Is Dictated By The Collective Consciousness Of Humanity
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear
the reality which surrounds us all is both self-evident
and ever-changing.
Everything in this material plane
of existence conforms itself to the
predominant the thought-waves
of the mind. The more who think
about, and focus on, Armageddon,
the more likely it will manifest
exactly as it is imagined. Such
is the power of thought, especially collective thought.
The meme of the Apocalypse was implanted into human
consciousness millennia ago. Similarly the meme of the
Great Flood was introduced into the psyche of the pre-
flood civilizations. Eventually there was a Great Flood
in the days of Noah, just like the continent of Atlantis sunk
into the sea 12,000 years ago.
There are very good reasons why the current planetary
civilization is moving in the very same direction as those
ancient societies. The world community of nations chose
to take the left fork instead of the right fork at the beginning
of the Industrial Revolution. Doing so wedded each and
every country on Earth to a variety of fundamentally flawed
paradigms. In light of a population explosion which pushed
the planet above 7 billion human beings, the aggregate stresses
on the environment are now quite unbearable. Likewise, the
major energy paradigms — energy and industrial, economic
and financial, political and social — are completely and totally
By way of example, the nations of the world can no longer
operate under the burden of debt that has been piled up over
many decades. The sovereign debt, national debt, corporate
debt, credit card debt, school loans debt, etc., in the aggregate,
is now too heavy a debt load for the global village to bear. As the
creditors show no inclination to forgive those debts, they will
now be released in a manner that will forever wipe them away.
The key point here is that the very Global Economic & Financial
System (GE&FS) is inherently defective. It no longer serves the
people and in fact has turned a great majority of residents on
planet Earth into debt slaves. The GE&FS is just one example
of what cannot continue as it is.
The current civilization is fraught with other paradigms which
are also at their breaking points. During the past century the world
has seen a number of points of no return exceeded throughout
the environmental realm. These ecosystem collapses are transpiring
at an accelerating rate and occurring across the entire spectrum
of land, water and air environments. Because of such highly
misguided global initiatives such as geoengineering and GMOs,
many of these ongoing enviro disasters are only intensifying.
As a human race, how did we get here?
“Everything is the way it is,
because we are the way we are.”
Each of us, to varying degrees, put stock into the current System.
The extent to which we backed, and supported, and worked for,
and funded the various parts of the System, we gave the Beast our
energy. Because so many bought into and materially benefitted
from the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) part of the System, as
an illustration, that particular entity grew larger and stronger by the
year. Now it forms a substantial part of what is known as the
Perpetual War Economy.
Do you get it yet?
Is your 401K or IRA, Pension Plan or Keogh invested in companies
which make up the MIC?
Do you support with your feelings and your thoughts American
Do you feel the American Empire is worth fighting wars for?
Do you unreservedly advocate for U.S. military intervention
wherever and whenever a conflict breaks out?
By the way, just who was it that really started all these wars?
And why?
Back to the power of our thoughts.
As the prescient quote stated, “Everything is the way it is, because
we are the way we are.” What great wisdom! But how so?
We are the way we are because of the knowledge that we have
embraced. Much of our knowledge is patently false. The vast
amount of information that we receive on a daily basis is
untrue or distorted or misleading. The post modern Information
Age would be more aptly named the “Age of Falsehood”. Hence,
we as a culture suffer from a chronic deprivation of real wisdom.
This predicament alone has sealed the fate of the current race
of humanity.
Do you understand now?
With this critical understanding it will be easier to comprehend
why those biblical prophecies and cultural memes were inserted
into our mind at such a young and tender age. They were simply the
mental seeds of destruction which were meant to sprout into fully
formed trees of apocalyptic events like Armageddon. Let’s face it,
Armageddon has been taking place all around us for the better part
of a century. World War I and II, the Great Depression, followed
by so many lesser wars and economic breakdowns. As a matter of
historical fact, the First World War took place 100 years ago. And
yet here we stand, as an arguably advanced civilization, upon the
threshold of a literal World War III.
As it has been stated, the collective mentality dictates the future of
the world. Continuing to latch onto so many inferior concepts,
false notions, bad ideas, flawed philosophies, fake theologies,
fraudulent politics, substandard lifestyles, defective theories,
deficient paradigms, etc., etc., etc., really adds up to a societal
downward spiral.
How could it be any other way?
When virtually everyone is moving in the wrong direction, as they
are today, what is to keep the place from crashing and burning?
