’s it … there is no time left. Everyone will understand that God is responsible for this.
Rabbi: So you are saying there is some sort of security breach that will blow out of proportion?
Natan: Yes.
Rabbi: And everyone will start fighting against each other?
Natan: Yes, exactly.
Rabbi: And they will be fighting one another, what about us?
Natan: At first we will be excluded from this, but after they will all unite against us.
Narrator: A lot of people may be critical of what this young man saw. One thing is for certain we do have a GOG and MAGOG war coming. Regardless of who we think it is that’s coming against Israel as far as we look at GOG and MAGOG, clearly the Bible says ‘all’ nations come against Israel. It was revealed to Nathan that it was Obama leading this war. We do know that there is coming an all out war between the nations, and they are fighting over one thing, and that’s Israel. Even this young man saw that. They are going to fight over who gets the oil. I forgot the fact that the world does unite to come against Israel as well.
We see that the world fights against each other, we can see all these things, and we see that they’re ready to fight each other over oil in the Middle East. I didn’t realize they would fight, come to a truce, and then turn against Israel. That’s where your division of the land comes from. It wasn’t dividing it between the Palestinians and the Jews. Just like it says, in Ezekiel 35 ‘These two nations will be mine’. That’s what Esau says. That’s what Edom says the Roman Catholic Church, and He divides it up between the nations over who gets what.
All long, while these things are happening, as this war prepares to take place, these two witnesses must be here somewhere now. Somewhere in this world these two witnesses are here. I am only waiting to see when they step on the scene, somebody to straighten out this doctoral mess we are in. The Bible says the world will hate these two. Try to bring the truth, and the whole world hates your for it. What side will you be on?
The End.
This transcript was taken from the original YouTube video that presented the interview with Natan titled: Jewish Teen Sees Israel’s Future.
This video can be viewed in its entirety at the following YouTube or disseminated via the following link:
[youtube_sc url=]
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The original video, which presents the actual dialogue between Natan and Rabbi Rami Levy, has much more explanation and insight for those who understand Hebrew and the Jewish scriptures. That original video has English subtitles for those who know how important it can be to listen to the uninterpreted questions and answers, as well as see the body language which cannot hide and better conveys the Truth. As follows:
[youtube_sc url=]
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
November 17, 2015
Originally posted at: