SOTN: Editor’s Note:
SOTN has conducted extensive research on the ongoing horror story known as Barack Hussein Obama (BHO). If ever there was a Manchurian Candidate created by the CIA & Company, Obama is it. In fact there is so much wrong with his real back story that it defies both reason and logic … as it flies in the face of any probability whatsoever of happening in America.
Barack Hussein Obama: The Ultimate Manchurian Candidate
The entire “Obama, the Manchurian Candidate“ narrative has many different facets to it which have been intensively investigated and vetted by some very qualified and competent professionals. All of the them have arrived at the very same conclusion: Barack Hussein Obama (also known as Barry Soetero) is categorically not who he says he is; nor has he achieved many of those accomplishments which were quite purposefully placed on his resumé.
Barack Hussein Obama: Manchurian Candidate And Trojan Horse, Warmonger And Terrorist
As matter of absolute fact, one of the SOTN editors lived right next to Columbia University in 1983 when Obama was supposedly enrolled in the poly sci program there. The editor’s brother was not only a serious BMOC at Columbia at the time, he was the proverbial campus social butterfly. And, yet, neither the editor nor his brother ever saw or heard of Obama during his entire alleged enrollment at the University. Yes, indeed, something is VERY wrong with this stone-cold Manchurian Candidate.
MO of the Manchurian Candidate Obama
In the preparation of SOTN’s future essay (years in the making) on Obama/Soetero, it was realized quite early on that he was an extraordinary fabrication beyond perhaps anything ever created by the CIA/NSA/DIA MKULTRA Monarch mind-control program. Clearly, he was fabricated in a deep cover lab somewhere in Switzerland (the real home of CIA headquarters) where he could be sculpted and manicured, schooled and trained, mentored and brainwashed from a young and tender age. And so he was!
With that understanding the following extended essay will make much more sense. It represents one of the most comprehensive exposés on BHO ever written. Whereas there may be many new pieces to the BHO puzzle provided below, an open mind is highly recommended. Truly, the Barack Hussein Obama story will go down in history as the most incredible and implausible in U.S. history. “Incredible and implausible”, by the way, because the American people permitted such a transparent scam and ridiculous sham to be perpetrated in broad daylight … and in living color … for 8 very long years.
State of the Nation
May 25, 2016
Special Note
The SOTN Editor does not endorse the lengthy narrative presented below the line. There are several statements made therein which are questionable at best. However, the depth and breadth of much of the historical research is such that it is worth establishing an Internet record in the event that the author’s site is taken down. There is that much radioactive (and damaging) information, which is both accurate and unique to this exposé, that makes it a valuable reference.
Barack Obama: Manchurian Candidate, CIA Cutout, Or Both
State of the Nation
May 25, 2016
“Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” —Clint Eastwood
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: David Chase Taylor is an American author, journalist and editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. He currently lives in Switzerland where he officially applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Although the Swiss government decided his asylum case within 24-hours (before any evidence could be submitted), Taylor’s case is currently on appeal. Why Switzerland would deny a nuclear terror whistleblower like Taylor political asylum while they publicly erect a statue of Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange in front of United Nations Headquarters in Geneva only makes sense when its understood that Switzerland is home to the CIA whose headquarters lies beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland. For those wondering why Taylor would apply for political asylum in Switzerland if it were indeed home to the CIA, consider this: Taylor originally applied for political asylum on March 8, 2011, roughly 2-years before he discovered that Switzerland was harboring the CIA. Consequently, the Swiss government has done everything in their power since 2011 to try and force Taylor out of Switzerland, namely by repeatedly denying him: a) employment, b) unemployment benefits, c) dental care, d) health care, e) all forms of social welfare, and f) due process in his case for political asylum.
David Chase Taylor
March 28, 2016
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Despite the incessant rumors that one Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii or Kenya and subsequently raised in Indonesia, Obama was evidently born and raised in Switzerland where he admittedly has blood relatives and has even been named an honorary citizen.
Based on where the Obama family reportedly emanated from in Ried bei Kerzers, Switzerland, as well as Obama’s physical traits and personal mannerisms, it appears that Obama is a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X.
The bloodline of Severus is a historical tribute to the Roman Empire’s house (i.e., line) of dictators which is coincidentally depicted in the coat of arms of Ried bei Kerzers, while the bloodline of Malcolm X is a genetic tribute to the charismatic African-American leader who Obama is supposed to emulate.
Obama was given the birth name of “Barry Soetoro” which he retained until circa 1980 when he was subsequently re-named Barack Hussein Obama II. The fictitious name of “O-bomb-a” was created to foreshadow the impending nuclear attack on America which will ultimately elevate Obama to dictator status.
Similar to Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini and Kim Jong-un (all of which lived in Switzerland prior to their role as dictators), Obama was groomed by the CIA in Switzerland to become the dictator of his respective country—the United States of America. This will happen in the aftermath of a so-called “National Emergency”.
However, unlike his predecessors, Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under state-of-the-art mind-control. In short, Obama has evidently been programmed to act and speak electronically (likely via an insertable microchip) which is why his presidency has become synonymous with teleprompters which provide him the necessary political cover.
The notion that Obama is under mind control is corroborated by the fact that he exudes massive cranial scaring which suggests that the president previously underwent extensive brain surgery. However, because Obama’s medical records are sealed, the official cause of his pronounced head scars remains unknown.
As the actor Denzel Washington stated in the 2004 Hollywood propaganda film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (which coincidentally foreshadows an Obama dictatorship), “This is a coup…In our own country, a regime change…to put a sleeper in the White House”.
If Obama is under mind control as alleged, he would have a “handler” which manages his psyche on an almost daily basis. Coincidentally, Obama’s alleged college girlfriend, Genevieve Cook, appears to be the same person as psychologist Dr. Lisa E. Jack, whom together have shadowed Obama for 41 of his 54-years of life.
Aside from the fact that the Obama is a chain smoker who has long been rumored to be a homosexual, evidence now suggests that Obama never attended Occidental College, Columbia College or Harvard Law School, or taught at the University of Chicago Law School as alleged, making him the epitome of an intellectual fraud.
This notion is corroborated by the fact that there are no photos or video of Obama graduating from Columbia College, and no photos or video of Obama graduating from Harvard Law School, despite being the first African-American President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review.
In the introduction of his book “Dreams from My Father” (2004), Obama writes, “For we are strangers before them, and sojourners, as were all our fathers”. The Bible verse from 1 Chronicles 29:15 evidently serves as a veiled warning to all of humanity that Obama is not who or what he purports to be.
As many have suspected, Obama is slated to become America’s first dictator—the next Adolf Hitler if you will. Similar to Nazi Germany, the mass genocide of millions is planned via FEMA concentration camps which have now been erected across the United States under the guise of Homeland Security (DHS).
Therefore, the only way to stop the impending Obama dictatorship is to expose the power which lies behind the throne, namely CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva, Switzerland which is ultimately in command and control of Obama’s person, policies and presidency in general.
The fact that Obama’s motorcade is officially entitled “The Beast” is no accident for it was designed to foreshadow the rise of the Anti-Christ, the dreaded “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., “666”), and the “End Times” which is why the world is now suffering unprecedented chaos, climate change, disease, terrorism and war.
In short, Obama is the Anti-Christ long warned about in the Holy Bible (the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Roman Empire) who was genetically spawned by the CIA in Switzerland to counter the arrival of the Messiah and the Apocalypse which, contrary to popular belief, does not mean the “End of the World”.
Rather, the term apocalypse is defined as the “uncovering” in respect to information about Roman Empire in Greenland and its CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland as documented in the shocking book “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014) by David Chase Taylor.
Because virtually all major religions prophesize that the Roman Empire and its Anti-Christ (i.e., Obama) will be destroyed by the Messiah, it stands to reason that the Messiah is now here on Earth to usher in the Messianic Age (i.e., the World to Come), otherwise known as the Age of Aquarius.
As the playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton once stated, “The pen is mightier than the sword“, but that was prior to the invention of the internet. Consequently, the power to stop Obama now lies in the hands of people reading this report. Peace on Earth will not come until humanity demands it, and that time must be now!
1.1: Obama Spawned in Switzerland
As first revealed in the report entitled “10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA”, the country of Switzerland is intimately linked to a number of notorious dictators, namely Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Kim Jong-un, all of which except for Hitler have admittedly lived in Switzerland (see below). Consequently, it’s highly likely that Barack Hussein Obama II was also groomed by the CIA in Switzerland to become America’s first dictator. The notion that Obama is from Switzerland was essentially confirmed by a Swiss Info report from July 3, 2010, entitled “Obama’s Roots Traced to Swiss Villager” which revealed that a Swiss archivist has traced “Obama’s family tree to a villager in western Switzerland”. Although Obama’s family tree can be traced back to Fräschels, Switzerland where Obama’s distant cousin once lived, the Swiss village of Ried bei Kerzers appears to be the city where Obama was actually born and raised. According to reports, Ried bei Kerzers has laid claim to President Obama, who, along with the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, were invited to attend a ceremony on July 13, 2010, where Obama was named an honorary citizen of Switzerland. Although Obama’s Swiss citizenship was documented in a Swiss Info report from July 14, 2010, entitled “Honorary Citizenship Papers Sent to Obama”, no media sources outside of Switzerland have reported on this shocking fact. Rather, they incessantly debate whether Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia, both of which are patently false. According to the prophecy of Nostradamus, “Switzerland will become alarmed and break its centuries-old tradition of neutrality, taking the side against the Antichrist and actively fighting”. Since Switzerland is home to CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva, it can be deduced that the opposite is true of Nostradamus’ prophecy. That is to say that Switzerland will actively facilitate the rise of the Anti-Christ. Lastly, the notion that Obama was born and was raised in Switzerland is corroborated by a black and white photograph of Barack and Michelle Obama which was reportedly taken back in 1992. As evidenced in the photo, the Obamas are standing in front of what appears to be a farmhouse with at least 5 European made cars in the driveway (e.g. Mercedes, Opel, Volkswagen, etc.), one of which clearly has a European license plate. Since there are records indicating that either Barack or Michelle Obama traveled to Europe prior to 1992, it naturally begs the question: When and where was the photo taken? Although only conjecture, it appears that the photo was taken in Switzerland or a neighboring European country when Michelle was first introduced to Barack. Since Obama is evidently a homosexual (see below), the photo with Michelle was taken strictly for public consumption.
1.2: Swiss Dictators
Because Switzerland is home to CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva, infamous past, current and future dictators such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Kim Jong-un and Barack Hussein Obama II are intimately linked to the small Alpine country, a most unusual coincidence. In respect to the case of Napoleon Bonaparte,Switzerland served as the staging ground for French battles against the Austrians and Russians. Despite being temporarily occupied by French troops, Switzerland was mysteriously never attacked by Napoleon’s troops. Although there is no record that Napoleon was Swiss, the Arenenberg estate on the shores of Lake Constance in Salenstein, Switzerland houses the Napoleonmuseum which is coincidentally a Swiss heritage site of national significance, an apparent tribute to the Swiss dictator. After destroying much of Europe during the Napoleonic Wars, the family of Napoleon relocated to the aforementioned estate in Switzerland where Napoleon III (the grandson of Napoleon) admittedly held Swiss citizenship and even graduated from the Swiss Military Academy. Since Swiss citizenship is generally only available via marriage or one’s parents, it’s highly likely that Napoleon Bonaparte was a Swiss citizen all along. Despite the fact that 3.5 million deaths are attributed to Napoleon as a result of the Napoleonic Wars, Switzerland suffered zero casualties. In respect to the case of Adolf Hitler, Operation Tannenbaum (i.e., “Operation Christmas Tree”) was the allegedly planned and subsequently cancelled invasion of Switzerland by Nazi Germany during World War II. In short, despite having an elaborate invasion plan, Hitler never attacked or invaded Switzerland, (the richest country in Europe), despite having the country virtually surrounded. Because the Swiss Guard is ultimately responsible for the Pope’s security and that of Vatican City, the links between the Roman Catholic Church and Nazi Germany implicate Switzerland in respect to the war crimes and genocide committed Hitler, albeit indirectly. Despite the fact that 7 to 9 million deaths are attributed to Hitler as a result of World War II, Switzerland only suffered approximately 100 casualties. In respect to the case of Benito Mussolini, the future dictator of Italy emigrated to Switzerland in 1902 where he admittedly participated in a series of meetings that organized the communist revolutions and insurrections that later swept through Europe. Similar to his counterpart Hitler, Mussolini never attacked Switzerland despite the fact that Italy borders Switzerland to the north. Despite the fact that 454,600 deaths are attributed to Mussolini as a result of World War II, Switzerland only suffered approximately 100 casualties. Why Napoleon, Hitler and Mussolini did not attack or invade Switzerland (the wealthiest country on Earth) while they raped and pillaged the rest of Europe only makes sense when it is understood that these respective dictators were being funded by the CIA in Switzerland, hence their collective propensity to spare the country. In respect to the case of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator admittedly lived with his handler in Switzerland where he was “spotted” a number of times attending a so-called “private school” which was likely where he was groomed (i.e., programmed) for his eventual role as the dictator of North Korea. Despite being routinely portrayed as a mentally unstable dictator, the person routinely photographed with Jong-un in Switzerland appears to be “handler” which suggests that he is under a form of CIA mind-control. Consequently, any attack or wars initiated by Jong-un should ultimately be blamed on the CIA in Switzerland. Needless to say, these facts, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that the country of Switzerland is partially if not wholly responsible for the genocidal actions of the aforementioned dictators.
1.3: Obama Likely Descendant of Septimius Severus
Although an independent DNA test must conducted prior to knowing for certain, it appears that Barack Hussein Obama IIis hybrid decedent of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor who rose to power during the 193-197 Civil Warand subsequently oversaw what eventually became known as the Fall of the Roman Empire. If and when America falls under Obama, history will repeat itself once again for it is all Roman history. When comparing paintings and statues of Severus with photos and caricatures of Obama, the similarities are striking. Aside from having the same vapid eyes and square jawbone, Obama and Severus have shockingly similar cheek bones, facial spacing, hair, hairlines, lips, nose and skull structures. The aforementioned coat of arms of Ried bei Kerzers, Switzerland (where Obama was allegedly born and raised) contains an 11-branched tree in front of a hidden house, an apparent tribute to the line of fascist dictators (e.g., kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, etc.) who were groomed by the CIA in Switzerland over the centuries to be dictator of their respective countries. The 11th letter in the Roman-English alphabet is the letter “K” (which doubles as the letter “C”) a tribute to Crete (the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire) which is an acronym for both “Cull” and “Kill”, something dictators coincidentally specialize in. Acronymically and consonantly speaking, the name of “Ried bei Kerzers” (R+D) (B) (C/K+R+S/Z+R+S/Z) evidently equates to “Red Be Cross Raise/Rise” which could be interpreted to mean that a red bloody cross will be raised under the dictators groomed there. The cross symbol, which is coincidentally found on the flag of Switzerland, equates to the letter “D” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), an acronym for terms “Death” and “Die”. Lastly, the notion that a future dictator such as Obama was spawned from the DNA of a past dictator (i.e., Emperor Severus) is coincidentally the plot of a Robert Van Kampen novel entitled “The Fourth Reich” (1997) in which Adolf Hitler‘s spirit is released from Hell and enters the embryo of the Anti-Christ which is created from his cloned DNA. Considering that Obama has now been positively identified as the Anti-Christ, the plot in Kampen’s novel appears to be more fact than fiction.
1.4: Obama Likely Descendant of Malcolm X
Although an independent DNA test must conducted prior to knowing for certain, it appears that Barack Hussein Obama IIis hybrid decedent of the late Malcolm X, an American Muslim minister and human rights activist. When comparing photos of Malcolm X to those of Obama, the similarities between the two men are striking. As evidenced in photos and videos comparing Obama to Malcolm X, the men have shockingly similar cheek bones, facial creasing, facial spacing, hair, hairlines, lips, nose, skull structure, smiles, smirks, square jawbones and teeth. Aside from the fact that Malcolm X was 6.29 feet tall (1.92 meters) and Obama is 6.02 feet tall (1.85 meters), the body language, facial gestures and personal mannerisms the men are eerily similar which suggests they are in-fact related in some manner. Since both of Obama’s parents are conveniently deceased, there is no one alive to challenge his respective paternity. Lastly, considering that the first reported case of artificial insemination occurred in 1884, and the first sperm bank was developed in Iowa the 1920s, the science to spawn Obama in a hospital laboratory via Malcolm X’s stolen sperm was scientifically possible at the time of Obama’s alleged birth in 1961.
1.5: The Obama-Indonesia Hoax
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, an elaborate hoax has been perpetrated on the world that he was raised in-part in Indonesia. According to the official CIA narrative, a 5-year old Obama moved from Hawaii to Indonesia in 1966 with his alleged mother Stanley Ann Dunham and her second husband Lolo Soetoro. From ages 6 to 10, Obama allegedly attended St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School for 2-years and Besuki Public School for 18-months. Since the school is part of the Roman Catholic Church, all records of Obama’s alleged attendance have surely been fabricated. The unaccounted 18-months in Obama’s education were allegedly spent at home with his mother who homeschooled him via the Calvert School. At 10-years of age, Obama reportedly returned to Hawaii in 1971. In order to sell the Obama-Indonesian hoax to the public, a number of suspect photos of Obama in Indonesia have been disseminated by the CIA. As evidenced in the Obama-Indonesian photo collage (see above photo), the top left and top right photos are clearly photoshopped as Obama’s head has clearly been placed on the body of a much smaller Indonesian child. Aside from the fact that virtually every photo appears to have been photoshopped, Obama is always photographed with people of Indonesian ethnicity. To date, no photos have been found of Obama in Indonesia without at least one Indonesian person in the photo. Therefore, it appears that these photos of Obama were: a) photoshopped in mass, and/or Obama flew to Indonesia for a CIA-funded photo-op. In order to further sell the notion that Obama was raised in Indonesia, it was reported on September 25, 2006, that, “Obama has an eclectic taste in music, listening to everything from Indonesian flute music to OutKast to Motown”. Roughly 4-months later on January 31, 2007, the Jarkarta Post published a report which quoted Bandung Winardijanto, an alleged fellow student of Obama’s, who stated that “We knew him not by the name of Barack Obama but as Barry Soetoro“. The alleged classmate’s statement was designed to give a first-hand account of Obama actually as a student in Indonesia. Roughly 15-months later on April 14, 2008, the New York Times published a report entitled “Obama’s Indonesian Lessons” which revealed that Obama’s Indonesian classmates called him “Barry” and that he was “registered at their school as Barry Soetoro”. Roughly 2-months later on June 13, 2008, the Washington Times revealed that “Obama, then known as Barry” was “registered under the name ‘Barry Soetoro’ serial number 203 and entered the Franciscan Asisi Primary School”. Approximately 2-years later in 2010, abronze statue of Obama was erected in Menteng Park in Jakarta, Indonesia. That same year, a CIA propaganda film entitled “Obama Anak Menteng” (2010) or “Little Obama” was released. According to Wikipedia, the film ironically gives “a fictionalized account of the childhood of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, who lived in Indonesiafrom 1967 to 1971”. There have also been incessant rumors that Obama was admitted into Pakistan on an Indonesian passport which he allegedly obtained while his mother was married to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian man. According to a Vanity Fair report from June 2012 entitled “Becoming Obama”, Obama and his alleged girlfriend Genevieve Cook’s “stays in Jakarta [Indonesia] had overlapped for a few years, starting in 1967”. The report was obviously designed to sell the notion that Obama returned to the place of his childhood—Indonesia. Lastly, on October 23, 2012, The Nation published a report which claimed that Obama was allegedly under the influence of a “transgender nanny” while living in Indonesia. Needless to say, the aforementioned reports and photos confirm that there has been a highly coordinated effort to sell the notion that Obama lived in Indonesia, albeit for only 5-years. Considering that virtually nothing is known about Obama’s alleged time in Hawaii from 1971 to 1979, it makes sense why all the focus has been on Obama’s alleged time in Indonesia. In other words, the CIA wants the world to focus on Indonesia rather than Hawaii, despite the fact that Obama lived in Hawaii for 8-years, allegedly graduating from high school there in 1979.
1.6: The Obama-Hawaii Hoax
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, an elaborate hoax has been perpetrated on the world that he was born and then raised in-part in Hawaii. According to the official CIA narrative, a 10-year old Obama moved back to Hawaii from Indonesia in 1971 to live with his alleged maternal grandparents, Madelyn andStanley Dunham. With the aid of an unnamed scholarship, Obama allegedly attended Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from fifth grade until his graduation from high school in 1979. In his first book entitled “Dreams from My Father” (2004), Obama speaks of Punahou, stating that “Gramps grabbed me by the arm. ‘Hell, Bar,’ he whispered, ‘this isn’t a school. This is heaven’”. In the book “Aloha, Lady Blue” (2013), author Charley Memminger states that Punahou was “the most exclusive private school in Hawaii”. Considering Punahou is the largest independent school in the United States with roughly 3,760 students, it would be the perfect place for the CIA to to hide a student like Obama who was evidently never enrolled in the school. Since the school is private, Obama’s alleged attendance is conveniently not subject to FOIA requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Also, considering that Punahou School was reportedly founded in 1841 for the children of Christian missionaries roughly 118-years prior to Hawaii ever becoming a U.S. state, it can be deduced that the school was likely founded by a faction of the Roman Catholic Church just like Obama’s school in Indonesia. Considering that much of the Punahou campus was commandeered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II, it can also be deduced that the school may be a de facto extension of the U.S. military. In order to further sell the Obama-Hawaii hoax to the public, a number of suspect photos of Obama in Hawaii have been disseminated by the CIA. As evidenced in the Obama-Hawaii photo collage (see above photo), virtually every photo of Obama appears to have been photoshopped. Despite going to a private state-of-the-art school, there are only a handful of photos documenting Obama’s alleged time at Punahou. Although Obama allegedly played basketball at the high school for 4-years, there are no box scores documenting his play in the local newspapers and no videos of him playing basketball for the team. Aside from the fact that Obama only has one official high school photo (most students have 4), Obama has no prom photos, no homecoming photos and no senior picture. There are also no photos of Obama on the beach in Hawaii as a teenager. It’s almost as if Obama’s high school career in Hawaii fails to exist in reality. Consequently, it must be deduced that the suspect photos of Obama in Hawaii were: a) photoshopped in mass, and/or b) the CIA flew Obama flew to Hawaii for a photo-op. Needless to say, the former is the most likely.
1.7: The Obama Birther Hoax
In order to muddy the waters in respect to growing evidence that Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, a colossal hoax has been perpetrated on the world in respect to the land of Obama’s birth. In short, the official narrative put forth by the CIA and the White House is that Obama was born in Hawaii. Conversely, there are CIA-spawned conspiracy theories which claims that Obama was born in Kenya. Needless to say, both are fraudulent in nature. If Obama were truly born in Hawaii as alleged, his birth certificate would not contain the name “Barack Hussein Obama” for his birth name was “Barry Soetoro”. Nevertheless, according to, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, state officials in Hawaii have stated repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961 and is therefore a “natural born American citizen”. In order to help sell this lie to the public, the White House leaked a photo of Obama’s passport which clearly states that he was born in Hawaii. If Obama were truly born in Kenya as alleged, Obama would not make so-called “Birther” jokes about himself on a regular basis for it would be self-incriminating. In other words, Obama allegedly being born in Kenya is a running joke that serves as a red herring in respect to Obama’s true birthplace—Switzerland. During a State Dinner in Kenya back in July of 2015, President Obama took time to mention his birth certificate, joking that, “I suspect that some of my critics back home are suggesting that I’m back here to look for my birth certificate”. Obama also quipped, “I am proud to be the first American president to come to Kenya. And of course, I’m the first Kenyan-American to be president of the United States. That goes without saying”. Since taking office in 2009, there has been a highly coordinated counter-intelligence operation involving score of celebrities and politicians which have made public statements that Obama was born in Kenya. While the Birther movement is touted as a grassroots effort to expose the truth about Obama’ true origin of birth, it is nothing more than a psychological operation (PSYOP) by the CIA which is designed to: a) muddy the waters in respect to the fact that Obama born in Switzerland, and b) sell the notion that Obama is an illegitimate president, thereby providing the motive for a military-based coup d’état of the Obama White House and/or Washington, D.C. Consequently, there have been 4 Birther-related lawsuits which have been filed by members of the U.S. military (i.e., Lietenat Colonel. Donald Sullivan, Lieutenant Scott R. Easterling, Major General Carroll D. Childers and Major General Stefan F. Cook). Needless to say, these lawsuits were designed to set the precedent for action against the Obama administration by current and former members of the U.S. military.
1.8: Obama Birther Lawsuits
In order to help sell the notion that Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Kenya, a number of bogus Birther lawsuits have been filed by CIA operatives before Obama even became president in 2009. If there was any validity or veracity to these lawsuits, the CIA-run media behind Obama would never give the plaintiffs or their respective lawsuits an ounce of publicity. In other words, if Obama was really born in Kenya as alleged, persons trying to expose this secret would be assassinated or silenced in another manner prior to ever filing their lawsuits. Nevertheless, legal action claiming that Obama is an illegitimate U.S. president began on October 17, 2008, when the self-proclaimed “King of Birthers” Andy Martin filed a lawsuit against Obama in the state of Hawaii, calling for the public release of Obama’s birth certificate and other vital records. Roughly 5-months later on March 13, 2009, Republican Congressman Bill Posey of Florida filedH.R.1503 – Presidential Eligibility Act which was designed “To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution”. Roughly 18-months later on October 26, 2010, African-American Ambassador Alan Keyes of Maryland officially has his Birther lawsuit rejected. Approximately 6-months later on April 15, 2011, CBS News reported that a Birther bill was passed in the Arizona state legislature. Roughly 11-months later on March 28, 2012, another Birther bill gained preliminary approval from lawmakers in Missouri. Nearly a year later on February 15, 2012, a Kansas house panel passed a bill derided as Birther inspired. Roughly 3-years later on July 13, 2015, the Birther lawsuit filed by lawyer Orly Taitz was denied by a federal judge in Texas. To date, a total of 38 Birther-related lawsuits have been filed in respect to Obama’s alleged birthplace and/or the office of President of the United States, including 4 by members of the U.S. military (i.e., Lietenat Colonel. Donald Sullivan, Lieutenant Scott R. Easterling, Major General Carroll D. Childers and Major General Stefan F. Cook). Lastly, the number “38” equates to “CH” in the Roman-English alphabet, the official abbreviation of the country of Switzerland where Obama was evidently born.
1.9: The Obama Birthers
To date, there have been at least 60 persons of political influence (see list below) which have publicly insinuated or stated that Barack Hussein Obama II was not born in the United States. There is also the book entitled “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” (2011) by Jerome Corsi which promoted the claim that Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore is not constitutionally qualified to be president. The propaganda book, which was released on May 17, 2011, reached No. 6 on the New York Times list of best-selling hardcover non-fiction books and was subsequently publicized by numerous media outlets, including but not limited to: the Drudge Report, the Fox News Channel‘s Fox Nation, and Glenn Beck‘s The Blaze. While the mainstream media has portrayed the Birther movement as a fringe grass roots effort led by bitter Republicans, there have also been scores of so-called “liberal” newspapers around the world which have raised the Birther issue, including but not limited to: a News Blaze report from November 2, 2008, entitled “An Open Letter to Barack Obama: Please Produce Your Birth Certificate”; a Pravda report from December 18, 2012, entitled “The Mysterious Shadow: Code Name Obama”; and a Canadian Free Press report from December 6, 2013, entitled “Details of the Obama Forgery Exposed”.
