Arizona SWAT team smashes door, raids mother’s home at gunpoint over child having a fever… medical tyranny gone wild in the USA
by Mike Adams

(Natural News) In yet another example of medical tyranny gone insane in the USA, a heavily armed SWAT team operating as part of the Chandler, Arizona Police Department smashed down the door with guns drawn in order to medically kidnap a child who a doctor claimed had a fever.
The child, media reports say, is “unvaccinated,” which of course now justifies all the insane violence and gunplay demonstrated by police. The police also kidnapped another child from the same home and have not yet returned the children to the parents.
This violent raid that destroyed the front door of the home and subjected the entire family to being psychologically terrorized by police follows in the footsteps of Rockland County, New York declaring medical martial law a few days ago, threatening all unvaccinated children and teens with arrest and six months in prison if they dared step foot on a public sidewalk or even go to school or church.
In New York, the insane medical fascists demand you remain a prisoner in your own home, while in Chandler, Arizona, they raid your home and break in your front door, justifying it all with some absurd claim that “an infant has a fever.”
Hey SWAT goons: Watch out for those full-auto infant diapers!
The question remains: Have SWAT team members of Chandler law enforcement been properly trained to defend themselves against six-month old infants whose weapons include flinging full-auto diapers and waging a suckling attack on exposed fingers and toes? Some infants are packing only semi-auto diapers, but other babies have full-auto diapers with extra magazines that could obviously place police officers in grave danger. A few infants are even sporting silencers and can deploy “silent turdwave” attacks that take police officers completely by surprise.
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No doubt the heavily armed police officers of Chandler, Arizona felt the need to deploy multiple firearms and battering-ram break-in techniques because they have not yet been properly trained how to dodge infant turds — dangerous projectiles which follow their own ballistic trajectory and can inflict severe blunt force trauma upon the egos of ‘roided-up police officers. We need to call upon the Chandler Police Department to add a new training regimen to the police academy, called “baby turd dodge ball,” wherein naked police officers must traverse a gauntlet of random barriers while angry white privileged moms fling turd-filled diapers at them from opposite sides, creating a gastronomical scatalogical crossfire that SWAT officers must traverse blindfolded. (Also known as “Operation Fast and Furious.”)
We also wonder if infants with fevers pose a threat to Arizona that justifies the same level of mass hysteria that seems to go along with every media report about measles, vaccines and influenza. It seems only a matter of time before “fever raid squads” start carrying rifle-mounted grenade launchers and flamethrowers in order to “flame out the fever” before it can spread and become what the World Health Organization deems “a public health threat.” In effect, police officers are now treating infants with fevers the way U.S. Marines in World War II rooted out Japanese soldier holdouts hunkered into pillboxes at Iwo Jima. (Will injured police officers receive Purple Hearts for their brave assault on “Diaper Hill?”)
There is no justice in a society where a hate crime hoaxer goes free while a mother with a child having a fever is raided at gunpoint
In a society where hate crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett has all charges against him dropped; where Barack Obama goes free after waging an international money laundering scheme to funnel nuclear weapons capabilities to Iran; where Hillary Clinton commits treason against America by destroying top secret evidence and accepting hundreds of million of dollars in bribes from wealthy international oligarchs; the only danger that can be identified by the police in Chandler, Arizona is a toddler with a fever.
Under the medical police state that now threatens health freedom across this entire nation, “authorities” in Arizona just flat-out kidnapped these children after staging an armed raid on the home of the mother. “[A]uthorities have yet to return the children to their parents,” reports Breitbart News.
No doubt by the time the children are returned, they will have been forcibly vaccinated at gunpoint by the lawless State. If they are then made autistic by the toxic vaccine ingredients, state authorities will blame it all on the mother, telling her, “It’s your genes that caused it.”
Personally, I hope this mother — Sarah Beck — sues the Chandler police, the doctor and Child Protective Services for a billion dollars for being terrorized at gunpoint by armed vaccine enforcer goons. (See for more stories from the front lines of the armed medical police state carrying out a vaccine holocaust across America.)
I also offer this warning to police across America: As much as I support local law enforcement in general, this sort of nonsense is exactly what’s going to get you shot and killed by homeowners in self-defense. How will that look on your grave, by the way? Here lies Sgt. Know-It-All. Shot and killed by the father of a toddler who had a fever.”
Maybe you should save your armed raids for the people who actually deserve it, such as the treasonous traitors in the deep state who worked for Sen. John McCain and ferreted the “Trump dossier” to the intelligence goons in Washington as part of an attempted political coup. Aren’t there real criminals in Arizona who deserve to have their doors kicked in and might be above the age of one?
Doctors, Child Protective Services and corrupt government bureaucrats are all running a child kidnapping racket
The real story here is one you probably don’t even want to know. It is well known across the realm of independent media investigators that Child Protective Services is actually a child kidnapping and child trafficking front. In Arizona and elsewhere, these children are kidnapped by bureaucrats, then raped, molested and sometimes sold off to pedophile buyers who hold them captive, to be used as sex toys.
C.P.S. offices are the front for the child kidnapping / trafficking rings throughout Arizona and across the USA. Trafficking is heavy near the open U.S. border, too, where Central and South American children are kidnapped, then trafficked into the USA to be auctioned off to wealth Left-wing pedophiles and perverts who abuse the children for years before having them snuffed out.
If you have a hard time believing any of this, consider the revelation of “John of God,” the so-called “healing guru” from Brazil who was recently arrested and charged with multiple felony sexual assaults. According to witnesses and police, “John of God” — who was heavily promoted by Oprah, by the way — ran a child sex slave factory operation where he would kidnap women, rape them, force them to have babies, then auction off the babies for profit, then have the mothers murdered after they produced a sufficient number of babies for sale.
Maybe instead of denying the sickening reality of what’s going on in the world, you should open your eyes and face the truth: Human trafficking is rampant in the Southern U.S., and Democrats hope to keep it going because the open border is their pathway for recruiting new left-wing illegal voters. So they look the other way on child trafficking, drug trafficking and human trafficking just to make sure they can stack the next election with illegal votes.
That’s who Democrats really are. They don’t care how many children are kidnapped, raped, murdered or killed as long as they can beat Trump.
Seriously, they are that f##king sick.
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