CAESARION: The Greatest Story Never Told

Was Jesus the Christ born as Caesarion?


Cosmic Convergence Research Group

The following saga is one which very few have ever read or heard. Truly, the life of Caesarion represents a critical revision of the most momentous and consequential story of the past 2000 plus years. Until now, this unique and astonishing narrative has been kept quite secret; however, the time has come for the actual history to be revealed. As the truth comes to light, the far-reaching ramifications and profound significance of this single life story will cause the entire world to deeply ponder “the greatest story never told”.

Caesarion: Son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

The following historical events, which commenced well over two thousand years ago, speak directly to the many and extraordinary similarities between the story of Jesus the Christ and Caesarion, the last Pharaoh of Egypt. The historical record confirms that Caesarion was the son of Gaius Julius Caesar, the great general and statesman of the Roman Republic, and Cleopatra VII Philopator, the enigmatic and highly revered pharaoh of Egypt.

Historians agree that Caesarion was born in Egypt in 47 BC. He was said to have a close resemblance to his father, Julius Caesar. Caesarion was declared “the King of Kings” and known as the “Lord of Lords” during the time of his reign, the last pharaonic dynasty to rule Egypt. After the death of his mother Cleopatra, Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the kingdom of Egypt.

“Caesarion, who was said to be Cleopatra’s son by Julius Caesar, was sent by his mother, with much treasure, into India, by way of Ethiopia. There Rhodon, another tutor like Theodorus, persuaded him to go back, on the ground that [Octavian] Caesar invited him to take the kingdom.”
(Source — Caesarion)

These recorded observations are by no means idle facts or comments about the life of Caesarion. Rather these significant happenings, along with other quite synchronous events, will surface later in this narrative to show a remarkable congruity with the untold and purposely kept secret life of Jesus the Christ.  

The historical record is far less conclusive in the case of Jesus the Christ. In fact, there does not appear to be a single piece of archeological evidence which supports the claim that a “Jesus Christ” was ever born in Bethlehem, or ever lived in the exact time frame outlined in the Holy Bible. Upon close examination of the generally accepted timeline of the life of Jesus the Christ, it appears that the life of another historical personage was utilized as the essential Jesus, whose biblical portrayal was actually a composite of various personalities, the primary one being Caesarion, the last pharaoh of Egypt.


Since Caesar and Cleopatra were never married, it is important to note that Caesarion was born out of wedlock. It is also quite significant that “Cleopatra compared her relationship to her son with the Egyptian goddess Isis and her divine child Horus.”[1] In order to emphasize this special relationship, as well as to invoke the divine right of kings, Cleopatra very carefully choreographed all of the necessary rituals and observed the various rites of passage generally accorded to a young pharaoh-in-the-making.

Would it be at all unusual for the Three Magi from the Orient to visit Caesarion at his coronation in 44 BC during the exact same time period of the “most famous comet of antiquity”, which was also known as the “Star of Caesar”? Could it also be that the “Star of Caesar” was actually the Star of Bethlehem which guided the three magi from their kingdoms in the Far East to the actual coronation of the one who was known as Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and Son of God. Son of God because Caesarion’s mother, Cleopatra, was considered to be a divine reincarnation of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, and his father, Julius Caesar, was formally deified as “Divus Iulius” (deified Julius Caesar) in 42 BC by the Second Triumvirate of Rome.

“Caesar’s Comet was known to ancient writers as the Sidus Iulium (“Julian Star”) or Caesaris astrum (“Star of Caesar”). The bright, daylight-visible comet appeared suddenly during the festival known as the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris – for which the 44 BC iteration was long considered to have been held in the month of September (a conclusion drawn by Sir Edmund Halley). The dating has recently been revised to a July occurrence in the same year, some four months after the assassination of Julius Caesar, as well as Caesar’s own birth month. According to Suetonius, as celebrations were getting underway, “a comet shone for seven successive days, rising about the eleventh hour, and was believed to be the soul of Caesar.”
(Source — Ceasar’s Comet)


Jesus, means “Son of Isis”

Certainly this retelling of the “Birth of Jesus” story would explain many inexplicable and historically unverified events which are said to have taken place during that time frame. When evaluating all the evidence, it does appear that those who created the “Birth of Jesus” narrative expropriated many of the true happenings which occurred in the life of Caesarion … because it was actually the personage of Caesarion who was used as the central character in the writing of the New Testament.