1. November 25, 2008: Ambassador Peter Ogego (Kenya)
2. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Brian Sussman (USA)
3. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Lars Larson (USA)
4. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Mark Davis (USA)
5. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Bob Grant (USA)
6. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Jim Quinn (USA)
7. December 3, 2008: Radio Host Rose Tennent (USA)
8. January 31, 2009: Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan (U.S. Military).
9. February 10, 2009: GOP Congressman Eric Swafford (Tennessee)
10. February 23, 2009: Lt. Scott R. Easterling (U.S. Military)
11. February 26, 2009: Maj. Gen. Carroll D. Childers (U.S. Military)
12. March 13, 2009: GOP Congressman Bill Posey (Florida)
13. July 16, 2009: Major Stefan F. Cook (U.S. Military)
14. July 22, 2009: CNN & Fox News TV Anchor Lou Dobbs (New Jersey)
15. July 28, 2009: GOP Senator Richard Shelby (Alabama)
16. July 28, 2009: GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee)
17. July 28, 2009: GOP Congressman John Campbell (California)
18. July 28, 2009: GOP Congressman Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
19. July 30, 2009: GOP Congressional Candidate Roy Blunt (Missouri)
20. August 6, 2009: Radio Host Lynn Samuels (USA)
21. August 8, 2009: GOP Congressman John Sullivan (Oklahoma)
22. August 12, 2009: Israeli Prime Minister Benjmi Netanyahu (Israel)
23. September 8, 2009: GOP Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (Ohio)
24. December 3, 2009: GOP Governor & Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin (Alaska)
25. December 17, 2009: Pastor Dr. James David Manning (New York)
26. January 21, 2010: GOP Congressional Candidate William Bill Hudak (Massachusetts)
27. February 2, 2010: GOP Lt. Governor & Gubernatorial Candidate Ron Ramsey (Tennessee)
28. March 18, 2010: GOP Governor Nathan Deal (Georgia)
29. July 12, 2010: GOP Senator David Vitter (Louisiana)
30. July 21, 2010: GOP Congressional Candidate Tracey Mann (Kansas)
31. October 26, 2010: Ambassador Alan Keyes (Maryland)
32. November 18, 2010: GOP State Senator Leo Berman (Texas)
33. March 1, 2011: GOP Governor & US Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee (Missouri)
34. March 14, 2011: GOP Congresswoman & Presidential Candidate Michele Backmann (Minnesota)
35. May 17, 2011: Author Jerome R. Corsi (Unknown)
36. March 26, 2011: Radio Host Sean Hannity (New York)
37. September 11, 2010: GOP Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (Georgia)
38. December 29, 2010: GOP Presidential Candidate Andy Martin (New Hampshire)
39. October 24, 2011: GOP Governor Rick Perry (Texas)
40. February 1, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate John Sampson (Colorado)
41. March 20, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate & Judicial Watch Founder Larry Klayman (Florida)
42 April 9, 2012: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Arizona)
43. April 19, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate Richard Hudson (North Carolina)
44. April 23, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate Wil Cardon (Arizona)
45. May 4, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate Jim Pendergraph (North Carolina)
46. May 15, 2015: GOP Congressional Candidate Scott Keadle (North Carolina)
47. May 16, 2012: GOP Congressman Mike Coffman (Colorado)
48. May 17, 2012: Radio Host Alex Jones (Texas)
49. May 30, 2012: GOP Senatorial Candidate Pete Hoekstra (Michigan)
50. June 7, 2012: Dentist & Lawyer Orly Taitz (California)
51. August 6, 2012: GOP US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump (New York)
52. August 24, 2012: GOP Governor & U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney (Utah)
53. September 10, 2012: Science Adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Israel Hanukoglu (Israel)
54. September 24, 2012: GOP Politician James Grinols (Minnesota)
55. October 15, 2012: GOP Governor & Senatorial Candidate Tommy Thompson (Wisconsin)
56. October 22, 2012: GOP Congressional Candidate Steven King (Iowa)
57. July 27, 2013: Radio Host Michael Savage (California)
58. January 7, 2015: Radio Host Rush Limbaugh (Florida)
59. September 14, 2013: Radio Host Sandy Rios (USA)
60. September 20, 2015: Radio Host Steve Malzberg (USA)
[Does not purport to be a complete list of known Obama Birthers]
2.1: The Obama Name Change
At some point prior to allegedly attending Harvard Law School between 1988 and 1991, Barack Hussein Obama II had his name legally changed from “Barry Soetoro” to “Barack Hussein Obama”. Considering that the Gulf War between the United States and dictator Saddam Hussein of Iraq raged on from August 2, 1990, until February 28, 1991, it appears that Obama was premeditatively given the middle name of “Hussein” in order to foreshadow that he is America’s dictator-in-waiting. Although Obama allegedly registered with the Selective Service as “Barack Obama” on July 30, 1980 (where he was subsequently assigned Selective Service Number 61-1125539-1 on September 4, 1980), his alleged transcript from Occidental College (where he was a student from 1979 until 1981) lists his official name as “Barry Soetoro”. Based on the aforementioned documents whose validity cannot be independently verified, it can be deduced that Obama had his name changed at some point between 1979 and July of 1980. The notion that Obama was enrolled at Occidental College under the name of Barry Soetoro was confirmed by a Los Angeles Times report from January 29, 2007, entitled “Occidental Recalls ‘Barry’ Obama” which revealed that Obama was a “resident from Hawaii [who was] known at the time as Barry”. Two days later on January 31, 2007, the Jarkarta Post quoted Bandung Winardijanto, an alleged fellow student of Obama’s, who stated that “We knew him not by the name of Barack Obama but as Barry Soetoro“. The notion that Obama was known as Barry Soetoro was corroborated by a New York Times report from April 14, 2008, entitled “Obama’s Indonesian Lessons” which revealed that Obama’s Indonesian classmates called him “Barry” and that he was “registered at their school as Barry Soetoro”. Roughly 2-months later on June 13, 2008, the Washington Times revealed that “Obama, then known as Barry” was “registered under the name ‘Barry Soetoro’ serial number 203 and entered the Franciscan Asisi Primary School”. Roughly 2-months later on August 20, 2008, CNN aired a special entitled “Barack Obama Revealed” in which Obama was referred to as “Barry” at total of 15 times. The CNN report also revealed that Obama was referred to as “Barack Jr., whom they nicknamed Barry”, and “Barry O’Bomber”, due to his alleged love of basketball. It is imperative to note that the names of “Obama” (i.e., “O-bomb-a”) and “Bomber” are fictitious names specifically designed to foreshadow the nuclear bombing of America which will ultimately elevate Obama to dictator status. The notion that Obama was previously named Barry was also corroborated by a December 17, 2008, report from Augsburg University entitled “Recollections of Obama” in which Lisa E. Jack (Obama’s apparent handler) stated that “My roommate’s best friend introduced me to this “hot guy” named Barry” and that “Barry agreed to be a model”. Jack also used the phrases “Now that “Barry” is the President-Elect” and “I spotted Barry sitting at a table near mine” in respect to Obama. Roughly 6-months later on May 27, 2009, the Los Angeles Times published a report entitled “Photos Show President Barack Obama as Barry the Freshman”, further confirming that Obama used the name Barry while allegedly enrolled at Occidental College. In order to further sell the notion that Obama was named Barry Soetoro while allegedly being raised in Indonesia, a bronze statue of Obama was erected in Menteng Park in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Interestingly, the statue bears the words “A young boy named Barry” and is referred to by former Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo as the “Barry Dream Statue”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama was once legally named Barry Soetoro, making his Hawaiian birth certificate from August 8, 1961 an unequivocal forgery. That being said, the name of Barry Soetoro and the aforementioned documents which contain it where premeditatively disseminated by the CIA in order to muddy the waters in respect to the fact that Obama was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, not Hawaii or Kenya. Since there are now multiple reports linking the name of “Barry Soetoro” to Indonesia, the world has been led to believe that Obama was actually raised there under a different name. In short, these semantical references are a red herring designed to purposely confuse the masses in respect to the fact that Obama was raised in Switzerland as Barry Soetoro. In other words, while Obama was in all likelihood previously named Barry Soetoro, he was never raised in Indonesia as alleged.
2.2: Deciphering the Names of Obama
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently groomed by the CIA in Switzerland (at the behest of the Roman Empire in Greenland) to become the first dictator of America, his given names of “Barry Soetoro” and “Barack Hussein Obama” have nefarious and secret meanings. Firstly, when employing the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and the Roman-English alphabet, the term the name “Barry” (B+R) acronymically and/or constantly speaking equates to “Bear”, a veiled reference to Babylon, Rome (the first-ever capital of the Roman Empire) which also doubles as the “Bear of Greenland” (i.e., the Beast of Greenland). Secondly, the name Soetoro (S+T+R) acronymically and/or constantly speaking equates to “State Rome” (i.e., the State of Rome), as well as “Satur” (i.e., Saturn), the Roman god of the Capitol which is why Obama resides in Washington, D.C., the capitol of the United States. Thirdly, the name “Barack” (B+R+C/K) acronymically and/or constantly speaking equates to “Bear Rock”, another reference to Greenland (i.e., the Rock of Ages) which is home to the aforementioned Beast of Greenland. Fourthly, the name “Obama” (B+M) acronymically and/or constantly speaking equates to both “Bomb” and “Boom”, both of which were premeditatively designed to foreshadow thenuclear bombing of America which will ultimately elevate Obama to dictator status. The notion that Obama is a CIA puppet and a creation of the Roman Empire in Greenland is confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by the fact that Obama’s signature contains the “Ф” symbol which is coincidently found on the flag of Greenland. In short, Obama was created by the CIA in Switzerland (at the behest of the Roman Empire in Greenland) in order to save the Roman Empire from the arrival of the Messiah and the subsequent apocalypse which began on December 21, 2012. Consequently, Obama is tasked with overseeing the destruction of the world as we know it via biological pandemics, man-made asteroids/comets attacks, man-made earthquakes, man-made tsunamis, man-made volcanoes, nuclear terror attacks, state-sponsored terrorism, etc.
3.1: Obama Under CIA Mind Control
As evidenced, there are a number of red flags which indicate that Barack Hussein Obama II is under state-of-the-art mind control. This notion is corroborated by the fact that: a) CIA operatives within the media and politics have foreshadowed for years that Obama is in fact a Manchurian Candidate; b) Obama has undergone major brain surgery from which he has retained massive cranial scaring; c) technology now exists which enables the thoughts and actions of humans to be controlled electronically via an insertable microchip, hence Obama’s cranial scaring; d) Obama has been shadowed since at least 1980 by Dr. Lisa E. Jack, his apparent handler who doubles as a clinical psychologist; e) Obama is a chain-smoker(i.e., “daily smoker”) which is evidently how he medicated on daily basis; f) Obama admittedly watches ESPN all day, every day, a telltale sign that he has a dormant mind; g) Obama routinely uses a teleprompter, his “familiar crutch”, a colossal hoax that provides the necessary political cover for his state-of-the-art form of mind control; h) the White House was evidently renovated to accommodate Obama who is in need of daily medical updates; and i) the Hollywood propaganda film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004) is a veiled tribute to the first-ever real-life Manchurian Candidate, also known as Barack Obama. According to unknown White House source, Obama displays all the telltale signs of mind control: “President Obama finished the speech, walked off the stage, was escorted to the back corridor where he collapsed into a seat against the wall. Both hands went to each side of his head which was leaning down almost between his knees. You could see marks on the sides of his face where the stage makeup had been rubbed off by his hands. He wears that stuff everywhere these days. A staffer walked up and leaned over the president and told him it was time to go. The president looked up, gave a little smile, and got to his feet slowly. Very slowly. The only word he said was ‘Yeah.’ There was no excitement. No energy from him. The people around the president seemed to ignore his condition. They looked right through him until he started walking down the hallway toward the outside. They followed alongside him and seemed to kind of push him out the door. The president looked incredibly tired. Used up”. The notion that Obama is not really in charge of the White House was confirmed by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who stated in 2011 that “[Obama] is not in charge. I am”. In reality, the CIA is in charge and Geithner like Obama is just a puppet, albeit a more autonomous one.
3.2: Glitches in Obama’s Mind Control Program
The notion that Barack Hussein Obama II is under state-of-the-art mind control is corroborated by that fact that Obama generally has the same monotone voice, regardless of what he’s saying. It’s as if Obama doesn’t really know or care about what he’s actually saying—routinely speaking without any sense of passion or purpose. In what appears to be theAchilles’s Heel of Obama’s state-of-the art mind control system, a technical glitch has been identified in which Obama repeatedly utters the word “uh” in between the sentences he has been programmed to say. Similar to how a period represents the end of sentence in text, the word “uh” evidently represents the end of a sentence or line of thought within Obama’s digital mind control system. Obama’s mind control glitch was first highlighted, albeit in a de facto manner, by theLate Show with David Letterman on February 17, 2010, which aired a segment entitled “Barack Obama ‘Uh’ Count” which shows Obama uttering the term “uh” a total of 29 times during a short interview. Said mind control glitch was also on display during the second debate of the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election during which Obama uttered the word “uh” a total of 236 times during a 90-minute debate with Mitt Romney. Needless to say, for an allegedly Harvard trained lawyer, the “uh” count is staggering and suggests that there is more than meets the eye in respect to Obama and his mental capacity (of lack thereof).
3.3: Obama: The Manchurian Candidate
Ever since Barack Hussein Obama II was elected President of the United States in 2008, rumors have been circulating that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under CIA mind control. A Manchurian Candidate is essentially a person who has been brainwashed into preforming actions upon receiving a special code word or trigger phrase. That being said, a modern Manchurian Candidate could also perform actions upon receiving a digital code or transmission such as a computer update, likely transmitted wirelessly. A Manchurian Candidate acts and behaves normally prior to receiving a given trigger, with no knowledge of what he or she will do while under the influence of said mind control. Consequently, there is no memory of what a person says or does while he or she is under mind control. While CIA mind control projects such as Project MKUltra previously bred assassins to kill or become patsies in various assassinations plots targeting political figures (e.g., John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Robert F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, etc.), advances in computers and digital technology have enabled scientists to breed real-life political puppets which are in essence mind-controlled biological androids. The notion that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate was first foreshadowed by Roger Cohen in a New York Times report from February 11, 2008, entitled “No Manchurian Candidate”. Cohen stated that “The attacks, mainly anonymous e-mails, have woven together various threads—his middle name ‘Hussein’; schooling in Muslim Indonesia; his Chicago pastor’s embrace of the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan; and his calls for dialogue with Iran—to portray Obama as the Muslim Manchurian Candidate”. Cohen, a Jew, also stated that “Jews should get over the scaremongering: Obama is no Manchurian”. Nevertheless, despite Cohen’s assurances, all signs indicate that Obama is in fact a real-life Manchurian Candidate. A few months before Obama was even elected president, CIA-funded author and historian Webster Griffin Tarpley published a book entitled “Obama: The Postmodern Coup – Making of a Manchurian Candidate” (2008) which stated that “Obama is a deeply troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by the intelligence agencies” who is controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and that “Obama is a recipe for a world tragedy”. Roughly 7-years later on April 8, 2015, former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney stated that Obama is acting like a real-life “Manchurian Candidate” in an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt. Cheney also stated that Obama is “…the worst president we’ve ever had” and that “if you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing”. As stated in theTalking Points Memo, Cheney is in essence describing the plot of “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004), a Hollywood propaganda film (see below) which features an American politician running for the office of president who has been programmed to be destroy the United States from within. Needless to say, life is about to imitate art once again. The notion that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate was again foreshadowed in a July 15, 2014, report from Breitbart News entitled “Obama the ‘Manchurian Candidate’” which defines a Manchurian Candidate as “a person who hates everything America stands for and whose goal is to win the presidency for the express purpose of destroying the greatest nation”. The report also states that “The greatest conspiracy in world history is being carried out by the real-life ‘Manchurian Candidate’: President Barack Obama”.
3.4: Obama’s Cranial Scaring
During the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign, Obama released summary medical information from his personal physician, David L. Scheiner, M.D., which pronounced him to be in “excellent health”. Obama also released the results of his first “periodic” physical exam on February 28, 2010, and the results of his second “periodic” exam on October 31, 2011. However, what Obama has not released is information in respect to his pronounced head scars which suggest that he was either in a terrible accident or was the victim of major brain surgery. In the event that Obama is in fact under mind control, it would stand to reason that he would have undergone major brain surgery. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that Obama has had major brain operation so that electronic and/or medical-related devices could be implanted into his skull. Since Obama, his doctors and White House have never mentioned these scars, and the CIA-run media have never even asked about them, it can be deduced that the topic of Obama’s head scars is under a strict CIA gag order. In other words, no one is allowed to discuss Obama’s head scars under any circumstance. That being said, back on April 6, 2011, the Daily Mail of London published a report entitled “Mystery Scars on Obama’s Head Prompt Another Question from Conspiracy Theorists – Has the President Had Brain Surgery?” which contained shocking photos of Obama who appears to have long scars which go up both sides of his head and over his crown. Although the scars in question could theoretically be the result of a bad haircut, birthmark or Photoshop, it’s far more likely that Obama underwent major brain surgery so that a microchip such as a cranial transmitter/transponder (CTT) could be inserted into his skull. This would, in theory, allow Obama to speak off of a pre-recorded digital script which was previously uploaded onto the microchip allegedly located in his brain. Coincidentally, this exact type of implantable brain device was registered at the U.S. patent office on September 30, 2003 under the number 7187967 whose title is “Apparatus and Method for Detecting Neural Signals and Using Neural Signals to Drive External Functions”. Due to Obama’s apparent dependency on this implantable device, he has become infamous for his use of teleprompters, a colossal hoax designed to muddy the waters in respect to the fact that he is speaking with the aid of electronic mind-control, not from the teleprompters as it would publicly appear.
3.5: Mind Control Now Scientifically Possible
The notion that science has evolved to the point of enabling a human like Barack Hussein Obama II to become a mind controlled biological android was essentially confirmed in an August 7, 2013, report entitled “New Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation System the First to Sense and Record Brain Activity While Delivering Therapy” which revealed that Medtronic, Inc. announced the “first implant of a novel deep brain stimulation (DBS) system that, for the first time, enables the sensing and recording of select brain activity while simultaneously providing targeted DBS therapy”. In other words, the human brain can now be controlled externally via an insertable microchip, making human animatronics a reality. Exactly a year later on August 7, 2014, Popular Mechanics published a report entitled “A Microchip That Mimics the Human Brain” which revealed that IBM researchers have built a microchip that simulates the human brain with million neurons and more than 250 million synapses. In the abstract of a Science Magazine report from August 8, 2014, entitled “The Brain Chip”, it was revealed that “researchers at IBM and Cornell University report creating the world’s first production-scale neuromorphic computing chip. The novel approach to hardware is made up of 5.4 billion transistors that are wired to emulate a brain with 1 million ‘neurons’ that talk to one another via 256 million “synapses”. Roughly 3-weeks later on August 27, 2014, IEEE Spectrum published a report entitled “DARPA Project Starts Building Human Memory Prosthetics” which revealed that “The first memory-enhancing devices could be implanted within four years”, technology which was likely discovered decades prior. The report goes on to state that the Computational Memory Lab at the University of Pennsylvania has orders from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to build “a prosthetic memory device that’s ready for implantation in a human brain” and that scientists have already developed “one experimental implant that can both record neural activity and stimulate the brain”. Lastly, the notion that thoughts can control computers (and vice versa) was essentially confirmed by a Washington Post report from May 22, 2015, which revealed that “Researchers are working on all manner of silicon-based devices that go inside the body and manipulate the body’s signals to create motion” and that this will “usher in a new era of robot adjuncts controlled by someone’s thoughts that will be able to perform all manner of jobs from lifting dangerous objects to filing papers”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm that the technology needed create an electronically controlled real-life Manchurian Candidate not only exists but is being utilized in laboratories around the world on a daily basis.
3.6: Obama Handler & Psychologist Lisa E. Jack
In the event that Barack Hussein Obama II is in under state-of-the-art mind control, it would stand to reason that he would be shadowed by a handler. A handler is someone who is under strict CIA orders to instruct, monitor and shadow mind control candidates before, during and after their respective missions. In Obama’s case, his handler appears to be Dr. Lisa E. Jack, a psychologist whose faculty webpage at Augsburg College lists her as an “instructor”. Aside from being a psychology professor, Jack is also a therapist who holds a private practice, Obama evidently being patient #1. Jack reportedly came to Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota back in 1994 when Obama was an alleged professor at University of Chicago Law School in Chicago, Illinois which is only 408 miles (656 kilometers) away. Interestingly, Jack’s bio says nothing of her college courses, conferences or academic papers except in respect her psychological studies of cigarette smokers, Obama apparently being one of them (see below). The link between Jack and Obama was first made public on December 17, 2008, when TIME magazine published a report entitled “Obama: The College Years” which contained a collection of photographs Jack allegedly took of Obama while in college. According to reports, Jack met Obama back in 1980 during a photo shoot while the two were allegedly students at Occidental University in Los Angeles. According to Jack, “…My roommate’s best friend introduced me to this “hot guy” named Barry, I knew I had to take his picture because, well, he was “hot” and I just couldn’t resist. Barry agreed to be a model”. Jack went on to state that “…Now that “Barry” is the President-Elect, I offer [the photos] up so that others may see a side to him I have yet to observe captured in the current maelstrom of contemporary media”. According to an op-ed by Jack, she “ran” into Obama on campus “occasionally, but [they] didn’t interact all that often”. Jack then states that “The next summer, while I was at a club in Hawaii, I spotted Barry sitting at a table near mine”…That was the last time I was to see Barry for over 25 years”. While in Washington, D.C. in 2005, Jack allegedly “stopped by Senator Obama’s office to say hello”, yelling out, “Hey Barry…Senator Obama”. According to Jack, Obama “looked over and knew exactly who [she] was”, something one would expect if she was in fact Obama’s handler. Jack then met Obama on June 3, 2008, in St. Paul, Minnesota when he learned that he was the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Interestingly, Jack states that “I won’t share how I made it into the bowels of the building, but I bet the Secret Service guy remembers me”. The fact that an allegedly random photographer was granted access to Obama by the Secret Service during the most important moment Obama’s political career is quite telling and suggests that Jack has the highest CIA clearance available. In short, Dr. Lisa E. Jack, who holds a doctorate of psychology from the University of Southern California, wants us to believe that she just randomly met Obama while in college in California in 1980, randomly met Obama while on vacation in Hawaii in 1981, randomly met Obama while visiting Washington, D.C., in 2005, and randomly met Obama while in Minnesota in 2008. Needless to say, these 4 meetings between Jack and Obama were not random as alleged, but rather part of an elaborate scheme designed to: a) hide the fact that Jack is Obama’s handler, and b) sell the notion that Obama is a normal person who attended Occidental College, has real-life friends, and went on vacation like most students do. Also, since Obama has evidently been under mind control all of his adult life, he requires constant psychological monitoring by a physician to ensure that he is: a) progressing as planned, b) taking medications as prescribed, and c) is not experiencing any unforeseen or unwanted side-effects of the state-of-the-art microchip which has likely been implanted into his brain. That is why no matter where Obama travels, Jack follows. Lastly, on October 1, 2009, Augsburg College published a report entitled “Finding Perspective” which revealed that after Jack’s college photos of Obama were released to the public, “Jack has never heard a word from Obama or anyone at the White House”. Needless to say, the statement was made to sell the notion that the relationship between Jack and Obama is over, which it’s obviously not.
Name: Lisa E. Jack
University: Augsburg College
Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
Degree: Ph.D., University of Southern California (Counseling Psychology)
Office: Memorial Hall 329
Phone: 612-330-1221
E-mail: [email protected]
3.7: Obama’s College Girlfriend Genevieve Cook (aka Lisa E. Jack)
In the event that Lisa E. Jack is the official handler of Barack Hussein Obama II, it would stand to reason that she was in Obama’s life in some capacity prior to and after his alleged time at Occidental University which reportedly lasted until 1981. Coincidentally, Obama’s alleged college girlfriend, Genevieve Cook, whom he allegedly met in 1983 while at a Christmas party in New York City, happens to looks identical to Jack (see above photo). When contrasting photos of Cook (top row) with those of Jack (bottom row), the similarities are striking. Similar to Jack, Cook randomly ran into Obama on multiple occasions while abroad which suggests that she was shadowing him in some capacity as well. According to a Vanity Fair report from June 2012 entitled “Becoming Obama”, Obama and Cook’s “stays in Jakarta [Indonesia] had overlapped for a few years, starting in 1967”. As any good handler would do prior to the age of computers, Cook reportedly “…kept a journal […] and thought of herself as an observer […] and at times exasperating mother”. In other words, since Cook was acting as Obama’s personal handler, she kept tabs on him with a journal and played the role of mother psychologist as opposed to Obama’s lover since he’s evidently gay. This notion is corroborated by the fact that as of 1984, Obama and Cook were “seeing each other regularly on Thursday nights […] and on weekends”. Needless to say, the highly regimented schedule is more indicative of a doctor-patient relationship than a romantic one. In order to hide the notion that Obama is gay and that Jack is his psychologist (i.e., handler), Obama refers to Cook in his book entitled “Dreams from My Father” (2004), stating: “There was a woman in New York that I loved…She was white. She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes. Her voice sounded like a wind chime. We saw each other for almost a year. On the weekends, mostly”. After their alleged breakup, Cook wrote in her journal, “Thursday, May 23, 1985: Barack leaving my life—at least as far as being lovers goes”. The latter journal entry is telling for Cook would stay in Obama’s life as Lisa E. Jack, his apparent handler. It is imperative to note that that aside from the three photos of Cook (see above photo), there are no other photos of one Genevieve Cook, despite her alleged romance with the Leader of the Free World. Consequently, it can be deduced that the likeness of Genevieve Cook was either completely fabricated (which would explain how she has managed avoided the paparazzi and remained free of the tabloids), or Cook is now living her life as Lisa E. Jack, a psychologist who doubles as Obama’s handler. Considering that Cook was admittedly in Obama’s life from 1967 until 1985, and Jack was admittedly in Obama’s life from 1980 until 2008, the woman known as Genevieve Cook/Lisa E. Jack has shadowed Obama in some capacity for 41 of his 54-years of life, starting when he was evidently 6-years old. The fact that virtually nothing is known about this woman is highly suspicious and confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that she has and continues to play a vital role Obama life; evidently as handler of a mind controlled Manchurian Candidate who is slated to become America’s first dictator.
3:8: Chain-Smoker Obama
In the event that Barack Hussein Obama II is under mind control, it would stand to reason that he would be ingesting some form of medication on a daily basis, possibly in the form of cigarettes. Medicated cigarettes would be a discreet way for Obama’s handlers to keep him sedated and manageable in a discreet manner. According to reports, Obama began smoking in his late teens and was still smoking when he launched his U.S. presidential campaign in 2007. According to a2008 letter from David L. Scheiner, M.D., Obama’s personal doctor since 1987, Obama’s medical history includes “intermittent cigarette smoking”, although he allegedly “quit this practice on several occasions and is currently using Nicorette gum with success”. Although Obama calls himself a “former smoker”, evidence suggests that he is a full-time smoker who has no intention of quitting. This notion was confirmed on June 23, 2009, during a press conference at the White House in which Obama stated “I’ve said before that as a former smoker I constantly struggle with it…Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No”. Obama’s statement, which was likely written by a lawyer, is rather deceptive in that Obama “constantly struggles” with smoking but is not a “constant smoker”. The notion that Obama is a chain smoker was foreshadowed 4-months later by The Globe which published a tabloid report on November 17, 2009, with the headline “Obama Lung Cancer Drama” that was flanked by the terms “Coughing Fits”, “Chest Pains”, and “Alarming 25 LB Weight Loss”. Despite Obama’s incessant claims that he has quit smoking, the Associated Press revealed on May 5, 2010, that Doctor Scheiner has confirmed that Obama is still smoking cigarettes. Despite the doctor’s official findings, Michelle Obama announced that Barack had not touched cigarettes for almost a year on February 9, 2011. Almost 3-years later on September 24, 2013, USA Today quoted Obama telling a United Nations official that “I haven’t had a cigarette in 6 years…that’s because I’m scared of my wife”. Considering that the latter claims made by both Michelle and Barack completely contradict Obama’s previous statements as well as those made by his doctor, it can be deduced that Obama has never stopped smoking. This notion was confirmed yet again on June 9, 2015, when Obama was photographed with a pack of cigarettes at the G7 summit in Germany. Despite passing himself off as an athlete who routinely plays basketball and golf, Obama is a chain smoker who evidently does not care about his long-term health. Lastly, on October 22, 2015, USA Today published a propaganda report entitled “Obama Cites Past Smoking Habit”, further selling the lie that Obama quit smoking despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm that Obama is a chain-smoker who has no intention of quitting. Considering that Obama’s alleged handler, Dr. Lisa E. Jack, conducts psychological studies of cigarette smokers, it’s highly likely that Obama’s cigarette habit is an integral part of his mind control program, hence the incessant need by the CIA to cover it up.
3.9: Obama Watches ESPN All-Day, Every Day
In the event that Barack Hussein Obama II is under mind control as alleged, it stands to reason that he would be sedated (possibly due to medicated cigarettes) and rather absent-minded while out of the public’s eye. Coincidentally, Obama appears to have an unnatural infatuation with ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network), colloquially known as the sports channel. Consequently, it’s highly likely that ESPN serves as the intermittent programming for Obama brain while he is between mind controlled public appearances. In other words, ESPN is the de facto soundtrack of Obama’s brain which keeps him calm and relatively mentally stable. This notion was confirmed in a January 13, 2010, report from The Hill which revealed that the Obamas watch ESPN’s SportsCenter in the mornings during their daily 5:30 AM workouts. Obama also joked that his wife Michelle’s knowledge of sports “is important in our marriage”. Translation: Obama is essentially married to sports, hence his infatuation with ESPN. In a Business Insider report from December 12, 2014, Obama stated that “I spend most of my time watching ESPN in the morning. I get so much politics I don’t want to be inundated with a bunch of chatter about politics during the day”. Translation: Obama can’t be bothered with politics, a clear sign that he is in fact a Manchurian Candidate and that his political knowledge, rhetoric and subsequent political decisions are not his own. Obama also stated that “SportsCenter when I work out in the morning gives me a pretty good sense about what’s going on”. Translation: Obama watches ESPN all-day every day and therefore has no real sense of what is actually going on in America, or the world for that matter. Obama also stated that he would turn on ESPN when reading a “really fat briefing book” and that “There are times that I will admit at night, when I’ve got a really fat briefing book, where I might have the game on with the sound off”. In the event that Obama is under mind control as alleged, the “fat briefing book” Obama claims to read at night is likely non-existent. Nevertheless, the fact that Obama admittedly watches ESPN from morning to night confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under mind control who is highly brainwashed. Obama’s obsession with ESPN is not relegated to just ESPN television programming for he has golfed with ESPN anchors on multiple occasions. The first reported incident occurred on July 13, 2013, when Obama went golfing with ESPN hosts Mike Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser at Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia. Roughly 2-months later on September 14, 2013, Obama once again went golfing with ESPN hosts Wilbon and Kornheiser at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. Roughly 10-months later on July 26, 2014, Obama once again went golfing with ESPN hosts Wilbon and Kornheiser at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland. Roughly a year later on July, 5, 2015, Obama once again went golfing again with ESPN hosts Wilbon and Kornheiser at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. Lastly, on October 24, 2015, Obama went golfing with ESPN host Kornheiser at TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm in Potomac, Maryland. Obama’s high profile golf outings with ESPN anchors are also designed to dispel rumors that Obama uses his golf outings for homosexual orgies with young male members of the White House staff (see below).
3:10: Obama Teleprompter Hoax
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is evidently a Manchurian Candidate under state-of-the-art mind control, an elaborate hoax has been perpetrated on the world that Obama is desperately in need of a teleprompter. In reality however, nothing could be further from the truth. In other words, because Obama’s actions and words are likely scripted via an embedded electronic microchip, he is only repeating what he has been programmed to say and therefore has absolutely no use for a teleprompter. Nevertheless, there has been a concerted effort to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter, most of which has been self-inflicted by Obama himself, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, the White House, and countless CIA operatives within the media and politics in general. Also, there have been at least 8 publicity stunts (see below) which have highlighted Obama’s incessant need (or lack thereof) for teleprompters on an international level. These publicity stunts are flanked by hundreds of propaganda reports which have made the Obama presidency synonymous with teleprompters. The obvious question is, “Why?”. Under normal circumstances, the continuous use of a teleprompter would be a politician’s downfall, but not in Obama case. Because the CIA’s top priority is to conceal that fact that Obama is under state-of-the-art mind control, they welcome and exacerbate every teleprompter-related article, association and joke linking Obama to teleprompters.
