The Earth’s Clock: Earth’s Spin Axis Is Shifting Part I of II | Important
NEO 2019: Near Earth Object May Explain Geopolitical Mess
Revelations signal a Great Purification that occurs toward the end of a world age shift. In other words, the energy of man’s negative choices cannot enter a new era coming toward us so it is pushed to the surface to be purified.
If Dec 21, 2012 was not the end of this current world state perhaps it was the beginning of its end. Take a close look.
6-2015 Axis Angle reversion… not a good sign
By mmc7 at
I’ve been measuring the angle of the sun every year on June 21st for over 11 years. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but the angle of the sun has reverted back to the 2006 angle positions. On the surface this reversion may seem like a good thing. It is not a good sign. We are talking about a massive planetary movement in differing directions over a 2 year period. Not to mention in the opposite direction against the natural forces causing the axis to shift in the first place. The planetary forces analogous to riding your bicycle uphill against hurricane force winds.
There was a significant increase in the axis shift changes between 2013 and 2014. An axis increase over 800 miles which resulted in the most severe record breaking winter on record which I had warned about when I saw the extent of the axis changes a year ago.
Photo shows position of key sun measurement changes since 2004.
12-2018 Earth’s Axis Shift Images
The coastlines between Africa & Indonesia were hit by tsunamis as the Earth shifted northward (depicted by the red arrow on the first two images below to show which way the Earth shifted).
These two images show how the Asia, India & Russia side of the earth shifted several hundred miles to the north on Dec 26, 2004. The tsunamis devastated over 2000 miles of coastline between Africa & Indonesia killing over a quarter million people. The two images provide an example demonstrating how a northward shift of several hundred miles might look before & after.
Since the earth is a sphere… when Asia, Russia & India shifted north, that caused Canada & the US to shift south & changed our US view of the sun, which is now farther north in our summer sky because the US & Canada were shifted farther south during the 2004 tsunami & those axis shifts thereafter. The sun didn’t actually move. It was Earth’s axis which shifted our planet.
The Earth’s axis continued to shift several times since 2004, which was evident each time we had tsunamis. We have also measured the sun positions & changes each summer solstice in both hemispheres, every year, since 2005. Read more at
100% Hidden in Plain View Proof: NASA Video Unwittingly Shows Polar Shift 2016!
Published Feb 23, 2017
02:35 mins
All I had to do is snap a photo of the beginning of Aug 2015, fast-forward and take a shot at the end of July 2016.
To be perfectly clear. From the beginning of August 2015 until the end of July 2016 is one day shy of a year however 2016 was a leap year, so this is one year later, and these two shots, drum roll please, and behold ladies and gentlemen as promised in the title.
One Year on Earth – Seen From 1 Million Miles [NASA]
NASA Goddard
Published on Jul 20, 2016
On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency’s EPIC camera on NOAA’s DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.
The synchronicity of how this information came together
From Doreen
Thanks to Judy for the following video. It prompted me to re-visit my 2014 Hercolubus Blog and expand research into 2019. Hence this post.
In another post, I will propose ‘why’ man is being so distracted with 5G, false flag terror attacks, weaponized weather, threat of world war, compulsory vaccinations, political theater, chemtails, etc.
Most Remarkable Images Ever ++
Published May 1, 2019
12:44 – 14:01 mins
An enlightened message about preparing spiritually now by purifying your physical, mental, emotional spirit soul body, and immediate benefits of so doing.
Planet X Observations from Mauna Loa Observatory and Magnetopause Reversals
Premiered Apr 14, 2019
Have you ‘ever’ seen the light of truth shine on so much geopolitical darkness?
Deception, corruption, church and state sanctioned violence. Weaponized food, water, air, vaccines, weather, news, technology. The engineered global economic migration and refugee crisis, pedophilia, hyper sexualization of children, moral depravity, social degeneracy. Globalization. Staged false flag terror attacks, militarized police, no law enforcement. Transgenderism, transhumanism, censorship, mind control and debt slavery.
We’ll look at hidden agendas behind geopolitical darkness in Part II.
Earth shifting on its axis is rare and natural, and ‘not caused by global warming. Not at all.
Doreen A Agostino