Why else would the four separate canonical gospels of the New Testament be written by authors who remain unknown to this very day? For what reason, except to cross reference each other in such a way so as to confer legitimacy upon each other’s fictionalized narratives. Of course, the primary and initial fiction was the “Virgin Birth” of the only “Son of God” in a most unlikely place known as Bethlehem, and within an unlikely group of Hebrews known as the tribe of Judah (Jew is short for those who come from this tribe of Israel).

Therefore, the revised history replaces an exceedingly humble virgin birth with the actual illegitimate royal birth. It substitutes the legitimate heir to both the Roman Empire and Egyptian Pharaonic Dynasty for the son of a lowly carpenter who grew up in Nazareth*.   It moves the birth story of Jesus from Bethlehem to Alexandria. Most importantly, this revised historical perspective brings together the royal genealogical threads from the four corners of the early Roman Empire. In so doing this new narrative provides both the political and philosophical basis for why such a synthesis was ever constructed in the first place.

*The town of Nazareth is not even acknowledged by historians as having existed during the life of Jesus the Christ.

It must be acknowledged from the outset that such an ongoing, multi-millennial conspiracy to fabricate the most significant and profound piece of history in Western Civilization was perpetrated for very specific reasons, and with great purpose. And so it was.

It is the thesis of this essay that such was the deliberate intention of the founders of this new religion known as Christianity, which was incorporated as a state religion of the Roman Empire during the reign of the Emperor Constantine. So intent was the empire to bring the whole of the Roman Empire under one religious umbrella that various godly and saintly personages from different parts of the realm were synthesized into the one and only “Son of God”. Rome looked to all of the diverse tribes and nations and cultures, which heavily influenced their conquered lands, to seek out those great beings who had attained the status of deity. In this way a new empire-wide religion could be established which syncretized all of the predominant religions, mythologies and philosophies operating throughout the Roman Empire

Only in this way could the numerous and diverse religious groups and warring factions be brought under the effective control of Rome. Only in this way was the Roman Emperor able to rule for centuries with a high degree control necessary to bring about relative harmony across the realm. For it was the new religion called Christianity which brought unparalleled peace and cooperation to an unruly collection of disparate cultures and societies, nations and states, tribes and clans, and religions and philosophies. There simply was no other way for the Romans to ‘peacefully’ and efficiently live off the spoils of all of their conquered lands than to have them all worship and pay homage to the very same god.

Bust of Gaius Julius Caesar

Is it a mere coincidence that Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ both ended up with the same initials?

Is it also a coincidence that one (Caesar) would be the responsible for the creation of largest and longest surviving empire of Western Civilization, while the other (Christ) served as the genesis for the most widespread and influential religion known as Christendom. Of course, Constantine guaranteed that both the Roman Empire and Christendom would occupy the very same realm by decree? And so they did. And so they spread, one before or after the other, always in a sort of lockstep with each other for reasons which are now only coming to light.

What is particularly indisputable is the similarity between the Egytpian mythology surrounding Osiris, Isis and Horus and the epic story concerning Julius Caesar, Cleopatra and Caesarion. Just as it is said that the evil Seth cut up Osiris’ body into fourteen pieces, the plotting Senators of ancient Rome stabbed Caesar to death in the Senate inflicting multiple stab wounds from which it was impossible to recover. Cleopatra was then forced to flee Rome and serve as the protector of her son Caesarion much like Isis served a healer of the sickly Horus.

There are many other striking similarities which will be taken up in more detail that provide a truly compelling case that Jesus was actually born into Roman and Egyptian royalty just as many other saintly beings were throughout the religious history of the world. Whether we look at the life of Moses, King Solomon and King David, or we consider the Buddha, Lord Krishna or the mighty warrior-king Rama, we see that religious dramas more often than not take place within the context of royal families and palace walls.

