DARPA’s 5G End Game For Humanity

Left Hook by Dean Henderson

2018 3-13 Caney Mountain Aldo Leopold Cabin Site (14)(Excerpted from Illuminati Agenda 21: The Luciferian Plan to Destroy Creation)

In the late 1970’s scientists at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories were developing what they called a Brain Bomb – a low-frequency energy weapon which could be used on a battlefield to liquidate the brains of thousands of soldiers at one time.

This weapon was likely used by President George H.W. Bush against Iraqi troops during the 1990 Gulf War, when it was reported that thousands of Iraqi Army troops were simultaneously obliterated near Basra. Their bodies were bulldozed into mass graves and no autopsies were performed.

HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Frequency Program) had already been established in 1993. It was a joint program between the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska at Fairbanks and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

Based on the stolen research of Nikolas Tesla, HAARP experimented with the weaponization of radio frequencies and energy. Officially it was shut down in 2014, but DARPA carries forward the research, which has come to focus on the effects of these frequencies on the individual human being.

Currently DARPA – whose logo if a pyramid surrounding an all-seeing eye – is developing a robotic soldier with Lockheed Martin.

The Internet was launched and funded by the military as ARPANET in the 1970’s. ARPA later became DARPA. On August 6, 1991 the Internet went live to the world and by the end of the 1990’s it was being widely used by the public. That was only 20 years ago.

As more people were exposed to DARPA’s newest and most widespread low-frequency weapon, school shootings spiked, health problems increased, life-expectancy began a rapid decline, families disintegrated and society began to embrace many dark trends as “normal”.

Former DARPA director Regina Dugan went on to work at Google, where she works with CEO and Bilderberger member Eric Schmidt to promote “smart tattoos”, one of which she has herself. It is a biometric chip which will be used to access the coming integrated 5G reality which is being rapidly rolled out.

Known as the Internet of things, 5G involves hundreds of billions of microchips which will permeate our possessions, our homes, our cars, our neighborhoods and eventually our bodies. Some say that Chemtrails is the means by which they are loading our bodies up with aluminum, since this is the best conductor for plugging us into the 5G “smart grid”

In line with the Masonic project that we are nothing more than soul-less batteries to be used to power the Luciferian elite, human beings are slated to become just another “thing” in this Internet of things. They want to change our organic DNA to metal, which they can then mine to run their Babylonian nightmare.

Trans-genderism is an Agenda 21 stepping stone Trojan Horse gateway to trans-humanism, which involves the integration of 5G into our very being. The hip-sounding Silicon Valley front men they are using to promote this Orwellian nightmare are calling it the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It seeks to integrate smart chip low-frequency weapons technology with biological processes.

The goal is to turn us into machines which can be programmed to perform certain jobs, purchase certain things, think certain thoughts and emit negative dark emotions which will power and normalize the permanent war Illuminati blood sacrifice into an acceptable parallel reality they call “virtual reality” or “augmented reality”.

The recent Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal (https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/cambridge-analyticas-facebook-mi6-psyop/) gave us a glimpse into how Facebook is being used as an emotional dossier gathering tool on each individual for later use by DARPA in their 5G control matrix.

They are mapping everyone’s psyche to find out which buttons to push when they hit the 5G switch and transform us all into permanent reliable negative energy batteries for the rollout and acceptance of their Satanic New World Order.

The divisive 2016 election served to normalize division and reinforced the negative energy environment in which these lower 4th dimension demons operate (https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2016/06/10/illuminati-election-nightmare/)

Meanwhile in Switzerland – home to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which is the central bank for all the world’s private central banks which control the world via debt slavery- the CERN project continues apace, as the Luciferians attempt to isolate the “God particle”, using super-high speed atomic fission colliders.

These fallen angel inbreds like to split atoms rather than fuse them since they are all about opposition to a whole Gaia Creation and instead promote a disjointed atomization of reality which is foreign to this planet. Nuclear fusion could change the world by producing free energy with no waste, but the bankers continue to take us down the path of nuclear fission, divided reality, conflict with Creator and destruction.

CERN scientists have reported seeing demons during some of their experiments as have other tech “wizards” involved in quantum computing. They talk about this openly now. One Canadian computer whiz said recently of meeting the demons, “but we still have to push on and hopefully we won’t destroy the world in the process.”

Some believe CERN is deliberately generating dark matter, which is then funneled into the “cloud” – Newspeak for the “World Brain” which is under construction and set to be completed this year. It will listen, watch, remember and act. A statue of Shiva – Hindu god of destruction – stands at the entrance to CERN headquarters.

This is why the hipster tech leaders talk of “disruptive technology” and “game-changers”. Knowingly or not, they are pushing forward this DARPA Luciferian agenda. One company has now created artificial auras for people, while another has produced personal replicas, promoting them as “comforting” in such a suddenly disagreeable world.

Computers have become so powerful that they are now programming themselves. Illuminati spokesman Elon Musk is now warning that unless we want to become these computer’s “pets”, we must ourselves merge with AI (artificial intelligence). Intel says that by 2020 human brains will contain chips which will run the computers to “prevent” this AI takeover.

These kinds of fear-provoking statements reflect the old Masonic project advancement technique of problem-reaction-solution, or Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). They first create a problem, then fix it with a Draconian solution which will advance their Great Work of Ages or New World Order.

The Illuminati are obsessed with numbers. They know certain numbers have power. And they do. The ancient spiritual texts all tell us this. Creation is based on a numbers system. But these Luciferians have usurped this ancient knowledge, hidden it from the general populace to keep us dumbed down, and are now using it to enslave us in a Worldwide web which they have cast out in the hopes of finally capturing the entire human race.

Now enthralled by and willingly caught in their Internet, numbers and algorithms will be key to the coming DARPA endgame called 5G. Once in place it is all math. Human originality, dissent and creativeness are being crushed and discredited as passe.

Drones already fly overhead stealing pictures of your face to use as facial recognition software installed in this control matrix. Companies have recently begun asking for a verbal confirmation when you pay bills on the phone. They are stealing your voice which will then be integrated into the voice recognition software for 5G.

There will be 5G transmitters on every block of every city connecting this “smart grid”. Alexa-type devices will monitor every home. Your “smart phone” will track your every purchase, movement, discussion, emotion and thought. It will also implant and change your thoughts and emotions to ones more congruent with the Satanist agenda. Through Facebook, they know and will now play upon your weaknesses.

The Hunger Games will have begun. We will all become nothing more than Maze Runners if we do not escape this net of technology which has been cast upon us. When 5G gets rolled out, both our free will and our humanity will be radically curtailed and may cease to exist. Look around you, it’s happening already.


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