Who is using the Florida MSM to mislead the health freedom and anti-vax movements?

FACT CHECKING FL’s FAKE NEWS: Lauren Book’s SB 64 ‘Mandatory Vaccine’ Bill Was NOT Withdrawn


[NOTE: They changed the titled to “Senator: Bill seeking to end religious exemptions for vaccines won’t be heard” within hours after our inquiry. This is still not true. See article for details.]

The media is running a fake news operation around Florida Senate Bill SB 64 which would mandate vaccination for school entry, claiming the bill was withdrawn when it was not.

An article published on The Center Square by John Haughey titled, “Florida senator withdraws bill seeking to end religious exemptions for vaccines,“ is making the rounds, despite the fact that it is rife with misinformation.

Democratic Senator Lauren Book’s bill has not been withdrawn; nor was it withdrawn because Health Policy Chair Senator Harrell (R) refused to hear it. We confirmed this today by speaking with staff both at Senator Book and Senator Harrell’s offices.

Senator Book prefiled Senate Bill SB 64 on August 2nd. SB 64 bill intends to “delete” the religious exemption to vaccination for school entry and would render the process to obtain a medical exemption more difficult, if not impossible, by replacing the doctor-patient relationship with a State run medical review panel. In essence, SB 64 would recreate in one full swoop the dystopian medical crisis that has descended upon Californians, culminating in last month’s passing of SB276.

According to The Center Square report, “Last week, Book withdrew SB 64 consideration during the 2020 session,” citing an interview with GateHouse Media where she is alleged to have said: “This is not going to be heard this session.” The Gatehouse Media report also stated that, “Book now says she’s been told by Sen. Gayle Harrell, R-Stuart, chair of the Health Policy Committee, that she will not schedule the bill for a hearing.”

Again, both of these statements are false. Senator Book’s office stated clearly that she has not withdrawn the bill. Harrell’s office also confirmed that while she and Senator Harrell are sympathetic to medical choice, the bill could still be heard in the 2020 session through a number of possible scenarios, including: 1) if it was favorably modified, 2) a new version submitted as a new bill 3) if the governor asked to have it heard.

Both The Center Square and Gatehouse Media articles should be held to account for their errors and should publish corrections as soon as possible. Their journalistic integrity is on the line. Falsely reporting on this topic, intentional or not, will result in neutralizing the momentum that has formed around the parental rights, informed choice, and medical freedom movement — which are rights held dear by those calling themselves Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike.

Dawn Richardson, of the National Vaccine Information Center, has released a video helping to reveal the truth behind the apparent tactic to spread blatant misinformation about SB64 and those who support medical freedom.

A previous educational presentation on the situation in Florida helps empower stakeholders with the information and talking points they need to safeguard personal sovereignty without governmental forced mandates relating to our personal practice of healthcare. Watch the presentation and view the full transcript and powerpoint slides here.

Please join grassroots organizations to continue to organize and protect basic human rights and medical freedom in Florida, and nationally.

  1. National Vaccine Information Center

  2. Stand for Health Freedom

Also, get organized on Facebook through local, grassroots groups that work with the National Vaccine Information Center, such as my own Florida Health Freedom: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flhealthfreedom/ and Health Freedom Florida: https://www.facebook.com/HealthFreedomFL/

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