Caesar’s Comet

Caesar’s Comet[1] (scientific designation C/-43 K1) — also known as Comet Caesar and the Great Comet of 44 BC — was perhaps the most famous comet of antiquity. The seven day visitation was taken by Romans as a sign of the deification of the recently dead dictator, Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE).[2] Caesar’s Comet was known to ancient writers as the Sidus Iulium (“Julian Star”) or Caesaris astrum (“Star of Caesar”).”
(Source — Caesar’s Comet)

Many forget, or are completely unaware of the fact, that Julius Caesar and Cleopatra had a son by the name of Caesarion (literally Little Caesar) who was born in 47 BC.  At the age of three, and after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, Cleopatra VII of Egypt named her eldest son – Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar – co-ruler of Egypt.  He was the only son of Julius Caesar and therefore the rightful heir to his throne.  Caesarion was also the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt and was known by his subjects as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

“…in 34 BC, Marc Antony granted various eastern lands and titles to Caesarion and to his own three children with Cleopatra. Caesarion was proclaimed a god, son of god and “King of Kings“. This grandiose title was “unprecedented in the management of Roman client-king relationships” and could be seen as “threatening the ‘greatness’ of the Roman people”.[2] Most threatening to Octavian (whose claim to power was based on his status as Julius Caesar’s grandnephew and adopted son), Antony declared Caesarion to be Caesar’s true son and heir.”
(Source — Caesarion)

Much can be said of the extremely unique and royal bloodline of Caesarion who possessed in his genealogical veins a convergence of Roman, Greek and Egyptian monarchical ancestry.  Some will even say highborn Hebrew ancestry as well, which will be taken up at a later point in this essay.

“Caesar’s Comet was one of only five comets known to have had a negative absolute magnitude and was possibly the brightest daylight comet in recorded history.[3] It was not periodic and may have disintegrated.”

“The dating has recently been revised to a July occurrence in the same year, some four months after the assassination of Julius Caesar, as well as Caesar’s own birth month. According to Suetonius, as celebrations were getting underway, “a comet shone for seven successive days, rising about the eleventh hour, and was believed to be the soul of Caesar.”
(Source — Caesar’s Comet)

Perhaps the story of Jesus being born in a manger in the town of Bethlehem was meant to move the entire narrative out of Egypt and Rome and into an exceedingly humble setting in Palestine.  In this way Jesus quickly becomes the Jewish son of a very humble carpenter named Joseph and his wife Mary.  The virgin birth, of course, is also added to confer divinity upon the newly born Yeshua or Immanuel (God is with us).

Other religious traditions have similar stories of virgin births of divine incarnations around whom new religions sprang up.  However, in the Holy Bible it is clear from the culture, predominant traditions, and common language that the virgin birth of Jesus simply describes the young unmarried Mary who had never bore children.  Such a woman was called a virgin, having nothing to do with the normal process of conception.

Just in case you have not followed the theory that is being advanced is this essay, there is a large volume of evidence available in the public domain, which strongly suggests that Jesus the Christ is an amalgam of personages, the primordial one being Caesarion, the last Phaoroh of Egypt.  Caesarion  escaped the wrath of Octavian, successor to Julius Caesar, by successfully fleeing to India, land of the Buddha and Lord Krishna, two other Gods incarnate.  The actual story surrounding this escape sets the stage quite well for identifying Caesarion as the original Jesus Christ.

Caesarion, the last Pharoah of Egypt and heir to Julius Caesar

Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the kingdom of Egypt.”

It’s very important to bear in mind that there does not exist any archaeological evidence for the existence of Jesus the Christ as he is described in the Holy Bible. Let’s repeat that extremely critical statement. There has never been found any archaeological evidence anywhere throughout the Holy Land which can be ascribed to the Jesus of the Bible. This is a highly significant scientific and academic reality which has yet to be reconciled, and to a certain extent forms the basis for this essay on the revised history of the personage of Jesus the Christ.

If this alternate story of “Caesarion is the real Jesus” is true, then the entire narrative around his pre-birth, birth and childhood in the Bible appears to have been meticulously contrived by those who would have us believe certain elements about his racial and religious background.  This essay will not discuss this particular matter, but it is nevertheless of extreme significance to the proper telling of the revised history.

Furthermore, as it has become more and more apparent that there is no concrete evidence proving the existence of the historical Jesus, it becomes evident that much of the biblical narrative found in the four canonical gospels of the New Testament was fabricated.  However, that doesn’t make Jesus the Christ any less real. When the true story is revealed, it may very well make the rendition known as the King James Version look quite ordinary and tame by comparison. After all, that Jesus the Christ was in actuality the Emperor Caesarion, who fled to India and came back to redeem his father’s empire, makes for a pretty awesome storyline.

Quite perceptively, it has been asked how else could Satan have tempted Jesus in the desert with the following taunt:

“The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.”

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’ ”
(Source — Luke 4:1-3)

Clearly, such a temptation would have made perfect sense being put forth to ex-Emperor Caesarion from Alexandria. As for a poor ex-carpenter Hebrew from Bethlehem, it just doesn’t make any sense, or fit the storyline in any way.