3.11: Obama Teleprompter Timeline
Ever since Barack Hussein Obama II was elected President of the United States in 2008, there has been a highly coordinated effort by the CIA and its respective minions in the media and politics to associate Obama with the use ofteleprompters. Needless to say, they have been successful for the Obama presidency has since become synonymous with teleprompters. In what appears to be the first CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, The Guardian published a report on March 18, 2009, entitled “‘That’s Your Speech’: Teleprompter Feeds Irish PM Obama’s Words” which highlighted the fact that while in Ireland, Obama’s teleprompter fed him words meant for the Prime Minister of Ireland, resulting in a global media storm over Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter. Roughly a month later on April 25, 2009, it was reported that the Associated Press’ Ron Fournier was concerned by Obama’s teleprompter use which he called a “familiar crutch”. Needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth as Obama’s crutch appears to be his state-of-the-art mind control system. In what appears to be the second CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, it was reported on April 27, 2009, that Obama got ahead of his teleprompter when he began to name the members of PCAST before realizing he’d already introduced them earlier in his speech. Obama stated, “In addition to John – sorry, the – I just noticed I jumped the gun here”. Obama then paused for several seconds while looking at the teleprompter, stating, “Go ahead. Move it up. I had already introduced all you guys”. In order to further highlight the embarrassing incident on an international level, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs stated, “I am absolutely amazed that anybody in America cares about […] the mechanism by which [Obama] reads his prepared remarks”. The “prepared remarks” were likely conveyed to Obama via his insertable microchip, not from a teleprompter as Gibbs would have the public believe. In what appears to be the third CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, it was reported on May 27, 2009, that Vice President Joe Biden’s teleprompter mysteriously fell over, prompting Biden to state: “What am I going to tell the president?…Tell him his teleprompter is broken? What will he do then?” The answer to Biden’s rhetorical question is for Obama to rely on his state-of-the-art mind control system, as he always does. In what appears to be the fourth CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, ABC News published a report on July 13, 2009, entitled “If a Teleprompter Falls in the White House Does It Make a Sound?” which revealed that midway through one of Obama’s speeches, “one of his two small glass prompters came crashing down, hitting the wood floor and crashing in many pieces”. An allegedly startled Obama then quipped, “Oh, goodness…Sorry about that, guys”. In order to both mock and highlight Obama’s incessant use of a teleprompter, the satirical Onion published a report on November 16, 2009, entitled “Obama’s Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner” which stated among other things that “Officials say the President’s home teleprompter is simply a tool to make sure pillow talk with Michelle or conversations with his Mother-In-Law go smoothly”. In what appears to be the fifth CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, Snopes published a report on January 18, 2010, which confirmed that the White House (at the behest of the CIA) released photographs which showed Obama using teleprompters to talk to a group of elementary school students (see above photo). The photographs of the staged incident subsequently went viral on the internet which is exactly why they were taken in the first place. In a campaign speech from February 6, 2010, former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin stated that “This is about the people… it’s a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter”. Palin’s comments are telling for Obama has become synonymous with teleprompters, exactly as planned by the CIA. In order to highlight the aforementioned Obama teleprompter incident from January of 2010, it was reported on March 27, 2010, that former Daily Show host Jon Stewart mocked Obama for using a teleprompter while addressing a 6th grade classroom. Due to the popularity of the Daily Show, the Obama-teleprompter publicity stunt was once again highlighted on an international level. Roughly a month later on April 20, 2010, U.S. presidential candidateMarco Rubio slammed Obama’s teleprompter use while standing in front of teleprompters at CPAC, an obviously hypocritical gesture which was designed to once again raise the specter of Obama’s teleprompter use on a international level. Approximately 5-months later on September 2, 2010, MSNBC host Chris Matthews reportedly called on Obama to “Get rid of that damn teleprompter” which he also called “a menace”. Matthews also stated, “You go to a meeting with him I’m told, businessmen are invited to meet him at the White House, he hauls out the damn teleprompter, and he reads it to them”. Needless to say, Matthew’s comments were premeditatedly contrived in order to further sell the notion that Obama is helpless without his teleprompter. In what appears to be the sixth CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, it was reported on October 18, 2011, that atruck containing Obama’s teleprompter and audio equipment were stolen in Virginia. The theft was likely orchestrated by the CIA in order to make Obama’s teleprompter use a national talking point. That same day, October 18, 2011, the Washington Post published a report entitled “Republicans Mock Obama’s Teleprompter Use” in which Fred Davis, a media strategist who previously advised Senator John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, stated that “If you use [a teleprompter] now, you’re like Obama…It’s a negative because it’s a sign of inauthenticity…It’s a sign that you can’t speak on your own two feet…It’s a sign that you have handlers behind you telling you what to say”. Davis’ comments are quite prophetic as Obama’s handlers are orchestrating his every word, albeit from his state-of-the-art mind control system rather than from a teleprompter as alleged. A day later on October 19, 2011, late-night comedian Conan O’Brien did a skit on how Obama really does when speaking without his teleprompter, further highlighting Obama’s alleged inability to speak intelligently without the aid of his teleprompter. Nearly 5-months later on March 12, 2012, former U.S. presidential candidate Rick Santorum stated that “I always believed that when you run for President of the United States, it should beillegal to read off a teleprompter, because all you’re doing is reading someone else’s words to people”. Santorum’s comments were designed to further sell the notion that Obama is not an authentic president or speaker, namely due to his incessant use of a teleprompter. Exactly a month later on April 12, 2012, it was reported that Republican super PAC donor Foster Friess hoped that Obama’s “teleprompters are bulletproof”, further highlighting Obama’s use of a teleprompter while foreshadowing an upcoming Obama assassination event. Roughly 2-months later on June 22, 2012, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Obama Teleprompter Attack Ad” which referenced Obama’s alleged reliance on teleprompters as “some kind of proof of a deficiency in his oratory skills”. Interestingly, the attack ad from stated that “Words would like you to believe that they just come from thin air…”, an apparently veiled reference to Obama’s state-of-the-art mind control system which likely feeds Obama his comments and speeches wirelessly. In what appears to be the seventh CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, The Hill published a report on July 17, 2012, entitled “Obama Switches Off His Teleprompter”. The report revealed that Obama turned off his teleprompter during a speech and was able to continue without a problem, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama does not need a teleprompter. Obama is and has always been fully capable of speaking without a teleprompter due to his electronic state-of-the-art mind control system which evidently feeds him words in real time. This notion was corroborated by a Huffington Post report from July 17, 2012, entitled “Obama Teleprompter Getting Less Use On Campaign Trail” which stated that Obama is becoming a better orator and therefore is less dependent on his handy teleprompter. In reality however, Obama is just relying on his state-of-the-art mind control system as he always does. Nearly a month later on August 22, 2012, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Obama Photo Caption Contest: Teleprompter Obstruction” which further highlighted Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level Approximately a month later on October 16, 2012, the New Yorker published a report entitled “Why Obama Really Might Need a Teleprompter” which stated, “Let’s be clear: the theory, popular among some on the right, that President Obama is lost without a teleprompter isn’t just offensive, it’s stupid—the man wrote two books, was president of the Harvard Law Review, does more actual speechwriting than most other politicians at his level, is one of the better orators American politics has seen in some time, and on and on. He can do just fine without a teleprompter, thank you very much.” While likely true, Obama can do none of the latter without his state-of-the-art mind control system which feeds him words via an electronic microchip in real time. Almost 4-months later on December 11, 2012, Cathie Adams, the former chairwoman of the Texas Republican Party, reportedly stated, “I’m telling you, Barack Hussein Obama has got to have a teleprompter because he fried his brain on drugs“. In reality, Obama’s brain is not fried but rather rewired with a state-of-the-art mind control system. Roughly a month later on January 19, 2013, the Weekly Standard published a report entitled “Obama’s Delivered 699 Speeches Using a Teleprompter Since Taking Office” which was designed to further sell the notion that Obama is solely dependent on his teleprompter instead of his implanted microchip. Almost 3-months later on April 17, 2013, it was reported that the man who stole Obama’s teleprompter in Virginia received 7-years in prison for his crime. Whether the theft was ever committed is not known, but the alleged sentencing of the suspect further associated Obama with the use of teleprompters. That same day, April 17, 2013, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “11 Reasons Some Guy Stole Obama’s Teleprompter” which was designed to highlight the Obama teleprompter robbery on an international level. Approximately a month later on May 22, 2013, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden once again made fun of Obama’s incessant teleprompter use when he stated that “You can’t tell Barack that the teleprompter’s down…The standing joke in the office is Barack’s learning to speak without a teleprompter, I’m learning to speak with one. I apologize for the teleprompter.” Needless to say, Biden’s words were designed to further sell the notion that Obama is incapable of speaking in a scholarly manner without the use of a teleprompter. In what appears to be the eighth CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to highlight Obama’s alleged use of a teleprompter on an international level, it was reported on June 7, 2013, Obama was left speechless after aides forget to load his teleprompter. The incident appears to have been staged by the CIA as it contradicts previous reports that Obama was able to speak perfectly fine without his teleprompter. Nearly 3-months later on September 4, 2014, political analystGeorge Will stated that without his teleprompter, Obama is “Not that good”. The comments by Will were obviously designed to further sell the notion that Obama is helpless without the use of a teleprompter, regardless of the aforementioned report which stated that Obama was able to speak perfectly fine without it. Approximately 4-months later on January 21, 2015, Town Hall published a report entitled “Comrade Obama Reads Teleprompter for 6th Time to Both Houses of Congress” which was designed to further sell the notion that Obama is solely dependent on the use of a teleprompter. Lastly, roughly 6-months later on August 26, 2015, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that the U.S. government should “outlaw teleprompters for anyone running for president”, an obvious reference to Obama whose presidency has become synonymous with teleprompters. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a coordinated effort by the CIA and its respective minions within media and politics to associate Obama with teleprompters in order to help conceal the fact that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate who speaks with the aid of a state-of-the-art mind control system.
3:12: Top Secret White House Renovation
In the event that Barack Hussein Obama II is under state-of-the-art mind, it would stand to reason that the White House would be renovated so that the latest and greatest medical equipment could be installed to accommodate him. This would allow doctors access to Obama’s brain and/or his insertable microchip without having to regularly transport him to a U.S. government laboratory such as DARPA. The notion that a future President of the United States would need a secret medical laboratory to update his mind control program was foreshadowed in the film “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004), in which U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate Raymond Prentiss Shaw (Liev Schreiber) is called into a secret laboratory within his hotel room which had been rigged to medically update his mind control programming. Coincidentally, back on September 12, 2012, it was revealed that after nearly two years and $86 million worth of construction, the West Wing of the Obama White House emerged from its visual seclusion “remarkably unchanged”. The White House renovation project, which is colloquially referred to the “White House Big Dig”, began back in September of 2010 with the excavation of a huge multistory pit in front of the West Wing. The notion that the pit is mysterious in nature was highlighted by a Huffington Post report from September 12, 2012 entitled “White House Big Dig Remains a Mystery as Construction Wraps Up”. Despite the utilitarian description of its purpose, the secret project came to be the object of intense media speculation. The Washington Post characterized the project as a “nothing to see here story“, the New York Times, citing an anonymous source, claimed it was “security-related construction”, while ABC News equated the construction project with a “mystery” on-par with “what happened to the dinosaurs”. Since the West Wing contains the Oval Office, theCabinet Room, the Situation Room, and the Roosevelt Room, all of which are clearly above ground, it can be deduced that the “huge multistory pit” in front of the West Wing is likely now home to a secret underground medical bunker which allows doctors unfettered access to the Manchurian Candidate known as President Obama.
3:13: “The Manchurian Candidate” Movie
The Hollywood film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004) is a cinematic tribute to the wonders of mind control, especially in respect to the future presidency of Barack Hussein Obama II which would become a reality 4-years later. Consequently, the poster for the film (see trailer) contains the slogan “Everything Is Under Control” for Obama is completely under control, mind control. The film also served as a veiled warning in respect to the impending dictatorship of Obama who was a member of the Illinois Senate when the film was released in theaters on July 30, 2004. Roughly 5-months later on January 4, 2005, Obama officially became a U.S. Senator, paving the way for his historic election asPresident of the United States in 2008. In the film, U.S. Congressman Raymond Prentiss Shaw (Liev Schreiber) of New York is a political candidate under mind control who is running for the Office of U.S. Vice President. With the help of Manchurian Global, Schreiber is slated to execute a premeditated coup d’état of the United States. government. Conversely, Major Bennett “Ben” Marco (Denzel Washington), a former member of Shaw’s U.S. Army unit, is desperately trying to stop Shaw and the impending White House coup. Had the African-American actor Washington played the role of Shaw’s in the film, the notion that Obama, the first African-American president, is a Manchurian Candidate under CIA mind control would have been way too obvious. Consequently, Shaw was played by the Jewish actor Schreiber.
3:14: Obama Presidency Foreshadowed by “The Manchurian Candidate”
Because the film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004) is state-of-the-art psychological programing for the implementation of a real-life Manchurian Candidate in the White House, there are numerous veiled references to Barack Hussein Obama II in the film. For example, when Shaw (Liev Schreiber) is running as a candidate for U.S. Vice President, a TV news channel states that “Raymond Prentiss Shaw is an enigma” who has “millionaire Harvard honors”. Coincidentally, Obama allegedly attended Harvard Law School from 1988 until 1991 where he received numerous honors, the highest being President of the Harvard Law Review. The term “enigma” is defined as “someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain”, the very definition of Obama whose alleged birthplace, education, religion and sexuality are debated on a daily basis. While attempting to expose Shaw as a fraudulent Manchurian Candidate under mind control, Marco (Denzel Washington) has a meeting with U.S. Army Intelligence in which Colonel Garret states, “…You’re saying an entire squad of U.S. Army soldiers was hypnotized into believing that Raymond Shaw deserved the Medal of Honor?”. The statement is an apparent reference to: a) the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election in which America (and the world for that matter) was hypnotized by celebrities and the mass media into voting for Obama, and b) the Nobel Peace Prize won by Obama in 2009 despite the fact that he failed to end the Iraq War or the War in Afghanistan as promised. In the film, Shaw’s mother, U.S. Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw (Meryl Streep), states that “We are on the brink of nuclear cataclysm, on our own soil”, an apparent reference to the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot of 2011 which, along with numerous other nuclear terror plots, were foiled by the whistle-blower website Lastly, Marco states in the film that, “This isn’t an election, this is a coup. This is… In our own country, a regime change, in our own country. This is […]…Manchurian Global funding bad science to put a sleeper in the White House…the first privately owned and operated Vice President of the United States”. If and when the CIA is finally able to orchestrate a “National Emergency” within the United States (e.g., biological pandemic, man-made asteroid strike, nuclear terror attack, etc.), Martial Law will be implemented, resulting in an Obama dictatorship for which the legislation Rex 84 (see below) specifically provides for. Only then will the coup of Manchurian Candidate Obama be completed.
3:15: Mind Control References in “The Manchurian Candidate”
In the film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004), Shaw (Liev Schreiber), a candidate for U.S. Vice President, receives a phone call which suddenly activates his mind. He is then called into a secret laboratory within his hotel room where he sits down in a chair and is subsequently rigged up with numerous tubes and wires. With braces holding his head in place, doctors insert a micro-drill bit into his head while LCD screens show a virtual map of Shaw’s brain. After placing an electronic insert (i.e., microchip) into Shaw’s brain, Dr. Atticus Noyle (Simon McBurney), a former Manchurian geneticist working under a research grant from Manchurian Global to develop deep implant behavior modification, states, “No decay, no slippage. Everything appears to be in flawless working condition”. In a later scene, Dr. Noyle says to Shaw, “We have twenty minutes for our little check up from the neck up”. After receiving the update, Shaw cites verbatim what he has been programmed to say. In other words, once the computer within Shaw’s brain was digitally updated, he was able to verbalize exactly what was previously downloaded onto the insertable implant (i.e., the microchip). When Marco (Denzel Washington) is researching Dr. Noyle on the internet, he comes across key words such as “genetic memory enhancement” and “behavioral modification”, both of which are now scientifically possible. When speaking about mind control, Dr. Noyle states, “It’s actually a very simple procedure to deactivate the gene concerned. And the same thing can be applied to ourselves. At a flick of a switch, we can adjust character, change personality. And of course, more importantly…we can offset the ravages of dementia by implanting memory or adjusting the synaptic connections”. Based on evidence acquired to date, it appears that Obama is under an eerily similar form of mind control. While Shaw received his mind control updates in a secret laboratory within his hotel room, Obama evidently receives his mind control updates in a secret laboratory which is evidently located where the aforementioned pit in front of the West Wing of the White House once stood.
3:16: CIA References in “The Manchurian Candidate”
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was specifically groomed by the CIA in Switzerland to become the first-ever Manchurian Candidate to hold the Office of the President of the United States, there are numerous references to the CIA within the film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004). These references serve as a cinematic tribute to the CIA who is ultimately in command and control of Hollywood as wells Obama’s person and presidency. In Scene 52 of the film, the “mysterious woman” states that “Those of you with ties to the Intelligence community may recall the CIA’s misguided MK-ULTRA program, the KGB’s Novichok research, and similar half-assed ventures in Great Britain and China — under the lay term of ‘mind control”. Although the CIA’s Project MKUltra has long since been declassified, this was the first time in history that it was publically linked to the Office of the President of the United States. In scene 145, Marco (Denzel Washington) is researching Dr. Noyle (Simon McBurney) online when he comes across the headline “Capetown U. Scientist Expelled: Alleged CIA Ties”. In Scene 154, U.S. Senator Tom Jordan (Jon Voight) states, “His name is Atticus Noyle. He is a South African physician, neuropsychiatric scientist and mercenary—someone our CIA trained for covert mind warfare against the Soviets in Afghanistan”. Jordan continues, stating that “On the advisory board of Manchurian- Global, should they ever publish a list—which they won’t—you would find former Presidents, deposed Kings, retired Prime Ministers, Ayatollahs, African War-Lords, fallen Communist Dictators and an assortment of the Fucking Rich, who are distinguished from the merely Filthy Rich by factors of billions”. The latter statement by Jordan is telling for it corroborates the notion that the CIA in Switzerland is ultimately in command and control of all 206 countries of the world, democracies and dictatorships alike. That is why dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Napoleon Bonaparte andKim Jong-un are all intimately linked to the country of Switzerland. That is also why Obama is an honorary citizen of Switzerland for he has been groomed by the CIA to become the first-ever Manchurian Candidate to serve as president and then dictator of the United States of America.
4.1: Obama: “He’s Homosexual”
Based on evidence acquired to date, it appears that Barack Hussein Obama II is a homosexual, a plausible notion considering he has long been rumored to be gay as highlighted by the report entitled “Is Barack Obama Gay?”. Kevin DuJan, a former gossip columnist in Chicago, stated that Obama is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual”. The notion that Obama may be gay was foreshadowed back on June 13, 2012, when Obama appeared on the cover of Pride magazine, an openly gay publication. Roughly 2-years later, Obama was essentially outed by Newsweek on May 21, 2014, when the magazine published a photo of Obama with a rainbow halo above the words “The First Gay President”. Roughly 18-months later on November 10, 2015, Obama graced the cover of “Out100” magazine which named him the LGBT community’s “Ally of the year”. Fox News host Greg Gutfeld stated that “Obama is now out of the closet” after the president announced his support for gay marriage. In response, former George W. Bush speechwriter, David Frum, stated, “You cannot ‘get’ Gutfeld’s joke unless you ‘get’ that a large part of his audience ardently believes thatObama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette–like extravagance to compensate for her husband’s neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides”. Like many gay men, Obama is not monogamous and therefore most of his relationships overlap, sometimes even for years. Consequently, like most of his public persona, his marriage to Michelle Obama is a colossal hoax which has been perpetrated on the American public for the sake of politics.. The notion that the president is gay is corroborated by the fact that Obama routinely goes on business trips and vacations without his wife while Michelle often travels domestically and internationally without her husband, something unprecedented for a sitting U.S. President and his First Lady. The Obama’s are so distant they’ve spent a record third straight Valentine’s Day apart. Obama generally spends the romantic holiday with male “friends” while Michelle is often accompanied by her daughters or mother. In order to help sell the notion that Barack and Michelle are indeed a real-life couple, a propaganda film entitled “Southside with You” (2016) about the Obama’s first date was released at the Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2016. As depicted in the report entitled “Was Barack Obama Married in College?”, Obama has been photographed on multiple occasions wearing a ring on his ring finger prior to his engagement to Michelle in 1991. Since Obama was groomed by the CIA in Switzerland to become America’s first dictator, every part of Obama’s life has been carefully scripted. Consequently, the ring worn by Obama was evidently part of a script designed to: a) draw attention away from the fact that Obama is a homosexual, and b) serve as a sign for women to “stay away” from Obama lest it become apparent that he has no interest in them. In the event that Obama is fully outed as being gay during his presidency and subsequent dictatorship, a story about the ring will likely become a national scandal over speculation about a possible engagement or marriage to a woman prior to Michelle. Needless to say, like the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obama’s marriage is fraudulent in nature and only maintained for public consumption.
4.2: Obama’s Homosexual Escapades in Chicago
According to multiple reports, Barack Hussein Obama II routinely frequented Man’s Country Bathhouse, a men’s only nightclub in Chicago, Illinois which is infamously known as one of the Wind City’s “grand old bathhouses”. Obama reportedly frequented the bathhouse from 1996 until January of 2004 when he finally embarked on his political campaign for the U.S. Senate. Informed sources in Chicago’s gay community state that Obama and his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the Man’s Country Bathhouse whose computer files and pre-computer paper files reportedly include membership information for both men. Although the U.S. Secret Service has since purged the membership data on Obama and Emanuel, members are issued club identification cards for entry which both Obama and Emanuel previously possessed. Chicago gossip columnist Kevin DuJan stated that rooms at Man’s Country Bathhouse are still referred to as the “Presidential Suite” and the “Oral Office” because “the current President used to haunt the place when he was a just another Illinois State Senator that no one had ever heard of or cared about”. In other words, Obama’s homosexual escapades are so notorious that the rooms at the gay club have retained semantical references to him.
4.3: Obama: The First Gay President
If in fact Barack Hussein Obama II is a homosexual, it would stand to reason that he would use the office of President of the United States to champion gay rights in America. In other words, Obama would use his influence and power to homosexualize America. As a candidate for the Illinois State Senate in 1996, Obama stated that he was in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. However, by the time he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, Obama flip-flopped, stating that while he supported civil unions and domestic partnerships for same-sex partners, he was opposed to same-sex marriages. Obama’s change of heart was evidently a political ploy designed to: a) make him more electable for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, and b) hide the fact he himself is a homosexual. Since becoming President of the United States, Obama’s support for the gay community has been unprecedented. Obama’s pro-gay agenda began on December 22, 2010, when he signed the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010, fulfilling a key promise made during the 2008 presidential campaign to end the Don’t ask, don’t tell policy instated by President Bill Clinton in 1993 which prevented gay and lesbian people from serving openly in the United States Armed Forces. Roughly a year later in December 2011, Obama instructed U.S. governmental agencies to consider LGBT rights when issuing financial aid to foreign countries. Shortly after being reelected, Obama stated on May 9, 2012, that his views had evolved and that he now supports the legalization of same-sex marriage, becoming the first sitting U.S. President to do so. The delay in Obama’s unbridle support of same-sex marriage was yet another political ploy designed to hide Obama’s bourgeoning homosexual activism until after he won a second term in office and would no longer subject to voter approval. Interestingly, Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute stated that while he’s “not sure about the claims by various people who have reported thatObama has at least participated at times with them in homosexual acts”, his support of gay marriage “certainly lends some credence”. During his second inaugural address on January 21, 2013, Obama called for full equality for gay Americans, stating that “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law—for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” The speech by Obama was historic for it was the first time that a U.S. President mentioned gay rights or the word “gay” in an inaugural address. Roughly 6-months later on August 7, 2013, Obama publically criticized Russia’s new law discriminating against gays. Considering that a bitter rift has since developed between Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it appears that Obama took Russia’s anti-law personally. The notion that Putin is aware of Obama’s homosexuality was foreshadowed by an Independent report from August 11, 2014, entitled “Vladimir Putin Will Out Barack Obama as Gay ‘Within 100 Days’, Predicts Crazed ATLAH Reverend Dr. James David Manning”. Although Obama was never outed by Putin, his pro-gay activism since becoming president has essentially outed himself, not to mention his long list of alleged lovers (see below). Nine months later on May 20, 2015, Obama once again declared the month of June to be LGBT Pride Month. Lastly, the notion that Obama is the first gay president was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, on June 26, 2015, when the White House was set aglow with the rainbow colors of Gay Pride in the wake of the historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling which legalized gay marriage in America. Needless to say, Obama’s incessant advocacy of gay rights is unprecedented for a politician, let alone a sitting U.S. President. Consequently, it can be deduced that Obama is most likely a closet homosexual who relishes the opportunity to use the office of President of the United States to further the political agenda of the LBGT community. Although only time will tell, it appears that Obama’s legacy will not the nuclear deal he signed with Iran or the implementation of Obamacare, but rather be his relentless pursuit of gay rights.
4.4: Sohale Siddiqi (1981-1983)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but while allegedly attending Columbia College at Columbia University in New York City between 1981 and 1983, Obama was allegedly having sexual relations with a Pakistani man named Sohale Siddiqi (Sadik) who is colloquially referred to as Obama’s “roommate”. According to reports, Sadik smoked marijuana, snorted cocaine, liked to party and was living in America illegally. Although their relationship is shrouded in mystery, there is a photo of the two men sitting together on a couch (see above photo) in what can only be construed as an intimate setting for no straight males would ever purposely sit that close together. According to Rashid Razaq, a reporter for the London Evening Standard, Obama and Sidik had an “odd-couple relationship” but that there was a “real closeness between them“. In respect to their alleged time living together in New York City, Sidik state that Obama “was lighthearted and fun-loving for the first half of our cohabitation and grew serious later”. Sadik reportedly traveled with Obama to Pakistan in 1981 when American citizens were allegedly barred from visiting the country. This is when Obama allegedly used his Indonesian passport to enter Pakistan instead of using his American one. According to, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, there’s no reason to think Obama used anything but the then-current version of his U.S. passport when he traveled to Pakistan as a student in 1981. Despite rumors to the contrary, there was no travel ban to Pakistan prior to, during or after the time in question. This notion was confirmed via a New York Times travel report from 1981 which described the author’s own visit to Lahore, Pakistan. Consequently, it appears that Obama’s apartment in New York City, his homosexual relationship with Sadik, and his alleged trip to Pakistan were fabricated in-part by the CIA as political cover in order to sell the notion that Obama actually lived in New York City and attended Columbia College. Aside from a few random photos, there is no hard evidence which corroborates Obama’s life story, hence all the crazy characters which seem to permeate Obama’s life. Considering that the allegations which claim that Obama snuck into Pakistan on an Indonesian passport have since been proved false, it begs the question as to why these allegations were made in the first place. These puzzling anomalies only make sense when it’s understood that the country of Pakistan was the slated scapegoat for the foiled 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot which would have triggered nuclear war between the United States and Pakistan. Back on November 25, 2009, Obama stated in a White House meeting that “We need to make clear to people that the cancer is in Pakistan”. Said cancer is an apparent reference to the Islamic extremism and nuclear terrorism that the country of Pakistan allegedly engages in. While Obama likely had sexual relations with the Middle Eastern-looking man he was photographed with on the couch, it appears that the Pakistani roommate story as well as Obama’s controversial trip to Pakistan were fabricated by the CIA in order to: a) link Obama to Pakistan prior to the planned nuclear terror attack in 2011, making an Obama dictatorship even more frightening in that the attack may have been an “Inside Job”, and b) help sell the notion (via his Indonesian passport) that Obama was raised in Indonesia, not Switzerland where he is an honorary citizen.
4.5: Larry Sinclair (1999)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but back on November 6 through November 7, 1999, Obama allegedly having a sexual relations with Larry Sinclair while he was an Illinois State Senator. The two men reportedly bought cocaine and crack together before having homosexual relations in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and in the Comfort Suites hotel in Gurnee, Illinois. After revealing details of his encounter with Obama at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by the late Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obama’s Vice Presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Shortly after Obama became President, Sinclair published the encounter in a tell-all book entitled “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder” (2009). Considering that Sinclair has not been assassinated and was even allowed to publish his alleged sexual encounter with Obama in a book that is now being sold on Amazon, it can be deduced that Sinclair is a CIA operative who was either: a) paid to have a drug-fueled sexual escapade with Obama for blackmail purposes, or b) fabricated said drug-fueled sexual escapade with Obama for political reasons. Regardless of whether the encounter transpired in reality, the incident has given the CIA the blackmail material they need to keep Obama in line. In other words, in the event that Obama doesn’t want to play ball with the powers that be, Sinclair’s story will suddenly become a mainstream scandal, likely leading to the forced resignation of Obama. The book by Sinclair also serves as a veiled warning to the hoard of Obama’s gay lovers (both past and present) who may be thinking about going public, hence the word “murder” in the title of Sinclair’s book. The notion that Sinclair’s story was designed to have a chilling effect on would-be Obama whistleblowers was confirmed on June 18, 2008, when Sinclair’s character was assassinated by a Politico report entitled “Obama Accuser Has Long Rap Sheet” which openly accused Sinclair of being a drug addict who is wanted on felony forgery and theft charges. Roughly 3-years later on November 14, 2011, reports surfaced that Sinclair was killed in a hit and run accident, a claim which predictably turned out to be false. Like the book itself, the Sinclair death hoax served as a veiled warning to anyone thinking about going public with their homosexual relationship with Obama. After all, they may just suffer a fatal accident of some kind.
4.6: Donald Young, Larry Bland & Nate Spencer (2004-2007)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2004 until 2007, he was allegedly having sexual relations with Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Coincidentally, all three men were members of Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) in Chicago, Obama’s church of 20 years. TUCC was previously pastored by Jeremiah Wright who was allegedly running a matchmaking service for gay married black professionals within the church (e.g., businessmen, doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.). The matchmaking club was reportedly called the “Down Low Club” but was referenced over the phone and email via the code phrase “DLC”. Down Low Club members included Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had sexual relations with Obama for a number of years. According to an anonymous member of Trinity, Wright “helped Obama hide his homosexuality” within the black community. Shortly after Obama launched his 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign, Young was murdered, execution-style on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2007. According to a member of the church, “At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director…He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing”. Young’s murder was preceded by the death of Larry Bland, an openly gay African-American member of the DLC, who was also killed execution-style on November 17, 2007. According to his death certificate, Bland was murdered in his home, dying of multiple gunshot wounds. Lastly, Nate Spencer, another gay African-American member of the DLC, mysteriously died on December 26, 2007, two days after Young was murdered. According to his death certificate, Spencer’s official cause of death was “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV”. The cluster of three dead African-American homosexuals in less than 40-days who all coincidentally belonged to the same gay club within the same church where Obama was an active member is no accident. Consequently, it appears that the men in question were killed due to: a) their homosexual relationship with Obama, and/or b) their first-hand knowledge of Obama’s rampant homosexuality within the Trinity church. Lastly, it’s imperative to note that the death of Michael Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer in 2007 were followed by the assumed death of Michael Sigmator in 2008, and the death of Alex Okrent in 2012. Coincidentally, all of the deceased were evidently gay men living in the Chicago area who were personally known to Obama. Needless to say, dead men tell no tales, especially homoerotic ones.
