The current self destruction of Corporate Capitalism has struck a death blow to the Anglo-American Corpocracy. This in turn will result in the long awaited demise of UK-US Imperialism and, ultimately, cause the downfall of the British American Empire. The consequent deterioration of civil society by way of the ongoing financial/economic, political/social and moral/religious bankruptcy will lead to the inevitable collapse and dissolution of Western Civilization as we know it.
Special Message to the Market Oracles and Money Masters of the Universe
All Four Wheels Come Off The Anglo-American Juggernaut
About this eventuality, we have no doubt. The question is: Are you ready for the unstoppable changes and inescapable new realities that will be left in its wake? The previous two essays quite graphically portray the undoing of the underlying control mechanisms and numerous hidden agenda of the Global Financial/Economic Control Matrix. You have to know where we came from to get an idea about where we might be going, right?
Never in the history of Western Civilization has there been so much at stake. We are clearly at the end of an era marked by rampant materialism, mass consumerism, unchecked scientific advancement, war without end and the unbridled aggrandizement of the numerous “collectives”, aka stakeholders, that abound in modern society. These collectives include, but are not limited to, economic unions and security alliances, nations and states, provinces and districts, cities and counties, corporations and partnerships, religious institutions and political parties, universities and nonprofit foundations, lobbying law firms and DC think tanks, and, of course, elite powerbrokers. Lots and lots of wealthy and powerful individuals, and their families. All of them wanted, and still do want, a stake, a big stake, of the rich yet finite domain known as Planet Earth. This is the very root of the problem. GREED! An intractable addiction to greed, more accurately.
To tell the actual story is to repeat a tale of utterly insatiable greed that was continually fed by institutionalized thievery and perpetual war, which has all but defined much of the history of western civilization. Though it was told, and retold, using many different narratives, most never imbibed the moral of the story whose most recent and primary character was not a person, but an abstract illusion known as the “Almighty Dollar”. This Almighty Dollar seemed to possess an invincible power, and so it became the object of great worship and deference by the vast majority of people on Earth, as well as by most of the aforementioned collectives. This hapless majority chose to give up their power to this illusory King of Commerce by hitching their wagons to the Almighty Dollar’s wagon train. Now that all the wagons in front have gone over the cliff, those faithfully following are guaranteed the same fateful destiny. So this essay is not for them, it is for those who want to unhitch their wagon from this juggernaut and forge a new destiny. A destiny that is about to enter completely uncharted territory as we move deeper into this 2nd decade of the New Millennium.
Money, or a nation’s currency of exchange, you know, does have inherent power that begs for right conduct. This mandate particularly includes accountability for what and how and why and when our money is expended. As a perennial taxpayer to the federal and state and county and city governments, or a 410K/Keough/IRA account holder, or an owner of savings and checking accounts, or an investor in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, currencies, commodities or derivative contracts etc., it becomes clear that responsibly monitoring where our money goes can be quite a daunting task. Nevertheless, though it can often present an extremely slippery slope of ethical and moral decision-making, it must be performed on a regular and sound basis with maximum integrity. Otherwise, this hard earned money, that you have accumulated over many years, can be misappropriated, and used for purposes that are quite contrary to your intentions and values, your ideals and principles, and your goals and vision for the greater community.
The FOUR HORSEMEN Herald the Death Knell of ‘Free Market’ Capitalism
The PRE-PLANNED Financial and Economic 9/11 of 2008
This preceding TRILOGY, therefore, is for you. Not just for the few who sensed the imminent doom and saw the impending disaster coming, but for anyone wishing to genuinely follow a more enlightened and high-minded path. This is the time, perhaps the final time at the closing of this era, to contemplate the integrity of one’s life and purpose. And to especially weigh the value of all that life brings to us, so that we may wisely protect and utilize that which really has inherent power.
When one allows his/her money to be ripped off in any way, they have in effect given up their power. When a critical mass of individuals and/or parties routinely permit this behavior to occur over long periods of time, it will inevitably lead to a predicament not too unlike the current worldwide monetary meltdown. The self destruction of the global money matrix is, after all, an escape mechanism that was built into the very system as a wake up call to each and every one of us to take back our power, especially our money. As each of us wakes up to this “new” fact of life over the next few years, please be advised of the following realities:
I. Whenever you give up your power, it is very difficult to take it back. The longer you take to reassert your sovereignty, the more arduous and challenging it becomes to regain your power. Or to attain the freedom and peace and prosperity that are your birthright. However, there are exceptions to this – like right HERE and right NOW.
II. Fortunately, it is never too late to begin, and always the right time and place, to start TAKE BACK YOUR POWER. When you do begin this process in earnest, you naturally begin to make yourself whole much like the banker whose loan has been repaid in full. We say that the repayment of the loan has made the banker whole, don’t we?
III. Perhaps right now is the time to begin to take back your power and make yourself whole again. No one has the right to steal from you seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, for years on end, without objection and appropriate prosecution. Nor do you effectively proclaim your sovereignty by enabling such schemes.
Perhaps this is the best time to consider the proverbial $64,000 question. You know, the one when properly contemplated will allow us to penetrate to the root causes of our current predicament. It goes like this: Are the financial markets that addicted to deception because so many in society are hopelessly addicted to greed?
If this were not true, we would have never devolved into such a degenerate state of affairs. Therefore, our trilogy of financial/economic articles, while it may appear to be about THEM, and THOSE who did it to US, is really about US. For there is no question that THEY could only have gotten away with their schemes if there was a critical mass of players who were sufficiently “Addicted To Deception” because they were thoroughly “Addicted to Greed”.
And so we are as a society. But that does not mean we must bring this addiction into the future Now that the light of awareness has been sufficiently shined on this little ‘beast’ known as the Almighty Dollar, and the addiction has been identified and named, we can move out of the denial stage and break free of its shackles. This is the first and momentous step in our journey back to right understanding, societal balance and individual wholeness.
In the meantime we can all laugh at our past financial indiscretions, economic ignorance and reeeeeallly bad business decisions.
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: July 7, 2012
[email protected]
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