Cleopatra and Julius Caesar

The only way to properly understand how Caesarion was the original Jesus Christ is to understand his parents.  Julius Caesar (JC) was the undisputed “dictator in perpetuity” of the Roman Empire at the height of his power.  Cleopatra was the last great Pharaoh of Egypt and considered by her people to be an incarnation of Isis, perhaps the greatest deity in the Egyptian pantheon of gods and goddesses.

Caesarion, their only child, seemed destined for an extraordinary and unrivaled role on the world stage – a role which appeared to be thwarted by the heavens so that he would play a far greater spiritual part in this truly cosmic drama. Clearly, the child Emperor Caesarion was to have a very unusual life because of his extremely powerful enemies abroad and very influential friends at home. Given the prodigious forces at work upon which he had no control, only the Universe could have written a Jesus Christ Superstar script as full of wonder as it is awe-inspiring.


Similar to Isis, Cleopatra was said to possess great curative powers and healing wisdom learned within the Egyptian Mystery Schools.   Isis is associated with the esoteric knowledge of healing more than any other god or goddess across all religious traditions.  In the great epic story of Osiris and Seth it is said that Isis brought Osiris back to life in order to conceive her son Horus. Horus was such a sickly child that it was only through his mother’s restorative powers that he, not only survived, but thrived throughout his reign as god of the king and sky throughout ancient Egypt.

In a similar fashion, Cleopatra experienced a very similar fate concerning the violent death of Julius Caesar at the hands of assassins in the Roman Senate. One could say that Julius Caesar was to Cleopatra what Osiris was to Isis, particularly in regard to the betrayal and subsequent cruel death suffered by both men. Furthermore, Cleopatra was forced to protect the life of her son Caesarion, just as Isis saved the life of her son Horus. In this particular regard it is well known that Cleopatra was murdered by the Roman legions who entered her private chambers, and then spread a story of suicide by asp to hide their cowardly deed.

It would follow quite logically that Cleopatra schooled Caesarion in the same healing practices and disciplines, which subsequently clung to him throughout his life as Jesus the Christ.  Like mother, like son, and this piece of evidence provides an exceedingly important link between Caesarion and Jesus.  How else did Jesus acquire his knowledge and power of healing?  From his own mother Cleopatra, certainly, who was renowned for her otherworldly beauty and radiance, as well as from the highly privileged learning environment of his youth in Egypt. There are also the great spiritual traditions of India, as we shall see, which greatly contributed to his ability to cure through miracles and heal through Ayurvedic wisdom.

Caesarion possessed quite a pedigree with strands coming from Roman, Egyptian, Greek and Judaic royal bloodlines.  Take a look at what Wikipedia says about him:

Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος ΙΕʹ Φιλοπάτωρ Φιλομήτωρ Καῖσαρ, Ptolemaios IEʹ Philopatōr Philomētōr Kaisar; Latin: Ptolemaeus XV Philopator Philomētor Caesar; June 23, 47 BC – August 23, 30 BC), better known by the nicknames Caesarion/sɨˈzæriən/; Greek: Καισαρίων, Kaisariōn, literally “little Caesar”; Latin: Caesariō) and Ptolemy Caesar/ˈtɒlɨmi ˈsiːzər/; Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Καῖσαρ, Ptolemaios Kaisar; Latin: Ptolemaeus Caesar), was the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, who reigned jointly with his mother Cleopatra VII of Egypt, from September 2, 44 BC.”
(Source — Caesarion)

Caesarion grew up in a family which included a younger twin brother and sister who both play very significant roles in this new narrative about Jesus the Christ.  The twins were born to Antony and Cleopatra who had forged a necessary and urgent relationship for political, military and economic reasons.  Their names were Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II.  Alexander was also known as Didymus or Thomas (which means “the twin”), and is described as follows:

Alexander Helios (Greek: ο Αλέξανδρος Ήλιος, 25 December 40 BC – possibly between 29 BC – 25 BC) was a Ptolemaic prince and was the eldest son of Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. His twin was Cleopatra Selene II. He was of Greek and Roman heritage. Cleopatra named him Alexander in honour of her Macedonian heritage, and after her maternal grandfather. His second name in Ancient Greek means “Sun”; this was the counterpart of his twin sister’s second name Selene, meaning “Moon”.
(Source — Alexander Helios)