4.7: Michael Signator (2004-2008)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2004 until 2008 he was allegedly having sexual relations with Michael Signator who coincidentally had a cameo in Obama’s first book entitled “The Audacity of Hope” (2006). Obama reportedly met Signator when he was volunteering for Obama’s 2004 U.S. Senate campaign. As a former Chicago police officer, Signator had access to weapons and was therefore hired to be Obama’s driver during his tenure as a U.S. Senator from Illinois. According to an October 19, 2008, report from Politico entitled “‘Mystery’ Man Lends Support to Obama”, Signator was an “aide and buddy” of Obama’s who was a “trusted confidant and one of only a few non-relatives to consistently get time with Obama”. Reports also characterized Signator as a friend, longtime aide and former bodyman of Obama’s. A “bodyman” generally caters to a politician’s every need, including their sexual proclivities. Signator was also the “star of bulletins chronicling Barack Obama’s movements” who “shared some of the most pivotal moments of Obama’s career with him”. Consequently, Signator was privy to insider information about Obama, a political liability which eventually proved fatal. Journalists who followed Obama’s campaign for roughly 2-years did not even know what Signator looked like and staffers who traveled with Team Obama “didn’t even know he work[ed] for the campaign” as there had “never been a story in a major media outlet about him”. The obvious question is, “Why?”. Evidently, Signator was more than just a driver to Obama. This notion was confirmed by reports that Obama routinely met with Signator at both Obamas’ home and that of Signator’s. Although Signator reportedly owned a home in suburban DuPage County, he also rented an apartment on the 16th floor of a high-rise called Regents Park which was coincidentally located just a few blocks from Obama’s home in the Kenwood neighborhood on Chicago. According to so-called “protective pool reports” distributed among journalists who followed the Obama campaign, Obama “may also occasionally stop by the building just to hang out with “Sig, as some campaign staffers call him”. In June of 2008, Obama reportedly “went for a workout at his friend’s Mike Signator’s building. He wore his black White Sox cap; a gray T-shirt and black workout pants. He only stayed about 15 minutes. Press staff was unsure whether he worked out or just hung with his friend”. Considering that Obama belonged to the East Bank Club in downtown Chicago, his all too brief workouts with Signator appear to have been of a sexual nature in which no foreplay was involved. The notion that Obama frequented Signator’s home was confirmed in a February 15, 2009, report from Politico entitled “Obama Back to Old Routines in Chicago” which stated that “The president was back at his old workout haunt, the gym at Regents Park, the luxury apartment complex where his friend Michael Signator lives”. During his extended weekend in Chicago, Obama reportedly “stayed at home his first night in town”, meaning that he was likely at Signator’s home the other two nights. Interestingly, when Politico contacted Signator via telephone, he declined to comment on his relationship with Obama and asked how Politico obtained his telephone number. Evidently, Signator had been instructed to keep his mouth shut, which confirms, albeit in a de fact manner, that he had information about Obama and/or his campaign which was not for public consumption. Signator directed Politico’s inquiries to the Obama campaign press office, explaining that, “I can’t do any type of interview at all. I apologize. I’m sorry, and please just disregard this phone number, because I can’t take any calls”. The Obama campaign, which originally denied that Signator even worked for them, subsequently discouraged Politico from writing about Signator, declining to set up an interview with him. Needless to say, it was imperative that Signator remain out of the public eye. The post-mortem report from Politico is highly suspicious considering that Signator inexplicably disappeared on June 29, 2008, just prior to the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago. To date, no official explanation has been given as to what happed to Signator or what he was doing with Obama during his 15-20-minute workout sessions. Considering that Signator disappeared only a few months after the aforementioned deaths of Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer, it’s possible that Signator (who had access to guns as a former Chicago police officer) may have played a key role in their respective deaths. Police officers are often used as assassins due to their marksmanship, understanding of evidence, and their blackmail-ability. Consequently, the CIA may have used Signator to clean up Obama’s mess and was rewarded with a double-cross assassination. That being said, as a former Chicago police officer, Signator may have been Obama’s drug dealer, hence Team Obama’s incessant need to keep him out of the public eye lest someone recognize him. Consequently, it’s possibly that the homosexual relationship between the two men may have been disseminated post-mortem as political cover to hide the fact that Obama was using illicit drugs, a charge his political career could never recover from. Lastly, it’s imperative to note that the assumed death of Michael Sigmator in 2008, was preceded by the death of Michael Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer in 2007, and followed by the death of Alex Okrent in 2012. Coincidentally, all of the deceased were evidently gay men living in the Chicago area who were personally known to Obama. Needless to say, dead men tell no tales, especially homoerotic ones.
4.8: Alex Okrent (2004-2012)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2004 until 2012 he was allegedly having sexual relations with Alex Okrent. Like many of Obama’s alleged lovers, Okrent worked for Obama; first as a staffer during his 2004 Illinois State Senate campaign, and then as staffer during his 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. After winning the presidency in 2008, Okrent stayed on with Team Obama, working for the media department which handled advertising for his 2012 re-election bid. Despite working 8-years under Obama, Okrent inexplicably collapsed at Obama’s campaign headquarters at One Prudential Plaza in Chicago on July 12, 2012. According to reports, Chicago paramedics were called at 10:36 AM, and Okrent was subsequently taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where the 29-year old was subsequently pronounced dead. As is the case with many political assassinations, the police were never called because “the incident did not appear to be suspicious”. Consequently, the autopsy of Okrent was rendered “inconclusive”. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that Okrent was assassinated due to his nearly decade-long homosexual relationship with Obama which he may have threatened to go public with. This notion was foreshadowed by a Chicago-Tribune report from 2012 which stated that Okrent was “thinking about his next move”. What Okrent’s next “move” was is not known, but in 2002, Okrent stated that “The government is committing atrocities all over the world, and they say they’re doing it in our interest…I’m trying to make my voice heard that I don’t want people killed in my name”. Considering that Obama attacked Libya in March of 2011 without a declaration of war, Okrent may have decided that he was going to speak out against Obama’s foreign policy, possibly by revealing their long-time homosexual relationship. Unfortunately, he never got the chance. Lastly, it’s imperative to note that the death of Alex Okrent in 2012 was preceded by the death of Michael Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer in 2007, and the assumed death of Michael Sigmator in 2008. Coincidentally, all of the deceased were evidently gay men living in the Chicago area who were personally known to Obama. Needless to say, dead men tell no tales, especially homoerotic ones.
4.9: Bill Frist (2006)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but back in 2006 when he was a State Senator from Illinois, Obama was allegedly having sexual relations with Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. According to sources within the Congressional Black Caucus, there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and Frist which became public after Obama allegedly received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville, Tennessee in April of 2006. As detailed in a Washington Post report from April 7, 2006, entitled “Frist’s Southern Hospitality”, the VOLPAC event was “a bit too ‘Brokeback Mountain’” as the invitation card reportedly required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about”. The back of the card reportedly showed a cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. The red hanky in the right pocket is evidently code within the gay community for homosexuals to signal to each other that they are gay when surrounded by heterosexuals. The fact that Obama received such an invitation suggests that Frist was engaged in sexual relations with Obama or at least had first-hand knowledge that Obama is gay. Lastly, in an October 23, 2012, report from The Nation entitled “What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy”, it was revealed that Republicans have accused Obama of having “homosexual trysts” with “Senate majority leader Bill Frist”. Whether the allegations are true is not known, but where there is smoke there is fire. Considering all of the other gay men Obama has thus far been linked to, the Frist claim cannot be readily dismissed.
4.10: Nick Colwin (2006-2009)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2006 until 2008, he was allegedly having sexual relations with Nick Colwin, Obama’s original “body man”. According to a September 25, 2006, report from Michigan Daily entitled “Alum’s Job: Be Friends with a Senator”, Colvin became the “personal assistant of Senator Barack Obama” after an interview in which Obama and Colvin “basically just hit it off”. Colvin stated that “He’s just Barack to me” and that “from Monday night to Thursday afternoon, he works with [Obama] 11 to 16 hours a day. In other words, aside from sleeping, the two men are inseparable. The report confirmed this notion stating that Colvin “spends his hours in close company with the senator” and that the “job of waking up Obama often belongs to Colvin”. In what appears to be open flirting between the two men, the report states that “The public face of Obama isn’t the only one Colvin knows…Instead, Colvin revealed an Obama who jokes with him in between press conferences, trading friendly jibes back and forth”. The report also states that “The meat of Colvin’s job is in these ‘in-between’ moments in the car on the way to the next events”. Translation: Colvin “takes care” of Obama sexually in-between events, likely via oral sex. The intimacy of their relationship was also detailed in that “a lot of the time, Colvin and Obama just talk”. Colvin also admits that “he and the senator have heart-to-heart conversations”. Lastly, Colvin’s infatuation for Obama was evident when he stated that he wants to embody what Obama means to him, saying, “I don’t want to be U.S. Senator Barack Obama…I want to be Barack Obama“. Needless to say, the next best thing to being Barack Obama is being his lover. Lastly, on January 28, 2009, one Nicholas Colvin was named a staff assistant in the White House Counsel’s office, an apparent quid pro quo for his sexual services rendered to President Obama.
4.11: Reggie Love (2007-2011)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but between 2007 and 2011 he was allegedly having sexual relations with Reggie Love. The former Duke University basketball player became a “personal assistant” to Obama during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign which eventually translated into an official position within the White House as a “Personal Aide to the President”. Aside from going on holidays together without Michelle Obama, the two men reportedly showered together after playing basketball which was an almost daily occurrence. Obama and Love were often photographed in what can only be construed as intimate proximity to one another. In other words, they were virtually inseparable which is why Love is infamously known to this day as Obama’s “Body Man”. Despite their romantic relationship of 3-years, on November 10, 2011 the White House issued a press release in essence announcing Obama’s breakup with Love. The two men parted ways amicably due in large part to a large severance package from Democratic fundraiser Orin Kramer, the managing partner of Boston Provident who had raised more than $2 million for Obama during the 2012 cycle. A source close to Kramer dismissed the assistance as a routine act of generosity and stressed that Love was not being compensated for any work and that he is not on his firm’s payroll. Love “is not working for Boston Provident in any capacity…Period”, the source stated in an email. Love’s secret severance package was reportedly arranged by Obama’s people in order keep Love quiet and to ensure that he was not tempted to write a tell-all book or sell his story to the Enquirer after leaving Obama’s side. In a September 7, 2012, report from TMZ, Love is referred to as Obama’s “ex-body man” and states on camera that a good “body man” should always have handkerchiefs and Purell, a “must-have”. The reference to hand sanitizer and handkerchiefs was apparently a veiled sexual innuendo in respect to Love’s homosexual relationship with Obama in which he routinely got his hands dirty, cleaning up the mess after Obama ejaculated.
4.12: Kal Penn (2007-2011)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2007 until 2011, he was allegedly having sexual relations with Indian actor Kal Penn. Aside from being a public advocate for Obama’s Presidential Campaign from 2007 until 2008, Penn was invited into the White House where he was given an official position entitled “White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs” which was specifically created by Obama under the Executive Office of the President of the United States. In other words, Penn’s quid pro quo relationship with Obama was hidden in plain sight. Similar to how Marilyn Monroe attended John F. Kennedy’s victory celebration, Penn was photographed attending Obama’s victor party after winning the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. According to reports, Penn broke up with Obama and abruptly left the White House in 2011 after allegedly being sexually harassed. Translation: Penn’s sexual relationship with Obama was over and therefore an excuse was fabricated as political cover for his evidently contentious break-up with Obama. That being said, in January of 2015, Penn joined Obama for his trip to India in order to “produce a special video”. Whether the video was sexual in nature is not known, but the report suggests that the two men may have reconciled, albeit briefly.
4.13: Artur Davis (2008)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but back in 2008, Obama allegedly had sexual relations with then Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis. Like so many of Obama’s alleged lovers, Davis was an employee who served as a national co-chair for Obama’s 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. In an October 23, 2012, report from The Nation entitled “What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy”, it was revealed that Republicans have accused Obama of having “homosexual trysts with Representative Artur Davis”. Whether the allegations are true is not known, but where there is smoke there is fire. Considering all of the other gay men Obama has thus far been linked to, the Davis claim cannot be readily dismissed.
4.14: Deval Patrick (2008-2012)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2008 until 2012 he was allegedly having sexual relations with then Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick. Like so many of Obama’s alleged lovers, Patrick was an employee who served as a surrogate for the Obama campaign during the 2012 Presidential election. In an October 23, 2012, report from The Nation entitled “What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy”, it was revealed that Republicans have accused Obama of having “homosexual trysts” with “Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick”. Whether the allegations are true is not known, but where there is smoke there is fire. Considering all of the other gay men Obama has thus far been linked to, the Patrick claim cannot be readily dismissed.
4.15: Ben Finkenbinder, David Katz & Marvin Nicholson (2009-2011)
Exactly who Barack Hussein Obama II is currently dating is not known, but from 2009 until 2011 he was allegedly having sexual relations with Ben Finkenbinder, a White House press office staffer, Marvin Nicholson, the president’s trip director, and David Katz, a Department of Energy staffer. According to an October 1, 2012, Hill Buzz report entitled “Who Are Obama’s Golfing Buddies and At What Clubs Did He Golf?”, the foursome routinely went golfing together which is where the gay sex between the men allegedly occurred. As of August 24, 2015, Obama reportedly golfed more than 1,100 hourswhich equates to roughly 247 rounds of golf. In other words, Obama played a round of golf approximately every 9.74 days. Although George W. Bush played 24 rounds of golf during the first 2-years of his presidency, he decided to stop 6-months into the Iraq War, stating, “I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal”. Nevertheless, despite ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the rise of the state-sponsored terror group known as ISIS, Obama is golfing more than ever. This is rather strange considering that Obama himself admitted he’s “terrible” at golf but is drawn to the game just the same. “It’s the only time that for six hours, I’m outside…where you almost feel normal…It feels as if…you’re out of the container”. Despite playing golf nearly every week, Obama’s golf game has not improved and he never speaks fondly of golf as is customary for those who are obsessed with the game. According to Mark Knoller of CBS News, “We don’t ever hear about Mr. Obama’s scores on the golf course. And only rarely does the White House permit the press to get a photograph of the president on the links. During the Clinton presidency, such photo ops were routine”. Naturally, therefore, it begs the question: “What is Obama doing out there on the golf course while he’s pretending to be golfing?” Unlike his predecessors, Obama golfs with Finkenbinder, Katz and Nicholson who he colloquially refers to as “The Finkmeister”. The then 51-year-old Obama’s golfing companions were 26, 29, and 39-years of age, respectively. That’s roughly 12 to 25 years younger than Obama, and all three White House stafffers are coincidentally single and rather feminine looking. Needless to say, politics makes for strange bedfellows, literally and figuratively speaking. Obviously, Obama has no business prancing around golf courses with young men half his age, but it evidently occurred on a regular basis and likely still does.
5.1: Obama: An Intellectual Fraud
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that his purported education within the United States is a complete fraud. According to, a Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, Obama’s college transcripts and university records have not been released. This is because, in all likelihood, the collegiate transcripts: a) do exist, or b) have been completely fabricated. In an August 20, 2008, report from CNN entitled “Barack Obama Revealed”, CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux stated that “Barry remained a lackluster student”. Obviously, Obama cannot simultaneously be both a lackluster student and genius. Malveaux’s statement contradicts Obama’s collegiate accolades which boast a Bachelor’s degree from Columbia College at Columbia University, a Jurisprudence Degree from Harvard Law School, as well as the prestigious title of President of the Harvard Law Review. As evidenced herein, there is an overwhelming amount of circumstantial and direct evidence which suggests that there is something very suspicious in respect to Obama’s alleged education (or lack thereof). Despite allegedly spending 19-years as both a student and as a professor at 4 different colleges and universities within the United States, there is virtually no hard evidence whatsoever that a person named “Barry Soetoro” or “Barack Hussein Obama” was the student and professor that he claims to have been. All that exists by way of evidence are the accounts of a few alleged classmates (none of which were ever photographed with Obama), some fabricated enrollments forms, and a collection of random photos, most of which have evidently been photoshopped. This notion only makes sense when it’s understood that: a) Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under mind control who would be exposed as an intellectual fraud in a collegiate setting, and b) the CIA would never risk the safety of America’s first dictator in the crime-ridden cities of Chicago, Los Angeles and New York. In other words, Obama had to be protected both mentally and physically from the outside world, hence the overwhelming lack of evidence in respect to his alleged time as both a student and professor. During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on February 10, 2011, current U.S. presidential candidate Donald J. Trump stated, “[Obama] came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere…In fact, I’ll go a step further: the people that went to school with [Obama], they never saw him, they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy”. Considering that the comments came from the mouth of Trump, they have subsequently been dismissed as partisan despite the fact that they are actually true.
Obama’s Alleged Collegiate Timeline:
1979-1981: Student: Occidental College (Los Angeles, California)
1981-1983: Student: Columbia College at Columbia University (New York, New York)
1988-1991: Student: Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
1992-1996: Lecturer: University of Chicago Law School (Chicago, Illinois)
1996-2004: Senior Lecturer: University of Chicago Law School (Chicago, Illinois)
5.2: Obama at Occidental College (1979-1981)
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attended Occidental College in Los Angeles, California from 1979 to 1981 as alleged. This notion is corroborated by a wealth of circumstantial and direct evidence (or lack thereof) which suggests that Obama’s time at Occidental College has been completely fabricated. Although Obama may have been secretly enrolled at the college, evidence suggests that he never attended a single class with other students. The notion that Obama never attended Occidental College was foreshadowed by a Wall Street Journal report from October 9, 2009, in which Occidental President Jonathan Veitch stated, “Literally, you could come to Occidental and not know the president was ever here”. This is because, in all likelihood, Obama never attended Occidental College. Lastly, in the event that Obama lived in Los Angeles for 2-years while attending Occidental College, it would stand to reason that there would be at least one photograph of Obama with a classmate, friend, girlfriend or professor, but there is not. Aside from a few photos of Obama allegedly attending a rally in Pasadena, there are no photos of Obama at a touristy location in Southern California such as the beach or Disneyland. In short, there is no hard evidence which confirms that Obama lived in California or attended Occidental College.
5.3: Obama at Occidental College Propaganda
In order to help sell the notion that Obama attended Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, Obama graced the cover of “Occidental” magazine in Fall of 2004. Interestingly the caption on the magazine cover states “OBAMA MANIA…From Illinois state senator to Democratic Party supernova: Barack Obama 83’ has arrived. (And yes, it all began at Oxy.)”. If Obama had attended Occidental College as alleged, there would be no need to highlight his graduation year or the fact that he actually attended the school for the students and staff would surely have remembered the politically active African-American student who was likely taller than most everyone on campus. Nonetheless, roughly 3-years later on January 29, 2007, the Los Angeles Times published a report entitled “Occidental Recalls ‘Barry’ Obama” which stated that Obama has “fond memories” of the school. Unfortunately, aside from two alleged classmates, no else remembers Obama attending the school. Interestingly, the printed version of the Los Angeles Times report used a photograph from Obama’s alleged high school in Hawaii. Evidently, no official photo of Obama was taken for a student identification card when he allegedly attended the school. Roughly 2-year later, a made-for-TV documentary entitled “Barack Obama’s Occidental College Days” (2008) was aired and subsequently released on DVD. The film was reportedly made for the television show entitled “California’s Gold” (1994-2012) in which host Huell Howser visited the campus of Occidental College in Eagle Rock to retrace the two years Barack Obama allegedly spent there as an undergraduate student from 1979 to 1981. The film reportedly contains a conversation with Obama’s first political science professor, a visit with two of his alleged college friends, and a look inside his alleged dorm room. It is imperative to note that Obama was never photographed with any of his alleged friends or professors while at Occidental College. The film also reveals the alleged location where Obama made his first political speech of which there are naturally no photos or videos of. Needless to say, the film is highly suspect for it suggests that CIA was anticipating questions about Obama’s alleged time at Occidental College, hence the propaganda film which was designed to provide first-hand witness accounts of Obama’s time at the school. Later that year on December 17, 2008, TIME magazine published a report entitled “Obama: The College Years” which contained a collection of photographs of Obama which were allegedly taken while Obama attended Occidental College. Interestingly, the photographs were taken by noted psychologist Dr. Lisa E. Jack, Obama’s apparent handler (see below). Consequently, the alleged location of the photoshoot is highly questionable. Roughly 4-years later on October 3, 2012, the New Yorker published a report entitled “Obama at Occidental” which begins by stating that “On February 18, 1981, a student at Occidental College, Barack Obama, delivered his first public speech”. Again, if Obama had actually given the dramatic speech as alleged, there would be no need to emphatically date it and emphatically state it at the beginning of the article. Interestingly, the reports states that sophomore Tom Grauman took “thousands of photos for the Office of Communications”, including dozens of the rally where Obama allegedly gave his first political speech. Predictably however, Grauman did not take one photo of Obama actually giving his speech. This is because, in all likelihood, Obama never gave the speech in question or attended Occidental College in any capacity. Lastly, Occidental College’s website has a special page entitled “Obama at Oxy” (see above photo) which features the slogan “Sometimes where you start out is more important than where you end up”. The statement appears to be yet another desperate attempt to sell the notion that Obama began his college career at Occidental College. Like the aforementioned film, the webpage was evidently created at the behest of the CIA to deflect serious questions about Obama by former students and staff who don’t remember his time at the school. Similar to the aforementioned report from the Los Angeles Times, the webpage of Occidental College uses a photograph of Obama’s from his alleged high school days in Hawaii. If Obama had in fact been a student at Occidental College as alleged, he would have been issued a student identification card with a photo like the rest of the students.
5.4: Obama’s Occidental College Photos
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, most of his photos during his alleged time at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California were evidently photoshopped and/or staged as part of a photoshoot. Consequently, in order to sell the notion that Obama attended Occidental College, a number of photos have been released of Obama on campus in Los Angeles. Mysteriously, not one of these photos contains a classmate, teacher or family member. Also, the person or persons responsible for taking the photos of Obama have never been publically identified, nor were they photographed in return by Obama which is generally standard practice for college students. Although there are other photos of Obama while he allegedly attended Occidental College, the following four photos in particular are quite telling. PHOTO 1: In the top left photo, which was allegedly taken in 1980, Obama is pictured by the fountain on the campus of Occidental College. A second look at the photo would suggest that it is in fact photoshopped. As evidenced, the Sun is clearly shining from the left as demonstrated by the fact that it is reflecting off of the left side of the metal disc behind Obama. However, the Sun is also casting a shadow of Obama’s body onto the disc to his left, resulting in a silhouette or shadow of his body. Needless to say, the Sun cannot be in two different positions at the same time. Also, where the back of Obama’s afro borders the Sun’s reflection off the disc behind him, the photo is fuzzy which suggests that Obama’s likeness was photoshopped into the photo at a later date. PHOTO 2: In the top right photo, which was allegedly taken in an Occidental College classroom sometime between 1979 and 1980, Obama is drinking what appears to be a beer or a can of soda. Again, a second look at the photo would suggest that it is in fact photoshopped. Aside from the fact that the shadow to the left of Obama’s arm and hand does not jive lighting in the rest of the photo, Obama’s afro is clearly bleeding into the white background on either side of his head, a clear indication that the image has been photoshopped. Also, the photo contains a blackboard with the words “Eagle Rock”, the neighborhood where Occidental College is located within Los Angeles. The reference to Eagle Rock was designed to sell the notion that Obama actually attended Occidental College. Like most of Obama’s college photos, the photo in question contains no 3D qualities. In other words, Obama is not behind an object or person, nor is he interacting with anything or anyone in the photo. Consequently, Obama’s image could have easily been superimposed upon the photograph without ruining the natural chemistry of it. PHOTO 3: In the bottom left photo, which was allegedly taken near the campus of Occidental College in 1980, Obama is posing for a photoshoot which would be released publically on December 17, 2008, in a TIME magazine report entitled “Obama: The College Years”. Interestingly, the photographs were taken by noted psychologist, Dr. Lisa E. Jack, Obama apparent handler. Consequently, the alleged location of the photoshoot near Occidental College is highly questionable. Nevertheless, the photographs are the most authentic of all photographs purporting to be Obama during his alleged time at Occidental College. PHOTO 4: Lastly, in the bottom right photo, which was allegedly taken at a Pasadena rally sometime between 1979 and 1980, Obama is seen standing with two other males. Again, a second look at the photo would suggest that it is in fact photoshopped. Like most of Obama’s college photos, the photo in question contains no 3D qualities. In other words, Obama is not behind an object or person, nor is he interacting with anything or anyone in the photo. Consequently, Obama’s image could have easily been superimposed upon the photograph without ruining the natural chemistry of it.
5.5: Obama at Columbia College (1981-1983)
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attendedColumbia College at Columbia University in New York City from 1981 to 1983 as alleged. This notion is corroborated by a wealth of circumstantial an direct evidence (or lack thereof) which suggests that Obama’s time at Columbia College has been completely fabricated. Although Obama may have been secretly enrolled at the college, it appears that he never attended a single class with other students. This notion is corroborated by a New York Times report from October 30, 2007, entitled “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say” which revealed that “Barack Obama does not say much about his years in New York City”. In respect to his book “Dreams from My Father” (1995), which is more than 450 pages long, the report states that Obama “casts himself as a solitary wanderer in the metropolis”. Translation: Obama was a loner in New York City, hence the lack of friends and photos from his time there. The report also states that Obama has “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years”. According to Obama’s former campaign spokesman, Ben LaBolt, “He doesn’t remember the names of a lot of people in his life”. The only human interactions Obama allegedly had while living in New York City for two years were bathing in a fire hydrant alongside a homeless man, living with a Pakistani whom he called Sadik, and chatting with his Puerto Rican neighbors about the New York Knicks. Unlike most undergraduate students, Obama referred to his college days in New York City as “an intense period of study…I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk”. In order to sell the notion that Obama actually attended Columbia College, the 1982-1983 student directory of Columbia College claims that Obama lived at 142 West 109th Street (see photo above), while the New York Times stated that Obama lived in Apartment 6A on 339 East 94th Street. In order to corroborate the notion that Obama actually lived at this particular address in Manhattan, the CIA released a phone book listing from 1982 which included Obama’s alleged address on 94th street as well as his alleged phone number, 410-2857 (see above photo). Columbia also released the graduation program from 1983 (see above photo) which predictably contains the name “Barack Hussein Obama”. The fact that these documents were released to the public shows the sheer desperation of the CIA who is frantically trying to maintain the narrative that Obama actually attended and graduated from Columbia College. Whether the aforementioned documents were forged is not known, but it’s highly likely as no one at Columbia College actually remembers Obama, and there is not one single photo or video of Obama actually graduating from the school. In response to the question: “Is it true that nobody remembers Obama attending Columbia University?”, answered: “At least one of his classmates remembers him well, and the university proudly claims Obama”. In a September 11, 2008, Wall Street Journal report entitled “Obama’s Lost Years”, it was revealed that “Fox News contacted some 400 of his classmates and found no one who remembered him”. Libertarian Wayne Allen Root (who attended Columbia at the same time as Obama) told Reasonmagazine that, “I think the most dangerous thing you should know about Barack Obama is that I don’t know a single person at Columbia that knows him, and they all know me. I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia. Ever!”. In response to the incessant claims that “not one person has ever come forward” from his years at Columbia College, the New York Times was forced to publish a propaganda report on January 20, 2009, entitled “Recollections of Obama’s Ex-Roommate” which stated that Phil Boerner was a roommate of Obama’s while attending Columbia College in New York City. Despite living together for over 2-years, Obama and Boerner have no mutual friends and were never photographed together, despite their incessant partying and the invention of the camera centuries prior. Nevertheless, the report states that “Mr. Boerner recalls. Museums. Jogging in the park. Breakfasts at Tom’s on Broadway, not yet the celebrated hangout of Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza”. Mr. Boerner also recounted his alleged experience with Obama in the January-February issue of “Columbia College Today” entitled “Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate”. Interestingly, the article revealed that Boerner met Obama in Los Angeles while attending Occidental College, providing a well-needed alibi for Obama’s alleged enrollment at both schools—a two for one if you will. Because Boerner’s op-ed was fabricated at the behest of the CIA, it begins with the phrase “I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles”, and ends with the phrase “Based on my six years of knowing him in college and the years immediately after”. Needless to say, Bowener’s literary account was designed to publicly date and his relationship with Obama in order to quell the rumors that Obama never attended Columbia College. Lastly, in order to sell the notion that Obama attended Columbia College as a “foreign student” under the name “Barry Soetoro”, a clearly photoshopped student identification card (see above photo) from Columbia College with Obama’s photo was disseminated globally by the CIA. Although Obama’s original name was in-fact “Barry Soetoro”, he never attended Columbia College and therefore it can be deduced that the card is fraudulent in nature.
5.6: Obama at Columbia College Propaganda
In order to sell the notion that Barack Hussein Obama II actually attended Columbia College, Obama claims to have written a March 10, 1983 essay about two antiwar groups on campus entitled “Breaking the War Mentality” which was allegedly published in Columbia College’s now-defunct student periodical entitled the “Sundial”. Since the magazine no longer exists and no hard copies of the essay have ever been produced, it can be deduced that Obama’s essay is likely fraudulent in nature. In a New York Times report from October 30, 2007, entitled “Obama’s Account of New York Years often Differs from what Others Say”, it was revealed that Obama was “writing his thesis on Soviet nuclear disarmament” while at Columbia College. However, Obama has officially stated that he doesn’t have and therefore can’t release any copies of the thesis-length paper that he allegedly wrote during his senior year. This is because, in all likelihood, the thesis paper does not exist. Obama spokesman, Ben LaBolt, reportedly told NBC News that “We do not have a copy of the course paper you requested and neither does Columbia University”. According to, a Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, “Obama did write a paper on nuclear disarmament for an honors course in American foreign policy during his senior year, but it wasn’t the sort of “thesis” that some colleges require for graduation and keep on file in their libraries, like those that Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama released”. In other words, Obama wrote a thesis but there is no paper or public record that it even exists. Similar to how Obama was featured on the cover of “Occidental” magazine in 2004, Obama was also featured on the cover of the January 2005 issue of “Columbia College Today”. In an interview with the alumni magazine, Obama claims that although he kept a low profile at while at Columbia College, he was involved with the Black Students Organization and participated in anti-apartheid activities and protests. If Obama was indeed politically active on campus as alleged, scores of students and staff would have surely remembered him, and there would be countless photos of him with other activists at meetings and protests. Mysteriously, however, there is not one single photo or video Obama being giving a speech or being politically active on campus. Obama claims that “…my years at Columbia were an intense period of study…When I transferred, I decided to buckle down and get serious. I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk”. In other words, Obama’s excuse for not knowing a single soul at Columbia College is because he was a good student who studied hard. It’s as if Obama wants us to believe that the campus, classroom and library were somehow devoid of people. Nevertheless, Obama was also pictured on the cover of the Winter 2008-2009 cover of “Columbia” magazine, further selling the fraudulent notion that Obama actually attended Columbia College. In what appears to be a publicity stunt designed to further sell the notion that Obama attended the school, his legal wife Michelle Obama posted a photo of Obama on social media wearing a Columbia College shirt as depicted in the May 1, 2015, Columbia Spectator report entitled “Obama Exhibits School Spirit with Columbia T-Shirt”. Shortly thereafter on August 31, 2015, the Columbia Spectator published a report entitled “Bollinger Causes Stir with Comments about Obama Returning to Campus in 2017” which implying that: a) Obama graduated from Colombia College, and b) that Obama has the degrees and mental fortitude to teach at a collegiate level. Needless to say, both are doubtful.
