STOP 5G CAMPAIGN: An Informational Flyer to Download and Copy and Circulate Everywhere

Let’s all terminate 5G, before it terminates US.

State of the Nation

As everyone knows, the unlawful and rapid deployment of 5G continues unabated across the nation.

However, so is a burgeoning protest movement posing a massive wall of resistance to the 5G roll-out.

The following flyer was created for those many folks who are not digitally connected. This group of people is very large and spread across the country and, therefore, unaware of the unfolding 5G catastrophe.  Retirement communities would be a great place to circulate this flyer.

This informative flyer can serve as a great conversation piece for individuals who are in need of compelling 5G references that prove just how dangerous it is.  Each link in the flyer contains key articles and videos that nicely explain the ongoing 5G crisis in simple terms.

Just download this pdf posted below and make copies to pass out at homeowner association meetings, health food stores, family gatherings, neighborhood picnics, church events, school functions and other congregations of fellow citizens.


Thank you for your support with this urgent matter.

Let’s all terminate 5G, before it terminates US.

State of the Nation
May 2, 2019

Editor’s Note

This flyer was created as a simple skeleton that can be fleshed out by going to the recommended links.  It’s an easily downloadable, black an white, information sheet for folks who have never heard of 5G.  This demographic represents a large group of unaware Americans who may only hear about 5G from a flyer such as this.  But, please, feel free to use this flyer as a template to make a new flyer that fits your community.


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