Only by the grace of God has the world held together this long.
Truly, it’s an inexplicable wonder that things are still holding
together as they are as we approach 2016. Isn’t it?!?
Final Point: Nothing is going wrong. Everything is exactly as it
should be. Every human race has a birth, an adolescence, an
adulthood, and an old age. Our race of humanity is now in hospice,
yet many are so determined to usher it back to a bygone era. They
do not see that:
Someone just wrote as a comment on a website that posted an article
about the political plight of the USA. They said that even if we wanted
to change our ways at this late date, it wouldn’t make any difference.
The entire society — the whole of civilization — is already far too
committed to so much that doesn’t work. Not only doesn’t it work,
but much of what we have based our lives on is innately destructive
to life and damaging to the indispensable biosphere.
When a civilization has cut itself off from Gaia, Mother Earth, how
can it even hope to survive a day, much less centuries. The Western
half of the planetary civilization is primarily responsible for removing
the Divine Mother from the culture. In so doing they justified the
incessant plundering, pillaging and raping of the planet. This sole
dysfunctional dynamic, and lack of right relationship, is responsible
for so much of what ails humanity.
Therefore, henceforth, there will be only one way to proceed into
“a new heaven and new earth”.
There must be respect, no, there must be deep reverence for the
Divine Feminine. For the Goddess. For the Divine Mother. For Gaia.
Here is the secret plan and primary strategy which was
stealthily employed to destroy Western civilization.
It is said that the backbone of all civilizations are the women, just as
the Mother is the matriarch of her clan. Without the matriarch, the
tribe quickly devolves into disarray and fades into obscurity.
The Mother was known as the child’s first guru (teacher). They were
recognized as the guru because of how profoundly important their
role really was in the proper development and education and
training of the children. Only when the child was sufficiently raised
and trained were they sent off to apprentice for a master, to a teacher
at a school, or to a spiritual Guru.
In this way the nuclear family, which revolved around the Mother,
could weather any storm and ensured that the community would
remain strong and cohesive, healthy and harmonious. Through a
vast series of social engineering initiatives, the role of the mother
and woman in society was altered. This planned endeavor has taken
place over many decades and only now has borne its catastrophic fruits.
American society, in particular, is now in shambles because of those
many ‘experiments’ gone awry. Consequently, the social fabric has
been irreparably torn. When such a state exists, there can only be one
Hence, every person is advised to get their own house in order like
never before. By house, we mean internal house, as in the eternal
Kingdom of God within. This is all that matters from this point
forward. 2016 is the temporal and long-awaited “eye of the needle”
that everyone has ben waiting for. Passing through it will be no easy
feat, and is certainly not for the faint-hearted.
Because the coming year represents a convergence of so much
prophecy and prediction, karma and destiny, fate and fortune,
cause and effect, comeuppance and consequence, anything can
happen, anywhere and at any time. It’s important for everyone
to really understand this. The cosmological dynamics of the
Mayan Calendar exquisitely illustrate this ever-accelerating
phenomena of [downward] spiraling flux. In fact as planet Earth
moves through the current Galactic Creation Cycle, on the way
to the Universal Creation Cycle, the movement of time will only
quicken as the space-time continuum rearranges itself. Only in
this fashion can “a new heaven and new earth” be appropriately
Always remember, that the unfolding planetary destiny is the
product of our predominant collective thoughts. As a result,
there are infinite lessons baked into every drama and event for
each individual alive today. No one is exempt from experiencing
the unparalleled Play of Consciousness which is about to break
out into the open as never before.
Truly, “Everything is the way it is, because we are the way we are.”
If you still don’t believe this truthful statement, perhaps the
following video may help you apprehend this essential knowledge
of life on Earth. That knowledge, incidentally, when sufficiently
baked in the oven of life experience and then consciously eaten and
properly digested becomes wisdom — real wisdom (sometimes known
as Sophia*). Yes, there is also a Goddess of Wisdom known as Sophia
who was banished long ago from the earth realm. Now you really
know why we’re all in such a stew pot.
*Sophia (σοφία, Greek for “wisdom”) is the etymological root
for every English word that ends in “sophy”. Every Ph.D. that
is awarded in university is actually a Doctor of Philosophy.
Bruce Lipton nicely breaks down the present “Destruction Story”
for the sidewalk scientists and armchair philosophers among us in
the following video.
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