A once-in-a-millennium kairotic moment occurred on 9/11 of 2001 that still promises to usher in the most profound and fundamental societal transformation of our times.
That earth-shattering event, which truly represents one the primary apocalytic prophecies of the modern era, remains pregnant with the potential to catalyze unprecedented change in every sphere of life in the USA and beyond.
However, in order to take full advantage of this extremely unique opportunity for political, economic and social revolution, something must first give way. That something is nothing other that the misplaced trust that American citizens have customarily put in their government, their media, their corporations, their academic institutions, their financial institutions, etc.
9/11 as OMEN
9/11 has proven to be the most extraordinary, yet unacknowledged omen, of the post modern era. On many levels it is fraught with meaning so profound, and significance so awesome, that most serious thinkers and commentators dare not touch it for fear of being cut by its double-edged blade. Nevertheless, it remains an omen of amazing proportions waiting to manifest in all of its multifarious and astonishing forms.
For those who planned, coordinated, executed and covered up 9/11, it has surely proven to be a success well beyond their expectations. However, as we move further away from the “shock and awe” of that terrible day’s events, it has become ever so clear that it was actually nothing like that which has been consistently presented in the mainstream media, by the government, as well as by all the other controllers of cultural information. Nevertheless, the true messages and deeper meanings continue to seep out, and greatly impact and influence the consciousness of this nation, as well as the world community.
Because of the ineluctable evolution of both enlightened awareness and critical thinking (Thank you, stock market crash of September, 2008) the other edge of the 9/11 sword has been painstakingly sharpened over these past few years. You might now think of it as a boomerang, only in the shape of a double-edged sword, piercing through both space and time as it hurtles back toward those who authored these treasonous, state-sponsored terrorist attacks and epic crimes against humanity. Truly an INSIDE JOB if ever there was one, for the controlled demolitions of 9/11 could only have been accomplished with so much dexterity and drama by those on the inside of virtually every US institution associated with the both Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
9/11: An OMEN for the New Millennium
To the great credit of the numerous 9/11 Truth Movement organizations, what was once considered conspiracy theory is now conventional wisdom, at least in the entire alternative news arena. In fact the 9/11 Commission Report is now viewed by most as the most absurd and ridiculous, concocted and self-serving piece of fiction ever served up by the US Government. Truly, it makes the JFK single bullet theory look like true and indisputable divine revelation. Quite ironically, the official 9/11 Commission Report is now widely considered to be the most implausible, nonsensical and unsubstantiated conspiracy theory of all time.
Because of this developing state of awareness, especially among serious groups of academics, scientists, professionals, military officers, government officials, corporate officers, journalists, think tanks, etc. there is a growing feeling that the dam of truth surrounding this era-defining event is about to break. After all, when such an historic crime against humanity is perpetrated in broad daylight, with fingerprints left hastily everywhere around the crime scene, the truth is very easily grasped by anyone with any common sense and ability to reason. Intuition alone would compel one to see the obvious impossibility of the alleged facts (that’s all they remain without meaningful convictions) underlying the entire 9/11 event.
The following document well summarizes what many people now firmly believe in their heart of hearts about the truth concerning 9/11. As follows:
GOVERNMENT owes its existence to the people. Its primary purpose is to protect and safeguard the citizenry of the nation. It also exists to ensure the welfare of the populace, as well as to sustain an order in which all may flourish and pursue their goals. This social contract is very much a two-way street in which the governed promise to carry out their civic duties while the government fulfills the myriad responsibilities of statehood.
What are some of the basic obligations and functions, which all governments are held to and expected to perform, within this contract? They include a good faith commitment to: (i) protect the life, well-being and livelihood of each and every citizen, (ii) maintain a clean, healthy and safe environment in which to live, work and play and (iii) guarantee access to products and services which are safe, life-affirming and health promoting.