Bust of Alexander Helios

Cleopatra Selene II is described in similar fashion by the same source as follows:

Cleopatra Selene II (Greek:η Κλεοπάτρα Σελήνη, 25 December 40 BC-anywhere from 9 March 5 BC[1] to 6), also known as Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII was a Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. She was the fraternal twin of Ptolemaic prince Alexander Helios. Her second name in ancient Greek means “moon”, being the counterpart of her twin brother‘s second name Helios, meaning “sun”. She was of Greek and Roman heritage. Cleopatra was born, raised and educated in Alexandria, Egypt. In late 34 BC, during the Donations of Alexandria, she was made ruler of Cyrenaica and Libya.”
(Source — Cleopatra Selene II)

Both Thomas and Selene (aka Magdalene) were extremely devoted to Caesarion and came to play important parts throughout the public ministry of Jesus the Christ as we shall see later in this narrative.

Bust of Cleopatra Selene II next to Statue of Liberty


A critical part of this saga occurs when Cleopatra arranges for Caesarion to be secreted out of Egypt and smuggled into India under the protection of a very rich and well traveled Hebrew tin merchant, Joesph of Arimathea and his royal cousin, Mary.  While fleeing the advancing troops of Octavius, the future Emperor Augustus, Caesarion could only be protected by leaving the region of the world known as the Roman Empire.  This required going east, as in the Far East, and therefore India became his future home as his destiny was to become learned in the ways of Eastern spirituality.

There is no question that Christianity most resembles the moral code of Buddhism than any other religion.  This is because Caesarion (aka Jesus the Christ) domiciled at a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery at Hemis, Ladakh, which is located within the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.  There at the monastery as a young man, Caesarion learned all the ways, and scriptures, and rituals, and sacramental rites associated with Buddhism.  When he eventually came back west to begin his public ministry, he disseminated those teachings from the Buddha that had been conveyed over 500 years earlier throughout much of the Orient.

During his sojourn in India and other parts of the Orient, it is known that Saint Issa, as Caesarion was known as back then, became an adept in the Hindu spiritual traditions of meditation and discipleship.  Every great spiritual master comes from the discipleship to another great spiritual master, and Jesus the Christ was no exception.  Who was the Guru of Caesarion (aka Jesus the Christ) we do not know, but this lack of knowledge on our part does not exempt him from having been guided by one who had already attained perfect Self-Realization.

There is plenty of historical evidence that a Saint Issa from the West traveled around the Orient during the time of Caesarion’s sojourn there.  He has been protrayed in much detail and in various ways, so the historical record cannot be denied.  Even his physiognomy has been sufficiently described that one can see the features of his extremely unique and royal genealogy in those instances where his physical features were depicted in various writings from that period.

Kashmir, it should be noted was the original Promised Land to the ancient Tribe of Israel, and truly it was, as it still is, a “land of milk and honey”.  In fact the lost tribes of Israel ended up there as conclusively demonstrated by several writers who have thoroughly researched this subject.  For instance, in his book entitled Jesus died in Kashmir: Jesus, Moses and the ten lost tribes of Israel, Andreas Faber Kaiser makes a compelling case for the burial places of Jesus and Moses being located in the mountains of Kashmir.

Photo of tomb carving with pronounced scars on the both feet

For those who can’t see the prominent scars, here is another photo with better lighting to see them:

Carving found in the tomb of Jesus in Kashmir showing scars on his feet

This completes our first installment on “CAESARION: The Greatest Story Never Told”. The purpose of this first piece is to catalyze a new thought process replete with critical thinking and common sense regarding “The Greatest Story Never Told” about Jesus the Christ. We mean not to offend anyone’s religious sensibilities or beliefs; only to encourage a new way of relating to the Christ story which turns out to be significantly more impressive and planet-transforming when viewed through the lens of the life of Caesarion.

