Posted on 11/8/2018
Sharon and Ivo
So, You have been shown and witnessed over the last few days, how politics separates. Politics is an instrument of the dark and it was created to do just this, keep people separated and fighting among themselves. This way, the people could be more easily swayed and controlled by the illusion presented to them that they actually had a voice and that they could control outcomes. This was false in the most simple respect. It was designed for the outcome of any election to be controlled to the result of what the dark intended to be.
To overpower this dark construct that has kept humanity in an illusion circle, divinity intervened with Trump being elected. Trump, is designated and supported by the Light as a temporary measure to steer these timelines towards the freedom and advancement of human civilization. It is stated here that Trump may be the last president of the old ways, projecting into the near future. Divinity controls the show here, and at any given time, if need be, we will influence this show in ways never before witnessed in the most recent histories of this planet. This is not a threat, but a reassurance to the people that this is being divinely guided and the ascension on all levels is ascertained. Our intent is to keep chaos at its lowest with a smooth transition, without destroying the human experience on these invaluable timelines.