5.7: Obama’s Columbia Photos
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, most of the photos of him during his alleged enrollment at Columbia College in New York City have evidently been photoshopped or staged as part of an elaborate photoshoot. Even more telling than all the photos is the fact that there is not one single photo or video of Obama graduating from Columbia College in 1983. Since virtually all college graduations are photographed in excess, the lack of photographic and videographic evidence from such an historic milestone in Obama’s life speaks for itself. Nevertheless, in order to sell the notion that Obama attended Columbia College, a number of photos have been produced of Obama on location at Columbia campus in New York City. Mysteriously, none of these photos contain any classmates, friends or professors. Also, the person or persons responsible for taking the photos of Obama have never been publically identified, nor were they photographed in return by Obama which is generally standard practice for college students. Consequently, it appears that the following photos were staged as part of a photoshoot or photoshopped at the behest of the CIA in order to help sell the notion that Obama actually attended Columbia College. While there are indeed other photos of Obama from his alleged time at Columbia College, the following four photos are the most telling: PHOTO 1: In the top left photo, Obama is pictured with a Pakistani man named Sohale Siddiqi (Sadik) who is colloquially referred to as Obama’s “roommate” in New York City. A second look at the photo suggests that Obama’s head was photoshopped onto the body of another man as evidenced by the fact that the black turtleneck sweater does tightly fit Obama’s neck as expected. Also, the line between Obama’s neck and the aforementioned sweater is anything but natural looking. PHOTO 2: In the bottom left photo, Obama is pictured in front of a body of water in Central Park which is located in New York City. By all accounts, the photo of Obama appears real but may have been photoshopped onto the background of Central Park. Like most of Obama’s college photos, the photo in question contains no 3D qualities. In other words, Obama is not behind an object or person, nor is he interacting with anything or anyone in the photo. Consequently, Obama’s image could have easily been superimposed upon the photograph without ruining the natural chemistry of it. Due to the fact that Obama is wearing the same clothes as the photo with his alleged grandparents which is clearly photoshopped, it can be deduced that the photo of Obama in Central Park was likely also photoshopped. PHOTO 3: In the middle photo,Obama is pictured in New York City’s Central Park with his alleged grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham. Considering that the left arm of Obama’s alleged grandfather is in an impossible position due to the fact that his shoulders are square, it can be deduced that the photo was photoshopped. In other words, from the position Obama’s grandfather is sitting, it would be impossible for him to hold his hand in that particular position. Also, where Obama’s body meets the blue suit of his grandfather and the red suit of his grandmother, the borders are unnaturally fuzzy. This suggests that a person was removed from the photo and replaced with Obama’s likeness. PHOTO 4: In the far right photo, Obama is pictured leaving his alleged apartment in New York City. Considering that the body frame and loose clothing of the person pictured does not match that of Obama in any form or fashion, it’s highly likely that the photo was fabricated in order to sell the notion that Obama lived in a rundown apartment in New York City.
5.8: Obama at Harvard Law School (1988-1991)
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attendedHarvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 1988 to 1991 as alleged. This notion is corroborated by a wealth of circumstantial and direct evidence (or lack thereof) which suggests that Obama’s time at Harvard Law School has been completely fabricated. Although Obama may have been secretly enrolled at Harvard, it appears that he never attended a single class with other students. That being said, Obama may have been under the tutelage of various professors at Harvard but was clearly never a full-time student, never lived on campus, and never completed the arduous tasks required in order to receive the coveted Juris Doctor degree from Harvard. In short, Obama’s alleged enrollment at Harvard along with his title of President of the Harvard Law Review appear to be colossal hoaxes which were perpetrated by CIA operatives at Harvard who conspired to sell the notion that: a) Obama was an intellectual of the highest capacity, b) Obama graduated from one of the most elite schools in America (i.e., Harvard), and c) Obama was elected to the most prestigious legal position within academia (i.e., the President of the Harvard Law Review). Consequently, in order to create the narrative that Obama was an actual student at Harvard, a number of articles were published under his name and with his likeness during his alleged time at the school. For example, the Daily Herald published a report on May 3, 1990, entitled “Harvard Student Tackles Racism at its Core” which highlighted Obama’s alleged activism on campus next to a photo of then student Obama. A few months later in the July/August 1990 issue of the Chicago Reporter, Obama allegedly published a report entitled “Top Student: What Kind of Minorities Do Firms Want” which curiously featured a photo of himself. Although the aforementioned reports may have in fact been published, their veracity cannot be substantiated until original hard copies are obtained. In order to further sell the notion that Obama graduated from Harvard, Obama attended the Second Celebration of the Black Alumni Weekend at Harvard where he gave the keynote address at the Harvard Law School Association Award Luncheon on September 17, 2005. Just prior to the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, “Harvard Law Today” published an online report entitled “Obama First Made History at HLS” which provided the names of 7 witnesses who personally vouched for Obama’s time at Harvard (i.e., Professor Kenneth Mack, Professor Laurence Tribe, Professor Martha Minow, Artur Davis, Bradford Berenson, Cassandra Butts, and Michael Froman). Despite their alleged friendship with Obama, none of the aforementioned students or professors were ever photographed with Obama during his three years at Harvard. Also, none of the students or professors were kind enough to take a photo of Obama when allegedly graduated with honors in 1991 as the first African-American President of the Harvard Law Review. In order to further sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard, PBS published a report on May 22, 2012, entitled “Obama Made A Strong First Impression At Harvard” which featured the aforementioned Harvard Professor, Laurence Tribe, who once again vouched for Obama’s time on campus. Considering Tribe still serves as a mentor and informal adviser to Obama, it’s highly likely that he is one of the Harvard professors on the CIA’s payroll and therefore his account of Obama was likely fabricated. Nevertheless, Tribe has produced his daily calendar from March 31, 1989, which allegedly contains and entry which states, “11 AM: Barack Obama (1L)” (see above photo), proof that he in fact had an appointment with the first-year law student Obama. Tribe stated in respect to the calendar that “…it has a phone number, which I guess is his dorm room…and there’s an exclamation point next to it“. Needless to say, people do not keep old calendars for years let alone decades, nor do professors detail a student’s full name, dorm room, academic level and phone number on their daily calendar prior to ever meeting them in person. Consequently, it appears Tribe’s detailed calendar and his alleged meeting with Obama were completely fabricated in order to sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard Law School. In order to provide well-needed political cover for Obama’s alleged time at Harvard, Republican presidential candidate and Harvard alum Mitt Romney stated during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election that Obama spent “too much time at Harvard, perhaps”. The tem “perhaps” is correct for it appears that Obama never spent any quality time in Cambridge minus a few CIA-ordered photoshoots (see below). Lastly, in what appears to be a CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to help sell the notion that he actually attended Harvard, Obama visited Harvard Square on March 5, 2014. Interestingly, the Harvard report detailing Obama’s visit to Cambridge used a photo of Obama’s high school graduation in Hawaii above the words “Welcome Back!”. Similar to Columbia College, there are no photos of Obama’s alleged graduation from Harvard in 1991. This anomaly is even more shocking considering that Obama was first African-American President of the Harvard Law Review to graduate from Harvard. Despite this historic event in Obama’s life and in the history of Harvard, no classmates, family members, friends, girlfriends, journalists or professors were curiously able to document Obama’s momentous graduation.
5.9: Obama in Harvard Yearbooks
Unlike Occidental College and Columbia College, Obama is evidently depicted in the yearbook of Harvard Law School and the Harvard Law Review for the year of 1991. That being said, Obama likeness is still missing from the aforementioned yearbooks for the years of 1988 through 1990, a definite red flag to say the least. Consequently, until original hard copies of the Harvard and Harvard Law Review yearbooks from 1991 are obtained, their veracity cannot be substantiated. On page 100 of the Harvard yearbook from 1991, there is a standard photo of Obama who is pictured along with 3 fellow students (see above photo). However, unlike his colleagues, Obama is curiously not wearing a tie. The Harvard yearbook also contains an excerpt entitled “Student Profile: Barack Obama” which begins with the words “After three years…”, another time stamp designed to date Obama’s alleged time at Harvard in a public forum. In other words, if Obama had attended Harvard as alleged, there would be no reason to publically document it for all the world to see. Obama is also evidently depicted in the Harvard Law Review yearbook from 1991 as detailed in the Breitbart News report from May 17, 2012, entitled “The Vetting – Exclusive – Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’”. Contrary to other Harvard-based reports which state that Obama was born in Hawaii, Obama’s bio in the Harvard Law Review yearbook contains the words “born in Kenya” beneath his photo. Again, until an original hard copy of Harvard Law Review yearbook from 1991 is obtained, the veracity of the bio cannot be substantiated. That being said, the very fact that bio was published in the first place further confirms that there is a CIA-spawned conspiracy to sell the notion that Obama was born in Africa, not Switzerland.
5.10: Obama as President of the Harvard Law Review
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attended Harvard Law School and was therefore never elected President of the Harvard Law Review on February 5, 1990, as alleged. It is imperative to note that Obama’s alleged election as the first African-America President of the Harvard Law Review was designed to set the precedent for Obama’s election as the first African-American President of the United States. After all, if Obama was good enough for Harvard (arguably the most prestigious university in the United States), he was definitely good enough for the White House. In other words, Harvard was an integral part of Obama’s political pedigree and public persona which was used to sell Obama to the American people. In a February 6, 1990, report from The Harvard Crimson entitled “Obama Named New Law Review President”, it was revealed that Obama’s position as President of the Harvard Law Review put him “in charge of a staff of 80 which edits and publishes articles by legal authorities eight times per year”. Aside from being a highly stressful and taxing position, Obama’s presidency would have put him in direct contact with roughly 100 people on a day-to-day basis, very few if any have vouched for his time on campus. In a video entitled “Obama in 1990 On His Election to Harvard Law Review” (one of only two videos from Obama’s alleged three years at Harvard), Obama speaks of his historic election as the first African-American President of the Harvard Law Review. Aside from the fact that Obama’s voice is far too deep for his age and likeness, his words do not match the movement of his lips. There is also no indication that the video was shot in Cambridge aside from the words “Cambridge, MA – February 1990” which appear at the bottom of the screen. These words are yet another premeditated time stamp designed to sell the notion that the video is authentic in nature. If Obama really served as President of the Harvard Law Review as alleged, he would have surely been photographed and/or videotaped giving a speech during one the clubs many social functions, but he was not. Consequently, it appears that Obama’s tenure as President of the Harvard Law Review was held in name only. That is to say that his alleged presidency was a media creation (see below) which would mean that the legal position sat dormant for the time while Obama allegedly held the position. This notion is corroborated by the fact that there are only two photos which even suggest that Obama served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Firstly, there is a photo of Obama holding a Harvard Law Review book in his hand (see above photo) which was obviously staged as part of a photoshoot to sell the notion that: a) Obama attended Harvard, and b) Obama was elected President of the Harvard Law Review. Secondly, there is a photo of Obama holding a baton-like object (see above photo) which was designed to sell the notion that Obama was in fact President of the Harvard Law Review. However, a second look at the photo suggests that its photoshopped as evidenced by the fact that Obama body does not match the 3D depth of the persons on his right, and Obama’s legs are clearly missing from the photo.
5.11: Harvard Law Review President Publications
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attended Harvard Law School and therefore was never elected President of the Harvard Law Review on February 5, 1990, as alleged. As previously mentioned, it appears that Obama’s position as President of the Harvard Law Review was in essence a media creation which likely rendered the prestigious legal position dormant for the year which Obama allegedly held the position. Ironically, this scenario is reflected in the White House today where by Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under state-of-the-art mind control while the CIA ultimately pulls the strings. Nevertheless, in order to sell the notion that Obama was elected as President of the Harvard Law Review as alleged, at least three articles were published which in essence serve as a public time stamp that Obama was in fact elected President of the Harvard Law Review in 1990. While these three articles may have been published as claimed, their veracity cannot be substantiated until original hard copies are obtained. Firstly, on February 5, 1990, the New York Times allegedly published a report entitled “First Black Elected to Head Harvard’s Law Review” (see above photo) whose second paragraph stated that “Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii”. The fact that the report highlighted Obama’s alleged place of birth is rather curious and suggests it was premeditatively written in order to sell the notion that Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya or Switzerland. It’s almost as if the New York Times was anticipating the “Birther” issue nearly 2-decades prior to its fruition in reality. This fact alone suggests that the article may have been written at a later date, hence the need to obtain a hard copy of the actual reports. Also, Obama is wearing the same jacket and turtleneck as he is in 5 other photos (see below) which were evidently taken as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot. Consequently, it appears that the New York Times created the article at the behest of the CIA which suggests that its likely fraudulent in nature. Secondly, Jet magazine allegedly published a report on February 26, 1990, entitled “Harvard Law Review Gets First Black President” (see above photo) which also documented Obama alleged election as President of the Harvard Law review. Thirdly, in June of 1990, Vanity Fair magazine allegedly published a report entitled “Harvard Law Reviews: Kicking Down Doors” which also highlighted Obama new position as President of the Harvard Law Review. Although the URL of the Vanity Fair reports includes the date “1990/06” (i.e., June of 1990), the actual publication date on the report is July 22, 2008. The 18-year time delay suggests that the report is fraudulent in nature and was likely fabricated at a later date. Again, until original hard copies of the aforementioned reports are obtained, their veracity cannot be substantiated for they have only retrieved online. Consequently, it’s highly likely that the New York Times, Jet and Vanity Fair reports were fabricated in whole after the fact. In other words, they never published in 1990 as claimed but rather at a later date like the Vanity Fair report. Lastly, in order to further sell the notion that Obama was elected President of the Harvard Law Review in 1990, the Huffington Post published a report on February 6, 2015 entitled “Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today”. Needless to say, report’s claims appear to be fraudulent in nature.
5.12: Obama Protest Video
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that Obama never attended Harvard Law School. Consequently, the video entitled “Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991” (one of only two video from Obama’s three years at Harvard) is likely a forgery and a fraud. In the video, Obama is seen introducing law professor Derrick Bell during a protest at the Harvard campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Whether Obama was at Harvard that day is not known, there are some striking anomalies in respect to the video that must be addressed. Firstly, Obama’s likeness in the video is quite fuzzy while other parts of the video is very clear, namely the face of professor Bell. Secondly, there is no up-close video footage of Obama while he is introducing Bell which suggests that the video was edited and spliced. This would be done in order to cover-up the fact that Obama’s words did not match the movement of his lips, hence the timely cuts. Thirdly, as previously mentioned, the video contains numerous unnatural cuts just prior to, during and shortly after Obama’s speech which also suggests that the video was tampered with in part or in whole. In all likelihood, CGI (computer-generated imagery) was used to insert Obama’s likeness into the video while a voiceover was done. This notion is corroborated by the fact despite being such close a friend and mentor to Obama as documented by the video, there is not one single photo of Obama and Bell together, despite the fact that Bell allegedly visited the White House on two separate occasions in 2010. Since Bell died in 2011, his alleged relationship with Obama will forever remain a mystery. Lastly, since Bell was known to be highly “racist” against white people, it can be deduced that the video in question was likely fabricated by a CIA-run Hollywood studio in order to: a) foment a race war in America, b) sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard, and c) sell the notion that Obama was politically active on campus.
5.13: Obama’s Harvard Photos
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, virtually all of his photos from his alleged time at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts were either staged as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot or photoshopped. As evidenced, Obama took part in at least four professional photoshoots which were conducted on the campus of Harvard campus and in city of Cambridge over the period of approximately 3-years. Consequently, to date, no photos of Obama with his alleged classmates or members of Harvard’s faculty or staff have been discovered. In other words, despite being a politically active celebrity on campus, there is no photographic proof other than the four photoshoots that Obama actually attended Harvard as alleged. ROW 1: The first three black and white photos were likely taken in the Harvard library between 1988 and 1989 as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot as evidenced by the fact that Obama is wearing the same clothes in all three photos. The photos in question were designed to: a) sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard as alleged, and b) sell the notion that Obama was a good student and therefore was deserving of his position as President of the Harvard Law Review. The second three color photos were obviously taken at various locations on the campus of Harvard, most likely between 1988 and 1989. They were evidently taken as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot as evidenced by the fact that Obama is wearing the same clothes in all three pictures. Needless to say, the photos were designed to sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard as alleged. ROW 2: The five photos in row two were evidently taken on the campus of Harvard and in Cambridge as part of another CIA-ordered photoshoot, most likely between 1989 and 1990. In the middle photo, Obama is pictured in front of a bridge in Cambridge with his alleged mother Ann Dunham. Aside from being the only photo taken of Obama and his mother within the continental United States, Obama is curiously wearing the same jacket, jeans and sweater as the other photos in question. Consequently, it’s highly likely that Obama and his alleged mother were flown into Massachusetts from Switzerland specifically to partake in a professional photoshoot which was designed to help sell the notion that Obama has an actual family and attended Harvard as alleged. Also, Obama is wearing the same jacket and turtleneck in the New York Times report from 1990 (see above photo) in respect to his election as President of the Harvard Law Review. ROW 3: The first three black and white photos were likely taken in the Harvard library sometime between 1990 and 1991. Considering that Obama is sporting the same complexion, haircut and black turtleneck in all three photos, it appears that the photo of Obama with the Harvard Law Review book in his hand was taken during the same CIA-ordered photoshoot. Needless to say, the photos in question were designed to: a) sell the notion that Obama attended Harvard as alleged, b) sell the notion that Obama was a good student and was therefore deserving of his position as President of the Harvard Law Review, and c) sell the notion that Obama was in fact President of the Harvard Law Review. The bottom right photo of Obama wearing a “Gantt for U.S. Senate” t-shirt was allegedly taken by fellow student Bradford Berenson on election night, November 6, 1990. The photo, which Obama signed and allegedly sent to Democrat Harvey Gantt, is yet another public time stamp designed to sell the notion that Obama was living in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1990. Lastly, it is imperative to note that the person or persons responsible for taking the aforementioned photos of Obama has never been publically identified. Also, there are no photos of Obama graduating from Harvard Law School in 1991. Since virtually all college graduations are photographed in excess, the lack of photographic evidence from such a historic occasion in Obama’s life is quite telling and speaks for itself.
5.14: Obama at University of Chicago Law School (1992-2004)
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attendedOccidental College, Columbia College at Columbia University and Harvard Law School as alleged. Consequently, Obama would not have obtained the necessary degrees which would have enabled him to teach at the University of Chicago Law School as a lecturer from 1992 until 1996, and as a senior lecturer from 1996 until 2004. Obama would also not have gained the necessary education and real-world experience needed to teach at the university level in a competent manner, especially on the subject of constitutional law. The notion that Obama never taught law at the University of Chicago Law School is corroborated by a wealth of direct, circumstantial, photographic and videographic evidence (or lack thereof) which suggests that Obama’s time at the University of Chicago Law School has been completely fabricated. Although Obama may have been secretly employed by the school, it appears that he never taught a single class with actual students. According to an official statement from the University of Chicago Law School (see above photo), the law school has “received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as “Senior Lecturer”. Evidently, the school’s Alma mater and faculty did not recall seeing a tall African-American lawyer from Harvard during the years that Obama was allegedly employed by the university. During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, Obama regularly referred to himself as “a constitutional law professor” which was in essence validated by the University of Chicago Law School who confirmed that Obama “served as a professor” and was “regarded as” a professor. However, they have since changed their position due to growing pressure from students and staff who don’t remember Obama. In order dispel the incessant rumors that Obama never taught at the University of Chicago Law School, a semantical publicity stunt of sorts was executed by the Chicago Sun-Times (at the behest of the CIA) on March 28, 2008, when they published a report entitled “Obama Did Not “Hold the Title” of a University of Chicago Law School Professor”. The shocking report stated that although Obama taught courses part-time at the school, he never held a professor title at the University of Chicago School of Law. “He did not hold the title of professor of law”, stated Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law. Nagorsky attempted to cover for Obama by stating that the status of a senior lecturer is similar to the status of a professor and that Obama did teach core courses usually handled by professors. Nevertheless, considering Obama allegedly served as President of the Harvard Law Review, the notion that he was relegated to teaching “three courses per year” of relative unimportance would be belittling to say the least. The report also revealed that Obama did not have any scholarly research obligations, meaning that he had no academic duties as professors generally do. Also, Obama was not part of the academic search process, meaning that Obama was never vetted by the faculty and staff of the University of Chicago prior to being hired. In summation, Obama taught one course per semester (roughly 36 courses over a period of 12-years), was not vetted by his academic peers prior to being hired (which is standard operating procedure in academia), had no scholarly research obligations (i.e., had zero academic accountability), was promoted from lecturer to senior lecturer after just 4-years (approximately 12 courses), and was able to retain the fraudulent title of “professor” for 16-years before being exposed and subsequently demoted to “lecturer”. Needless to say, Obama’s alleged professorship at the University of Chicago Law School is unprecedented in academia and therefore likely never transpired in reality. According to a New York Times report from July 30, 2008, entitled “Teaching Law, Testing Ideas, Obama Stood Slightly Apart”, Obama was nowhere to be found on the campus of the University of Chicago Law School. Obama, who reportedly declined to be interviewed for the article, was “well liked at the law school, yet [Obama] was always slightly apart from it, leaving some colleagues feeling a little cheated that he did not fully engage”. In other words, Obama did not engage with students and staff because in all likelihood he wasn’t on campus to do so. This notion was essentially confirmed by the report which stated that, “Three times a week, professors do combat over lunch at a special round table in the university’s faculty club, and they share and defend their research in workshop discussions. Mr. Obama rarely attended, even when he was in town”. According to Dennis Hutchinson, “I’m not sure [Obama] was close to anyone”, except for constitutional law professors such as Cass Sunstein who coincidentally was an adviser to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. In other words, Obama was not engaged with the students and staff of the University of Chicago Law School, did not participate in professorly functions, and was not friends with anyone on campus. There is also the issue of Obama’s legal knowledge (or lack thereof) in respect to the U.S. Constitution, a subject which he allegedly taught at the University of Chicago Law School. During his State of the Union address on January 27, 2010, Obama stated that, “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we’re all created equal”. However, the exact phrase “created equal” is not found in the U.S. Constitution but rather in the Declaration of Independence. As a Harvard trained constitutional lawyer who served as President of the Harvard Law Review, the mistake is unacceptable and suggests that Obama knows not of what he speaks. Although there are no videos of Obama during his 12-year tenure at the University of Chicago Law School, he was prominently featured in a commercial for the school as depicted in the video entitled “University of Chicago Law School — Ideas & Action” which was uploaded onto YouTube on January 21, 2011. Lastly, in order to help sell the notion that Obama was employed by the University of Chicago Law School as alleged, it was reported on May 1, 2015, that Obama picked the University of Chicago as the sight for his presidential library, an ironic gesture to say the least.
5.15: Obama’s University of Chicago Photos
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, virtually all of his photos from his alleged professorship at the University of Chicago Law School were either staged as part of an elaborate photoshoot or photoshopped. As evidenced, Obama took part in a number of professional photoshoots on location at the University of Chicago Law School which were designed to sell the notion that he was actually employed by the school. Aside from the fact that only 7 photos of Obama have been discovered from his alleged 12-years at the school, there are no photos of Obama with any faculty, family or staff members, and only 2 photos with alleged students. PHOTO 1: In the top left photo, Obama is pictured writing on a blackboard which was allegedly located in a classroom at the University of Chicago Law School. Considering that there are no students in the picture and the date and location of the photo is unknown, it’s highly likely that the photo was part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot designed to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. PHOTO 2: In the middle left photo, Obama is pictured giving a lecture to students which are allegedly enrolled at the University of Chicago Law School. The photo is a still from a commercial which prominently features Obama as depicted in the video entitled “University of Chicago Law School — Ideas & Action” which was uploaded onto YouTube on January 21, 2011. Considering that the original video of Obama lecturing has never been released, it can be deduced that it was likely staged in order to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. PHOTO 3: In the bottom left photo, Obama is pictured leaning over a table while supposedly teaching a group of students at the University of Chicago Law School. Considering that the photo is rather blurry in nature, it suggests that the photo was photoshopped. Also, considering that the date and location of the photo is unknown, it’s highly likely that it was photoshopped in order to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. PHOTO 4 In the top middle photo, Obama is pictured talking with three of his alleged students at the University of Chicago Law School. Considering that the letters “FLAUM” and “HALL” can be seen in the top left part of the photograph (i.e., “Pflaum Lecture Hall” is a building on the University of Chicago Law School campus), it can be deduced that the photo was premeditatively taken on location at the school as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot designed to sell the notion that Obama was actually a professor at the school. Also, the date of the photo and the identity of the three alleged students has never been established which is highly suspect. PHOTO 5: In the bottom middle photo, Obama is once again pictured with three of his alleged students at the University of Chicago Law School. Similar to photo 4, the photo in question was evidently taken at the University of Chicago Law School as part of a CIA-ordered photoshoot to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the school. Again, the date of the photo and the identity of the three alleged students has never been established which is highly suspect. PHOTO 6: In the top right photo, Obama is pictured in his alleged office at the University of Chicago Law School in 1995. Interestingly, the photo contains a portrait of the late Chicago Mayor Harold Washington, and “It’s a Power Thing” poster from 1992, a political campaign which Obama reportedly worked on. The aforementioned objects were evidently placed in the room to personalize and time stamp the photo in a desperate attempt to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. PHOTO 7: Lastly, in the bottom right photo, Obama is pictured speaking to an alleged group of students at the University of Chicago Law School. Considering that the date and location of the photo is unknown, it’s highly likely that the photo was staged in order to sell the notion that Obama was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School.
5.16: Obama Alleged Law Practice
Because Barack Hussein Obama II was evidently born and raised in Switzerland, it’s highly likely that he never attended or graduated from Harvard Law School as alleged, making it impossible for him to obtain the necessary law degree which would have enabled him work as a bar certified lawyer in the state of Illinois. According to, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, Obama has not released the list of his 30-plus clients that he allegedly represented while he was a lawyer with the Illinois firm entitled “Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard”. That being said, in 2008 the Obama campaign confirmed that Obama personally represented the liberal group ACORN in a 1995 lawsuit against the state of Illinois which was designed to make voter registration easier. However, until a hard copy of the lawsuit is obtained, its veracity cannot be substantiated. Needless to say, the lack of transparency in respect to the Obama alleged clients is highly suspect and suggests that he never practiced law as an attorney in the state of Illinois as alleged. If Obama’s name was actually on dozens of lawsuits as alleged, the nature of said lawsuits would surely have been disclosed. After all, Obama is the biggest celebrity in the world and therefore a legal document with his name on it would be worth a small fortune.
5.17: Obamas Law Licenses Revoked
The notion that Barack Hussein Obama II never graduated from Harvard Law School or taught constitutional law at theUniversity of Chicago Law School is corroborated by the fact that he does not have—and likely never did have—a valid license to practice law in the state of Illinois. According to, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center,Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991 and was admitted as a lawyer by the Supreme Court of Illinois on December 17, 1991. Prior to being elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996, Obama allegedly worked as a civil rights lawyer at the firm formerly known as “Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland”. However, only four days after Obama announced that he would run for President of the United States in February of 2007, he voluntarily elected to have his law license placed on “inactive” status. Then, just days after becoming president on January 20, 2009, Obama once again voluntarily elected to have his law license placed on “retired” status in February of 2009. Had Obama actually earned his law degree as alleged, he would not be in such a rush to rescind it. By placing Obama’s alleged law license on “inactive” and then “retired” status, the CIA was hoping to dispel the notion that Obama’s law degree and his subsequent professorship at theUniversity of Chicago Law School were fraudulent in nature. In order to make Obama’s inexplicable surrendering of his law license less of an anomaly, his wife Michelle Obama, who actually graduated from Harvard Law School in 1988, voluntarily placed her license on “inactive” status. The excuses given by the Obamas for the inexplicable retirement of their collective law degrees was that: a) they would have been required to pay an annual fee of $289 (now $342), and b) the would have had to take classes to satisfy the state’s Minimum Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirement in order to keep their licenses active. Needless to say, lawyers on retirement status don’t have to pay an annual fee or take classes. Considering that the Obamas are worth millions and CLE classes are available online, the retirement of their respective law degrees is highly suspect to say the least. In short, the Obamas are lawyers in theory but don’t have the necessary license to practice law. Conversely, President Bill Clinton retained his law license until he was convicted in a court of law of making false statements during the Monica Lewinsky trial. Clinton’s perjury resulted in the “Voluntarily Surrender” of his law license. Consequently, if Obama was the former President of Harvard Law Review as alleged, it would stand to reason that: a) he would do everything in his power to retain his law license after years of hard work, and b) in the event that he no longer wanted to practice law, he would let his license expire rather than expediting its retirement. Needless to say, the haste at which both Barack and Michelle Obama distanced themselves from their respective Harvard law degrees is highly suspicious considering that said degrees are highly coveted and extremely hard to come by, especially for African-Americans.
6.1: Dictator Barack Hussein Obama
While Barack Hussein Obama II was allegedly enrolled at Harvard Law School from 1988 to 1991, the Gulf War between the United States and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein raged on from August 2, 1990, until February 28, 1991. Consequently, it appears that Obama was premeditatively given the middle name of “Hussein” shortly thereafter in order to foreshadow the notion that he is slated to become America’s first dictator. Similar to how dictators Adolf Hitler (1938) and Joseph Stalin (1939 & 1942) were named TIME’s “Man of the Year”, Obama was named TIME’s “Person of the Year” in both 2008 and 2012. A second look at the TIME cover reveals that the “M” in “TIME” serves as two devil’s horns on Obama’s head. The coveted award appears to be a rite of passage for CIA-spawned dictators who, at the time that they received their respective awards, had the full support of the political establishment and virtually all media (e.g., newspapers, radio, television, etc.). In other words, the status quo was fully supportive of both Hitler and Stalin prior to the wars they started and the industrial slaughter of their respective citizens. However, since their respective deaths, Hitler and Stalin have been demonized in every way, shape and form by the very governments and media which helped elevate them to dictator status in the first place. Consequently, after Obama becomes dictator of the United States and kills tens of millions under the guise of FEMA concentration camps, he too will join the ranks of Hitler and Stalin as the most notorious dictators of all time. The path to an Obama dictatorship will likely be implemented as follows: a) Obama declares a “National Emergency” in the aftermath of a foreign invasion, natural disaster or terror attack, b) due to said “National Emergency”, Obama will declare Martial Law (i.e., military law), resulting in the suspension of the rule of law as dictated by the U.S. Constitution; c) due to the ongoing “National Emergency”, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election will first be postponed and then ultimately canceled, leading to a de facto dictatorship of the United States under President Obama; d) under the guise of the “National Emergency” and Martial Law, Obama will open FEMA concentration camps to house displaced persons as well as alleged “terrorists”, leading to the industrial slaughter of tens of millions of Americans; and e) in the aftermath of mass genocide, Obama will take his rightful place in history as the Black Adolf Hitler.
