Hillary Concedes Wearing Jesuit Purple Color Of The Beast Of Babylon



I am going to refer to an older post here. Of course when you wrote the bible and control the narrative, of course prophesy is going to appear to magically come true.

Who Wrote The Bible


200 years ago the west believed the earth to be flat. These are the same people who present you with their version of the bible hammered out about 2000 years ago at the council of Nicea.

In 321 A.D. Emperor Constantine decided sunday was a day of prayer as it was a day of sun worship among the pagans. He was a suspicious man as he put to death his own son and his wife due to suspicions, he massacred all of his rivals and was then canonized.

In the Council of Ephesus, which was held in 431 A.D., monks and bishops screamed: “Whoso speaks of two natures is a Nestorius, and let him be cut asunder”. A bishop was kicked to death by another bishop in course of their arguments, and 137 corpses were left in a church to attest the convincing reasons by which the most ruffian side proved its orthodoxy.

Such were the assemblies of saints who formed the pillars of the structure of Churchianity. We can easily imagine the nature of the guiding spirit of those councils, which established the creed of the church. From the beginning of the history of churches, down to the present day, freedom of thought and freedom of speech, that are the most essential characteristics of true religion, have been suppressed; and fanaticism, bigotry, curses, anathema, religious persecution, tortures of inquisition and diabolical crimes have been committed in the name of religion. Even Islam had Vedic beginnings.


Few are aware that Constantine had journeyed to India and studied Vedic text under Brahmins. Then he went to work. The Papacy was “a Vedic priesthood” until Constantine the Great killed the Vedic pope to replace him with the head of the hitherto unimportant Christian sect. This instantly ensured the Europe-wide triumph of Christianity because of the “sacred sway of the holy hoary Vedic priest known as the Shankaracharya” There has been debate over the veracity of his faith because he was baptized only on his death bed. See article on the Constantinian Shift. He was British born.


The chief priest (the Pontifex Maximus) was from the time of Constantine forced to call himself a Christian priest. Maximus is the Sanskrit term Mahattamas, i.e. “the topmost”. The emperer Constantine convened the council of Nicaea around 369. He called all the “holy men” of the day who were “under divine guidance” to meet in Turkey as it was convenient for all. Eusebius was the only deacon invited due to his recent war record where brought the sword of the Lord against Arianism. The doctrine of reincarnation was done away with and it was even debated whether or not Alexander would be divine also and equal to Jesus. Books on Arianism would be burned and anybody caught with one would be executed. That is when the killing went into high gear in Europe the Irish and Germanic nature religions would convert or die to the new Christianity of Rome.  Religion had joined hands with masonry and now labeled the eternal Vedic truths as “paganism.” Constantine began butchering the Gnostics of which the disciple Thomas was once a practitioner and the Vedic tradition of Tantrayana is very much a part of.

British warlord Constantine debated as to whether or not to include Alexander along with Jesus as being divine when he murdered the Vedic priests in the Vatican, wrote the bible and mangled the ancient manuscripts to his advantage.  He had no choice at that time due to the statue of Alexander in this period. It was decided against it however. The Great one was heroic but nowhere near the statue and warrior spirit of Lord Jesus.

“‘King James’ Bible in 1611, was a work of social engineering by the English Elite. This was undertaken to coral the masses into mental servitude  to Luciferianism/Rosicrucianism. It was a step away from true spirituality, whose tenets presented a clear danger to the establishment then, and as it still does today.

In the late 16th century, immediately prior to the KJV becoming the de facto standard bible, Sir John Dee, left,  was an Enochian black magician.  Dee and Francis Bacon, the author of ‘The New Atlantis’ were both instrumental in the production of the KJV.  As the Bible itself exhorts us to stay away from occult and witchcraft practices, it is paradoxical that Christians should embrace a work mastered as it was by high-ranking members of the occult.

CCRG Comment: We believe that the King James version of the Holy Bible
was primarily a Sir Francis Bacon initiative.  And, that the occultist and black magician John Dee would not be involved with any project such as the most liberating book in Western civilization.  We’re not saying the Holy Bible is
not to be questioned, as much of the Old Testament is quite suspect.  Only
that Bacon’s intention was to emancipate the common folk from the
religious tyranny run out of Rome. Bacon is also credited with writing
much of the classic literature of William Shakespeare, a feat that John Dee
had very little to do with.

As well as being Queen Elizabeth’s ‘spymaster’, Sir John Dee was a prominent member of The Worshipful Company of Mercers, which are Masonic Lodges by another name, led by a Worshipful Master.”


Now getting around to the matter of what Jesus really said can be found in the Essene scrolls. How do I know this? Well because it is common sense. It fits the definition of reality and makes no money for any organization. It is in line with most other religions including native American stories. You will possibly not convince many westerners of this without it appearing in school texts, sunday school classes or Fox News and other venues. Many of the west simply do not except anything unless it threatens to cost them their employment or a certain level of comfort. Sometimes even that is not effective. Maybe the church can save you but always remember, they want 10% off the top. Beware that faith does not overshadow reason.


If you do not believe most pathways to truth are not similar to this including native American structure, you might want to take a look at this.


Hillary knows her role, head wound and all (parkinsons after cerebral aneurysm)

Who is the
Woman Who Rides The Beast
in Revelation 17?


scarlot 7-mountains




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