In reality this revised history ought to confer a whole new spectrum of spiritual meaning upon the story of Jesus Christ. Truly, when considered in light of the extraordinary gravity and locus of worldly power which are represented by Ancient Rome, the last Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt, and Judaic royal bloodlines of Israel, this singularly momentous narrative becomes pregnant with a revolutionary political, social and religious significance unequalled in the history of Western Civilization.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: December 25, 2011
[email protected]

Editor’s Note: A biblical scholar, who also happens to have a PhD in Physics, has conducted a scientific comparative analysis of the timeline of the appearance and content of both the canonical gospels of Christianity and apocryphal mystical gospels which convey to esoteric teachings of Jesus the Christ.  This definitive analysis scientifically proves that the 4 officially accepted canonical gospels misappropriated the earlier authentic apocryphal Gospels of Thomas, Mary, James and Judas.  It also points to the great likelihood that Jesus the Christ was Caesarion, son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, as well as the rightful heir to both the throne of the Roman Empire and last pharaonic dynasty of Egypt. See: The Royal Egyptian Jesus: How Cleopatra’s Children Became Jesus Thomas Mary and James

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Re: The Reconciliation of the Caesarion and Jesus the Christ Historical Timelines

Many chroniclers reading this essay will automatically dismiss the possibility that Caesarion and Jesus the Christ can share the exact same timeline because of the birth date of the former. However, until one understands the true evolution and chronological order of the main events, it is simply impossible to apprehend the extraordinary parallels between the two life stories.

Perhaps the best place to start is with the actual birth date of Caesarion and the alleged birth date of Jesus. Which is exactly where the next essay in this series will begin. Until then, you might consider the possibility that Caesarion at 47 years old may have begun his public ministry in Palestine at the exact time when they say Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Perhaps Caesarion was born into the collective consciousness of those to whom he preached and ministered after he attained enlightenment in India at the exact transition point which is traditionally represented by BC to AD. Since it is known that St. Issa lived a very long life and died in Kashmir at an unusually advanced age, this scenario is not only plausible, but much more believable than the biblical narrative. After all it is never explained anywhere how Jesus acquired so much spiritual wisdom, healing expertise, mundane knowledge and life experience so quickly and at a very young age.  And, doing so in a very small Hebrew community and while growing up in the very ordinary family headed by a carpenter and his simple wife.

Only by delving deeply into the “Lost Years of Jesus” can one unravel the truths surrounding his mysterious transformation into Godhood. The answer is clearly found only by exploring His lengthy sojourn in the land of true spirituality – India.


Although it was not stated in this essay, the self-evident principles of reincarnation and transmigration of souls underlie the thesis of this new narrative.  How so?

You will have to have a very open mind as you read the following thesis.  It will be further developed in our next essay with evidence and analogies that are simply too numerous and too improbable to be dismissed or ignored.  As follows:

We believe that Caesarion, and therefore Jesus, was a reincarnation of Alexander the Great through the royal Macedonian greek bloodline.  Caesarion had a very pronounced bloodline through his mother, Cleopatra, who descended from the original Greek royal family known as the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt. Alexander, a Macedonian Greek who went on to conquer the then-known world, established this Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt as this historical account indicates:

“Ptolemy, one of the six somatophylakes (bodyguards) who served as Alexander the Great’s generals and deputies, was appointed satrap of Egypt after Alexander’s death in 323 BC. In 305 BC, he declared himself King Ptolemy I, later known as “Soter” (saviour). The Egyptians soon accepted the Ptolemies as the successors to the pharaohs of independent Egypt. Ptolemy’s family ruled Egypt until the Roman conquest of 30 BC.”
(Source —Ptolemaic Dynasty)

This hypothesis builds on the notion that it was Alexander the Great who prepared the entire gentile world to be the future Christendom by bringing it under the rubric of Greek culture, philosophy and influence. Through his conquests, that whole region of the world became a fertile environment for the original Christian evangelists and disciples of Jesus to plant the seeds of the New Testament. So, Jesus (aka Caesarion) in a previous lifetime as Alexander tilled the very lands in which his spiritual message found in the Gospels — both canonical and apocryphal — would eventually take root 2000 plus years ago.

There are some extraordinary connections between Jesus the Christ and Alexander the Great which further inform and support this hypothesis. As an example, Alexander died when he was 33 years old, after completing his life’s mission. However, shortly before he died, in what was a defining moment of his life, he threw a spear into the right side of one of his greatest generals in an act of rage. This was a personal transgression that he deeply regretted more than any other during his short lifetime. Perhaps the Holy Lance of Longinus was but a fulfillment of destiny and karmic debt, as we often see intertwined throughout the many royal dramas enacted down through the ages.

The Spear of Longinus is also known as the “Spear of Destiny”.

Following this same logic, the flagellation and crown of thorns that Jesus suffered, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion might likewise be the karmic consequence of an “Alexander the Great” whose military conquests were a momentous tribulation for those who were conquered.

To Be Continued —

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