6.2: Obama Dictatorship Programing & Propaganda
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is slated to become America’s first dictator, Obama himself along with scores of CIA minions in politics and media have been speculating and salivating about the impending Obama dictatorship for years. Despite assurances that he has no intention of becoming a dictator, Obama’s speech to La Raza on July 25, 2011 (see video) suggests otherwise. Obama stated, “Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. And believe me, right now dealing with Congress…Believe me…Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written”. In order to foreshadow the notion that he will be America’s first dictator, Obama stated on March 1, 2013, that “I am not a dictator, I’m the president” (see video). The premeditative statement by Obama was designed to intimately associate the office of President of the United States with the term “dictator” just prior to an Obama dictatorship transpiring in reality. Although there are literally thousands of reports associating Obama with the terms “dictator” and “dictatorship”, the following sample is sufficive in showing that there is coordinated effort to psychologically prepare the masses for the impending Obama dictatorship so that it will be less shocking when it transpires in real life. Aside from the aforementioned statements by Obama, the first Obama-dictator programming was identified back on November 11, 2008, when Georgia congressman Paul Brown warned of a dictatorship under Obama. Roughly 18-months later on June 16, 2010, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz called on Obama to act “like a dictator”. Roughly 18-months later on January 3, 2012, the Washington Times published an editorial entitled “Obama and Dictatorship”, which begged the question: “Can a mundane defense authorization law create an Obama dictatorship?”. Roughly 6-months later on June 18, 2012, traitorous Infowars held a “Stop Obama Dictator Contest” which was evidently designed to raise the notion of an impending Obama dictatorship just prior to its fruition in reality. Approximately 5-months later on November 7, 2012, the New York Post published a report entitled “Obama’s Historic Victory: Hail ‘O’Caesar” which depicted Obama as the notorious dictator Julius Cesare. Five days later on November 12, 2012, Bloomberg News published a report entitled “The Next Four Years” which depicted Obama as an old man just after winning the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. Considering that Obama would not age that much in 4-years, it can be deduced that the shocking cover was designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama will be in power for decades which is only possible in America under a military dictatorship. A week later on November 19, 2012, Newsweek published a report entitled “The Obama Conquest: Lucky General or Master of the Game?” which depicted Obama as the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte. Less than a month later on December 6, 2013, the Examiner published a report entitled “Liberal Democrats to Obama: Rule Like Dictator on Minimum Wage, Deportations”, further foreshadowing Obama acting unilaterally in a dictator-like manner. Roughly 2-months later on February 20, 2014, Korn singer Jonathan Davis called President Obama a dictator who uses Miley Cyrus and Kanye West to destroy America. The latter part of the remark by Davis was designed to dismiss the seriousness of the impending Obama dictatorship. Roughly 6-weeks later on April 2, 2014, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “A Reality Check on Executive Orders and the ‘Dictator Obama’ Myth” which was evidently designed to dispel the notion of an impending Obama dictatorship. Approximately 6-months later on October 10, 2014, Jewish actress Gwyneth Paltrow stated that “It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man [Obama] all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass”. Paltrow’s comments were designed to sell the notion that the solution to all of America’s problems is an Obama dictatorship. Roughly 3-weeks later on November 3, 2014, MSNBC published a report entitled “Obama Can be ‘Apathetic’ or a ‘Dictator’ but He Can’t be Both”, further foreshadowing that an Obama dictatorship is imminent. About 6-weeks later on January 20, 2015, the Washington Post published a report entitled “The Obama Presidency, from ‘Socialist’ to ‘Dictator’”, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that an Obama dictatorship is just a matter of time. Approximately 5-months later on June 17, 2015, the Wall Street Journal published a report entitled “Dictatorships and Obama Standards”, further associating Obama with the notion of a dictatorship. A week later on June 24, 2015, traitorous Infowars published a report entitled “TPP Passes: Obama Now A Dictator”, further selling the notion that Obama is in fact a dictator. Roughly 6-weeks later on August 5, 2015, Forbes published a report entitled “Obama’s True Legacy: Propping Up Dictators”, foreshadowing that Obama’s true legacy will be his impending dictatorship. Approximately 5-weeks later on September 1, 2015, Columbus Dispatch published a report entitled “Obama a ‘Dictator,’ Says Ex-Ohio Congressman After Mount McKinley Name Change” which was designed to show that Obama is already acting in a dictatorial manner. Almost 7-weeks later on October 23, 2015, Slate published a report entitled “American Presidential Power is Not Leading to Dictatorship” which intimately associated the office of President of the United States with the notion of an impending dictatorship. Roughly 2-weeks later on November 6, 2015, Jewish radio host Michael Savage stated on his radio program that “We’re living in a dictatorship”, a naked reference to the Obama administration. Lastly, on January 3, 2016, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stated thatObama wants to act “as if he is a dictator”, further raising the specter of an Obama dictatorship just prior to its fruition in reality. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm that there is a concerted effort my CIA minions in politics and media to program America and the world for the impending dictatorship of Barack Hussein Obama.
6.3: Obama Dictatorship Legislation
In the aftermath of a so-called “National Emergency”, Barack Hussein Obama II will legally become America’s first dictator under Rex 84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) which allows for a military dictatorship of the United States. The plans for Rex 84 was first revealed by Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987, edition of the Miami Herald entitled “Reagan Aides and the ‘Secret’ Government” (see above photo). In short, Rex 84 is a contingency plan developed by the U.S. federal government (at the behest of the CA) to suspend the U.S. Constitution, declare Martial Law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens in FEMA concentration camps (see below) which are deemed to be “national security threats”. The term “Readiness Exercise 1984” was likely chosen because it invokes the dystopic society of perpetual war and omnipresent government surveillance foreshadowed in the book “1984” by George Orwell. The notion that Rex 84 was explicitly created for an Obama dictatorship is corroborated by the fact that Obama’s birthday is August 4th which numerologically equates to “84”. Those who would dismiss this as sheer coincidence do not understand numerology. When employing the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and theRoman-English alphabet, the term “Rex” (R+X) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Rome X” or “Rome Kill”, while the numbers “84” translates to “HD” which acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Forever Die”. Consequently, the term “Rex 84” means that the Roman Empire in Greenland will be culling a large part of the U.S. population under the cover of an Obama dictatorship. Lastly, on May 4, 2007, the “White House National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 51” (NSPD-51) was passed by the U.S. Congress which allows for the “continuity of government” under Obama in the aftermath of a “catastrophic emergency”. Such an emergency is broadly defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions”. Should Obama determine that such a “National Emergency” has indeed occurred, he and he alone has the power to do whatever he deems necessary to ensure that “continuity of government” survives, including declaring himself dictator of the United States of America.
6.4: Obama’s Impending National Emergency
Ever since the attacks of September 11, 2001, the U.S. federal government has assumed the authority to institute Martial Law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), incarcerate alleged terrorists (domestic or otherwise), and detain people in mass without legal or constitutional recourse in the aftermath of a “National Emergency”. In other words, Barack Hussein Obama II now has the authorization to use the U.S. military in response to “a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or any other condition in which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to the extent that state officials cannot maintain public order”. “National Emergency” scenarios under Obama include but are not limited to: asteroid attack, bio-attack, biological outbreak and/or pandemic, banking collapse, blackout (electrical or internet), comet attack, civil war, dirty bomb attack, major earthquake, EMP attack, foreign invasion (e.g., China, ISIS, Russia, etc.), major hurricane, nuclear reactor attack/leak, nuclear terror attack, race riots, stock market crash, major tornado, major tsunami and volcanic eruption. In short, when shit hits the fan, Obama will predictably declare himself dictator in order to properly respond to the ongoing “National Emergency”. The legal precedent for an Obama dictatorships falls under the “Continuity of Operations Plan” or “Continuity of Government Plan” (COG) which dictates the preparations and institutions maintained by the U.S. government for the survival of federal government operations in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. The COG plan was first implemented by George W. Bush following the attacks of September 11, 2001, and will be implemented for a second time under Obama in the aftermath of a “National Emergency”. The impending “National Emergency” will be declared nationally via the Emergency Alert System (EAS) which is the electronic infrastructure that was created on November 29, 1997, precisely to serve as the national warning system for the United States. The EAS will allow Obama to speak directly to all Americans within 10 minutes after a “National Emergency” has occurred. In what appears to be a beta test for the impending “National Emergency” which will elevate Obama to dictator status, the EAS executed a nationwide test on November 9, 2011 which was transmitted over radio and television broadcast stations, cable television and various other media-related services. Since the EAS system has been updated for smartphones, virtually everyone in America will witness the moment when Obama declares a “National Emergency” that will elevate him to dictator status. Lastly, the date of the EAS beta test was numerically speaking “11/9/2011” which was evidently designed to invoke the 9/11 attacks which resulted in America’s first “National Emergency”.
6.5: Obama’s Martial Law Takeover
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is slated to become America’s first dictator, there have been countless references to Martial Law which will result in the removal of all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. In other words, no laws will applicable except those which Obama deems necessary. In order to program America for the implementation of Martial Law in the wake of a biological pandemic, the Hollywood propaganda film entitled “World War Z” (2013) starring Brad Pitt makes a naked reference to Martial Law. The notion that Obama plans to institute Martial Law was evident surrounding JADE HELM 15, a U.S. military war game which took place in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah from July 15, 2015, until to September 15, 2015. In short, the unprecedented military drill was designed in-part to implement Martial Law on a local basis prior to it spreading nationally. Fortunately, Obama but never got the chance to implement Martial Law due to timely terror alerts from Nevertheless, the notion that JADE HELM 15 was cover for the implementation of Martial Law was first identified back on April 30, 2015, when Bloomberg published a report entitled “Whoa, If True: ‘Operation Jade Helm 15’ Lays Groundwork for Martial Law”. The report quoted White House press secretary Josh Earnest who stated, “In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while [JADE HELM 15] is being conducted”. Translation: constitutional rights and civil liberties will be infringed upon in the aftermath of martial law. Roughly a week later on May 6, 2015, Bloomberg News published a report which revealed that the “U.S. Army is preparing for “modern-day Martial Law” in Texas. That same day, May 6, 2015, the New York Times published a report which revealed that JADE HELM 15 is “part of a secret plan to impose Martial Law”. Also on May 6, 2015, The Star published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 is really a sinister plot by Obama to “take over the state [of Texas] and impose Martial Law”. Two days later on May 8, 2015, the Los Angeles Times published a report entitled “Operation Jade Helm 15: Military Training Exercise or Martial Law?” which revealed that the military exercise was “preparation for the imminent declaration of Martial Law”. Just over a week later on May 17, 2015, the Hartford Courant published a report which stated that the U.S. military intends to “remove key political figures who might oppose the institution of Martial Law”. A day later on May 18, 2015, the New Yorker published a report which stated that JADE HELM is “a rehearsal for civil war and the enforcement of Martial Law”. Roughly 2-months later on July 4, 2015, the Washington Post published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 is an Obama plot to “confiscate their guns and ultimately establish Martial Law”. Approximately a week later on July 10, 2015, Russia Today published a report which stated that “Martial Law [is] about to be declared” and that “Martial Law goes into effect this summer”. Two days later on July 12, 2015, Yahoo News published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 will bring about an “orchestrated financial crisis [that] will lead to Martial Law”. A day later on July 13, 2015, The Guardian published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 was “the prelude to Martial Law”. Less than 24-hours later on July 14, 2015, Russia Today published a report which stated that “Texans will be […] forced to endure Martial Law”. Lastly, during a CNN special entitled “Guns in America”, which aired internationally on January 7, 2016, Obama made a direct reference to JADE HELM, stating that “We did a military exercise in Texas, and a whole bunch of folks were sure that this was the start of Martial Law”. In response to a follow-up question by CNN host Anderson Cooper, Obama stated, “Are you suggesting that the notion that we are creating a plot to take everybody’s guns away so that we can impose Martial Law?”. The fact that Obama voluntarily spoke about Martial Law confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that it’s just a matter of time before Martial Law implemented on a national level. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama will implement Martial Law in the aftermath of a “National Emergency” that will predictably elevate Obama to dictator status.
6.6: Obama’s Suspension of 2016 US Presidential Election
In order for Barack Hussein Obama II to become dictator of the United States, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, which is currently slated to take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, must be suspended indefinitely or canceled outright. This particular scenario will likely transpire in the aftermath of a “National Emergency” and subsequent implementation ofMartial Law. Back on May 23, 2014, Obama joked about becoming dictator at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, stating, “Everywhere I look there are reminders that I only hold this job temporarily. But, it’s a long time between now and 2016. And anything can happen”. Translation: a “National Emergency” will transpire sometime prior to November 8, 2016, enabling Obama to declare Martial Law and suspend the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, rendering himself dictator of the United States. In what appears to be pre-2016 U.S. Presidential Election suspension/cancellation programming, theIowa Straw Poll, which generally determines who will win the Iowa caucuses, was inexplicably canceled in June of 2015. Also, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election is roughly 1.5-years behind schedule as evidenced by the fact that there are still no clear frontrunners in either the Democratic or Republican parties. Back on March 19, 2015, radio host and intelligence operative Alex Jones stated in respect to the aforementioned JADE HELM 15 war game that it was “preparation for the financial collapse and maybe even Obama not leaving office”. Roughly 3-months later on July 4, 2015, the Washington Post stated that Obama may use JADE HELM 15 to “cancel the 2016 presidential elections and extend his term in office”. Roughly a week later on July 12, 2015, the New York Times stated that JADE HELM 15 may enable Obama to “suspend the Constitution and cling to office indefinitely”, resulting in a de facto Obama dictatorship. That same day, July 12, 2015, Yahoo News published a report stating that JADE HELM 15 may lead to a “dictatorship under President Barack Obama” and that Obama may try and “stop the next election from taking place”. Roughly 8-months later on March 4, 2016, CNN published a report entitled “Obama Says He’s Not Leaving D.C. Next Year” which was designed foreshadow the notion that Obama will stay in office past 2016. Five days later on March 9, 2016, Infowars reiterated this notion when they published a report entitled “Is Obama Trying to Start a War to Stay in Office?” which included the phrase “Many have predicted a third term from Obama, and with time running out we will soon see if that happens”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, suggest that Obama will either suspend indefinitely and/or outright cancel the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in the aftermath of a “National Emergency” which will predictably elevate him to dictator status.
7.1: FEMA Concentration Camps, Human Cattle Cars & Mass Graves
Unbeknownst to millions of Americans, there are now hundreds of FEMA concentration camps located within the United States of America that have been confirmed by both alternative and mainstream news sources. Although the notion of FEMA concentration camps has been dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the evidence speaks for itself. Bard-wire fences facing inward, human transport rail cars, mass coffins, and human incinerators are all present at these U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) camps which are eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The notion that a Cult of Personalityleader like Barack Hussein Obama II would oversee the industrial slaughter of millions of Americans via concentration camps may seem outright absurd and ridiculous, but that’s exactly what happened in Cambodia under Pol Pot, in China under Mao Zedong, in Germany under Adolf Hitler, and in Russia under Josef Stalin. Needless to say, unless Obama is exposed, history will once again repeat itself in America. The notion that FEMA concentration camps have been built for the industrial slaughter of millions of people was first confirmed by the San Francisco Chronicle which published a report on February 4, 2008, entitled “Rule by Fear or Rule by Law?”. The shocking report revealed that starting in 1999, the U.S. government “entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) tobuild detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States”. Detention camp is code-word for concentrations camp in U.S. government lingo. The KBR contract is reportedly part of a DHS plan entitled Operation Endgame (see below) whose goal is the removal of “all removable aliens” and “potential terrorists” from the United States by the year 2012. Needless to say, DHS is behind schedule. Aside from overwhelming videographic evidence, FEMA concentration camps were confirmed in the propaganda film (watch video) entitled “Camp FEMA: American Lockdown” (2009), as well as in an Infowars report from November 10, 2010, entitled “Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed”. It is imperative to note that the films, reports and videos released in respect to FEMA concentration camps were designed in-part to provide a timely motive for a domestic insurrection under Obama which would ironically open the very concentration camps that those fighting against the government hoped to avoid. The San Francisco Chronicle report also revealed that the U.S. government has contracted with several companies such as KBR to “build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees”. Unfortunately, history repeats itself as trains were used by Nazi Germany to transport millions of unsuspecting victims to concentration camps were they were slaughtered in mass via poisonous gas chambers. Aside from the FEMA concentration camps and human cattle cars, video reports have confirmed that mass coffins have been found at various locations across the Unites States. While U.S. government officials state that the coffins are only for catastrophic emergencies, there is growing suspicion that something far more sinister is going on. Regardless of whether the coffins are for a “National Emergency” or for the industrial slaughter of the American people, the U.S. federal government now has the ability to bury millions of people in a very short amount of time; a most frightening prospect to say the very least. The mass graves were also confirmed by an Inforwars report from February 13, 2009, entitled “Is FEMA and DHS Preparing for Mass Graves and Martial Law Near Chicago?”, and by an Infowars report from March 25, 2009, entitled “Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, suggest that the Obama administration (at the behest of the CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva) is preparing to transport millions of Americans to FEMA concentrations camps via human cattle cars where they will be culled in mass and buried in unmarked graves.
7.2: FEMA Camp Programming
Evidence now suggests that Barack Hussein Obama II (at the behest of CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva) is preparing to utilize the FEMA concentration camps which have been built across the United States for the industrial slaughter of the American people. Exactly how high the death toll will get under an Obama dictatorship is not known, but it will likely surpass that of Nazi Germany. The impending Nazi Germany-like scenario will likely transpire in the aftermath of “National Emergency” as dictated under the aforementioned Rex 84. In time, FEMA concentration camps will house and subsequently exterminate millions of Americans who are deemed by the CIA to be a potential threat to the U.S. government. In order to psychologically prepare the United States for the grand opening of FEMA concentrations camps, terms such as “detention centers”, “detention facilities”, “interrogation facilities”, “prison camps” and “World War II-style camps” have suddenly become part of the American vernacular over the last year. For example, on July 21, 2015, ex-NATO Commander and former U.S. General Wesley Clark suggested that World War II-style camps should be opened for radicalized Americans, stating that “In World War II, if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States…we put him in a camp, they were prisoners of war…If these people are radicalized and they don’t support the United States… it’s our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict”. That same day, July 21, 2015, Infowars published a report entitled “FEMA Identifying Potential ‘Extremists’” which highlighted “HR 2899: Countering Violent Extremism Act of 2015”, a bill which was introduced by Representative Michael McCaul on June 25, 2015. The new bill expands the definition of those who the U.S. government deems “violent extremists”. Needless to say, said “violent extremists” will be detained in FEMA concentration camps. Three days later on July 24, 2015, CNN published a report entitled “America’s Shameful ‘Prison Camps’”, further foreshadowing the notion that shameful Nazi-like concentration camps will be opened in the United States. Roughly 2-weeks later on August 5, 2015, it was reported that Chicago police have detained thousands of black Americans at an interrogation facility, further confirming that FEMA concentration camps are not only operational but open for business. Similar to Nazi Germany, immigrants, minorities and poor people will be the first to be incarcerated and subsequently exterminated. Also on August 5, 2015, it was reported that Israel has placed a Jewish extremist in administrative detention where he will be denied due process. Those who are unfortunate enough to be detained in a FEMA concentrations camp will not only be denied due process but their very right to life. Lastly, on August 7, 2015, Fox News published a report entitled “Justice Department Asks Judge Not to Release Families in Immigration Detention Centers” which confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, that once a person has been detained in a FEMA concentration camp they will not be released under any circumstance. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that the CIA is programming America and the world for opening of FEMA concentration camps in the United States.
7.3: FEMA Camp-JADE HELM Narrative
The notion that Barack Hussein Obama II plans to open FEMA concentrations camps in America was evident surrounding JADE HELM 15, a U.S. military war game which took place in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah from July 15, 2015, until to September 15, 2015. In short, the unprecedented military drill was designed in-part to open FEMA concentration camps on a local level prior to them opening on a national level so that the industrial slaughter of the American public could commence. However, due to timey terror alerts from, the FEMA concentration camps have thus far remained closed. The notion that JADE HELM 15 was in fact cover for the grand opening of FEMA concentration camps was first identified in an Army Times report from March 23, 2015, which stated that JADE HELM 15 would prepare troops to “throw citizens in FEMA camps,” and that there are rumors of “FEMA ‘death domes’ popping up across Texas” to “house captured American insurgents”. Roughly 6-weeks later on May 6, 2015, the New York Times published a report which stated that “shuttered Wal-Mart stores would be used for “FEMA processing camps”. Roughly 2-weeks later on May 17, 2015, the Hartford Courant published a report which stated that the U.S. military “plans to round up political dissidents” and “remove key political figures”, tactics eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Roughly 2-months later on July 10, 2015, the Houston Chronicle published a report which stated that JADE HELM is raising “fears [about] the imminent opening of concentration camps” in America. That very same day, July 10, 2015, Russia Today published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 will feature “deportations to FEMA “internment camps”. Two days later on July 12, 2015, the New York Times published a report which stated that “political opponents of President Obama will be rounded up and herded into detention centers”. Also on July 12, 2015, Yahoo News published a report which quoted Texan Josh Munyon who stated that “they already have FEMA trains that […] look like the trains that the Nazis used in World War II”. A day later on July 13, 2015, The Guardian published a report which stated that JADE HELM 15 is a prelude to “locking innocent Americans in internment camps”. Lastly, day later on July 14, 2015, Russia Today published a report which stated that Texans may be “bundled into concentration camps”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that FEMA concentration camps will be opened under Obama that will subsequently result in the industrial slaughter of millions of Americans.
7.4.: Operation Endgame
The aforementioned “Operation Endgame” is in essence the legal blueprint for the arrest, incarceration and ultimate termination of millions of Americans under Barack Hussein Obama II. Because this sinister plan is in essence a redux of what transpired in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, it has never been mentioned by either alternative or mainstream news sources. In short, Operation Endgame is a plan currently under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all “removable aliens” and “suspected terrorists” currently living in the United States by 2012. Needless to say, DHS is behind schedule. The so-called “aliens” and “suspected terrorists” targeted for removal by Operation Endgame are slated to suffer the same fate as those aliens and suspected terrorists in Nazi Germany, namely mass death. The objective of Operation Endgame was described in a June 27, 2003, memorandum from Anthony S. Tangemann to the Deputy Assistant Director of Field Operations which stated that, “The DRO provides the endgame to immigration enforcement and that is the removal of all removable aliens. This is also the essence of our mission statement and the ‘golden measure’ to our successes”. A document issued by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations entitled “Strategic Plan, 2003-2012 Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland”, elaborated on the secret government plan, stating that Operation Endgame “is the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Office of Detention and Removal (DRO) multi-year strategic enforcement plan. It stresses the effective and efficient execution of the critical service DRO provides its partners and stakeholders to enforce the nation’s immigration and naturalization laws. The DRO strategic plan sets in motion a cohesive enforcement program with a ten-year time horizon that will build the capacity to “remove all removable aliens,” eliminate the backlog of unexecuted final order removal cases, and realize its vision.” In order to provide the necessary political cover for Operation Endgame, traitor Alex Jones released a documentary film entitled “Endgame” (2007) which also served as a public tribute to the genocidal plan which will ultimately exterminate millions of Americans, especially those who’ve watched the film. Roughly three years later, the film “Operation: Endgame” (2010) was released in theaters, providing even more political cover for the real Operation Endgame. Needless to say, Operation Endgame confirms that the Obama administration (at the behest of the CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva) is actively preparing to arrest and detain millions of American citizens and non-citizens alike. Naturally, these so-called illegal aliens and suspected terrorists will be taken to FEMA concentration camps where a majority of them will be subsequently terminated.
7.5: FEMA Concentration Camp Legislation
Aside from Operation Endgame and Rex 84, numerous laws were passed by the U.S. Congress under the George W. Bush administration which legally allows for Barack Hussein Obama II and his administration to arrest and incarcerate anybody they so choose for however long they want with no due process. In other words, U.S. citizens have no legal recourse in the event that they are arrested and taken to a FEMA concentration camp. The “Military Commissions Act of 2006” (HR-6166), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006, effectively suspended Habeas corpus, the right for U.S. citizens to petition federal courts in challenge of their detention. Consequently, the U.S. government now has the legal right to imprison its citizens indefinitely in the event that they: a) turn up on a secret list of “terrorist” organizations, and/or b) speak out against the policies of the U.S. government. Roughly 6-months later on April 19, 2007, the “Violent Radicalization And Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act Of 2007” (S-1959) was passed by the U.S. Senate which permits the U.S. government to classify many types of American political activities as domestic terrorism (e.g., boycotts, civil disobedience, marches, picketing, protests, sit-ins, striking, etc.). In short, S-1959 equates “ideologically based violence” as domestic terrorism. This means that anyone can be considered a potential terrorist by the U.S. government based solely on their thoughts or suspected ideology. Because the term “ideologically based violence” is so broad, Americans can be arrested and permanently incarcerated for whatever “thoughts” the government happens to claim that they are thinking. A clue as to where S-1959 is going is the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act which labels those who “engage in sit-ins, civil disobedience, trespass, or any other crime in the name of animal rights” as domestic terrorists. In the event that Obama declares Martial Law, anyone who disobeys his orders could be arrested and taken to a FEMA concentration camp under this given law. Roughly 3-years later on March 6, 2010, the “Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010” (S-3081) was passed which requires that any person who is arrested on suspicion of terrorism against the United States or its coalition partners be placed in military custody for the purposes of initial interrogation and determination of status as an “unprivileged enemy belligerent”. Such determination is to be made within 48 hours. The bill defines an “unprivileged enemy belligerent” as an individual who: a) “has engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”, or b) “has purposely and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”. The bill allows for the detention of a person who is deemed to be an unprivileged enemy belligerent without criminal charges or trial for the duration of hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners in which the individual has engaged or which the individual has purposely and materially supported. In other words, if Obama and the U.S. government deem that a person is a terrorist, they can be held for the rest of their natural life with no legal recourse. Lastly, considering that as of 2008 the National Counterterrorism Center held the names of roughly 775,000 “terror suspects” (a number which is reportedly increasing by 20,000 per month), at least 2.6 million U.S. citizens are now slated to be arrested and taken to FEMA concentration camps.
8.1: The Obama-Hitler Narrative
Even before Barack Hussein Obama II moved into the White House on January 20, 2009, people of influence (e.g., actors, athletes, billionaires, bishops, celebrities, comedians, musicians, politicians, radio hosts, television personalities, etc.) were already comparing Obama to Adolf Hitler. But why? Mass programming that Obama is the next Hitler is multi-faceted for it is designed to: a) dispel the notion that Obama is in fact the next Hitler, b) programming America for the impending dictatorship of Obama, c) provide motive for an armed insurrection against Obama (i.e., a civil war), d) provide motive for so-called domestic terror attacks against Obama and/or the U.S. government, e) provide a motive for a state-sponsored domestic coup of the White House and/or another U.S. government-related entity, and/or e) provide plausible deniability in the aftermath of an Obama dictatorship in that America was fairly warned about the impending Obama dictatorship but did nothing. It is imperative to note that virtually every incident in which Obama was publically compared to Hitler was a publicity stunt spawned by the CIA. In other words, the persons comparting Obama to Hitler were told when and where to do so. Consequently, in many of the cases (see below), a contrived controversy ensued in the press. In short, the Obama-Hitler comments, comparisons, billboards and signs were designed to garner an emotional response from Americans and were therefore subsequently milked by the media for all the fear they were worth. Lastly, the notion that Obama is the next Hitler was foreshadowed in the plot of the Robert Van Kampen novel entitled “The Fourth Reich” (1997) in which Adolf Hitler‘s spirit is released from Hell and enters the embryo of the Anti-Christ which is created from his cloned DNA. Since Obama has now been positively identified as the Anti-Christ (see below) as depicted in the Holy Bible, Kampen’s link between Hitler and the Anti-Christ Obama is even more ominous.