It is now clear that this sacred trust has been flagrantly violated in the most profound and fundamental ways by the US Government. Therefore, WE THE PEOPLE, hand down the following “citizen’s indictment” in these United States of America against the current and previous US Administrations. Since this is a multi-count indictment of tremendous breadth and depth, we have taken the liberty of outlining each count as succinctly as possible. As each investigator employs their own unique process of “discovery”, all are encouraged to flesh out the skeleton of this indictment to their complete satisfaction. Given the enormous amount of information and data now available in the: (i) public record, (ii) governmental and private sectors, (iii) academic arena and (iv) internet base world wide web, there is a great abundance of factual evidence presented by highly authoritative sources concerning the following allegations. The only constraints in ferreting out all of the pertinent facts/details will be one’s own initiative and dedication to the truth. WE THE PEOPLE, hereby submit, with both regret and resolve, the following bill of indictment for immediate prosecution.
Bill of Indictment:
- Based on too numerous to list eyewitness accounts, audiotape accounts, video accounts, as well as expert testimony concerning the events that occurred in both New York City and Washington, DC on September 11, 2001, it has become painfully obvious that numerous elements within several organs of the US Government (to include the executive, legislative and judicial branches), and coming from, at the very least, the intelligence agencies/secret service, federal, state & local law enforcement agencies and military services, are directly responsible for planning, coordinating, executing and covering up the attacks on and selective destruction of the WTC complex, the Pentagon and Flight #93 in collaboration with foreign governments/entities.
- Given the staggering proportions of this conspiracy, and especially the vast amount of evidence that was available to the naked eye and attentive ear throughout the execution of these innumerable flagrant criminal acts, it has become quite apparent that many international and national media/news organizations colluded with the highest levels of this treacherous cabal. Likewise, the extensive commentary dispensed by the many think tanks, PACs, political parties, academic institutions, research organizations, various foundations, etc. in the aftermath of these orchestrated events has clearly revealed their varying degrees of culpability which can only be accurately assessed as the guilty step forward or whistleblowers file their reports. Furthermore, it has become transparent from the extraordinary sophistication, technical requirements and timing intricacies of these crimes, that there are those titans among Corporate America who were, by necessity, involved directly, as well as those involved on a peripheral basis.
- The explicit intentions and deliberate actions referred to herein constitute the basis for the most serious crimes of high treason, premeditated murder and carefully calculated acts of terrorism committed against US and foreign citizens working on US soil on 9/11/01. It has been recognized that these heinous crimes were surreptitiously carried out in a highly compartmentalized operation, as well as on a strictly need-to-know basis, in which many of the perpetrators were completely unaware of their handlers, accomplices, financiers, logistical supporters, top decision-makers, etc. In light of such a complex and convoluted scheme, conceived to give justification to an eventually declared “War On Terror”, it will be necessary to rely heavily on the volumes of circumstantial evidence which will certainly convict all involved, from the US President and Vice President down to those anonymous murderers who placed the many explosives in the WTC 1, 2 & 7 for their controlled demolition.
This document is just a small part of an evolving indictment that has been prepared by many across the entire planet. It will therefore serve as a launching pad for the legal proceedings that will inevitably take place in the not too distant future. However, the stated purpose of this essay is the notion of “9/11 as OMEN” as the following intentional statements present.
What follows are some of the most significant messages that this momentous and fateful event conveyed to every living person on Planet Earth on September 11th, 2001.
“We can do whatever we want to do, and get away with it.”
“Yours is a country that is not governed by its own government.”
“The most powerful military in the world, and de facto planetary policeman, must answer directly to the highest of earthly princes.”
“The New World Order agenda will be executed by any means necessary.”
When the very heart and nerve center of the most powerful military-industrial complex in the world is penetrated by a Cruise missile from its own arsenal, one can begin to apprehend the sheer enormity and complexity of the crime, as well as the profound occult symbolism associated with 9/11.
As an omen, surely there are many significant and consequential implications of this tremendously bold and audacious act, all of which will come to light as the future unfolds its many mysteries.
However, omens, as we shall soon see in Part II, usually resemble the very sharp and unpredictable double-edged sword of which we spoke us. For instance, when the Divide and Conquer MO is systematically utilized to acquire and maintain power, the same strategy will be used against those who sit at the peak of the World Shadow Government who perpetrated 9/11. And so we see this happening all around us today.
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: July 8, 2012
[email protected]
Part II
9/11 False Flag Operation: HUGE Tipping Point As State-Sponsored Terrorism Is Exposed
Suggested Reading:
The FOUR HORSEMEN Herald the Death Knell of ‘Free Market’ Capitalism
© 2012 Cosmic Convergence 2012
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