Saudi Princess’ Tell-All Includes Bangladeshi Children Traded as Sex Slaves
By Geller Report Staff
Saudi Princess Amira Bint Aidan Bin Nayef told a French newspaper, Le Monde, that slavery in her homeland includes the horrendous practice of importing children from orphanages in Bangladesh and other countries, and then using them as sex slaves in the kingdom.

And it’s not just from Bangladesh they’re taken.
It’s also from places in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Somalia and other spots.
The Religion of Peace has more (h/t Dkaka Tribune):
Saudi Princess Amira Bint Aidan Bin Nayef went on a rampage against the ruling Saudi regime in her exclusive statements to the French newspaper Le Monde, saying slavery in Saudi Arabia has different forms, but it is done in secrecy and permitted only among the primary beneficiaries of the princes of the House of Saud.
She mentioned one of the most repulsive things: buying and renting the children, especially the orphans, from countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Djibouti, Somalia, Nigeria, Romania and Bulgaria.
According to Aidan, the ex-wife of the Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal, who was recently arrested in scope of the anti-corruption purges in the country, those who accuse others of corruption and money laundering, are in fact highly corrupted themselves.
Russian online newsportal Fort Russ reports quoting Aden’s interview on Le Monde, the princess said they’ve turned the city of Jeddah into a slave market where underage girls are being exploited for noisy sex parties involving drug and alcohol abuse.
She said that one of the main reasons why this keeps going on is that the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Sharia police) tend to keep away from the matter, fearing they might lose their jobs, should they intervene.
The newspaper quoted the princess as saying that a Hallowen event was recently held in Jeddah, and which was attended by 150 people, including employees of the consulates. The scene was like a typical nightclub anywhere outside the Kingdom, with available wines, dancing couples in fancy costumes, and a DJ.
Bint Aidan said the price of smuggled liquor in the country is very high. For instance, the price of the Smirnoff vodka is $400, sometimes forcing party organisers to refill the original bottles with a local wine called Siddiqui.
The children become the property of those who buy them and are not allowed to leave without permission.
Even the Asian maids who come to work often find themselves in a kind of slave-like position. Young girls are divided into smaller groups and exploited for immoral acts.
Trafficking of white women and exploiting them for sexual practices is also relatively common.