8.2: Obama-Hitler Propaganda & Programming
Although there are literally thousands of articles and reports linking Barack Hussein Obama II to Adolf Hitler, the following sample is sufficive in showing that there is coordinated effort by the CIA and their respective minions in politics and media to psychologically program the masses for the Hitler-like dictatorship of Obama. The Obama-Hitler narrative began back on November 11, 2008, when Georgia congressman Paul Broun reportedly called president-elect Obama a Marxist and compared him to Adolf Hitler, 70-days before Obama took office on January 20, 2009. A few weeks later on February 6, 2009, radio and TV personality Glen Beck stated in respect to Obama that “We are really truly stepping beyond socialism and starting to look at fascism”, an apparent reference to Hitler and Nazi Germany. A month or so later on March 28, 2009, Jon Stewart and the Daily Show aired a report entitled “Is Obama Hitler Or The Antichrist?”, blatantly comparing Obama to Hitler. Roughly 4-months later on July 26, 2009, a Republican group in Maryland was reportedly forced to take down an Obama-Hitler comparison on their website, an apparent publicity stunt. About a month later on August 21, 2009,Rush Limbaugh reportedly compared Obama to Hitler on his radio show, one of the largest in America. Four days later on August 25, 2009, Fox News’ Sean Hannity held a Town Hall in which his guest reportedly stated that “National socialism is very much what we see today in this administration”, a blatant comparison of Obama to Nazi Germany and thereby Hitler. Approximately 2-weeks later on September 7, 2009, Nancy Pelosi protesters reportedly used a child in a stroller as a prop to compare Obama to Hitler, another apparent publicity stunt. About 3-weeks later on September 25, 2009, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Comparing Obama to Hitler” which highlighted a number of the aforementioned Obama-Hitler comparisons. Nine months later on June 23, 2010, Republican Louie Gohmert of Texas reportedly drew comparisons between Obama and Hitler on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. Four days later on June 27, 2010, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin reportedly referred to Obama as Hitler. Two years later, Palin would face Obama in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. Less than a month later on July 13, 2010, an Iowa Tea Party billboard reportedly compared Obama to both Hitler and Lenin. Almost a month later on August 12, 2010, aMissouri billboard reportedly linked Obama to Hitler. Roughly 2-months later on October 6, 2011, ESPN fired musician Hank Williams Jr. after referring to Obama as Hitler which subsequently became a national scandal. Williams described Obama playing golf with House Speaker John Boehner as “Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu”. Just over 4-months later on February 12, 2012, Republican U.S. presidential candidate Rick Santorum reportedly rejected the notion that he compared Obama to Adolf Hitler. Approximately 2-months later on April 20, 2012, Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel Jenky reportedly compared Obama to Hitler and was subsequently urged to resign from Notre Dame. Almost 3-weeks later on May 10, 2012, a petition demanding that Bishop Jenky apologize for his Obama-Hitler comments was reportedly signed by thousands of people. Two months later on July 3, 2012, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Tom Smith, Tea Party Candidate, Says He Missed Obama-Hitler Comparison”, drawing national attention to a single comment made by a Tea Party member. Roughly a month later on August 6, 2012, Republican candidate Marisha Agana reportedly compared Obama to Hitler, Mao and Stalin. About 2-months later on October 18, 2012, a woman was reportedly arrested for stealing signs of Obama with a Hitler mustache. The incident was evidently staged to highlight the Obama-Hitler comparison on an international level as well as create a chilling effect for those who dare to compare the two leaders. Five days later on October 23, 2012, it was reported that the woman who stole the Obama-Hitler mustache signs was not charged with theft, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that the incident was executed by a CIA minion. Three days later on October 26, 2012, a billboard likening Obama to Adolf Hitler was reportedly erected in Atlanta, Georgia. About 3-months later on January 9, 2013, the Drudge Report linked Obama’s execute action on guns to both Hitler and Stalin. Four days later on January 13, 2013, Republican representative Randy Weber of Texas reportedly stated that Obama is basically worse than Hitler. Predictably, he apologized for the Obama-Hitler tweet a day later. Approximately a month later on February 12, 2013, Tea Party activist Judson Phillips stated that Republicans should shun Obama’s ‘Hitlerian’ State of The Union address. Two days later on February 14, 2014, Obama’s alleged cousin, Dr. Milton Wolf, compared Obama to Hitler. The comments were evidently designed to show that even Obama’s family is worried that Obama will become the next Hitler. Roughly 8-months later on October 15, 2013, a billboard in Indiana reportedly depicted Obama as Hitler, demanding the president’s impeachment. About 14-months later on December 22, 2014, NFL Hall of Fame quarterbackSteve Young reportedly suggested that President Obama is a dictator. Roughly 5-months later on May 12, 2015, Obama himself stated that he has been called “Hitler” for trying to tax hedge fund managers. Obama evidently made the comment in order to associate himself with Hitler just prior to his impending dictatorship. Approximately 7-months later on January 13, 2015, published a report entitled “7 Conservatives Who Have Compared Obama to Hitler” which highlighted a number of the aforementioned persons who have compared Obama to Hitler. Roughly 4-months later on May 15, 2015, Republican Alan Keyes stated that Obama is a serial killed in the mold of Hitler and Stalin. Just over 2-months later on July 18, 2015, a Jewish Holocaust survivor called Obama the “New Hitler”. A week later on July 25, 2015, Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stated that Obama is marching Israelis to “door of oven”, an obvious reference to the Holocaust and thereby Hitler. A month or so later on August 19, 2015, a Mt. Rushmore-like billboard was erected with in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with Obama, Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Lastly, about 2-months later on October 1, 2015, Republican U.S. presidential candidate Ben Carson stated that “Hitler” could happen here, an obvious reference to the impending Hitler-like dictatorship of President Obama. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is concerted effort by CIA minions in politics and media to associated, compare and link Obama to Adolf Hitler.
8.3: The Obama-Hitler Comparison
Unbeknownst to most of the world, Barack Hussein Obama II has all the makings of the next Adolf Hitler. Although Obama has yet to show his true dictatorial colors, it’s just a matter of time. When Obama’s true nature is finally revealed, the death toll in America will dwarf that of Nazi Germany, likely eclipsing 100 million. As evidenced, Obama and Hitler are eerily similar in almost every regard which suggests that the CIA is following the same dictator playbook. Similarities between Obama and Hitler include but are not limited to: a) Mysterious Origins: Both Obama and Hitler have had their true identify hidden from their countries by the CIA for nefarious reasons. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany as an Austrian citizen with Jewish ancestry, while Obama became President of the United States as an honorary Swiss citizen who was allegedly born in Hawaii or Kenya and subsequently raised in Indonesia. Unlike Hitler however, Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under state-of-the-art mind control. b) Name Changes: Both Obama and Hitler originally had different names which were changed at a later date in life. Hitler’s last name was originally “Schickelbruber”, while Obama’s original name was “Barry Soetoro”. The name changes were evidently ordered by the CIA to make these dictators more marketable. In the case of Obama, the name “Obama” (i.e., O-bomb-a) was designed to foreshadow the nuclear bombing of America which will elevate Obama to dictator status. c) First Book: Both Obama and Hitler ghost-wrote autobiographies prior to the start of their political careers. Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” (1925) while Obama wrote “Dreams from My Father” (2004). d) Second Book: Both Obama and Hitler wrote a second book outlining their hopes and goals for their respective countries. Hitler wrote “A New World Order” (1928) while Obama wrote “The Audacity of Hope” (2006). e) Dynamic Speakers: Both Obama and Hitler are known for their tremendous oratorical skills. While Hitler’s dynamic speeches appear to be authentic in nature, Obama evidently delivers his speeches via a state-of-art mind control system for which teleprompters serve as the necessary political cover. f) Stadium Speeches: Both Obama and Hitler held rallies in outdoor stadiums to show off their mass appeal. Both men also inflamed the passions of women who frequently fainted or broke into tears when meeting or seeing these men in person. g) Cult of Personality: Both Obama and Hitler have a cult of personality. Consequently, their supporters follow them blindly and without question, a very dangerous scenario as evidenced by what eventually transpired in Nazi Germany. Even when Obama finally declares himself dictator, millions of Americans will still adore and follow him. h) Messianic Comparisons: Both Obama and Hitler have received Messianic comparisons, and both men have had songs of adoration written about them. Both men were also able to mesmerize the masses, regardless if they were speaking the truth or not. i) Chemically Dependent:Both Obama and Hitler are/were dependent on chemical substances. While Hitler was reportedly addicted to hard drugssuch as cocaine and methamphetamine, Obama has been addicted to cigarettes since he was a teenager. As previously mentioned, these cigarettes are likely an intricate part of Obama’s state-of-the-art mind control system. j) Youth Brigades: Both Obama and Hitler have advocated the use of an “army” of youth which are dedicated to their respective ideals. Hitler formed the Hitler Youth while Obama formed a similar Youth Brigade. Back in 2008, Obama called for a “civilian national security force” during a campaign stop in Colorado Springs, Colorado (see video), stating that “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded”. k) Economic Freefall: Both Obama and Hitler came to power during a time when their respective countries were hemorrhaging, economically speaking. This was no accident for the CIA first bleeds a country dry via the banks and currency manipulation prior to engaging in the industrial slaughter of the bankrupt population who cannot afford to fight back or escape to another country. l) CIA Puppets: Both Obama and Hitler were groomed by the CIA in Switzerland for their respective roles as dictator. That is why despite being the richest county in all of Europe, Hitler never attacked Switzerland where Obama is coincidentally an honorary citizen. m) False-Flag Terrorism: Both Obama and Hitler have used state-sponsored terrorism to achieve their political aims. Shortly after Hitler came to power, the Reichstag Fire occurred in Germany which served as the catalyst for a Hitler dictatorship. A similar scenario has been tried in America but has thus far been able to thwart the attacks which would have brought about an Obama dictatorship (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.).n) Draconian Legislation: Both Obama and Hitler were put in power to execute draconian legislation in the aftermath of unprecedented state-sponsored terror attacks. Following the Reichstag Fire, Hitler passed the “Enabling Ac of 1933” which stripped away civil liberties and gave the German government unbridled power. In the aftermath of a “National Emergency” in America, Rex 84 will be invoked, resulting in a military dictatorship under President Obama. o) Dictatorial Tendencies: Both Obama and Hitler rule in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people. That is because Hitler was imported to Germany from Austria, while Obama was imported to the United States from Switzerland. Consequently, neither have respect for their country or empathy for its people. Needless to say, this combination generally results in mass genocide and war. p) Concentration Camps: Both Obama and Hitler rule over countries in which hundreds of concentration camps have been erected. Similar to Nazi Germany, the industrial slaughter of the American public is planned under Obama via FEMA concentration camps. q) Eugenics Endgame. Both Obama and Hitler were specifically put into power by the CIA in order to carry out the democide their respective country’s population via concentration camps and endless war. Both are done in the name of eugenics as a means of both feminizing and thinning the human herd.
9.1: Anti-Christ Obama
Evidence acquired to date now confirms that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible, the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Roman Empire. The word “Anti-Christ” is comprised of the two root words “anti” and “Christ”. The term “anti” is defined as “against”, “opposite of”, and “in place of”, while the term “Christ” equates to “Messiah”, both of which literally mean “Anointed One”. Consequently, the rise of the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False-Messiah”) is designed to counter the real “Messiah”, a man which is now alive here on Earth. Since the real Messiah came to save the world, Obama was premeditatively spawned by the CIA to destroy it so that the Messiah cannot be seen nor his message heard above the ensuing chaos and war. It is imperative to note that Obama is not a spawn of Satan but rather a mere human who was genetically engineered and groomed by the CIA in Switzerland (at the behest of the Roman Empire in Greenland) to serve as the de facto dictator of America and the world during the “Great Tribulation” and the “End Time”. This notion is corroborated by the Roman Catholic Saint Jerome (c. 347-420) who stated, “Let us not follow the opinion of some commentators and suppose [the Anti-Christ] to be either the Devil or some demon, but rather, one of the human race, in whom Satan will wholly take up his residence in bodily form”. The notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ was first identified back on November 13, 2008, when Obama chose “Renegade” as his Secret Service codename. The term “renegade” is defined as: a) an “apostate from religious faith”, b) an “individual who rejects lawful behavior”, and c) an “outlaw; a rebel”. In 2 Thessalonians 2 of the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, the Anti-Christ is described under the headline “The Great Apostasy” while 2 Thessalonians 2:9 specifically refers to him as the “lawless one”. In other words, Obama’s Secret Service codename literally means Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-years later in September of 2011, Obama stated “Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative”. This telling statement suggests that Obama is conscious of the fact that he is destined to become the Anti-Christ. Roughly 40-months later on April 25, 2015, Obama openly joked about being the Anti-Christ while at the White House Correspondents Dinner, stating that “Michele Bachmann actually predicted I would bring about the Biblical ‘End of Days’. Now that’s a legacy — that’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that”. Although Obama is routinely portrayed as a great humanitarian who cares deeply about the world, nothing could be further from the truth. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be touted as a great philanthropist was prophesized by the Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) who wrote that “[The Anti-Christ]…will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves”. In short, Obama has been politically tasked with saving the world from a hoard of internal and external threats (e.g., asteroids, biological pandemics, financial crises, global warming, ISIS, World War III, etc.) which were premeditatively manufactured by the CIA in order to provide Obama the necessary political cover so that he can oversee the industrial slaughter of roughly 75% of the Earth’s population, otherwise known as the “Great Tribulation”. Lastly, the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ is inherently felt by a certain segment of the population as evidenced by a September 16, 2009, poll which found that 33% of conservatives in New Jersey think that Obama “could” be the anti-Christ, while 18% of self-identified conservatives believe that Obama “is” the Anti-Christ. Roughly 4-years later in April of 2013, Public Policy Polling conducted a poll which found that 13% of Americans believe Obama “is” the Anti-Christ, while 25% of Americans believe that Obama “may” be the Anti-Christ. Considering the incessant propaganda and programming claiming that Obama is in fact the Anti-Christ (see below), the aforementioned poll numbers should come as no surprise.
9.2: Anti-Christ Obama Foreshadowed in Religion
Because virtually all major religions are Greco-Roman in origin, there are numerous references to the coming of the Anti-Christ which has now been identified as Barack Hussein Obama II. In Christian eschatology, Jesus comes back to Earth to face the Anti-Christ, the greatest False Messiah in history. Although there are four Bible verses which specifically refer to the Anti-Crist (i.e., 1 John 2:22, 1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 1:7), the account given in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 is by far the most descriptive. In short, it states that the Anti-Christ “opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God”, thereby “shewing himself that he is God”. Although Obama claims to be a Christian, his pro-Islamic actions and rhetoric suggest otherwise. His statement that “We are no longer a Christian nation” suggests that Obama is lying about being a Christian which is exactly what one would expect from the Anti-Christ. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be anti-Christian in nature was prophesized by the Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen who stated that the Anti-Christ “will not believe in God”. The Bible verse 2 Thessalonians 2 states that the Anti-Christ will be “taken out of the way” and that he will be destroyed with the “brightness of his coming”, an apparent reference to his epic battle with the Messiah. Since light is most often affiliated with truth, it appears that the Messiah will ultimately destroy Obama the Anti-Christ with truth. In Islamic eschatology, the evil being Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is known as “The False Messiah” or “The Deceiver” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). In short, Dajjal pretends to be the Masih (i.e. the Messiah) at a time in the future, before Yawm al-Qiyamah (i.e., the Day of Resurrection). In other words, in Islamic tradition, the Anti-Christ will be touted as the Savior of the world. According to Abu Bakr Siddiq, the Messenger of Allah, “Dajjal will travel the whole world preaching his falsehood. As of March 2016, Obama has made 44 international trips to 55 different countries, preaching his many falsehoods. In Jewish eschatology, Armilus is the Anti-Messiah (i.e., Anti-Christ) whose inevitable destruction symbolizes victory of good over evil in the Messianic Age. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Armilus is a “King who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah” who will be the offspring of Satan and a virgin, or Satan and a statue (or “stone”). Because Obama is evidently a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X, he may have been born of a virgin who was artificially inseminated. The term “stone” (S+T+N) is consonantly the same as the word “Satan” (S+T+N), both of which are representative of Greenland, the capstone of the Earth which is coincidentally home to the Roman Empire. The name of Armilus (R+M+L+S) was admittedly derived from Romulus (R+M+L+S), one of the founders of Rome. Consonantly speaking, the two names are identical. Lastly, because Obama is the Anti-Christ who was spawned by the Roman Empire, he met with Pope Ratzinger in 2009, met with Pope Francis in 2014, and met with Pope Francis again in 2015. Similar to the Catholic Church’s intimate relationship with Adolf Hitler, the aforementioned meetings between Obama and the Pope show the Catholic Church’s duplicity in respect to the impending dictatorship of President Obama.
9.3: Anti-Christ Obama in Popular Culture
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, he is portrayed as such in various forms of popular culture. In the famous painting entitled “Deeds of the Anti-Christ” (c. 1501) by the Italian artist Luca Signorelli, the horned Anti-Christ is portrayed as a man of African descent as evidenced by his lips, nose, muscular structure and skin color. This artistic rendition apparently foreshadows the coming of the Anti-Christ Obama whose family allegedly emanated from Kenya. Also, the Anti-Christ’s hand is one and the same with that of Jesus, foreshadowing the notion that the Anti-Christ will: a) be touted as the Jesus-like Savior of the world, and b) attempt to impersonate and override the action of the Messiah, the true Savior of Earth. Consequently, Obama has been touted as a Jesus-like figure that has come to save the world (see below). Although there are a number of fictionalized Anti-Christs in popular culture, the dictatorial talking monkey known as “Shift” in C. S. Lewis‘ Narnia series (1949-1954) appears to be an overtly racist depiction of Obama as the Anti-Christ. Considering that Obama’s political campaign slogan was “Change” (a synonym of “Shift”), it appears that Obama’s political career is destined to end in a dictatorship. Similar to Obama’s record number of Executive Orders (a definite red flag of an impending dictatorship), Shift’s greed for power serves as his primary motivation, issuing unruly decrees. In the end, Shift has no problem murdering his own people and selling them into slavery, an apparent preview of Obama’s impending dictatorship which will feature FEMA concentration camps (see below). As Shift’s actions become increasingly evil, he becomes increasingly human in his appearance. This transformation suggests that Shift is a fictionalized depiction of a real-life dictator to come, namely President Obama. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be the son of Satan is not from the Book of Revelation but rather from the Hollywood films entitled “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968) and “The Omen” (1976), both of which feature an evil child whose destiny is to rule over and destroy the Earth. Although only conjecture, the aforementioned films appear to be a tribute to the birth of Obama who was allegedly 7 and 14-years of age when the films were released in theaters. That being said, many people believe that Obama far is younger than purported and therefore the release of “Rosemary’s Baby” in 1968 may be cinematic tribute to the actual birth of Obama via the Virgin (Rose)-Mary. Anung Un Rama, also known as Hellboy (1993), is a popular comic book and film which features the son of the Devil. Destined as an Antichrist figure, Anung Un Rama is given an oversized right hand of stone in order to unleash great evil upon the world. Similar to the aforementionedArmilus, the name “Rama” (R+M) is a titular tribute (both words share the same consonants.) to “Rome” (R+M) which is ultimately responsible for the creation of the Anti-Christ (i.e., Obama) and the impending destruction of the Earth as we know it. Lastly, in the television miniseries entitled “The Bible” (2013), Obama is clearly depicted as Satan (see above photo) which was premeditatively done in order to foreshadow the Obama is the Anti-Christ, the son of Satan.
9.4: Anti-Christ Obama Propaganda & Programming
Although there are literally tens-of-thousands of articles claiming that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ, the following sample is sufficive in showing that there is coordinated effort by the CIA and their respective minions in politics and media to psychologically program the masses for the eventual revelation that Obama is indeed the Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible. Aside from the website “”, which claims that on June 6, 2016 (i.e., “666”) the identity of the Anti-Christ will be revealed to the entire world, the Obama-Anti-Christ narrative was first identified back on August 11, 2008, when Republican Senator John McCain released a television ad during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election entitled “The One” (see video) which painted Obama as an Anti-Christ-like figure. Four days later on August 15, 2008, Raw Story published a report entitled “’Obama the Anti-Christ?’ CNN Actually Asks” which highlighted the aforementioned McCain ad along with the headline “Obama the Antichrist?”. Approximately 2-months later on October 28, 2008, comedian and political commentator Victoria Jackson reportedly stated that “Obama bears traits that resemble the Anti-Christ”. Roughly a month later on November 19, 2008, the Chicago-Tribune published a report entitled “Obama Not the Antichrist, Debunker Finds” which was designed to associate Obama with the notion of the Anti-Christ. Roughly 4-months later on February 25, 2009, Jon Stewart of the Daily Show aired a special entitled “Is Obama Hitler or the Antichrist?” which was designed to raise the specter that Obama may be the Anti-Christ. The controversial special was subsequently highlighted by a Huffington Post report entitled “Is Obama Hitler or the Antichrist? Those are the Only Two Options”. Almost 3-months later on February 20, 2009, the Hollywood propaganda film “Antichrist” (2009) premiered in theaters, exactly one month after Obama took office. Although the film has nothing to do with the Anti-Christ per se, its timing and title cannot be ignored. Approximately 6-months later on August 4, 2009, WND published a report entitled “Obama: Foreshadowing of the Antichrist?” which highlighted the new book “The Islamic Anti-Christ” (2009) by Joel Richardson (Obama is alleged to be a secret Muslim). A day later on August 5, 2009, WMD published a report entitled “What Obama and the Antichrist Have in Common” which claimed that wealth distribution by Obama is a sign that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Roughly a month later on September 16, 2009, a poll was released which claimed that 33% of conservatives in New Jersey think that Obama “could” be the Anti-Christ while 18% of self-identified conservatives believe that Obama “is” the Anti-Christ. Nine days later on September 25, 2009, The Guardian published a report entitled “Anticipating the Antichrist” which predictably referenced Obama numerous times. Approximately 8-months later on May 24, 2010, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “So President Obama May be the Anti-Christ. Big Deal” which concluded with the words “…just in case Obama is the Anti-Christ”. Roughly a year later on May 15, 2011, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Heaven to Earth: Obama Is Not the Antichrist!” which essentially labeled those who believe Obama is the Anti-Christ as domestic terrorists. Ten days later on May 25, 2011, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Obama as the Anti Christ?” which highlighted the fact that Americans now believe that “Obama [is the] incarnation of the Anti-Christ”. Roughly 6-months later on November 11, 2011, domestic terrorist Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez allegedly attacked the White House, claiming that Obama was “the Anti-Christ”. Needless to say, the incident was staged in order to highlight the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ on an international level. A week later on November 18, 2011, The Guardian published a report entitled “‘Obama the Antichrist’ and End-Times Doctrine” which highlighted the claim by Ortega-Hernandez that Obama was the Anti-Christ. Less than a year later on November 11, 2012, Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress stated that “President Obama is not the Antichrist” but is “paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist”. Needless to say, the statement by Jeffress was designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ within the Christian community. Aside from creating the now defunct website entitled “”, the state-sponsored Westboro Baptist Church held an “Obama Anti-Christ” rally during Obama’s second inauguration in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2013. Numerous protesters reportedly held signs depicting Obama as the Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-months later on April 2, 2013, a poll by Public Policy Polling found that 13% of Americans believe Obama “is” the Anti-Christ, and that 25% of Americans believe Obama “may” be the Anti-Christ. Ten months later on February 18, 2014, TIME magazine published a report entitled “After Obama Uproar, Satan Removed from ‘Bible’ Movie” which highlighted the aforementioned television miniseries entitled “The Bible” (2013) in which Obama is clearly depicted as Satan which most people correctly or incorrectly equate with being the Anti-Christ. Approximately 8-months later on October 25, 2014, it was reported that Fox News repeatedly hosted Pastor Jeffress who previously stated that Obama is “…paving the way for the future reign of the Anti-Christ”. Less than 4-months later on February 16, 2015, the Lexington Dispatch of North Carolina printed and then retracted a story with a headline claiming that Obama was the Anti-Christ. Needless to say, the printing and subsequent retraction was a publicity stunt designed to highlight the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ on an international level. Approximately 2-months later on April 25, 2015, Obama joked about being the Anti-Christ when he stated at the White House Correspondents Dinner that “Michele Bachmann actually predicted I would bring about the Biblical end of days. Now that’s a legacy — that’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that”. Roughly 4-months later on August 7, 2015, Charisma News published a report entitled “Why so Many People Think Obama is the Antichrist” which was evidently designed to sell the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ, especially within the Christian community. Lastly, on March 7, 2016, the new television series entitled “Damien” premiered on the A&E network. Based on the aforementioned film entitled “The Omen” (1976), the television show is about a young many whose discovers that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Needless to say, these various forms of propaganda and programming, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there has been a concerted effort by the CIA and their collective minions in media and politics to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ.
9.5: False-Messiah Obama Propaganda
As evidenced, Barack Hussein Obama II is now being touted in various forms of propaganda as the dreaded Anti-Christ(i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible. Aside from the website entitled “Is Barack Obama the Messiah?”(which is coincidentally registered in Switzerland where Obama was evidently born and raised), there are numerous claims that Obama is God, Jesus and the Messiah which is exactly what the Bible states that the Anti-Christ will be heralded as. The Obama-False-Messiah narrative was first identified back on November 22, 2010, when Newsweek published a magazine featuring Obama as the Hindu deity Shiva (the god of destruction) along with the words “The God of All Things” (see above photo). Roughly 16-months later on March of 2012, Mark F. Bozzuti-Jones published a book entitled “The Gospel of Barack Hussein Obama According to Mark” (2012) which claims that Obama is a unique and important manifestation of God’s desire for human flourishing. An excerpt from the book states that “there came the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of centuries: Barack Hussein Obama, born of a virgin, young in age…And the child they had was given the name That One, the Blessing, the One who Confronts and wins the victory: Barack Hussein Obama, a Blessing for all peoples”. Approximately 6-months later on September 2, 2012, it was reported that James Hickman’s “Keep the Dream” calendar featuring Obama as “Heaven Sent” (see above photo) was sold on the streets of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. Roughly 3-weeks later on September 24, 2012, Fox News published a report entitled “Artwork Likens Obama to Jesus” which revealed that street vendors in Charlotte were selling posters and artwork depicting Obama as Jesus Christ. One poster featured an image of Obama in prayer with the headline, “Prophecy Fulfilled” (see above photo). The poster stated that the name “Barak” is of Hebrew origin meaning “flash of lightning”, referencing a passage in the Old Testament book of Judges. Approximately 3-months later in January of 2013, Foreign Policy magazine published a magazine in which Obama was featured on the cover with the words “The Second Coming”, a messianic reference evidently designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the False-Messiah (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Lastly, a few weeks later on January 18, 2013, Newsweek published a magazine in which Obama was featured on the cover along with the words “The Second Coming”, another messianic reference evidently designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the False-Messiah. Needless to say, these Christ-like depictions of Obama confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama is the “False-Messiah” (i.e., the Anti-Christ) as depicted in the Holy Bible.
9.6: Jesus Christ Obama
As evidenced, there has been a coordinated premeditative effort to cast Barack Hussein Obama II as a Messianic Christ-like figure in order to fulfill Biblical prophecies in respect to the Anti-Christ, otherwise known as the “False Messiah”. Aside from numerous photos depicting Obama in a Jesus-like manner with a halo (see above photo), Obama himself along with scores of CIA minions (e.g., actors, celebrities, directors, musicians, politicians, reporters, etc.) have made sacrilegious comments which in essence claim that Obama is a Jesus Christ-like figure who has been sent to Earth to save humanity. The Obama-Jesus narrative was first identified back on December 11, 2006, when Slate magazine quoted Brenda Bladen who stated in respect to Obama that “I’m not comparing him to Jesus Christ but…”. Roughly 4-months later in the April 2007 issue of Vogue magazine, it was revealed that when actor Morgan Freeman greeted then Senator Obama, Obama stated that “This guy was God before I was”. Approximately 5-months later on September 9, 2007, Congressman and Black Panther Bill L. Rush reportedly stated that Obama’s election to the U.S. Senate was “divinely ordered” and that it “was God’s plan”. A month later on October 8, 2007, Obama reportedly stated in a speech that, “I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God in the same way that Pastor Ron and all of you are instruments of God…I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth”. Two months later on December 9, 2007, television host Oprah Winfrey reportedly stated that “We’re here to evolve to a higher plane…[Obama] is an evolved leader…[He] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth”. Less than 2-weeks later on December 22, 2007, former Congressman Gerald Campbell reportedly stated that “Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind”. Roughly 2-weeks later on January 4, 2008, an excerpt from Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein’s book entitled “Obama’s Gift” (2008) was published which stated that “[Obama] is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh…Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves”. Three days later on January 7, 2008, Obama reportedly stated in a speech that “… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany…and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama”. Approximately a month later on February 5, 2008, the New York Observer quoted MSNBC host Chris Matthews stated who stated that, “[Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising”. Roughly a week later on February 13, 2008, former Congressman and diplomat Gary Hart reportedly stated that Obama “…is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians” and that he is “the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century”. Ten days later on February 23, 2008, New Hope Church Pastor John Van Sloten reportedly stated in respect to Obama that “…God is trying to make a statement in 2008 through the meteoric rise of a new symbol — a charismatic, eloquent senator from Illinois who is turning conventional American politics on its head?”. A day later on February 24, 2008, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan reportedly stated that Obama is the “hope of the entire world” and that “A black man with a white mother became a Savior to us”. Less than a month later on March 21, 2008, Chicago-Sun Times reporter Lyn Sweet reportedly stated that “Obama, to me, must be not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul, come to lead America out of this mess”. Ten days later on March 31, 2008, the Journal Gazette & Times Courier published a report entitled, “Barack’s Appeal Is Actually Messianic” which featured letter by Stevie Davis which stated that “Barack’s appeal is actually messianic, it’s something about his aura, his spirit, his soul, that exudes enlightenment in the making…He is one of those individuals who communicates God-like energy (metaphorically speaking), in whom you can “feel” God…I’m taking a special look at Barack Obama because he’s a lot closer to a Jesus-type than the other candidates, by quite a bit. What if God decided to incarnate as men preaching “hope and change.” And what if we didn’t recognize them, because we are so dull, and let them slip away, not availing ourselves of the opportunity to be led by God! Lord knows we’ve elected the anti-Christ often enough”. Less than a month later on April 26, 2008, the Daily Kos published a report which stated that, “some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey”, insinuating that God is personally guiding Obama. Roughly a month later on June 3, 2008, Obama reportedly stated in his Democratic nomination victory speech that, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”, a Biblical-like reference. Two days later on June 5, 2008, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. reportedly stated that “What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history…The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance”. A day later on June 6, 2008, San Francisco Chronicle reporter Mark Morford reportedly statedthat Obama is “a Lightworker – an attuned being with powerful luminosity and high-vibration integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being”. Approximately 3-weeks later on June 27, 2008, Indian politician Dinesh Sharma reportedly stated that “Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama”. Less than 2-weeks later on July 10, 2008, film director Spike Lee reportedly stated “You’ll have to measure time by “Before Obama” and “After Obama”, implying that Obama is Christ whose birth is the alleged reason for the transition from the B.C. era to the A.D. era. Roughly a month later on August 7, 2008, U.S. News and World Report published a report entitled “One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute”, a reference to the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance which includes the phrase “One Nation under God”. Approximately 2-months later on October 9, 2008, WND published a report entitled “Farrakhan on Obama: ‘The Messiah is Absolutely Speaking’” in which the Nation of Islam leader proclaimed in respect to Obama that “When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking”. Farrakhan also stated that “Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah”. Less than 2-months later on November 29, 2008, the Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College, Lawrence Carter, reportedly stated in respect to Obama that “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger”. Two months later on January 24, 2009, artist Matthew J. Clark reportedly paraded a sculpture of Obama riding a donkey in front of the Iowa State Capitol Building. The scene was eerily reminiscent of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as foretold by the prophet Zechariah in Matthew 21:5 which states, “…Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass…”. Roughly 11-months later on December 28, 2009, the Danish newspaper entitled Politiken published a report entitled “Obama Greater than Jesus” which stated that Obama was the “practical Savior of our times”. Roughly 14-months later on February 5, 2011, leadership and life coach Eve Konstantine reportedly stated that, “Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings…He’s our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence”. Approximately 2-months later on March 29, 2011, radio host Rush Limbaugh reportedly stated that Obama “believes that he is the 12th Iman”. The 12th Iman is known in Islamic eschatology as Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdī who is believed by Muslims to be theMahdī, an ultimate savior of humankind who will emerge with Isa (Jesus Christ) in order to fulfill their mission of bringing peace and justice to the world. Less than a year later on April 17, 2012, First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly stated, “We have an amazing story to tell…[Obama] has brought us out of the dark and into the light”, another blatant Messianic reference. Approximately 7-months later on November 27, 2012, actor and musician Jamie Foxx reportedly stated that Obama was “Our Lord and Savior”. Lastly, 19-months later on June 24, 2014, Politico reported Glenn Thrush reportedly stated that “God sent us Barack Obama”. Needless to say, these statements, taken collectively, confirm that there has been a premeditative and coordinated effort to cast Obama as a Christ-like figure specifically in order to fulfill Biblical prophecies in respect to the False-Messiah, otherwise known as the Anti-Christ.
