Is Hurricane Matthew another geoengineered storm targeting Florida’s Republican Government?

Republican Governor and Legislature
Control the Pivotal Swing State

The FL Department of State controls the election apparatus
and post electoral process


Only 2 hurricanes in the past 10 years have hit
stateside and both have been aimed at Florida

State of the Nation

How is it that the first two hurricanes (Hermine and Matthew) to strike the U.S. mainland have both been aimed Florida (Matthew hasn’t hit just yet)?  Granted, Hurricane Matthew has yet to make landfall, but every model has it seriously sideswiping the state in any case.

Is Hurricane Matthew Destined to Become an October Surprise? Or Has Halloween Come Early?

If you’re trying to throw a wrench into the Florida State Government, there’s no more effective way than to geoengineer a hurricane and send it northward into the sun-drenched peninsula.  Many chemtrail watchers in the state have already noticed a dramatic uptick in the chemical geoengineering operations statewide.  Such a development never bodes well for the region’s highly unpredictable weather.

Hurricane Hermine: Geoengineered Storm Targets the Capital of a Crucial Red Swing State

Whoever is steering Matthew appears to have quite a deliberate purpose in mind, and it is not just Florida that is in the crosshairs.  Superstorms of this magnitude always have multiple objectives, just as Superstorm Sandy did in late October of 2012.  That superstorm inflicted as much damage as any ever has especially throughout the Northeast.

Maybe Superstorm Sandy really was an
~~~~~~~~~~ OMEN? ~~~~~~~~~~

No predictions here, just watchfulness

At this point anything can happen.  Many of the storms that barrel up the Eastern Seaboard seem to have a mind of their own and often surprise with a punch as they head north to highly populated metro areas of the NE.  Given the 2016 election cycle, the politicos at the federal level would love to sow seeds of chaos anyway they can in order to create cover for an election theft.  For many reasons the Obama Administration really needs a Clinton victory in order to preserve their legacy of utter destruction.  Obama, himself, requires such a Democratic win to simply stay out of prison.

The critical point here is that many a superstorm has been geoengineered over the past couple of decades.  Those that produced a massive amount of damage are good examples of disaster capitalism at its worst (Remember Katrina in NOLA).  This is exactly what the weather controllers do from time to time in order to accomplish several goals simultaneously.


Of all the key 2016 swing states, Florida has the most electoral votes to deliver.

Florida: A Crucial Swing State

There is no question that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton can win the 2016 election without winning the 29 electoral vote of Florida.  It is truly that big of a state where it concerns the outcome of presidential elections.  North Carolina and Virginia are also critical states which are potentially in the superstorm’s path.

Whereas the Trumpsters are content to let the chips fall where they fall, the Clintonistas are not so amenable to letting nature takes its course.  The Democrats are often dead set on controlling nature itself, particularly when the outcome is so highly consequential. After all, the most famous chant at the Trump campaigns has been: “LOCK HER UP!”


When such a fierce and unprecedented movement has formed to lock up the former Secretary of State, it ought to be clear that there are other Democrats who are likewise facing existential threats.  However, Hillary Clinton’s crimes have risen to the level of high treason, crimes against humanity, genocide, state-sponsored terrorism, gun-running to terrorist organizations among many of the other serious felonies.  Hence, the desperation to use any and all means at the DNC’s disposal to steal the election has become quite obvious.

Toward that end, Florida has become ground zero in this nuclear political war.  The DEMs cannot lose Florida, for if they do their NWO plans will be thwarted by a Trump presidency.  And many of Hillary’s co-conspirators will likely go to prison for a long time.


How is this projected path for for the geoengineered CAT 4 hurricane?!


The NWO cabal that controls Planet Earth frequently utilizes various forms of weather warfare to accomplish its goals.  As a matter of fact, the ruling elites control a global network of space-based technologies very similar to HAARP which can be used for weather modification as well as climate engineering.  The whole world has experienced profound alterations in the atmospheric conditions as a result of their multi-decade meteorology experiments.

In the aggregate these manufactured radical changes have created a phenomenon known as Global Climate Change.  In fact the geoengineers working for the globalists have so transformed Earth’s weather that they were able to substantially contribute to what was already a natural but small global warming trend.  In other words, the warming experienced by every continent over the past few decades was primarily a geoengineered phenomenon, not the result of manmade CO2 production.

Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2

This ongoing plot by the cabal is designed to foist a One World Government on the world community of nations using “Environmental Armageddon” as the justification for such emergency measures.  A One World Government is the ultimate goal of the ruling elites whereby they ultimately control every natural resource on the planet.  They likewise seek to control the world’s weather patterns through worldwide chemical geoengineering programs and highly advanced HAARP technologies.

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

State of the Nation
October 5, 2016

Editor’s Note

SOTN staff living in Florida have seen a considerable increase in the spraying of chemtrail aerosols during October.  This month has historically been one of Florida’s sunniest and driest. With the relentless chemical geoengineering throughout 2016, chemclouds have been spreading out to form chemcloud cover bringing massive amounts of moisture over the entire Peninsula. The following graphic illustrates this atmospheric dynamic as it unfolded this past April.



Weather Warfare: Tropical Storm Hermine Targets Florida As A Geoengineered Hurricane

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OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History


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