9.7: “The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the False-Messiah (i.e., Anto-Christ) as depicted in the Holy Bible, he is portrayed as Jesus in the 2009 painting entitled “The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono. The controversial painting depicts Obama being crucified in a Jesus Christ-like manner with his arms outstretched, wearing a crown of thorns upon his head upon the backdrop of the Seal of the President of the United States. The title of the painting also has a Messianic theme as Jesus stated in John 14:6 that “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. As detailed in the April 25, 2009 report from WMD entitled “100 Days in Office, Obama Coronated as Messiah”, the painting was scheduled to be revealed at Union Square in New York City on April 29, 2009, Obama’s 100th day in office. However, due to an apparently contrived outrage by the so-called Religious-Right, the art exhibit was unceremonially canceled. The scheduled premier and subsequent cancellation was evidently a publicity stunt designed to garner unprecedented media attention to to the controversial painting. Roughly 3-years later, D’Antuono finally displayed “The Truth” along with several other paintings at Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts as part of their “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012″ exhibition. Although many have accused him of comparing Obama to Christ, D’Antuono claims that “the crucifixion of the president was meant metaphorically” and that his “intent was not to compare [Obama] to Jesus”. Needless to say, D’Antunono is being disingenuous at best as painting Obama being crucified in a Christ-like manner with a crown of thorns can have no other meaning. P.J. Gladnick of NewsBusters reiterated this notion stating that “The artist quite clearly portrays Obama as a latter day Christ-like figure, considering the outstretched arms and the crown of thorns”.
9.8: Obama: Born of a Virgin
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible, there are numerous claims that he was actually born of a virgin. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be born of a virgin is found inJewish eschatology which states that Armilus (i.e., the Anti-Messiah) will be the offspring of Satan and a virgin. Because Obama is evidently a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X, it’s theoretically possibly that he was actually born to a virgin who was artificially inseminated. The notion that Anti-Christ will be born of a virgin named Mary was foreshadowed in the aforementioned film “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968) which features a woman who gives birth to the Anti-Christ that is destined to rule over and ultimately destroy the world. The title of “Rosemary’s Baby” (i.e., Rose-Mary’s Baby) appears to be cinematic tribute to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. In the film, however, Rosemary bears the Anti-Christ instead of Jesus. Similar to Obama’s alleged mother Ann Dunham, the mother of the Anti-Christ in the film is of Caucasian decent (i.e., “white”). Interestingly, Dunham allegedly died over uterine cancer at age 52, an ominous sign that her toxic uterus spawned the deadly Anti-Christ now identified as Obama. That being said, it’s highly unlikely that Dunham actually gave birth to Obama. In all likelihood, the virgin (who may have actually been named Mary) was most killed in a Roman-Jewish blood sacrifice shortly after she gave birth to Obama in Switzerland. Roughly 44-years after the aforementioned film, Mark F. Bozzuti-Jones published a book on March 20, 2012, entitled “The Gospel of Barack Hussein Obama According to Mark” (2012). An excerpt from the book states: “…there came the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of centuries: Barack Hussein Obama, born of a virgin, young in age. The virgin’s name was Ann. And the man she was betrothed to was from the east of Africa. And the child they had was given the name That One, the Blessing, the One who Confronts and wins the victory: Barack Hussein Obama, a Blessing for all peoples”. Needless to say, Bozzuti-Jones’s depiction of Obama is eerily reminiscent of the Jesus story within the Holy Bible. The notion that Obama was born of a virgin was also foreshadowed some 8-months later on November 12, 2012, when Obama was featured in an Italian nativity scene along with Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Lastly, in order to sell the notion that the virgin-born Jesus was of African descent like Obama, the television series entitled “Black Jesus” (2014) premiered on August 7, 2014.
9.9: Beast Obama Programming & Propaganda
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, there are scores of articles, photos and reports portraying him as the Devil and linking him to “The Beast” as described in the Book of Revelation. According to the Bible, the First Beast comes “out of the sea” and is given authority and power by the Second Beast, the Dragon, who comes “out of the earth”. The Second Beast is described in Revelation 13:11-18 as the False Prophet” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Consequently, if Obama is the Anti-Christ as alleged then it can be deduced that he is also the Second Beast. The word “Beast” is mentioned 44 times in its singular form within the Book of Revelation and Obama is coincidentally the 44th President of the United States. The theologian Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 236) identified the Anti-Christ with “The Beast” from the Book of Revelation, stating that “By the beast, then, coming up out of the earth, he means the kingdom of Antichrist; and by the two horns he means him and the false prophet after him”. As evidenced, Obama has made “Devils Horns” with the left hand, right hand, and with both hands on countless occasions. Obama has also been photographed numerous times with Devil-like horns (see above photo) which were designed to foreshadow that Obama is “The Beast” (i.e., the Anti-Christ) as prophesized by the Book of Revelation. The Obama-Beast narrative was first identified back on December 29, 2008, when TIME magazine published their “Person of the Year” issue featuring Obama. The letter “M” in “TIME” served as two Devil’s horns on Obama’s head (see above photo), subliminally foreshadowing the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Roughly 5-years later on October 7, 2013, the Blaze published a report entitled “Is this a Photo of Obama with Horns or Wings” which featured a photo of Obama with what could only be construed as Devil’s horns. Approximately 9-months later on July 10, 2014, Raw Story published a report entitled “End-Times Broadcaster Tells Viewer: Yes, Obamacare is Readying Us for Mark of the Beast”, further associating Obama with both “The Beast” and the “End Times” which is when “The Beast” will be revealed. Roughly 2-months later on September 13, 2014, a second photo of Obama with Devil’s horns was published, further foreshadowing the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Just over a year later on September 25, 2015, a third photo of Obama with Devil’s horns was published, further selling the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Lastly, in order to popularize the name of “The Beast” on an international level during the dawn of the Obama presidency, Hollywood (at the behest of the CIA) created a “crime drama” series entitled the “The Beast” (2009) starring Patrick Swayze and Peter Lafferty. Needless to say, the aforementioned photos, reports and television shows taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a concerted effort by the CIA to associate Obama with the “The Beast” in order to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ.
9.10: “The Beast”: Obama’s Motorcade
In order to foreshadow that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, Obama’s Cadillac motorcade was officially entitled “The Beast” in 2009. Since then, there have been at least three publicity stunts designed to highlight the “The Beast” on international level in a premeditative attempt to foreshadow that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ. The first CIA-spawned publicity stunt involving “The Beast” occurred back on May 23, 2011, when “The Beast” reportedly bottomed out and got stuck in Ireland. Roughly a year later on March 13, 2012, it was reported that “The Beast” “did not get stuck” on a Dublin ramp as alleged, confirming that the initial report from 2011 was fraudulent and nature as is typical of publicity stunts. The second CIA-spawned publicity stunt involving “The Beast” occurred roughly a year later on March 20, 2013, when “The Beast” reportedly broke down while Obama was in Israel. Although “The Beast” was subsequently towed, the veracity of the alleged mechanical failure cannot be substantiated. The third publicity stunt involving “The Beast” transpired roughly 3-years later on January 1, 2016, when Obama took actor and comedian Jerry Seinfeld for cruise in “The Beast” for a web show. Three weeks later on January 22, 2016, CNS News published a report entitled “Obama: ‘I Am Saying Goodbye to the Beast’”, further associating Obama with “The Beast” prior to his declaration that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Lastly, a week later on January 29, 2016 the International Business Times published a report entitled “US Presidential State Car ‘Beast’ Undergoing Secret Tests to be Ready for Obama Successor”, foreshadowing the notion that Obama will eventually succeed in becoming “The Beast” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Needless to say, these reports and publicity stunts, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a premeditative effort by the CIA to associate Obama with “The Beast” in order to foreshadow that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ.
9.11: 666: The Mark of the Beast
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, he has been repeatedly linked with the “Mark of the Beast”, otherwise known as “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”). Many Biblical scholars and Christians alike subscribe to the notion that the Anti-Christ will force the world to receive the so-called “Mark of the Beast” in order to legally partake in the global economic system. This notion is derived from Revelation 13:17 (KJV) which states that “…no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”, and fromRevelation 20:4 (KJV) which states that the people will receive a “…mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands”. What exactly the so-called “Mark of the Beast” will entail is not yet known, but the implantable RFID microchip has long been the primary suspect. Although a physical mark consisting of a tattoo or RFID microchip was likely the original plan for the “Mark of the Beast”, the political will to forcefully chip all of humanity is definitely lacking. Due to poor technology and the fact that the human body automatically rejects foreign objects, an implantable RFID microchip would cause serious medical complications among its users. That being said, the personal cell phone (e.g., the iPhone or “Eye Phone”) contains a microchip which now appears to be the real so-called “Mark of the Beast” for it tracks and traces all those who dare to use it. This notion is corroborated by the fact that cell phone-based forms of commerce are currently being implemented worldwide (e.g., Android Pay, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay, etc.). While the world was led to believe that the “Mark of the Beast” was an implantable RFID microchip, it was the personal cell phone and its inherent microchip all along. Since it’s just a matter of time before all commerce is conducted via the personal cell phone, those who refuse to acquiesce will be not be allowed to partake in the global economic system. The notion that the Anti-Christ will deceive the people into taking the “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., the personal cell phone) was prophesized in Revelation 19:20 (KJV) which states that the False Prophet “…deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image”. Back on July 10, 2014, Raw Story published a report entitled “End-Times Broadcaster Tells Viewer: Yes, Obamacare is Readying Us for Mark of the Beast” which was designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ who will implement the “Mark of the Beast”. The notion that this scenario is imminent was foreshadowed some 8-months later on March 6, 2015, when Infowars published a report entitled “666”: It Has Begun”. Interestingly, thelogo of CERN (which doubles as the entrance to CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland) depicts the number “666”. This is no mistake for CERN is home to the internet which ultimately controls all of the world’s respective cell phones, computers and their inherent microchips. When employing the methods found within the Greek Isopsephy,Jewish Gematria (i.e., Algebraic English) the absolute value of “666” equates to “18” whose digital root is “9”. In the Roman-English alphabet, the 18th letter is “R” while in Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) the 9th symbol is “Γ” (i.e., the original letter “R”). Since the letter “R” is an acronym for “Rome”, it can be deduced that the number “666” equates to “Rome” which is alive and well in Greenland. Coincidentally, the country of Greenland is geographically shaped like the head of a fox, bear or wolf (i.e., the Beast of Greenland) which is commonly referred to by numerous historical, literary and religious sources as “The Beast“. The letter “G” (i.e., the 7th letter in the Roman-English alphabet) is an acronym for “Greenland” which is why there are exactly 7 verses in the Holy Bible that specifically mention “The Beast” (i.e., Revelation 13:17, Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15:2, Revelation 16:2, Revelation 19:20 andRevelation 20:4). Since the Greco-Roman Empire was founded by “Man” (i.e., Minos of Crete), the number “666” is also representative of the number of “Man” as described in Revelation 13:18 (KJV) which states that the Number of the Beast“…is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six”. In summation, the “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”) numerically equates to Rome and the Roman Empire which is now located in Greenland, a country which isphysically shaped like the head of a Beast. The Number of the Beast is also representative of “Man”, otherwise known as the Greco-Romans who now live in Greenland. Consequently, the impending economic system featuring the “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., the personal cell phone) is a system created by the Greco-Romans in Greenland which will be implemented in the Underworld by the Anti-Christ who has now been identified as Obama.
9.12: Obama-666 Programming & Propaganda
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ depicted in the Holy Bible, there are scores of articles, photos and reports associating him with the “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”). Aside from the fact that Obama’s hometown ofChicago, Illinois contains the ZIP code “60606” (see above photo) which equates to “666” in Jewish Gematria, the name“Barak” first appears in Judges 4:6 which is coincidentally the 6606th verse of the Holy Bible which also equates to “666” in Jewish Gematria. In “Against Heresies”, the Roman Catholic Bishop Saint Irenaeus (2nd century AD – c. 202) used “666”, the Number of the Beast from Revelation 13:18, to numerologically decode several possible names for the Anti-Christ. Irenaeus’ account confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that the number “666” as well as the title of the “The Beast” are indicative of the Anti-Christ. Consequently, Obama has been intimately affiliated with the number “666” even prior to becoming President of the United States on January 20, 2009. The Obama-666 narrative was first identified back on October 27, 2008, when The Guardian published a report entitled “Election Revelations: 666 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama”, intimately associating Obama with the number “666”. Nine days later on November 5, 2008, Obama’s home state of Illinois drew the lottery numbers “666” less than 24-hours after Obama was elected president. The lottery numbers were evidently rigged in order to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible. Roughly 8-months later on July 19, 2009, NBC News published a report entitled “Obama 666 Comment Gets Chamber Pres Suspended” which revealed that Southington Chamber of Commerce President Arthur Secondo was suspended without pay for stating in a town council meeting that “…everybody loves this Obama…I think we should check the back of his head to see if he has 666 there, but that is another issue”. Needless to say, Secondo’s comments were part of a CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ. Approximately 3-years later on September 6, 2012, the satirical Onion published a report entitled “Obama: ‘Help Us Destroy Jesus and Start a New Age of Liberal Darkness’” which stated that Obama was “handed an unbaptized, orphaned newborn baby drenched in the blood of 666 slaughtered Christians”. Two months later on November 29, 2012, so-called vandals reportedly spray-painted “Obama 666” on the walls of two Catholic schools in Dallas, Texas, further linking Obama with the number “666”. Roughly 2-months later on January 23, 2013, CNN published an iReport entitled “Obama Twitter 666. Conspiracy Fears!” which highlighted the fact that Obama’s Twitter follow count was at the number 666,828. Less than 2-years later on February 5, 2015, it was reported that politicians in Washington, D.C. changed the bill number 666 so that people could “focus on the contents” of the bill rather than the number. Considering that there are two other bills in Congress with the number “666” (i.e., H.R. 666 in the 112th Congress and H.R. 666 in the 113th Congress), the bill number change appears to be a publicity stunt designed to draw unprecedented media attention to the number “666” just prior to Obama declaring himself the Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-weeks later on February 24, 2015, CNS News published a report entitled “Debt Up $6.666 Trillion Under Obama”, further associating Obama with the number “666”. Lastly, in order to popularize the name of “The Beast” on an international level during the Obama presidency, Hollywood (at the behest of the CIA) created a drama entitled “666 Park Avenue” (2013-2014) which aired on ABC network. Needless to say, these publicity stunts, reports and televisions shows, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a concerted effort by the CIA to associate Obama with the number “666” in order to foreshadow that he is the Anti-Christ.
10.1: The Messiah
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ depicted in the Holy Bible, it can be deduced that that the Messiah is now alive somewhere here on Earth. Christians know him as Jesus Christ and anticipate his return, Jews await him as the Messiah, Hindus look forward to the coming of Krishna, Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha, and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah. Regardless of which name is attributed to him, the Messiah has come to destroy the Anti-Christ and bring peace to planet Earth. Since the Messiah came to usher in the Messianic Age (i.e., an era of peace, love and respect between all mankind), Obama was premeditatively groomed by the CIA (at the behest of the Roman Empire in Greenland) to oversee the destruction of the world during the “End Times” (i.e., the “Great Tribulation”). In other words, the rise of Anti-Christ Obama was specifically designed to counter the anticipated actions of the Messiah whose arrival and subsequent mission has been the subject of prophecy for centuries. Consequently, the Messiah literally means “Anointed One”, “Savior”, or liberator of the world. In Judaism, the Messiah is thought to be a human leader, physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David and King Solomon. That is to say, despite being touted as a divine being sent from Heaven, the Messiah is a mere human. In Jewish eschatology, the Messiah will accomplish at least four predetermined things when he arrives on Earth, namely: a) the unification of the tribes of Israel (a metaphor for the unification of all tribes of the world), b) the gathering in of all Jews to Eretz Israel, c) the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, and d) the ushering in of the Messianic Age of universal peace and the World to Come (see below). It is also said that the Messiah will come when either: a) the world is desperate and needs him the most, or b) when the world deserves it the most (i.e., when genuine goodness finally prevails on Earth). In the Islamic eschatology, Jesus will return to Earth at the End of Times along with the Mahdi and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, otherwise known as “False Messiah” or the “Antichrist” (i.e., Obama). After the Messiah has destroyed ad-Dajjal, his final task will be to unite and lead all Muslims (a metaphor for the unification of the world and the Messiah’s eventual role as its leader). A hadith in Abu Dawud(37:4310) states that the Messiah will break the cross, kill the swine, and put an end to war. In other words, the Messiah will destroy the Roman Empire which is symbolized by the cross (see below), bringing about an age of universal peace and love. Mahdī is also believed by Twelver Shī‘a Muslims to be the ultimate Savior of humankind and the final Imām of the Twelve Imams who will emerge with Isa (Jesus Christ) in order to fulfill their mission of bringing peace and justice to the world. The Messiah is also called Montazar (i.e., “the Awaited”), for his arrival has been anticipated for eons. In Ahmadiyya theology, the terms “Messiah” and “Mahdi” are synonymous and they represent all previous prophets. Consequently, the Messiah will likely be a student of the prophets which came before him (e.g., Alan Watts, Bob Marley, Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.). Lastly, the term “Mahdi” literally means “guided by God” which implies that the Messiah is an individual who has been ordained and guided by God to usher in the Messianic Age. That being said, it is imperative to note that the Messiah is just a man whose relationship with God will enable him to save the world from the clenches of the Roman Empire.
10.2: Messiah’s Destruction of the Roman Empire
Before the world can enter into the Messianic Age (i.e., the World to Come), the Roman Empire and its Babylonian System must be destroyed by the Messiah, peacefully. Knowing that the Messiah’s arrival was imminent, the Roman Empire in Greenland spawned Obama (i.e., the “Anti-Christ” or the “False-Messiah”) to oversee the destruction of the world so that the arrival of the Messiah and his message of peace and love would be lost in the ensuing chaos. Coincidentally, back on December 21, 2014, author and journalist David Chase Taylor published a book entitled “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014) which revealed that the Roman Empire is alive and well in Greenland. The notion that the Roman Empire will be destroyed by the Messiah is corroborated by the Roman Catholic Saint Jerome (c. 347-420) who stated that the rise of Anti-Christ will transpire “…at the end of the world, when the Roman Empire is to be destroyed…”. Since the Roman Empire was never militarily defeated, its impending demise is found within the eschatology of virtually all religions, most of which are Greco-Roman in origin. The Roman Tiburtine Sibyl (c. 380) stated that “…when the Roman Empire shall have ceased, then the Antichrist will be openly revealed and will sit in the House of the Lord in Jerusalem”. The Roman authorTertullian (ca.160 – ca.220 AD) echoed this sentiment, stating that “What obstacles is there but the Roman state, the falling away of which, by being scattered into the ten kingdoms, shall introduce Antichrist upon (its own ruins)?”. Because the Anti-Christ is admittedly a spawn of the Roman Empire, its subsequent destruction will also include the Anti-Christ which has now been identified as Barack Hussein Obama II. Therefore, the quotes by Tiburtine Sibyl and Tertullian were likely made in respect to the Messiah for only when the Roman Empire falls will the world know about the Messiah and his prophetic revelations. Since the Messiah is destined to become a great and charismatic political leader, so long as the Roman Empire is in power, his very existence will be denied. In Islamic eschatology, a hadith in Abu Dawud (37:4310) prophesized that the Messiah will break the cross, kill the swine, and put an end to war. Considering that the cross is the official symbol of the Rome, its destruction is symbolic of the end of the Roman Empire. In Islam, the name of Mahdī, the ultimate savior of humankind, literally means “guides to secret matters”. Consequently, it can be deduced that the Mahdī will divulge secrets, namely in respect to the Roman Empire. The prophet Muhammad is alleged to have said in the hadith that “The Mahdi is the protector of the knowledge, the heir to the knowledge of all the prophets, and is aware of all things”. Therefore, in order to save the world, the Mahdi will reveal sacred knowledge which has been hidden from humanity for centuries. These secret revelations made by the Mahdi (i.e., the Messiah) are commonly referred to as theapocalypse which is not synonymous with the so-called “End of the World” as commonly thought. Rather, the apocalypse is defined as the “uncovering”, a disclosure of knowledge (i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation), a “vision of heavenlysecrets that can make sense of earthly realities“. In other words, the apocalypse is the revealing of the true power structure of the Earth, namely in respect to the Roman Empire in Greenland and its CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The Imam Muhammad al-Baqr is alleged to have said that “When the Mahdi appears he will follow in the path of the Messenger of God. Only he can explain the works of the Messenger of God”. That is to say that the Madhi (i.e., the Messiah) will be divinely inspired, explaining his revelations in writing for all the world to see. Said writings will reveal never before heard information, namely in respect to the Roman Empire. In Judaism, the Messiah will be the one who will not “judge by what his eyes see” or “decide by what his ears hear”. Therefore, the Messiah will be divinely inspired and guided by God, revealing esoteric truths which have previously been hidden from humanity. When describing the Messianic Age to come, the Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) stated in the Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 12:5, that “…the people Israel will be of great wisdom (Israel is a metaphor for the world); they will perceive the esoteric truths and comprehend their Creator’s wisdom as is the capacity of man. As it is written [in Isaiah 11:9]: ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea’”. In other words, the Messiah will enlighten all of humanity. In Ahmadiyya theology, “Messiah” and “Mahdi” are synonymous terms for one and the same person. The term “Mahdi” literally means “guided” by God, further confirming the notion that the information revealed by the Messiah will divinely inspired. In Zoroastrianism, the Saoshyant, whose name literally means “one who brings benefit”, is a figure of who brings about the final renovation of the world. Consequently, the Saoshyant is touted as the future Savior of the world in Yasht 19.88–96 which states that he will make the world perfect and immortal, and that the evil Druj will disappear. When employing the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and/or Roman-English (i.e., the modern alphabet), the term “Druj” (D+R+G/J) acronymically and/or constantly equates to “Druid Greenland”. Considering that theDruids are the priest class of the Roman Empire in Greenland, the Saoshyant (i.e., the Messiah) will destroy the Druj (i.e., the Druids), bringing peace to the Earth. According to Theosophical literature, the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) is an advanced spiritual entity who is a high-ranking member of a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom”. One of the Hierarchy’s functions is to oversee the evolution and development of humankind, including its education, civilization, and religion. Consequently, the Maitreya is said to hold the so-called “Office of the World Teacher” whose purpose is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence to humankind. That is to say that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) will transfer esoteric knowledge to the people of the world, namely in respect to education, civilization, and religion, all of which are Greco-Roman in origin. These prophecies, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that: a) the Roman Empire is still in power, albeit temporarily, and that b) the Messiah will ultimately destroy the Roman Empire with esoteric knowledge, ushering in the Messianic Age and theWorld to Come.
10.3: The Messianic Age & the World to Come
After the Messiah destroys the Roman Empire and its Anti-Christ (which has now been identified as Barack Hussein Obama II), the world will finally enter the Messianic Age (i.e., the World to Come), otherwise known as the Age of Aquarius. In short, the Messianic Age is an era of global peace that is free of strife and conducive to the knowledge of the Creator. All religions will subsequently cease and the world will collectively worship the one and only Creator. The Messiah will also inspire all human beings to be one family and create a civilization that is based on sharing and cooperation. The Holy Bible describes this global shift of consciousness in Isaiah 2:4 (KJV) which states that “…they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”. This age of peace is also prophesized in Zoroastrianism which states that “…there will come a time when humanity will become like the Amesha Spentas, living without food, without hunger or thirst, and without weapons (or possibility of bodily injury). The material substance of the bodies will be so light as to cast no shadow. All humanity will speak a single language and belong to a single nation without borders. All will share a single purpose and goal, joining with the divine for a perpetual exaltation of God’s glory”. The Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) described the Messianic Age in the Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 12:5, stating that “…there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry. For the good will be plentiful, and all delicacies available as dust. The entire occupation of the world will be only to know God… the people Israel will be of great wisdom; they will perceive the esoteric truths and comprehend their Creator’s wisdom as is the capacity of man. As it is written [in Isaiah 11:9]: ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea’”. The Jewish Kabbalah also states that the Messiah (i.e., Messiah ben David) will usher in a period of freedom and peace. According to Theosophical literature, the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) will make the basic needs of human beings (e.g., food, clothing, education and medical care) a universal right. Under the Maitreya’s inspiration, humanity itself will make the required changes to create a sensible and more just world for all living beings. The head of the Bahá’í Faith, Shoghi Effendi, describes the Messianic Age as “The Most Great Peace…a peace that must inevitably follow as the practical consequence of the spiritualization of the world and the fusion of all its races, creeds, classes and nations…”. Lastly, in Hinduism, a new incarnation of the avatar (i.e., the Kalki Avatar) will fight the apocalyptic snake and achieve the final victory over evil on Earth. He will renew humanity and enable people to lead pure and honorable lives.
10.4: The Messiah Cometh
Although the Messiah will likely go largely unnoticed until he destroys the Roman Empire, there are a number of clues within the eschatologies of various religions which indicate who the Messiah is and what he will look like. Because the Messiah is of Arabic decent in Islam, Indian decent in Hinduism, and Jewish decent in both Christianity and Judaism, his ethnicity is not unanimous. That being said, prophesies made in respect to his hair, skin color and physical characteristics suggest that he is of Caucasian decent. This notion is also corroborated by centuries of art which depict the Savior Jesus Christ as a white male. Although the Messiah is routinely associated with Jesus, a religious deity who is purported to be God’s only begotten Son, the Messiah is not considered to be God or a pre-existent divine Son of God. In other words, the Messiah is not the Son of God as depicted in the Holy Bible. Consequently, all claims that the Messiah is a supernatural Christ-like being are fraudulent in nature. This notion is corroborated by Judaism which claims that the Messiah is physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David. Whether the Messiah’s name is actually David is not known, but he is referred to in Judaism as Messiah ben David, meaning “Messiah, son of David”. Also, the early Church believed that the life of David foreshadowed the life of Christ, in that: a) both were born in Bethlehem, b) David was a shepherd while Jesus Christ was the Good Shepherd, c) David chose five stones chosen to slay Goliath while Jesus suffered five Holy wounds, and d) many of the Davidic Psalms are typical of the future Messiah. As far as looks go, Islamic tradition states that the Mahdi (i.e., the Messiah) will have flat cheeks and straight hair. At-Tirmidhi claimed that Muhammad stated that “The face of the Mahdi shall shine upon the surface of the Moon”. This statement suggests that the face of the Messiah will be bright, radiating with positive energy. In Arabic, the word al-Masīḥ is the name for the Messiah which literally means “the anointed”, “the traveler”, or the “one who cures by caressing”. Although only conjecture, the likely reason for the Messiah’s travels is that he is desperately trying to avoid assassination by the Roman Empire which he is trying to destroy, never staying in one location for too long. A hadith in Abu Dawud (37:4310) states that the Messiah will be a man of medium height and reddish dusky complexion. Based on this account, the Messiah will be around 5’10 (177 centimeters) in height with dark reddish hair and tan skin. Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri, the Messenger of Allah, stated that “The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose”. According to Harvard University anthropologist William Howells, clinical traits of the Caucasian race include “straight faces” and “narrow noses”. At-Tarabani claimed that “[The Messiah’s] forehead will be broad and his nose will be high, his face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek”. At-Tarabani’s account seems to imply that the Messiah will be of Caucasian descent with a mole on his left cheek. Islamic Shia traditions states that the Mahdi be “a young man of medium stature with a handsome face” and beard. Sadir al-Sayrafi stated that the Mahdi (i.e., the Messiah) “who is deprived of and denied his rights, will move among them and wander through their markets and walk where they walk, but they will not recognize him. In other words, the Messiah will be persecuted, possibly due to his esoteric revelations about the Roman Empire. Theosophists believe that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) will physically manifest sometime in the 21st century, becoming the Messiah expected in virtually all religions. The followers of this religion consider Maitreya as “The Messiah” that has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Esoteric artist and author Benjamin Creme stated that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) communicated to him that he had decided to return to Earth earlier than the year 2025. Creme later stated that the Maitreya materialized in a physical body early in 1977. Based on Crème’s account, the Messiah is currently 38 to 39-years of age. Although Shia Muslims believe that “[The Messiah] will not come in an odd year” such as 1977, the Islamic calendar is odd when the Gregorian calendar is even (i.e., 2016 equates to the year 1437 in the Islamic calendar). Lastly, the notion that Jesus (i.e., the Messiah) is now here on Earth has been confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by a January 23, 2015 propaganda report from Popular Mechanics which claims that forensic scientific has confirmed that the Messiah shares none of the aforementioned traits and looks nothing like the way he has been portrayed in religious paintings and sculptures for centuries. In other words, if a man looking like Jesus appears on Earth, pay no attention.
10.5: Profiling the Messiah
Based on the aforementioned accounts, a more clear and concise picture of the Messiah begins to emerge. For the sake of identifying the Messiah, said accounts have been summarized as follows: a) Likeness: The Messiah is not considered to be God or a pre-existent divine Son of God. He is a mere human, nothing more, nothing less. This notion is confirmed in Judaism which claims that the Messiah is descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David. b) Anticipated Arrival: Theosophists believe that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) will physically manifest sometime in the21st century which began on January 1, 2001, and concludes on December 31, 2100. Since the Obama (i.e., the Anti-Christ) became President of the United States on January 20, 2009, it can be deduced that the Messiah is now alive here on Earth. c) Year of Birth: Esoteric artist and author Benjamin Creme claimed that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) would return to Earth earlier than 2025 and that he materialized physically in early 1977. Islamic tradition states that the Messiah will be a young man, possibly around 38 to 39-years of age. Although Muslims believe that “[The Messiah] will not come in an odd year” such as 1977, the Islamic calendar is odd when the Gregorian calendar is even (i.e., 2016 equates to the year 1437 in the Islamic calendar). d) Potential Name: Considering that in Judaism the Messiah is physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David, and is commonly referred to as Messiah ben David, meaning “Messiah, son of David”, it’s possible that Messiah may be named David. e) Physical Characteristics:Islamic tradition states that the Messiah will have flat cheeks and straight hair. He will be a man of medium height and reddish dusky complexion. He will have a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek (i.e., a mole). He is also said to be of medium stature with a handsome face and beard. It’s also highly likely that the Messiah will have a scar on his left side for Jesus was stabbed with a Roman spear while being crucified. f) Nomadic Tendencies: The Arabic word for Messiah is al-Masīḥ which literally means “the traveler”. Consequently, the Messiah will likely be a traveler, trying to avoid assassination by not staying in one place for too long. Coincidentally, Jesus was homeless nomad, traveling from one place to the other. g) Political Persecuted: In Islam, Sadir al-Sayrafi states that the Mahdi (i.e., the Messiah) will be deprived of and denied his rights, moving among them but no one will recognize him. In other words, the Messiah will be politically persecuted and unrecognized by the world until he destroys the Roman Empire.